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  • Did I sabotage my pregnancy test results?

    Last night I drank almost 1 litre of water before going to bed. In the 2 hours since I work up this morning I went to the bathroom 3 times. On the 3rd trip I took a pregnancy test and it came out negative. I did not drink anything this morning during this 2 hour time frame. So did I sabotage my test by not truly using my FMU? I am now 2 days late and have not had any of the tell tale signs that my next cycle is to start.

    4 AnswersPregnancy4 years ago
  • could this possibly be it?

    I have very regular cycles...almost to the hour. I am now 2 days late but had spotting for 3 days starting last Sunday. It was very light, started brown than mucousy with pink ending with very little red blood. I was at the drs the day before period was due and test was neg. Bare in mind that the test was at 2 pm and after drinking lots if water that day. I don't feel moody like I normally due around AF time nor am I breaking out. My BBS are a little achy which is not normal and indigestion And small amount of indigestion. Could my test just have been to early, too late in the day, or too diluted to be detected. I know I know I should test again just want opinions! Thanks

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive7 years ago
  • could thus be implantation spotting?

    I am 2 days until mother nature should visit. Yesterday and today I would start spotting mid morning, than get some cramping and a little heavier spotting and by evening nothing. My cervix is very high. Could this be implantation spotting

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive7 years ago
  • Moving out of Province while on Mat Leave?

    My husband and I would like to move from Ontario to Manitoba shortly to be closer to my family. I am on Maternity leave now and wondering how benefits transfer from one province to the other and what the process is like? Is there a gap in benefits paid out/recalculation of benefits, and do I just have to give 2 weeks notice at my job. Thank you for your assistance

  • Cannot pay Loan anymore due to hardship?

    We have a boat that we have been trying to sell for some time. Due to health issues, and loss of employment due to this we no longer can make payments on our boat. If I call the bank and make them aware of the situation, would they consider taking the boat? We just can't do it anymore. I realize my credit will be affected, but I would rather explain to them the situation rather than just let it get out of hand. I cannot find information about this online and have done quite a bit of research. I live in Canada. Are there any other options? Thanks for your help

    1 AnswerCredit8 years ago
  • I have a WSIB question?

    So my husband was injured almost a year ago, we waited almost 5 months to see a surgeon for his injury, in which time he continued to work on light duties. He has recently been temporarily laid off from that employer with surgery only 6 weeks away. (almost a full year after the accident) Is Workers Comp (WSIB) going to still cover my husband even though he has been laid off? He cannot even apply for a different job in the interim due to his limitations.

    Also, his file is with an adjudicator at Head Office and was tole she would look at it this past Friday or coming Monday. Does anyone know the average wait time for benefits to kick in, and do they back pay for the decision making time?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Laid off with open WSIB claim?

    Husband was injured and has been waiting for surgery. He was temporarily laid off from his job 6 weeks before his surgery date. Who is responsible for his loss wages. And how long did it take for benefits to kick in. It has been 3 weeks since he was laid off. Thanks for the help

    1 AnswerCanada8 years ago
  • When did your symptoms disappear?

    I am 10 weeks 2 days now and for the past 4 weeks have been feeling horrible with 24 hour nausea, extreme exhaustion, aversion to foods. Yesterday during the day I was feeling horrible as well and I came home ate dinner and about 2 hours later I felt great. I wake up this morning, no nausea and I have a ton of energy. Baby had a strong heartbeat of 170 at 7.5 weeks. Do your symptoms just "turn off" like a light switch, or should I be concerned?

    5 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Do Pregnancy symptoms come and go?

    I am 6 weeks pregnant and Hcg last friday at 5.5 weeks came back at 3852. I was wondering if it is possible for symptoms to come and go. The only ones I have had are tender/sore nipples, constipation and a runny nose...oh and exhaustion. The one that comes and goes are the sore nipples. With the constipation I get a cramp or 2 which scares me due to 2 previous m/c's over 2 years ago, but with a high number I am confident I am ok, just the whole come and go nipple soreness...not that I am complaining LOL but having the symptom makes me feel better. Thanks everyone!

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • 1 Day late and no sign of the witch?

    So my cycles are like clockwork, my period should have started Tuesday Night around 10pm....and yes it is that accurate. I took a hpt around noon (negative) today which I know is a no-no and also was really thirsty before so had a large iced tea. Is it still possible I am pregnant and just got a false negative due to diluted urine? I do not have any warning signs I normally do with af and my cervix is very high and hard. I appreciate all answers

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • Why is ttc taking so long?

    Dh and I have been ttc for 3.5 years now. I was diagnosed with PCOS only having a hormone imbalance and Dh has on the lower end of normal sperm counts. My fertility specialist told me that along with Metformin, losing weight would help me get pregnant. I've lost 30lbs, I have a lot less stress than I did in the past. I should mention that I have been pregnant twice but lost both early on.

    I finally convinced my Dr to prescribe progesterone due to spotting 5-7 days prior to my period. And this past month without taking the progesterone it was only 2 days prior to. Is my body finally maybe ready for a child. Sorry I am just so lost and at my wits end. Should I talk to the Dr about Clomid?

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • How high should your temp stay while BBT'ing?

    Hi All. I have been keeping track of my temps. my baseline is 96.4. I know it is low, I have no idea why, anyways, the program I am using says I ovulated on day 16 of my cycle of a normal 28 day cycle. My temps have been staying above the 96.4 mark. Today I have spotting, my temp is still above its at 96.8, my cervix is high, and soft. If I ovulated later as in on day 16 than today would be 11 dpo. Could this be implantation or you think it is my period? I should start my period tomorrow. I normally get very bloated, gassy and real cranky right before. Instead I am tired beyond belief with no change to my lifestyle.

    Thanks All

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive10 years ago
  • ttc and just would love your opinions!?

    My husband and I have been ttc for 2.5 years now. We have suffered 2 m/c within this time, and I have either a septated uterus or biconourate uterus.

    I have been bbt'ing and my baseline is 96.4. Day of ovulation it dipped to 95.8 and than shot up to 97 the next day. I got a head cold about 5 days ago and I am 3 days until my period is due. Normal 26-28 day cycles. I have noticed so extra discharge, milky/creamy, and my left boob is more sore than the right. The pain is just a dull ache with some sharp twinges now and than.

    I also have noticed that while the head cold and rotton feeling I had with it is gone, I still am stuffy as all get out. I have some indigestion and have been having dizzy spells off and on (could be from the heat though) Up until now my temps have been staying high and my cervix is still high and closed. I went out today to get a hpt and will test tomorrow morning. I

    know i should go to the Dr's etc etc I know that routine, but I just wanted to hear what some of you had to say. Looking forward to taking the test tomorrow morning. fingers and toes crossed

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive10 years ago
  • BBT up until 5dpo can you tell me what you think?

    Hi all. So my bhusband and I have been ttc for 2.5 years now. We have suffered 2 mc's within those 2 years. I am charting and they go as follows.

    Day 1-12 coverline is 96.1

    day 13 95.6

    day 14-16 96.4

    Day 17-19 (today) 96.8

    Do my coverline temps seem low. I see a lot of women who experience temps at 97 or 98? I take my temp before i do anything, all I do is reach up grab the thermometer and take my temp. My cycles are 28 days in length, not taking any meds and I have either a bicornurate uterus or a septate uterus (going for testing in 2 weeks if not prego)

    Thanks Ladies :)

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive10 years ago
  • Spotting 1 week after period?

    So I am ttc, 2.5 years now, and only 2 m/c to account for. This month, my period started on May 20 and ended 2 days later well 1.5 days later. Since my last mc in Nov of 2010 my periods are out of whack a bit, as in spotting few days before period, but never 1 week afterwards. I have been very very moody, depressed, happy, tired and I get confused or just seem to be a bit of a space cadet I guess you could say. I am waiting to see a fertility specialist as I have either a septated uterus or a bicornurate (heart shaped) uterus.

    But I guess my question is this, why am I spotting 1 week after. And please note that all these different feelings I am having have only been this week, from the end of my period.

    Thank-you for your advice!

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Anyone get pregnant withe a septated uterus or bicornurate uterus and deliver healthy baby?

    I am awaiting testing to determine between the 2 uteri. I have suffered 2 m/c in the past one being at 6 weeks and the other at almost 10 weeks. I am a healthy 25yr old with no other medical conditions. I guess I would like to know if there is anyone out there who has had successful births with either uteri BEFORE surgery to correct the problem.

    I have read that a septated uterus usually causes 1st trimester m/c's and 3 tri's and bicornurate is 2nd and 3rd. I have done a lot of research on both, and just would like a little reassurance. I am currently waiting for a family Dr, so hopefully I find one soon.

    I have only been pregnant the 2 times, and have been trying for 2.5 years now. Tests were done last summer and everything is fine other than a slight variation in fsh and lh levels which a specialist said was nothing.

    Thank-you all

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • What should I do about a breech of contract set forth by my caterer?

    So I was recently married. My caterer and I made out a contract (unsigned) we added things later (unsigned) and agreed that if we paid cash she would not charge us taxes and would therefore not receive receipts for our transactions. Well the food, decor service etc was horrible. I owe her 2000.00 still and refuse to pay her. A few of my guests choked on chicken bones on bite sized chicken pieces in a cream sauce (including myself) A long list of discrepancies is in my possession that I came up with.

    Well today I got a phone call from a collection agency, and she wants her money. I have 80 witnesses to the event, pictures, chicken bones from the leftovers raw carrots that were from the wedding. Can I take her to small claims court? And is my credit going to be tarnished for this going to collections? Does she not have to contact us first to ask for payment?

    3 AnswersLaw & Legal1 decade ago
  • pregnancy symptoms fluctuate?

    So according to my dates, I will be 8 weeks pregnant on Friday. I haven't had many symptoms, but I have had nausea all last week. So bad that I had to get a prescription for it. My nausea this week seems to have disappeared but now I have heartburn bad. Also, my boobs used to be farily sensitive, and now they aren't so much. I still get sharp pains every once in awhile but nothing like what it used to be. I also have been spotting. It was only once or twice while going to the washroom. Went to the Dr, and he said I was just over doing things and to relax. I tell you, trying to relax when you see a little red is easier said than done.

    I have had 1 miscarriage last year this time, and I was only going onto week 5. I had more spotting though the week leading up to it, and had no symptoms whatsoever. I think I freak myself out too much by reading blogs online. Sorry for rambing, but I would just like someone's opinion. My first prenatal visit and scheduling of u/s is this Thursday. I am still getting +ive pregnancy tests

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is a little spotting normal at around 8 weeks pregnant?

    I have been suffering from a sinus infection for a few days now, and thus have been coughing and sneezing like crazy. For 3 washroom visits last night and 2 around noon today, I had very little red tinge to the cm.(what little there is) I am 8 weeks tomorrow, still have nausea and sore breasts, and I took a pregnancy test last night just to make sure and it sure did light up

    The only reason I ask is last year at 4.5-5 weeks pregnant I had a miscarriage, and it started out kinda the same, except I had no symptoms at all last year and I had mild cramping last year, and now I have no cramps. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank-you

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • can you lose symptoms while taking meds?

    I am taking amoxocillan for a sinus infection. I am 7 weeks along in my pregnancy, and in my 2nd day of meds, my boobs have stopped hurting. The fatigue is still there, and a little nausea. I was just curious if this could actually happen. Also, I noticed just a bit of red tinge to my cm, and this is the 1st time in this has happened and I know that spotting can be normal. Please help. I lost a pregnancy last year at 5 weeks,so I am scared for anything to happen

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago