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i am a married mother of a four year old son. i live in sunny california usa

  • what did you think of the movie mirrors???

    i saw it and was wondering what everyone else thought about it. i kind of have mixed feelings about it. the bath tub scene was really harsh!!!

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • pictures of reptile shaped cakes PLEASE!!?

    I am having a reptile party for my sons 6th b-day. I have a company coming with over 20 different reptiles(snakes, frogs, lizards etc.) to put on a show for the kids where they learn about each one and even get to touch or hold most of them. I am trying to find a really cool pic of a cake shaped like a lizard or snake so my local bakery can make it for me. if you know where I can find these pics please respond. THANKS!!

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • I need pics of reptile shaped cakes!!!! PLEASE?

    I am having a reptile party for my sons 6th b-day. I have a company coming with over 20 different reptiles(snakes, frogs, lizards etc.) to put on a show for the kids where they learn about each one and even get to touch or hold most of them. I am trying to find a really cool pic of a cake shaped like a lizard or snake so my local bakery can make it for me. if you know where I can find these pics please respond. THANKS!!

    2 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • easy homemade halloween costumes for adults?

    there are four of us, 2 guys and 2 girls. we all want some kind of theme for all 4 of us. the only thing we can think of is to be rednecks. we don't have very much money so we need something we can make at home. we would really like to be something more creative than than rednecks. if you have any ideas or suggestions please respond to my question. 10 points to the best idea. thanks and happy halloween!!!!

    2 AnswersHalloween1 decade ago
  • precious Maddy McCann?

    do think her parents killed her?? does it outrage you that her mother was offered a plea deal to confess and would serve less than 2 years?? does the whole situation make you as sick as it makes me??

    7 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • bachelorette party help!!?

    need some additional activities. we are doing an adult scavenger hunt and then going to a bar and grill for dinner, karoeke, drinking and a dare game. i have goodie bags full of fun treats for everyone including adult candies and boas. any suggestions you may have on additional activites we can do at the bar would be great.

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • help with my best friends bachelorette party?

    Have most of the party planned. I need some suggestions on additional ideas to add to my scavenger hunt, it has to be something to either get a picture of or can purchase for little money(each group can not exceed $10 and they already have to buy a banana, donut and playgirl mag).

    here is my list so far: take a picture with a man showing his tattoo, get a man to give you a condom out of his wallet, get a picture with a fireman/policeman, get a banana and a donut,get a playgirl magazine, have a man write the bride a note telling her not to get married and take his pic, get a picture with a guy with a mullet, take a pic of a man while you flash them, get a single mans business card, get a pic of a guy with the same name as the groom, take a pic of a mens bathroom.

    I also need additional dares for each person to draw out of a hat and complete in the bar.

    I appreciate your suggestions. THANKS!!!!

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • bachelorette party suggestions!!!?

    Have most of the party planned. I need some suggestions on additional ideas to add to my scavenger hunt, it has to be something to either get a picture of or can purchase for little money(each group can not exceed $10 and they already have to buy a banana, donut and playgirl mag).

    here is my list so far: take a picture with a man showing his tattoo, get a man to give you a condom out of his wallet, get a picture with a fireman/policeman, get a banana and a donut,get a playgirl magazine, have a man write the bride a note telling her not to get married and take his pic, get a picture with a guy with a mullet, take a pic of a man while you flash them, get a single mans business card, get a pic of a guy with the same name as the groom, take a pic of a mens bathroom.

    I also need additional dares for each person to draw out of a hat and complete in the bar.

    I appreciate your suggestions. THANKS!!!!

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • disney trivia!!!?

    Can you name all of these Disney movies by only a character or a location??? 1st to answer all correct gets the points!!!

    1 Diamond in the rough

    2 The nesting grounds

    3 Harry Hausens

    4 Patch of Heaven

    5 Island of Naboomboom

    6 Cri-kee

    7 Timothy J. Mouse

    8 Hiemlick

    9 Sir Hiss

    10 Raidator Springs

    11 Esmeralda

    12 Thomas O'Malley and Dutchess

    13 Philoctetes

    14 Zugor

    15 Flounder

    4 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Who else thinks this Paris situation is ridicules??

    I say she needs to grow up, mommy, daddy and all of thier money can't get her out of this one. It is time that some celebrities realize they are not above the law. If me or any of you reading this did what she did we would have to serve our time. Kudos to the judge who is handling this case, he has stood his ground and is treating her like everyone else!!!!

    6 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • at the worlds end -WOW-?

    what a great movie!! What did you think of it? What was your favorite part?

    5 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • childrens asthma?

    Is it true to say that a 27 month old with bad allergies and asthma that just had a breathing treatment with a steriods because she was wheezing should absolutely stay indoors???

    4 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • what do you think of the new pics of "harry potter"?

    daniel radcliff is staring in some theater production about a person with erotic tendencies toward horses(?????) there are some racy pictures of him being used for advertising. have you seen them and what do think?

    5 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • catch and release???

    any one else see it today? what did you think? favorite part?

    i saw it today and i loved it. im becoming a jennifer garner fan!!

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • try this out?

    i give you 2 names and you link them together by forming a chain of movies starting with the first name and ending with the last ,with the least amount of links.

    here is a couple of examples and then some for you to figure out:

    hugh grant and richard gere

    hugh grant is in notting hill with julia roberts and julia roberts is in pretty woman with richard gere(2 links)

    kim basinger and jake gyllenhaal

    kin basinger is in bless the child with rufus sewell and rufus sewell is in a knights tale with heath ledger and heath ledger is in brokeback mountain with jake gyllenhaal(3 links)

    here are a few for you to try and if you can shorten my links in the examples kudos to you

    billy crystal and rebecca romijn

    luke wilson and nicole kidman

    denzel washington and catherine zeta-jones

    sigorney weaver and sean connery

    first to figure them out with the fewest links gets the points!!!!

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • be the first to correctly identify these 80's quotes!!!?

    1 I feel the need-the need for speed

    2 Its mega maid! She's gone from suck to blow!

    3 I'll have what she's having!

    4 My life is a dark room, one big dark room.

    5 Man who catch fly with chopsticks accomplish anything.

    6 Bring a pitcher of beer every 7 minutes until someone passes

    out and then bring one every 10 minutes

    7 Call me Booger!

    8 I carried a watermelon.

    9 Give me a keg of beer!!!!

    10 No wire hangers!!!

    8 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • please help name this movie?

    another yahoo answers junkie and myself have been trying to figure out this movie. i have been scouring the internet for hours with no luck. all we remember is a woman leaves her husband or boyfriend because he is abusive. she relocates to another town and moves in a small home. she tells the old nosy neighbors across the street that if they see porch light on that she needs help and to call police. one evening the nosey neighbor husband notices someone snooping around the yard. he goes over there and asks the man what he is doing. he says he just bought the house and was checking things out(he was standing by a fence looking over it). the old man leaves but still suspicious tells his wife. just then a minivan rolls up to drop off her kid and the old woman notices the porch light is on. she keeps the kid from going in the house and calls police. any clues would be great. it isnt enough with J Lo.

    4 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • was 1 vs 100 on tonight????PLEASE ANSWER IF YOU SAW IT?

    If it was on, can you please tell me about the contestant? I was a mob member and I think the episode I was on might have aired tonight and it is driving me crazy. I have to know if I missed it.

    1 AnswerTelevision1 decade ago
  • a joke for you?

    If you had sex 365 times in 12 months & melted the used rubbers into tires what would you call it???? A f***n GOODYEAR!!!!

    9 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago