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  • what to do about boyfriend?

    I've been with my bf for a year, since then he still has not said he loves me, he said when he was a kid no one showed him love so its hard for him to show me. I tired to understand but has time goes one im hurtting because I love him so much and its hard to be with someone that cant show you how they feel. I also have a 8 year old son that loves him too. Well about a month a go, he went to a church to get help, but in the mean time, he still havent said I miss you, he talks about himself so I told him, while your in there I want you to focus on yourself so you can be happy with yourself and for us. I don't know what to do in the mean time, I miss so much I dont talk to him. He said he will call me when he gets better.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • what to do? I have a bf of 8 and half months.?

    ok my bf had a very hard life.. no one told him he could do anything, no one told him they love him, not even his own mother, so he has been raise this way.. so my question to you guys is that he buys me things to show he cares and he spends time with me but I need more.. He hasnt told me he loves me or even can't hold my hand. What do I do? Do I give him more time or do we go get help. He told me to give him time beacues all this stuff is new and its hard for him to say how he feels in words and he says action is better.. HELP

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • why guys talk about sex early in getting to know them?

    Hi. I'm 27 years old and dating. When I meet a guy they go right to the sex questions and thats a trun off for me.. Why can't we hang out, go to the movies?? I just want a guy to hang out with and get to know each other before they ask me about having sex or any kind of sex talk..

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • want to buy a car?

    I just paid off cash call it was a loan for 2600 and will this help my score go up?? because it was a loan..

    4 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • if I pay off all my debt by today?

    How does it take to show that I'm up to date? and how long does it take for my score to go up??

    Thanks for your time

    12 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • want to get a new used car?

    Hi, I want to get a used honda accord like 2003 or 2005. and its around 13,000. I wanted to know if going to a credit union is a good idea? also on my credit has some bad things but they are all paid off, my score is around 630..

    Do I have a good shot at getting a car?

    2 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • wamu credit card?

    which credit berual do they use??


    4 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • circle time with 2 year olds?

    Hi, I'm starting a new job in two weeks and wanted to know do you know any good activies I can do with 2 year olds in circle time..


    12 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • collection agencies?

    I have some medical bills from this year that I paid off. now out of no where their saying I owe 300 dollars, so I fax them the proof that I paid and they still won't do anyhting. I called the medical place to see if I missed a payment and they said no. So my question is if the collection agencies they that its on my credit

    report as bad can they do this?????

    P.S I just looked at my credit report and there is no medical bills on there.

    1 AnswerCredit1 decade ago
  • I have a loan and need help paying it off..?

    I have a loan from cash call, and their rates are so high. can I get a loan from a credit union to pay that laon off?? and will this hurt my score??


    11 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • for my final in education?

    I wanted to if anyone knows what are the critical factors for children in learning a second language? early childhood


    5 AnswersPreschool1 decade ago
  • How much do special education teachers(preschool) get paid??

    I will have 12 ece units next year and I wanted to start working in a school, that helps with childern with special needs.. Do you know how much I can make?? and I live in CA..

    3 AnswersSpecial Education1 decade ago
  • Need help with FWB?

    I have a fwb and it been four years now on and off.. I had a boyfriend and we broke up last year and now I want to be with my fwb.. The only thing is he say that I hurt him by being with my EX and I tould him why, we were never together.. and he says he wants to be with me but he is afaird that I will do the same thing.. I tould he that there is no one else and I want to be with him.. At this point it been 4 months of me trying to show him that I want to be with him and its still the samething (sex) I don't want that so I cut that out and I just feel that I should just move on.. What do u think I should do..

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • always stress, worries and anxiety?

    I'm a singel mother of one and I go to school and work full time.. I have a two bed room apartment that I share with my son.. I'm always stress to the point I get sick or lose some of my hair.. I worrie about money, rasing a kid by myself and school.. Can u give me any Ideas on how to stop stressing.. and live life, have fun?? I feel like if something good is happending then alway something bad happends too..

    9 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • I had a child 5 years ago and..?

    I still have a big belly and I eat right and do sit ups every day but it wont go away.. Anyone know what I can do to get it flat??


    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • When I ask for an increase on a Macy's card and got denied?

    does this hurt my score?

    4 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • I have a credit card from Orchard bank?

    can I get one from capital one or chase?

    3 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • I just had an interview for a preschool teacher..?

    They want me to come back for an hour and be with the kids to see how I work with them.. Any idea on how I should do this or to show them I want this job???


    4 AnswersPreschool1 decade ago
  • After u pay something off, how long will it take to come off your?

    Credit report.. OK lets say u have a loan and you paid if off and u were never late, when will it get removed from your credit report??


    7 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • I have a bally gym card and wanted to know...?

    When I'm done paying my gym membership off, how long does it take to get removed of my credit report??


    3 AnswersCredit1 decade ago