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  • How come creative people are more prone towards addiction?

    Obviously that's a big generilaztion and I'm not implying that all creative types are addicts or vice versa. But it seems pretty clear that those with creative brains, i.e., musicians, actors, poets, writiers, artists, etc., are MORE LIKELY than the non-creatove-types to suffer from addiction. And please don't tell me it's bc they're rich adn don't know what to do with their money. I'm not just talking about famous musicians and writiers. Even in my small world, those whom i'mve met who have substance abuse problems have all been the creative tyep. I haven't met any doctors or lawyers, per se, who have had addictions ruin their lives. Of course there are exceptions, but I was really wonderinga about this and wanted to know what your thoughts are. Is there any info./arrticle on the web that addresses this issue? Thanks for answering (Seriously responses only please)

    5 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • How to send pictures from my computer to my cell phone?

    I hope this is the right categor for this question.....what is the easiest way to send pictures from my computer's "My pictures" folder to my cell phone and also how to access the picture from my cell phone (what folder does it go into in my cell phone?) My cell phone is verizon if that helps. Please be as specific as you can b/c I'm not very cell-phone savvy!! Thank you so much in advance.

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Best way to hourbreak a puppy if I'm not crate-training.?

    I just got a puppy and having trouble housebreaking it. I don't use a crate. I've tried training him to go outside to do his business and i stand out there with him after meals. But he won't do it. He'll come inside and do it there, all over the place. The other problem is that he doesn't seem to go just right after a meal or on a schedule. He pees and poos like 10 times a day! And he pees at night. I'm asleep and have no way of knowing he has to go. I don't want to crate train... what is the best way to potty-train him without that. Also, i've used those puppy pads they sell in pet stores....doesn't work on my pup. All he does is shred them! I've always been able to housebreak my dogs (6) in the past. I think I've forgotten how. Also, my pup is still too young to go out on a leash. Do you think he'll be OK once we go out for walks and I train him to only do his business on walks? Or will it be too late? Btw, he's an 8-week Golden Ret. Thanks for any tips.

    12 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Advice on purchasing a professional camera?

    Hello. I want to buy a professional camera (digital) and take photography classes. I have a very good eye, but have never used a professional camera before and I am a beginner at all this. Can you guys give me any tips on what camera to maximum budget is between $800-$900. I need something that is relatively user-friendly, but would be in the professional league where I can take classes and get into taking high-end photos. I just want to do this as a hobby btw, not professionally. I would really appreciate some feedback on what kind of camera I should get and what the pros/cons are to that camera vs. other ones. Thank you so much in advance.

    7 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • For those of you with depression?

    How do you function in a society where (in my case anyway), I have to raise a 3 year old boy with no help, work full-time, go through a divorce, be in the midst of recovering from drugs, dealing with parents who say things such as "We wish you were never born," etc. I do as much as i possibly can during the day, including going to therapy and support groups. But at some point, every single day, I just can't take it anymore, where just having dinner with my brother becomes a huge chore and I cannot do it. Then the cycle begins of my family saying that I don' t "try enough." I am turning my life around and starting from scratch and doing it all by myself....and yet, those around me don't udnerstand my depression and never look at all that I do's all about what I don't do. "you didn't have dinner w/your brother ." My son and i aside, I can't take the pressure of having to please my parents, friends, etc. I am just running on empty and have been doing so for way too long.

    9 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • How long do Golden Retreivers live?

    I've heard that it's around 10-12 years. Is that correct? What's the maximum they can live? Also, why do big dogs not live as long as little ones?

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • I'm losing my dog to cancer...pls. help?

    I have a seven year old Golden Retriever who was just diagnosed wilth a malignant tumor in his stomach. He is so young and was doing well. In a matter of ten days, he started throwing up a lot and wouldn't eat and after many tests at the vet's office, they found a tumor. They say there is no hope for him and we are putting him to sleep on Thursday. I've had many dogs my wholel ife, but my Golden was something very special to me. All I do is hold him and cry. I don't sleep, eat or go out. And this is happeneing at a time in my life when I have my share of problems (in the past two months, divorce, surgery, severe depresssion, losing everything I had built for the past 10 years). This is the last straw. I was just starting to bring my head above water when this happened. And he's soooo young and was doing just fine. I know there's nothing I can do other than end his suffering. My Q is: Do I bring another dog right away? I could never, ever replace my Yogi, but would it help me move on?

    22 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Addiction a form of OCD?

    I have never heard of a link between addiction and OCD, but I was wondering what your take on it is. What is addiction if not OCD? Whether addiction to drugs/alcohol, shopping, gambling, etc., it is an obssesive and compulsive act that is irrational. A person with OCD who compulsively washes his hands knows that it is irrational, but can't help the act. Someone addicted to gambling will obssess over winning, act compulsively and irrationally. An alcoholic who takes that first drink knowing that it will have disasterous consequences is acting out of compulsion and irrationally. All addictions can be analyzed like this. I"m not saying that everyone with OCD has addictions. But I'm wondering if all addicts have OCD? The thought crossed my mind b/c I have mild OCD and I have a history of substance abuse. My addictions have been my ultimate obsessive complusive behavior (and in that regard, not so mild.) So it just made me wonder if there's a link. I would like to hear your thoughts.Thanks!

    6 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Mental Hospital??

    Does anyone have any experience being or working in a mental hospital? I'm checking in for depression and I'm really scared. I have no idea what it's going to be like. Can you please give me some information about what it's like? it structured, do they wake you up at a certain time or is it up to you, do you just sit in a bed all day and talk to your doctor once a day...?? Also, how long do they usually keep you if you're going in voluntarily for depression and you are NOT suicidal? Any and all information would help. Thank you so much.

    10 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • ECT (Electric Shock Therapy)?

    I am considering ECT for severe depression that is not responding to medication. But I am very hesitant b/c of the loss of memory it causes. My doc. says that the loss of memory is temporary, but others say it's permanent. The research is so contradictory. Can anyone tell me about any personal accounts (yourself or others, not internet research) with ECT and what the results were? Did it help with the depression? Did it cause bad memory loss and was it permanant? Please answer only if you have personal accounts. Thank you so much for your help.

    8 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Can my psychiatrist do this???

    I have had severe depression for about 10 years and been on medication with relatively good results . But b/c of circumstances (i.e. divorce), my depression is very severe right now and I don't seem to be responding to any anti-depressants. I haven't been able to eat or sleep and I realize that I need serious help. I myself told my psychiatrist that I need help and that I'm considering ECT (electric shock therapy) for my depression, but I'm hesitant b/c of the side effects. Having said all that, I am NOT is not even an option for me and I have a lot to live for. I want to feel better and improve my life, not end it. But now my psychiatrist wants to put me in the psychiatric hospital under suicide watch and keep me there for as long my insurance will pay and says he wants to keep me there for up to 2 wks. I do need to check into the hospital, but I don't want to be there against my wishes. And not for suicide. Can he keep me there and say I'm suicidal when I'm not?

    7 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • HELP!! Yahoo keeps deleting my messages and addresses.?

    For the fourth time in about two months, yahoo has deleted ALL the messages in my inbox, sentbox and my address book. I use my account all the time. WHY would this happen and 1.) How do I report this to yahoo 2.) Get all my information back. Some of my emails were important. And I'm sick of typing in my addresses over and over again (the ones I even have in my phone book). This is really pi***ing me off. CAn someone help me out? Again, this isn't the first time, but the FOURTH time it has happened for apparently no reason

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Mail1 decade ago
  • Dirty Joke?

    So this guy dies and appears before God. God says to him, "I've decided that you're going to be reincarnated. And since you were so good in your past life I'll let you be whatever you want in your next life."

    The guy thinks about it and says, "You know, God, I really don't care what I'm reincarnated as. Just as long as I'm surrounded by p**** my entire life."

    God nods and says, "You got it."

    So the guy comes back to life as a tampon.

    21 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • I know Lindsey Lohan is out of rehab. How is she doing with her sobriety?

    I've seen some pictures of her in some magazines out partying....I was just wondering if she's managing to party clean?! It takes a lot of self control to be just out of rehab and put yourself in the party scene right away. It's "frowned upon" in the rehab world! So anyway, anyone know how she's doing?

    3 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • JOKE....Star if you like it (mabye it's old??)?

    So George Bush is going around different hospitals in different states to assess the healthcare insurance woes people are talking about.

    One of his stops is at a fertility clinic. He walks down the hall and opens a door. He sees a man masturbating in a cup while watching porn. The president closes the door and asks the nurse what's going on. The nurse says, "Oh he's just providing us a sample so we can do a sperm-count." The president nods and walks down the hall and opens another door. Here he finds a man lying on his back moaning through pleasure while getting a b***job from a beautiful nurse. The president closes the door quickly and finds the same nurse. '"What's going on in that room?" he asks puzzled. "Same thing, "the nurse says. "It's just that he has PPO, while the first guy only had HMO."

    3 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Going through too much hardship?

    I know everybody has hard times in their lives, but I feel as if I have more than is possible to handle right now. I am newly sober (4 months) and in recovery, my husband and I are getting divorced after seven years of marriage, he is taking full custody of our child until I am at least 4 years sober, he's even keeping our dog. He's making me get my own apartment while he stays in our house. I was a stay-at-home mom and never worked. Now I have to find an apartment, move out, find a job, be without my son (and my dog) while trying so hard to stay sober and work on my recovery. I also suffer from severe depression and panic attacks. I am on medication, but with everything that is going on, my depression is worse than ever. I can barely function, yet I have to start my life over from scratch. I also need to have three surgeries next month. Meanwhile,my parents and in-laws are fighting and making everything worse. I'm at my wit's end. I'm seeing a psychiatrist, but it's all still too much

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • How do I get rid of ingrown hairs w/o actually plucking them out?

    I get a lot of ingrown hairs (everywhere!) and they usually cause painful bumps/sores. The way I deal with it is by trying to remove them with clean tweezers. Well, sometimes it doesn't work and even when it does, it leaves a bad scar behind. How can I get rid of them without having to use tweezers to get them out and causing a scab.

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • Do you think it's appropriate for my husband to give his mother a key to our apartment w/o asking me?

    He didn't even TELL me he was doing it, let alone ask me. And it's not like she has it in case of an emergency; she uses it to just waltz into our home whenever she wants to. I am so furious and my husband thinks it's just not a big deal.

    17 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Read my mother-in-laws email and found she had written a lot of bad stuff about me. What do I do??

    I didn't go looking to read her emails or snoop . She's staying with us and she hadn't logged out of her email and when I came to check my email, hers was on the screen. I never do stuff like this and I'm very trustworthy. I know I was VERY wrong to do this. I was actually trying to find out some innocent info. about her upcoming birthday. Instead, I read A LOT of bad stuff she had written behind my back to her friends. She had revealed some very personal stuff about me, had called me a bad mother and outright lied about me. I always thought we had a good relationship; she always tells me she loves me like a daughter, etc. I have confided personal things o her b/c I trusted her so much. Now I think she's just a hypocrit and I can never trust her. I know that I invaded her privacy. How can I confront her about this w/o telling her how I found out? And does she have more of a right to be angry at me for reading her email or me at her for all the malicious stuff he had written about me?

    15 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago