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I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to confront only the essential facts of life, and to see if I could not learn what they had to teach,and not, when my time came to die, discover that I had not lived. Henry David Thoreau 1854

  • 2 Nato warships chasing down 9 Somali pirates in a 25' skiff, only to disarm them and let them go?

    I would be curious as to how much money was spent in this redundant effort in fuel alone, as the chase took more than 7 hours before choppers were deployed from both the Canadian warship Winnipeg and the US warship USS Halyburton. How can this chase even be justified, by any nation ? It seems as if the entire world is at the mercy of some scumbag kids who have managed to get their hands on a few boats and guns. For christs' sake, NATO, how bout you folks fill a few of these dingys up with a water cannon or maybe even something with a bit more resonance. Bring home the maybe a few of the 18!! ships they have hostage at this point in time, along with over 300 human beings from all over the world, for Christs' sake. Does anybody else think that this situation is as ridiculous as it seems? Should this not be an easy mission for the US or French Military? What is the holdup, I wonder. How much more money will be spent this year to free up the worlds busiest shipping lane from these 'KIDS WITH GUNS' !!!!

    5 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Lawyers: How Do You Live With Yourselves?

    I wanted to post this question again with all the updates to see if any one has an actual method of surviving this lifestyle as opposed to making excuses for it................Such a tiny percent of cases are actually based on the truth and it's your job to constantly manipulate the lies in order to benefit the guilty, not to mention all the sleazy manuevering you have to do in order to acheive the results you want, and then there's cheating of the hard working people out of thousands of dollars for something that only took you a couple of hours, even when that price would render a man homeless.

    How is it that you folks can even sleep at night, I would rather shovel crap in a 20 foot crap hole all day than do what you people do.


    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Lawyers: How do you live with yourselves?

    Such a tiny percent of cases are actually based on the truth and it's your job to constantly manipulate the lies in order to benefit the guilty, not to mention all the sleazy manuevering you have to do in order to acheive the results you want, and then there's cheating of the hard working people out of thousands of dollars for something that only took you a couple of hours, even when that price would render a man homeless.

    How is it that you folks can even sleep at night, I would rather shovel crap in a 20 foot crap hole all day than do what you people do, your spot after death is reserved for you.

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Pork Loin as shark bait ?

    Just wondering if anybody has ever used this for shark bait before, I have other proven methods, but I am just curious.

    I generally fish from the beach in the Northeast.

    7 AnswersFishing1 decade ago
  • R.C. helicopter training?

    I'm wondering if anyone knows of any company or private parties in the New England area that could assist me in becoming proficient with a gas powered Raptor helicopter.

    I have all equipment and am only seeking training, thanks in advance to anyone with any info.

    1 AnswerAircraft1 decade ago