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Lv 32,205 points

Joshua H

Favorite Answers8%
  • Are Republicans unpatriotic?

    Because while most Americans are looking forward to this historic inauguration with joy and anticipation, they're attacking it.

    16 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is Rancid Stench of BO a Coward?

    Because he just blocked me from debunking his stupid questions. Guess his widdle feewings were hurt.

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do some people still not know that Bush lied about Iraq?

    He lied when he said he had no plans to invade -- he planned to invade Iraq even before 9/11 and made jokes when terrorism officials tried to warn him about Bin Laden. He pressured the intelligence services to produce evidence for WMD's, in an effort to drum up support for the invasion. He told Tony Blair of a scheme to "start something" in Iraq by creating a phony incident. He fooled people into thinking there was a connection between Saddam and 9/11 when he knew there wasn't. His White House cronies took revenge on Ambassador Wilson for telling the public the truth about the yellowcake business by disclosing that his wife was a deep cover CIA agent, then Bush commuted the sentence of the crony sentenced to jail in the affair.

    All a matter of public record at this point.

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do some Republicans believe Obama is going to require universal service?

    The video someone posted was obvious propaganda -- they quote Emmanuel talking about the proposal in a book he wrote and try to fool peple into thinking that Obama favors it.

    What Obama has in fact called for is some public service in high school and college, 50 and 100 hours a year respectively. He does not plan to require it (and wouldn't have the power if he did): he merely recommends that schools consider adopting it. Nothing new about that, my high school had a community service requirement when I went there years ago.

    So kids, no need to prepare for a draft, because there won't be one, the efforts of the wingnuts to scare you notwithstanding.

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What will convince the warming denial nuts to look at the facts?

    - Solar fluctuations are not behind warming; that theory was proposed and debunked years ago.

    - The data show unprecedented warming, not a "ten year cooling trend" as the whacko websites say

    - Virtually all reputable climate scientists agree that warming is real and man made; the one or two cranks who disagree or the poseurs who don't have doctorates in the field do not alter that, they're why I said "virtually."

    - Lists of "400 scientists who disagree with warming" are produced by political hacks and are phony Scientific research is reported in peer reviewed journals, not shady organizations financed by the coal industry.

    - Global cooling was a hypothesis that was mentioned a few minutes many years ago, and then dropped. It is exaggerated by political hacks in their attempts to discredit science.

    - Man can easily cause warming; the notion that nature is somehow "stronger" is childish hokum; it is a fact that man has changed the composition of the atmosphere, and global temperatures depend on that

    - Fluctuations like the current cold snap have no bearing on global warming. Nobody ever said we would stop having weather. Warming predictions are long-term predictions, with 30 years an appropriate baseline, not a couple of weeks or a year. And the data continues to show spectacular warming.

    Have I left anything out?

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you think Bush wasn't the worst president in history?

    Do you still not think so after watching this?

    Astounding, just astounding.

    17 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Who's funnier, Joe the Plumber or Sarah Palin?

    OK, OK, that isn't fair to Joe the Fraud -- nobody's as funny as Sarah "You Betcha" Palin. (Wink wink wink)

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why does Obama's Empty Suit lie so much?

    Under several names, to boot. And of course he blocks anyone who points that out.

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do people think Palin was cleared of wrongdoing when she was found guilty?

    She was found to have committed an ethics violation. The only investigation that cleared her of wrongdoing was the one that was run by people who serve at the governor's pleasure, LOL -- in other words, the one in which she investigated herself. The real investigation found her guilty of an ethics violation, though not guilty of a crime -- because he served at the governor's pleasure, she had the legal right to fire that state official for doing what was right and protecting a state trooper from her personal vendetta.

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Are there any Republicans here who are interested in the truth?

    Ok, so I posted the following table, which illustrates dramatically how much better Democratic presidents are for the economy than Republican ones:


    1. D FDR (40'-44') 74.69

    2. D FDR (32'-36') 34.63

    3. D LBJ (64'-68') 21.81

    4. D TRUMAN (48'-52') 21.00

    5. D JFK (60'-64') 19.86

    6. D FDR (36'-40') 19.33

    7. D CLINTON (96'-00') 17.87

    8. R REAGAN (84'-88') 15.98

    9. D CARTER (76'-80') 13.67

    10. D CLINTON (92'-96') 13.53

    11. R IKE(52'-56') 13.45

    12. R REAGAN (80'-84') 12.63

    13. R NIXON (68'-72') 12.38

    14. R IKE (56'-60') 10.91

    15. R FORD (72'-76') 10.62

    16. R BUSH SR (88'-92') 8.81

    17. R BUSH JR (00'-04') 8.75

    18. R BUSH JR (04'-07') 8.35

    19. D TRUMAN (44'-48') -9.04

    20. R HOOVER (29'-32') -25.60

    And --

    - One Republican claimed the top six terms were during wars. That isn't true -- only 1, 3, and 4 were, as were 11, 13, and 18, the difference being that in the case of the first three, the presidents were Dems, but in the last three, they were Republican.

    - One claimed that Democratic presidents had done well only because of their Republican predecessors. But this is true whether the Democrats were in office for one term or as in the case of FDR and Truman five. And consider what the Republicans bequeathed -- Hoover? The Great Depression. Nixon/Ford? Stagflation. Bush Sr.? Recession. In every case, Democrats improve things.

    - Two questioned the data. it's from a government site and easily verifiable.

    - Two mentioned inflation. But the Democrats were on average no more bedevilled by inflation than the Republicans. Carter was mentioned, but he inherited his inflation from Nixon and Ford. You'll also find if you look at the figures that the Democrats did better on unemployment, total employment, and the Federal deficit.

    And lots of thumbs up for the people who raised the quesitonable objections. Aren't there any Republicans out there who are interested in the truth?

    18 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Did you know that Democratic presidents are better for the economy?

    I already posted this ranking (which is courtesy of someone else on Yahoo Answers) but some censorious Republcian reported it, so, since the issue was just raised, I'm reposting it. (Note that these are four year terms, in two cases the presidency changed during the term, but within the same party.)


    1. D FDR (40'-44') 74.69

    2. D FDR (32'-36') 34.63

    3. D LBJ (64'-68') 21.81

    4. D TRUMAN (48'-52') 21.00

    5. D JFK (60'-64') 19.86

    6. D FDR (36'-40') 19.33

    7. D CLINTON (96'-00') 17.87

    8. R REAGAN (84'-88') 15.98

    9. D CARTER (76'-80') 13.67

    10. D CLINTON (92'-96') 13.53

    11. R IKE(52'-56') 13.45

    12. R REAGAN (80'-84') 12.63

    13. R NIXON (68'-72') 12.38

    14. R IKE (56'-60') 10.91

    15. R FORD (72'-76') 10.62

    16. R BUSH SR (88'-92') 8.81

    17. R BUSH JR (00'-04') 8.75

    18. R BUSH JR (04'-07') 8.35

    19. D TRUMAN (44'-48') -9.04

    20. R HOOVER (29'-32') -25.60

    Original figures are at

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What will happen to the Obama hysterics when nothing happens?

    I mean the people who say he's going to destroy the American way of life? What will happen when he turns out to be just a president like any other? Will they recognize that they've been fooled and stop believing the likes of twirly-eyed political web sites and crackpot emails? Or will they fall for unfounded accusations?

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do Republicans keep lying about Democratic scandals?

    Anyone who reads the news knows that for some years now there have been ten Republican scandals for every Democratic one. Gingrich, DeLay, D'Amato, Stevens . . . gay sex in public rest rooms, drunken shootings of hunting partners, Keating . . . the list is endless. So why do these dishonest people try to convince us that Democrats are the source of most scandals, or are the less honest of the two parties?

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Anyone else notice that all of those anti-Semitic questions have disappeared?

    Now that it's sleepy time in Europe and the Middle East?

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why are the stupidest posters always calling people stupid?

    The more ignorant they are, the more they do it. Like some fellow called "dumamerik" claims the Mossad was responsible for 9/11. Now that is *dumb.* And another fellow who just called Dems stupid thinks that Acorn-style mortgage loans to poor people caused the fiscal crisis. Do they think smart people are dumb because they can't figure out why they do what they do? Have they been called stupid so many times in their life that they reflexively use the insult against others?

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Are you grateful for America?

    As I read the anti-Semitic lies here, the ones that claim that Israel stole land that in fact the Arabs lost in wars of aggression, the ones that claim that Israel is committing a massacre because it's attacking an organization that has launched 3000 rockets at it, I feel a great sense of gratitude towards the United States, which so often fights for what's right when the rest of the world is craven.

    Whatever our differences, whatever our flaws, whatever our mistakes.

    I'm grateful for the country that so often exemplifies the philosophy enunciated by Harry Truman, who wrote in his diary about his decision to support the young state of Israel, "I think [it's] the proper thing to do, and the thing I have been doing, is to do what I think is right and let them all go to hell."

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else understand better why the Jews have to have a country and fight for it?

    All the sick, repulsive accusations here, comparing Jews to Nazis, claiming Hamas didn't do anything when they fired 3000 rockets, claiming that the Israelis are slaughtering innocents when unlike tegh vicious terrorists at Hamas they don't target civilians. With creeps like this arrayed against them, I'm beginning to udnersatnd why the Jews need a country of their own, and powerful weapons to shoot at the loons who want to kill them. If these people had their way, they'd start up the pogroms again, and the holocaust.

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How the hell can you reach conservatives?

    You explain to them that climate scientists almost to a man and woman say that man-made warning is real and upon us, and they just repeate the same mistaken beliefs they held before you told them -- pointing to ridiculous phony "petitions" -- as if science were done by petition! -- false statements about what scientists believe, false statements about what scientists have claimed. One person even claimed that scientists had said the earth was flat! Or they try to argue the science using arguments that wouldn't hold up in a sixth grade classroom, e.g., that most CO2 is man-made. How the hell do you reach these people? They seem incapable of understanding.

    (Reposting this because the censoring cowards reported it).

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Are the fools taking over?

    In one corner, the terrorist-loving Jew and America haters, and in the other, warming deniers and Obama haters with their off-the-wall fantasies about what Obama has done or will do. I'm beginning to feel like those people in the zombie movies, you know, the ones who nail up all the windows but the zombies keep coming in . . .

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Are Jewish people sub human?

    Seriously, I see all these people condemning Israel because after fruitless negotiations, entreaties, and warnings, it went to war against a group that has been intentionally firing rockets at Israeli civilians in an undisguised attempt to murder them. Do the lives of Jews not matter? Is it only the lives of other people that matter?

    (I am reposting this because it was reported by someone who I suspect didn't read the text of the question)

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago