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Fish are awesome! Loving them so much along with aquatic plants! I like to answer fish questions because people seem to have a lot of them.

  • How does this stocking sound to you?

    Hi everyone! So I think I've finally made my decision on my 37 gallon setup.

    So here it is:

    A pair of German blue ram cichlids

    A trio of blue or red swordtails (most likely blue)

    8-10 neon, cardinal, or rummynose tetras (what do you think would be best?)

    5-6 peppered corycats

    Probably some cherry shrimp if the rams wouldn't attack them (which I don't think they'll do)

    This is going to be a dirted tank with a dark sand cap. I have Mopini wood already.

    I am gonna put a variety of live plants in here hence the dirt!

    I want Italian vals, amazon swords, crypts, dwarf sag, and probably a Madagascar lace plant since I love those.

    This will be my second dirt converted tank since I am so pleased with my other one.

    Thanks all!

    6 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • Stocking my 37? Suggestions please!!?

    Hi all! Well I have a fully cycled 37 up and running for over two years. Had goldfish, decided they are lame, and got rid of the goldfish! Still have a big pleco but he'll prolly go too cuz I really don't want him. But we will see!

    Any suggestions as to what to put in this tank?

    I'm open to any suggestions! Yes it is heated! I really never kept cichlids before other than some dwarfs and new world cichlids like severums and angels.

    I'm a live plant freak and don't have any in there now. But I'd like them depending on fish. I was thinking of this stocking:

    Pair of German rams

    School of cardinal tetras

    Trio of swordtails

    School of dwarf chain loaches OR cories

    I'm not by any means set on this though, this is just one thing I thought of.

    So by all means rate this stock idea and give me more!


    3 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • What kind of glue can I use to attach plexiglass to metal?

    I have plexi glass sheets that need to be attached to an aluminum frame. What kind of glue? I tried hot glue but that didn't work cuz it comes off the metal.

    4 AnswersHobbies & Crafts8 years ago
  • Which of my fish is eating my plants?

    I have a fully planted tank and I'm noticing that my plants' new leaves are being eaten, specifically my Italian val and Anubias nana. Also, the middle of my amazon sword plants are being eaten out as well. So there are large holes in the leaves.

    I removed my pleco assuming he's the culprit, at least the main one.

    However I just removed him, so it's not to say I got the problem out. Here's the rest of my fish species:

    Clown loach

    Tiger barb

    Clown barb

    Elephant nose

    Tiger loach


    Marble headstander

    Columbian tetra

    Kuhli loach

    I assume the elephant nose, kuhli loach, and tiger loach are not the plant eaters.

    I expect that the main plant eaters would be the pleco or the headstander. However I have heard that clown loaches and barbs as well as certain tetras certainly will eat plants.

    Let me know what you think! Thanks

    2 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • Dirting a tank. Airstone? Eel?


    I'm dirting my tank.

    Basically I'm almost ready. Still have to remove some fish and drain tank etc...

    Anyway...two questions:

    I have airstones, can you use them in dirted tanks?

    Also, I have a spiny eel. He burrows. I'm guessing you can't keep an eel in a dirted tank or any burrowing species for that matter cuz they'll mess it up?

    Any advise? Thanks!

    1 AnswerFish8 years ago
  • Changing an established tank to a dirted tank.?

    Hi. I want to convert my tank to a dirted tank. Right now I have the back of my tank gravel and the front sand with all artificial plants. However, I want to add real plants and I've been doing a lot of research on the best ways to do so. Almost any credible source suggests a dirted tank. I've come to agree. Here's my plan:

    1) set up another tank (a spare that I have. Furnish it lightly and fill it with mostly with the water from my main tank.

    2) move my fish into this new tank for temporary holding.

    3) empty my old tank and rinse it well

    4) get miracle gro organic choice potting soil (this is what I've read is safe) and mix it with gravel.

    5) spread a fine layer of crushed red clay on the floor of the tank (good source of plant nutrients)

    6) spread the soil mixture about a 1&1/2 inch to 2" layer.

    7) plant plants

    8) add sand over the top of the soil and around plants.

    9) add decor, rocks, driftwood, etc

    10) I read that crumpling up damp newspapers and spreading them over the sand will help keep the tanks substrate in place while you fill it.

    11) fill the tank mostly with new, conditioned water and leave it run for 24 hours

    12) add the old tank water into the tank again but leave some in the temporary tank for the fish

    13) let the tank run for a few hours and get to temperature.

    14) water test

    15) add the fish back into the tank.

    How does that plan sound? Anyone with experience doing this? Thank you!

    1 AnswerFish8 years ago
  • Any information on clown barbs is appreciated!?

    I plan on adding some clown barbs to my 55 gallon semi-aggressive community tank. Can you please share any information you may have on them with me? Thanks!

    1 AnswerFish9 years ago
  • Any training tips on Anatolian shepard.?

    Hi, have a 2 month old Anatolian Shepard that likes to nip! Any tips or hints on how to stop the nipping. Anyone with experience with the breed: please share anything you can tell me about training the anatolians!

    1 AnswerDogs9 years ago
  • Any information on tiger botias?

    I recently added a tiger botia to my aquarium. He's a cool fish but a little aggressive. I had to remove my pictus catfish because the botia was too pushy towards him. But that's okay because the botia is way cooler.

    Anyone with any experience keeping tiger botias? Anything special I should know about them?


    1 AnswerFish9 years ago
  • I want your opinion on my aquarium stocking.?

    Hi, I know my tank is overstocked but I just want to hear a general opionion from people about my stock. Bored is all.

    55 gallon. 110 AquaClear filter, Marineland Pro 600 circulation pump, 2 airstones (just so you know about water movement and filtration)

    One 3in yellow parrot cichlid

    One 5in green severum with red eyes

    One 5in lavender gourami

    One 4in rhino pleco

    One 5-6in pictus cat

    One 6-7in spiny peacock eel

    One 2-3in marble headstander

    One 2in Madagascar rainbow

    One 2in indigo rainbow

    One 2in corycat (I can't recall what kind)

    One 2in silver molly (dont really care for it, had more but died)

    One mixed platy (also dont care for because again only one of them)

    Three clown loach, one 2in, two 3in (I know 55 is below minimum tank size...)

    Two kuhli (coolie) loach, one 3in, one 2in.

    Two 4in silver dollars

    Four 1.5in beacon (head and tail light) tetras

    Three 1.5in columbian tetras

    Six 1-1.5in tiger barbs

    Three 1.5in silver hatchets

    I know this seems like way too many fish but everyone seems "happy". There is very little quarling, sometimes the headstander will get a little nippy with some of the smaller tetras and barbs but other than that never problems. I realize that some of these fishes can grow quite large but most of those fish are entering sizes now that are their "nonpermenant cap" meaning they grow fast to this size but tend to grow slowly after that. I mostly want your opinions on the fish I have, if you think I should exchange something for something else or any suggestions you could give me about different tank decor,etc. My tank is mostly a mix of sand and smooth pebble, artificial plants, driftwood, and large round rocks.


    3 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • What should I feed my new clown knife fish?

    I was told to feed him prepared foods like flakes and freeze dried foods but he's seven inches long and I think it's time to feed live shrimp and worms? This sounds dumb but I am serious, can I wash of earthworms from outdoors and feed with them? Thank you.

    9 AnswersFish10 years ago
  • Bubble eye goldfish swims upside down? ?

    Is it a problem that my bubble eye that I've had for nearly a year has started swimming upside down for nearly a month now? I think his bubbles are too heavy and causes him to swim and just float around upside down. He eats and stuff and can flip over if need be but usually he's upside down.

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Does the aquarium temperature affect clarity?

    Hi, I have a 20 gallon tank that is warm water (78degrees) and is crystal clear. Did I mention this tank is also overstocked yet also remains beautiful. Now I also have a 37 gallon coolwater goldfish tank with 5 decent size goldfish in it that is kinda cloudy. Now, grant it, the tank has only been up for 2 days, so could that be a reason why? Everything was washed before I put it though. The fish were added after 24 hours and a biological tank establisher was added immediatly after setup so the fish could be added soon. Why do you think this water is cloudy? I don't want it to be a terrible nasty tank.

    4 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Should I find a new home for my duck?

    I have a male and a female muscovy duck. The female is timid but not too afraid of me. The male however hates me with a passion and runs when I am near and just does not seem to want me come near him or anything. He wont eat out of my hand or handle him gently like the female. I am thinking about finding him a new home, one where he can live with a whole bunch of other ducks and he won't have to interact with his owner too much but can instead interact with many other ducks. However, do you think my female duck will get too lonely and die? What are your thoughts? Any experienced duck or poultry owners would be great people to help me..

    7 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • My ducks do not like me lately, what to do?

    My ducks used to let me close and even ate out of my hand when they roamed my yard. Now I had to make a cage to put them in and they don't seem to mind the closing in but now it seems like they hate me. They don't eat out of my hand anymore and they run away from me frequently and crash into the cage. I have no clue what to do to make them the way they were before. Please help if you have any advice. Thanks!

    5 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • How to befriend my ducks?

    My pair of muscovy ducks are about 5 months old now and I have had them since the first few days of life. The female will eat bread out of my hand sometimes and the male will wait patiently until I drop some for him. Lately I have had to carry my ducks at night and morning to put them in their daytime enclosure to their night time enclosure, and they don't much like it. Soon they will have a permanent shelter so I will not have to do that. Which should help the skittishness I think. What other things can I do to befriend my ducks? When I used to let them out in the yard they followed me around but were weary about petting or handling of any kind. Any tips?

    1 AnswerBirds1 decade ago
  • What breeds of chickens does Tractor Supply in Spring?

    In March I bought some pullets at Tractor Supply. They had no specific breed name, and now I don't know. 5 of the six chicks had a caramel colored fuzz and now they are reddish golden brown. The other was very yellow and now is white with faint splashed tan.

    1 AnswerZoology1 decade ago
  • My goldfish seems to be twirling when it swims?

    I have a goldfish that is about a year old. Just tonight for the first time I noticed that he was rapidly twirling when he was swimming, By twirling here is what I mean: Imagine one of those things that you hang up so when the wind blows it spins and it looks like it just keeps spinning and spinning forever. Now put that horizontal and that is how is swimming.

    Right side up one second and up side down the next. What is this? At first I thought it was whirling disease but I don't think so because the videos of that didn't look like this they were more like spinning in circles and such,

    Do you think this is contagious because I have other fish in the tank and I don't want them to catch it. I don't notice any external bumbs or parasites on the fish.

    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • What vegetable seed brand is the best?

    Hey, I am a hobby gardener. I love "heirlooms!" What is the most reliable seed brand out there on the net?? Send me a website that has great seeds that are very dependable, heirlooms are welcomed!! I love unique veggies too!!

    6 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Saving squash seeds? Cross pollination?

    Hey. I just had an acorn squash and a saved the seeds, dried them, and now they are sitting in the fridge in envelopes till next planting season. I heard this is on way to do this. Anyway, if I plant these seeds next year will they cross pollinate with store bought seeds like butternut squash, zucchini, or yellow squash? I've heard they are okay the first year (like store bought.) But will the SAVED seeds cross with the BOUGHT seeds?? If they would, how far away should I plant them to ensure they wont?? THANKS!

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape1 decade ago