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I'm 26 from California, just here to answer some interesting questions and help find new answers to my everday life.

  • I have a crush on my friend.?

    I recently revealed that feeling to her and she does not know how to react to it. A little background story, we meet in college 15 years ago and we have continue to hang out as friends throughout the years, She would have boyfriends and I would have girlfriends and it was never a good time for me to ask her out. She never knew I have feelings for her because I kept it in so well. She always thought that my first impression of her was that she was annoying but slowly grew on me as a friend. When I did reveal my feelings towards her she was shocked and could not find an answer to what I had revealed. A week later I recounted my feelings towards her and she explained that she was still shocked but she can see potential in developing a relationship with me but fear losing our long term friendship which she sees me like her best friend. I can't say I wasn't hurt but at least she does see potential and currently she is in a school program that requires a lot of her time and she said she might not have enough time put aside for this relationship to develop. We are both in our thirties and I want to make sure we're both not wasting our time. Should I continue courting her and see if a potential relationship develops or is she telling me that she doesn't see me as more than friends?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • How much would it cost to start a hookah bar in Orange county, CA?

    Initial investment? The bar, decoration, equipment, license, overhead cost.

    1 AnswerLos Angeles8 years ago
  • What is being in love?

    Everyone has their definition or vision of what being in love? What is yours?

    What is being in love?

    Being in love is being happy when your intended is happy.

    When you get into a fight you can only feel sadness and want to quickly make up.

    Whatever you do you can only think of them in your process.

    What they say and do affects you positively or negatively.

    You feel like you’re on top of the world and there’s nothing you can’t do.

    You feel this special happiness whenever you’re with them

    You want to hold them tightly and let them know you will always be there for them.

    Everything they do for you no matter how small will mean the world to you.

    You cannot sleep when you’re not together.

    You drop everything you’re doing to help them.

    You worry about their well-being.

    Tolerate their faults and think of them as attributes that makes them who they are.

    Accepting them for who they are without changing them.

    They can take you to the highest peak on the mountain but also bring you to the lowest cave on the earth.

    You would want to impress them no matter the cost. You’ll probably skip buying the new xbox or ps3 or priming your car just so you can do something or get something for them.

    It’s always about them and not you anymore. Just to see them smile you would do a lot.

    Your heart would melt when they put the head on your shoulder and give you a hug and let you know they care about you too.

    When they hurt you, you don’t want to live anymore.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Can we live together under one race/one goverment?

    Whenever people conjure up the word "race" I do not think of color but of a being with two leg, two arms, a head, a body, and a mind of its own. I believe people tend to confuse race with ethnicity of a human being. I believe we can be brought together as one on this planet to coexist, create, and expand our intellectual uniqueness to benefit everyone that lives on this planet. I can only imagine what we as a race can accomplish together without the constant bickering I see around me everyday. People are proud about where they live and who they are but they should not forget that we all live on the same planet, breath the same air, eat food that is produced from the same ground , the same body functionality, and last but not least bleed the same color of blood. Can we not see ourselves as one race, to work together for the betterment of all our lives, our future, and our planet's sake? We have been fighting each other for so long that I believe we have forgotten that at one point in time we did work together to survive from the harsh environments or from dangerous animals that would hunt and make meal of us. I see greatness in each of the ethnicity, people from different culture producing, dreaming, inventing, accomplishing so much from one point in time to another base on ideas from different people from different times. We are a building block of ideas and yet we remain separated by wars, conflicts, diseases, hungers, greed, pride, and a closeness that blankets out any idea of being as one. We can help people from different regions that might be sick, full of hunger, bound for greatness but need the knowledge and we can provide that by distributing resources, send people to teach and give knowledge to those that just needs to be pointed the right direction in order to flourish.

    Does anyone think the same or have other ideas. Or perhaps I am just venting to a unreceptive crowd.

    6 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups8 years ago
  • What do you do with a girl that has a boyfriend?

    Let's say a girl has a boyfriend but she isn't happy with him. You've known her for many years and is attracted to her and you think she might be interested. Ethics aside and nothing will go beyond just being friends with each other, what would you do?

    Is this time a wasted on an attached person? Wait for her to be single again? I do not want to be in the friend zone nor do I want to feel like a fool for chasing. But I can not get her out of my mind and feelings are strong for her. Have you experience this? What is the outcome?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • If you can change your race, which will it be?

    1. If you could change your race, would you? If yes, which race?

    2. If you were forced to change to a random race, but you could remove one option, is there one you would specifically remove?

    9 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago
  • How does a woman show interest in a man?

    What do you do to show an interest? What do you do differently? Does your behavior change? Body language? The way you speak and the subject you bring up would they be different form normal conversation? Please advise. Thanks.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Journey Without a Charter?

    Like a river flowing nonchalantly

    Her honesty guides so ever soothingly

    Wind swims through our hair

    knowing the life we both can share

    My heart can only think of precious moments

    when the sun is in enjoyments

    An uplift within my soul

    fulfilling me as a whole.

    No mere words can be said

    Only a series of wonderful senses

    dwells on my lenses

    A life can be spent

    thinking of all laughter

    Like a journey without a charter

    1 AnswerPoetry8 years ago
  • Is she interested being more than just friends?

    I am strongly attracted to a woman that I have known for the last 13 years. This has come about recently in the last year or so. We have taken road trips together, spent Valentines day having dinner, celebrated birthdays together, went to experience different events like dinner mystery, walk in the park, watching fireworks on 4th of July. I would always feel a special connection with her when we're together. But is she interested in being more than just friends.

    One time she asked " Would it be different from being friends to being in a relationship"? And I told her it would be different but not necessary bad and we left it at that. We been hanging out a lot more lately on the weekends and she would call me to go out to lunch or dinner. We even chatted about relationship from the afternoon to late morning the next day. But we have never gotten to the next step. Is she waiting for me to make a move? Is she interested at all? I am hesitant because I do not want to make this a weird situation in our friendship as I would hate to lose that if she finds out I am interested and she is not. I deeply care for this person and would not want any harm to come to her nor put any stress between us.

    Any opinions are appreciated and if you have gone through this perhaps tell me your story. Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • I am eligible for the Mazda S-Plan, good deal or no?

    I want to get a CX-5, I am eligible for the S-plan but was wondering if its better to negotiate with the dealer or get stuck paying the dealer's invoice...

    4 AnswersMazda9 years ago
  • Do you believe in Unconditional love?

    My take on unconditional love is that it does not exist. There is always a condition or amendment to love and I speak of this as it should include the idea of time because initially meeting someone you have an idea of why you love this person either because of his or her personality, their way of thoughts, they way they pay attention to you, the need that exudes from you just because the way they are at that moment but if over time those needs, attentions, personalities changes you would feel less love for them and in turn you change your attitude towards them. I believe it applies to everything which includes the love for a child as well because lets say they started out as your loving, caring, cute child and yet as they grow older they change but sometimes they would change for the worst and become someone else would you still love that child? I believe you will but you would love the child of the past but not of the future or perhaps love them to become better not worst. What I am Trying to say is love changes due to time and constant evolving but the ultimate point is that love is not unconditional because you already started out with a prerequisite of your own idea of love and should those conditions change so will your love. I am not saying it will change for the worst but change will happen over time through mediated conditions.

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Workers Unions in America: Good or Bad?

    In our current economic situation and in concern to our ability to compete effectively in the world market, is an occupational union a feasible tool for the country as a whole? To my understanding is that unions promote higher wages, benefits including health and time off, and other employee's rights. But in so doing I believe they have jeopardized the nation as a whole to be competitive in the areas of labor and production. They have increasingly favor higher wages while the workers employed are less skilled while other countries produced much more skilled workers and are a fraction of the cost. In many cases I believe too much of a good thing is a bad thing, in instances such as union workers taking advantage of the system by being inefficient. For example: A two persons job requiring 4 union workers, sleeping on the job without repercussion due to union protection, and besides not doing their job correctly like their non-union workers and yet because they belong to their respective union group it is hard to press the issue without causing a difficulties within the company. It is with these few examples amongst more that has made America less of a economic power base then it should have been. Workers unions were perhaps adequately protecting employment in the past but in this era perhaps it has turned into a bad idea. It might be a benefit to some but it has turned into a liability to all that resides in this country. Opinion?

    6 AnswersEconomics1 decade ago
  • Dream of you everyday?

    Day after day I see you from afar

    Sitting alone in my car

    I can only imagine you

    In the eternal journey

    That will be forever ours

    Traveling alone to no particular

    Until I see your shinning face

    On my brighten lunar

    But like the moon itself

    A dark cloud soon covers

    Into useless lovers

    My mind roams freely

    Always reaching to your safety

    But before I touch your hand

    You’ll always disappear

    Into the never land

    My cry goes unheard

    As if you were deaf

    Tearing me apart

    Like a broken art

    How can I see you again

    Without all the pain

    For every time I dream of you

    You are always far away

    I still dream of you everyday

    I haven't wrote in quite some time....

    4 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • What makes a man desireable?

    The way he treats those aound him? The way he struts around like a macho man. Or perhaps what he can provide for his family. His ability to stand up to hash condition in order to provide for those he loves. To continue carrying on for what he believes in even when those around him disagree. What makes a man disireable? Is it all based on looks? Tall, masculine, chisel looks, big package, etc.

    20 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • What can we do to make taxes acceptable?

    There are many suggestion in the past: Stop helping other countries with their problems, pull our troops out of foreign land, stricter immigration laws, reduce illegal aliens, tax the rich not the poor, reduce spending and borrowing within U.S. , stricter spending laws, a governemnt within a government to oversee unnecessary programs. There are so many arguments towards those suggestion but they have either been implemented and not worked or has been deemed inappropriate. What can we do to prevent more taxation? Are we doomed to have tax problem until the end of time?

    16 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Perfect city in body , not your mind. Care to interpret?

    As the room turns dark

    Stars losing its spark

    Dreams begin to decade

    Slowly they too begin to fade

    Surroundings not withstanding

    They too are fading

    People are quickly forgotten

    From a bright world they have come

    Into a void they have gone

    Hatreds are brewed

    Discontent is abound

    All the care in the world

    Has gone aground

    Confusion is abundant

    But answers are redundant

    Here he stood

    Looking from the outside

    At the inside

    What has gone wrong

    In this terrible room

    Knowing Joy and laughter

    Peace and tranquility

    How can this be a possibility

    Yet seeing this monstrosity

    He wondered

    How can this room have existed

    In his perfect city

    My second practice poem. Depends on how you look at it: someone losing so much they don’t see themselves anymore.

    5 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Man in despair.?

    It seems an eternity

    Since the sun arise

    With waves crashing infinity

    Besides the rocky shore

    A man sits alone

    on the edge

    Pondering the ponder

    that has plague him in wonder

    He held in his hands

    a tarnish flower

    From a past not long ago

    Used to be something complete

    But now it lies

    a broken heap

    How can a flower be of such beauty

    so full of light and purity

    become such a darkness

    encompassing the man’s heart

    turning him away from his fairness

    into one of sadness

    Nothing last forever

    In this broken world

    No one is spare

    of this agonizing truth

    This is what the man discover

    As he ponder

    at the edge of despair.

    My practice poem.

    7 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Do nice guys finish last in this generation?

    It seems that because of the expanded influence of media with the notion of long hair, singer in a band, sports player, money talks, chisel looks, all these things combine make for the more in demand for the general public. Many times you would see that men with these things are easily sway to cheat and disrepect their mate. Whatever happen to chivalry, kindness to others, gentlemen to the ladies, educated, and amognst other things of the past that are not really what is being seek by the ladies of today. Is fame that much more important then genuine happiness with someone who can understand you. Or is that the thing of the past and I'm just a living fossil? I respect women and cherish their opinion yet it is hard for me to find someone whom can appreciate what I have to offer. So I ask you what is important to you. Is it the bad boy, trash talking, rough, and tough that gets your devotion. Women gets treated badly but still wants to be with him..nice guys just can't win in this life?

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago