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  • Question:a young Jewish girl(13) posted a tiktok and in the caption:she wrote happy Yom Kippur. is she uneducated and ignorant? ?

    this girl,who i don't know,had a bat mitzvah last year and on her tiktok,wished everyone a happy yom kippur bacjk in september of this year,her parents are jewish,she posted 2 videos and it was a peppa pig book:george gets a cold:and she changed the word cold to covid. 

    watch her tiktoks i put on here and what do you think about her? also:she is not very nice. she is mean,,she's 13.  and ignorant 

    Celebrities4 months ago
  • advice about my former pediatrician? ?

    How to tell if someone is mad at you and holding a grudge against you?

    Let me tell you my story: I had a pediatrician who I used to go to when I was a a baby to the time I was 17 years old. I am a former patient of his and he would always tell me to visit him to drop by and say hello and chat for a few minutes. Well,about a week ago,I have him a letter I wrote describing how I felt about him talking to me and it was 4.5 pages and other stuff. Anyways,he read the first art of the letter,and said,’I am upset’,in an upset/disappointing/hurtful tone. I did apologize to him and he smiled and gave me a hug,but he read more of the letter when I was not in his office and I made him a cake and wrote him a I am sorry card. I can’t tell if he is still mad at me or holding a grudge against me,but I am too scared to ask him. Any advice? He says that we are friends. he ignored me a few times back in june and he got mad and raised his voice and me and said another time he said,"couldn't you come in the late afternoon"? he is russian-jew

    he denies everything he says.

    but he lies to me and he thinks i am annoying because i visit him frequently and once every year.

    2 AnswersFriends6 months ago
  • how do two faced people have friends and i,an honest person,don't?

    everyone who i know is 2faced and lies and are mean have friends and i don't,how do i make friends? 

    3 AnswersFriends6 months ago
  • How to tell if someone is mad at you /holding a grudge against you?

    Let me tell you my story: I had a pediatrician who I used to go to when I was a a baby to the time I was 17 years old. I am a former patient of his and he would always tell me to visit him to drop by and say hello and chat for a few minutes. Well,about a week ago,I have him a letter I wrote describing how I felt about him talking to me and it was 4.5 pages and other stuff. Anyways,he read the first art of the letter,and said,’I am upset’,in an upset/disappointing/hurtful tone. I did apologize to him and he smiled and gave me a hug,but he read more of the letter when I was not in his office and I made him a cake and wrote him a I am sorry card. I can’t tell if he is still mad at me or holding a grudge against me,but I am too scared to ask him. Any advice? He says that we are friends. But I don’t know. I think he is still upset at me because of my letter. 

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 months ago
  • When I eat or lay down,my arms and back pulsate,shake or vibrate. What’s going on?

    This has been going for for a couple of months. Every time I eat,my arms and upper back vibrate,shake,or pulsate. My arms and legs burn every day,like on the skin burn..

    I have also been having issues with my balance and vertigo. I don’t know what’s going on. I am scared. I am 22 years old.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness2 years ago
  • am i having a stroke?

    everynight i sleep with 2 pillows,and i feel like my left cheek gets tingly and my left arm gets weak and numb and my fingers get tingling and numb too.

    my posture is off.

    i did have the symptoms before,but not with my face being tingly and my head gets tingly.

    i did an mri a month ago,and it showed no bleed.

    i am scared,i am only 22. my muscles are weak. i don't have a good posture.

    should i go to the er?

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care2 years ago
  • should i go to the hospital if i keep having balance issues?

    i almost fell back twice today,but my neurologist wants me to see a physical therapist for my balance issues.

    what should i do? hospital or go to physical therapist?

    i did had stroke-like symptoms in october,and i do get facial pain,i had weakness in my legs and left arm back in october and i had weakness in my legs back in march.

    i have been having on and off issues with my balance.

    if i had a stroke,what would my symptoms be?

    can loss of balance be caused by bad posture? i have poor posture?

    Whenever i would stand up for too long,i would feel like i have to fall back. my legs feel like they're swaying and so does my body. the top of my head feels like its being pushed down whenever i would walk or stand.

    my pcp doesn't take me too seriously,what should i do?

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management2 years ago
  • I am seeing a neurologist this thursday and i am very scared. What to do?


    I have been having some issues with my balance for a while now and my pcp told me to see a neurologist.i am very worried because i have been having issues with headaches and my nerves and i feel like my head is heavy.

    My mri results said that i have a small cerebellar vermis with enlarged fourth ventricle and enlarged basal cisterns. Also,it says there is an signal void in the visualized paranasal sinuses and mastoids,but i don't have hydrocephalus,according to the mri results.

    I am worried i may have to get a shunt/surgery.

    I am only 22.

    I am very scared. I just want to get a job already.

    1 AnswerOther - Health2 years ago
  • questions about my mri findings?

    i got a mri done on my brain because i kept having issues with my balance and dizziness.

    i got the results,but i don't understand it. can anyone help me? thank you.

    findings: the cerebral hemispheres are normal,with normal gray-white matter differentiation.

    there is a small cerebellar vermis with an enlarged fourth ventricle and enlarged basal cisterns.

    no mass,bleed,acute infraction,hydrocephalus or mass effect on the ventricular system.

    the craniovertebral junction is unremarkable.

    there is signal void in the visualized paranasal sinuses and mastoids.

    impression: small cerebellar vermis with an enlarged fourth ventricle and basal cisterns. Neurology consultation is recommended.otherwise normal study.

    what do these findings and impression mean?

    3 AnswersMedicine2 years ago
  • i have a small,purplish-bluish, bruise on top of my left kneecap.why?

    i have been noticing that i keep getting a small purplish/black & blue bruise on either my left knee cap or sometimes at the bottom of my right leg.

    i do get the symptoms of diabetes sometimes,and i wanted to know if this bruise should be a concern for me.

    thank you.

    i was told from my urgent care doctor that i'm mildly anemic.

    symptoms of diabetes:

    blurred vision in left/right eye

    sweet taste on fingertips/mouth

    frequent urination if i drink/eat alot of sugar

    tingling/burning nerve pain in fingers/hand/feet

    legs/foot keeps falling asleep

    balance issues

    always hungry/sometimes.

    2 AnswersDiabetes2 years ago
  • what does a lawyer mean by a good case?

    i have a lawyer who is going to help me get succession of my grandfather's apartment and he told me that my case is a good case.

    what does that mean?

    i don't have an income at the moment,so what are the chances of me still residing in my grandfather's apartment?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics2 years ago
  • should i go to the hospital or no?

    i have been getting these balance issues for a while now,and my head feels like it's spinning, i only get nauseous in the morning everyday because i ate late at night,but when i sit down or lay down,it goes away. my nerves are acting up and i am very scared. i am overweight.

    what should i do?

    my legs and arms will pulsate at night and sometimes,my right eyelid will pulsate and twitch too.

    i need to start losing weight,but i'm still grieving over the losses of my parents.

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care2 years ago
  • why am i having balance issues?

    currently,i am having balance issues,like i feel like i'm going side to side and today,when i ran out my apartment today,i felt so dizzy and out of balance that i felt dizzy and had to rest. i saw my doctor for this issue before,but he told me to eat more protein.

    should i see him again? i get like a pinched nerve in my forehead.

    i am scared,i'm only 22.

    i am overweight and trying to diet..

    when i press my finger on the middle of my forehead,it goes away for a bit,if i take my finger off of my forehead,it will start again.

    what to do? i am freaking out!!

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management2 years ago
  • My poop smells sweet,why?

    I was constipated and today,i had to go,and i noticed that everytime i have a BM, my poop tastes sweet,like suvar,or smells sweet.

    My urine,on the hand,tastes sometimes salty.

    I feel like i do have the symptoms diabetes,but my doctor did a blood test on me a few weeks ago,and my blood sugar was good.

    I am confused,i do have the symptoms of diabetes,but it is not properly diagnosed by my pcp.

    What to do?

    3 AnswersDiabetes2 years ago
  • why do i get itchy when i eat sugar?

    for about almost a week now, i have been getting very itchy everytime i eat fruit or sugary products.

    am i on the verge of becoming diabetic?

    my eye was a little blurry earlier this morning.

    i am overweight.

    what's going on?

    sometimes i pee alot if i eat alot of sugar.

    what should i do??

    also when i drink water,it goes away for a bit,and comes back.

    what do you think this is?

    it feels like something is crawling on my skin.

    2 AnswersDiabetes2 years ago
  • should i sue the va hospital for causing my grandfather's death?

    on october 9th 2018,my grandfather was still in the va hospital where he and i resided in our area. He had a bruise,and the va doctors and nurses opened the bruise to get air out(i think), or a blood work,and he went into septic shock. his feet were cyanotic,and he wasn't responding to voice command,so they put him in the icu.

    Should i sue the va hospital for his septic shock?

    i know i should have been there to see what's going on with him,and i should have told the va doctors and nurses to give him his heart and other medicines.

    i neglected him a s a caregiver.

    it's been 3 months since he died,is it too late to get an autopsy done,is it too late to sue the va hospital,and how much would it be to dig up my grandfather's grave and do an autopsy?

    my grandfather was skinny and i haven't been feeding him enough before he was hospitalized.

    what should i do?

    23 AnswersLaw & Ethics2 years ago
  • my iq is 79 and i am 22 years old.what does that mean,how can i improve my iq,and can i still become a pediatrician if my iq is 79?

    i had to do a psychological testing done on me and my iq is 79,i have an iep because i have a mild learning disability.

    what does that mean?

    how can i improve my iq score?

    6 AnswersPsychology2 years ago
  • Should i change my medical provider if he doesn't help me?

    Ok,i feel like i have the symptoms of diabetes for 4,5 years,and i am not on a diet,especially if i have diabetes.

    Sometimes i get blurred vision,pain on the top of my legs,i am obese/overweight,i get dizzy if i don't eat,i get pinched nerves,i am always hungry and thirsty,i have wounds that don't heal.

    I am 22 and i feel like i have been getting symptoms of diabetes for a long time.

    Why didn't my doctor diagnose me with diabetes right away and help me treat it?

    8 AnswersDiabetes2 years ago
  • How come I didn't get my checks bank yet?

    I ordered check books at TD bank in person on November 1st.

    How come I didn't get them yet?

    I received nothing from TD bank in the mail.

    How long does it take to get my checkbook?

    6 AnswersPersonal Finance2 years ago
  • why am i coughing up white mucus?

    About 3 days ago,i noticed that i couldn't swallow when i tried to eat,and yesterday, i started to get a scratchy,dry throat,and today,i started to cough and i noticed white mucus coming out of my lungs.

    i have gerd,but i haven't been taking my medicine for a while now.

    my nose is runny too,what can this be?

    my throat hurts a little bit too.

    2 AnswersRespiratory Diseases2 years ago