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Je vis au Canada anglophone où je suis prof de francais... Et je trouve le concept de Yahoo Q/R marrant, même si je déplore dans l'ordre les propos racistes et le langue SMS. I live in Ontario where I'm a French teacher. I love traveling and can answer questions in English, French and Chinese (madarin). J'adore voyager, Amérique Latine, Océanie, Chine, Amérique du Nord, je maitrise ! N'hésitez pas à me poser des questions... Je parle aussi Chinois et Anglais, et j'aime partager mes connaissances linguistiques (syndrome de la prof chiante ! ;-)

  • Most Touchy/ Controversial Subjects In Canada?

    Just for fun, I'm curious about touchy or controversial issues in Canada.

    I know the relationship between Quebec/ Canada can be one, as well as some hockey team rivalries.

    Any other ideas?


    2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • How do you say "next" in Mandarin?

    Context: people are queuing somewhere, and the officer says "next person" as someone leaves.

    Would that be 下个人?


    7 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Importing blogger posts to Wordpress?

    I'm really getting desperate to have my Wordpress blog running and I've been trying to import my 100+ posts from Blogger beta (@blogspot) for a few days now.

    It's now well known the import function of WP doesn't work because blogger changed their API.

    I edited the wp-admin/import/blogger.php ( as said in these many threads and it doesn't work for me. I'm 99% sure I edited the thing right... and I tried the import many times, but always ended up with the - now famous - "We were not able to gain access to your account. Try starting over.".

    Is there a way around ? I'm quite new on Wordpress so please, keep that in mind if you reply ! ;-)

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • How to add a space between two HTML image tag ?

    I'm building my blog on Wordpress and my left sidebar consist of ten 100x100 squares (drawings).

    I pasted the HTML tags one after another (i.e <a href=""/ target="_blank"><img src="http://image.jpg"/ border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>) but that left no space between the squares.

    Is there an HTML command to add a small space between each drawing (square) ?

    Thanks !

    6 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • How do you say (and write) "FAQ" in Chinese ?


    I'd just like to know how to say FAQ (frequently asked questions) in Mandarin Chinese. I speak and read Chinese, just missing that word... ;-)

    Thanks !

    3 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • What blog articles are you most interested in ?

    Just curious...

    I like reading practical advices (for blogging, for traveling etc.) and diaries when they are well-written and funny.

    So, what do you like best ?

    (Yes, I am looking for ideas on my new post... ;-)

    1 AnswerInternet1 decade ago
  • List of typical debates?


    I'm writing a paper and I'm looking for a list of typical society debates (can go from pro-life vs. pro-choice, PC user vs. Mac users etc.).

    I found one on the web long ago but can't seem to find it again.

    Can you guys help ?

  • How much does a visit to an optometrist cost ?

    Have to go for a check-up, but I'm not sure what's the usual fee... Asked one and was told $100 (CA). Ouch for my budget !

    How much to you pay, roughly ?

    3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • I see weird stuffs...!?


    I only have one eye (the left one has amblyopia, so no really useful vision). I can see shapes, colours out of it, but that's pretty much it. My right eye is good though, so I rely on it.

    But recently, I've noticed that sometimes, in addition to my "normal" vision out of my right eye, I can see bright colours and movement in my peripheral vision on my left side. It's kinda weird, since I've never used my left eye...

    Besides, I can sometimes feel my left eye drifting out. Not toward my nose, the opposite.

    Has anybody experienced that ? What do you think it is ?

    (Yes, I'm gonna go have my eyes checked, haven't had time yet...)

    5 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Vision périphérique ?


    Je ne vois que d'un oeil (le droit). L'autre est amblyope : je peux distinguer les formes, les couleurs, mais pas vraiment de vision utile.

    Depuis quelques temps, quand je regarde quelque chose (la route quand je conduis, l'écran de mon ordinateur, TV etc.), j'ai presque l'impression de voir double : en plus de ma vision "normale" (à laquelle au moins je suis habituée !), je vois des taches de couleurs, de la lumière dans la vision périphérique de mon oeil gauche.

    De plus, j'ai l'impression de sentir mon mauvais oeil partir vers l'extérieur.

    Ca vous dit quelque chose ???


  • Quelles est votre recette maison préférée ?

    Pas pour un repas entre amis, juste un diner pour un ou deux. Cuisine ethnique bienvenue...!

    Un truc relativement simple et facile à faire SVP ! J'ai juste besoin d'idées... ;-)

    9 AnswersRecettes de cuisine1 decade ago
  • Qu'est-ce qui vous as bien énervé aujourd'hui ?

    Allez, il est 18:30 (chez moi), je rentre du boulot, journée pas top, au moins je me sentirais moins seule !

    Alors ce qui m'a énervé :

    - Un de mes étudiant qui faisait toujours la même faute ("je suis allée dans une place", "non, vous êtes allé dans un ENDROIT")

    - Il pleuvait pas quand j'étais dans le bus, mais il s'est mis à pleuvoir des cordes dès que je suis sortie du bus (bien sur...)

    - Ai eu une discussion houleuse avec des souverainiste québécois qui m'ont accusé d'être pro-"colonisation" (!)

    A votre tour !

    20 AnswersSavoir vivre1 decade ago
  • What do you do when you're bored at work ?

    Please, gimme ideas ! ;-)

    9 AnswersCareers & Employment2 decades ago
  • La plus grosse honte de votre vie ?

    Si vous êtes sages, je vous raconterais la mienne... Mais comme je suis lache, j'attends vos réponses ! ;-)

    11 AnswersSavoir vivre2 decades ago
  • Vos expérience avec l'immigration ?

    J'ai immigré au Canada (je suis Francaise à l'origine) et je serai curieuse de connaitre vos expériences d'immigration, peu importe d'où vous venez et où vous allez...

    Les démarches ont-elles été faciles ?

    Aimez-vous votre pays d'accueil ?

    Et tous commentaires ! ;-)

    5 AnswersImmigration2 decades ago
  • Propos racistes... ou c'est moi ?

    Vous ne trouvez pas qu'il y a beaucoup de propos ouvertement racistes/ révisionniste sur Yahoo Q/R ?

    Sur le Yahoo Q/ R, pas mal en profitent pour faite de la propagande religieuse, qui me choque pas mal (genre, liens anti-avortement avec vidéos à la clé). Mais là, c'est le racisme...

    Vous ne trouvez pas ?

    16 AnswersSocieté et culture - Divers2 decades ago
  • What's considered "funny" in your culture ?

    Western countries' jokes tend to be around sex, gender stereotypes. In Canada, I've discovered "weather jokes" that surprised me at first. Chinese humour is sometimes around the different meaning of a character...

    So what do you make fun of in your culture/ country ?

    6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture2 decades ago
  • What is the most efficient way to learn a foreign language ?

    What worked for you ?

    I teach gov' workers French in Ottawa. They have to be bilingual because of the language law, however, most of them : 1) resent having to learn French 2) have a scientific mind and find French twisted (because of the exception in grammar rules) 3) don't have time to study at home.

    They have to maximise their time in the classroom and be bilingual in order to be promoted.

    So, any trick to teach them French ? What works for you when you study a foreign language later in life ?

    Best answer get 10 pts and a big "merci" !

    17 AnswersLanguages2 decades ago