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  • Ladies:  What would you do in this situation?

    Wed, you start a load of laundry and once the tub fills up with water something happens and the washing machine stops working.  You tell your husband and he thinks he knows what the problem is because it's happened before.  What do you do?

    A)  Take the wet clothes out and drive a mile down the street to the laundromat to finish washing them or

    B)  You walk away and let your husband deal with it?

    My wife chose option B.  Our washing machine broke on Wed and she told me.  Granted I'm in the middle of my work day so I couldn't just stop and go deal with it.  The next morning I pull all the wet clothes out of the water and put them in a bucket and shop vac all the water out.  I told my wife I'd have to take it apart to possibly fix it.  Today is Friday and my wife is off work but those wet clothes are still sitting in the bucket in our laundry room soaked.  She out running around right now.  I guess she's going to wait on me to fix the machine before she finishes the clothes.  My plan was to do it tomorrow but my job is requiring mandatory OT all day so I'll have to push it off till Sunday.  How does she not see the problem here?  The washing machine is on the fritz so it's not my responsibility to fix it and rewash those clothes.  

    19 AnswersMarriage & Divorce2 months ago
  • How would you classify this friendship?

    I have a female friend I've known for about 5 years or so.  We hang out from time to time and have even gotten physical on a number of occasions.  No, we don't speak every day but we communicate often.  Earlier this year on Jan 4th she text me because she was out and thought she saw my car.  She was wondering if it was me and if so could we pull over somewhere and do some things if you know what I mean.  Well, it wasn't me but we started texting and I tried to set up a time we could hook up.  She kept saying how she missed me pleasuring her.  I tried to set up a meet with her but she has a place with her mom and doesn't know her mom's schedule so she wouldn't commit to anything.  Again, that was on 1/4.  Since then I've text her a few times and gotten no reply.  Late last night, 1/18, yep, 2 weeks later, she finally replies saying she had been busy with a childhood friend who moved back into town and she had been hanging out with them heavily since then but she wanted to let me know she was doing fine.  I have not replied yet because she literally ghosted me for the past 2 weeks and now she wants to reply.  I'm one of those who feels it takes very little effort to return a text and I should have gotten something long before 2 weeks passed.  Is this strictly physical for her when she needs some fun in her life or would you actually classify this as a friendship.  Again, she text me first thinking I was driving close to her and she wanted to link up.  Then she ghosted me.

    2 AnswersFriends3 months ago
  • If they win, does/should the wife actually get any of the money?

    I recently heard a story of a group of siblings who all decided to go in on the current lottery.  It appears that one guy, who is married, could possibly be faced with a dilemma.  Every Sunday he and his siblings go hang out at their parent's house just to reconnect with each other and their parents.  This one guy's wife rarely goes as she chooses to stay home alone.  She's probably gone with him once in the past 4 or 5 months.  Well, this past sunday he and a few of the other siblings all put in $2 each to get into the lottery.  When he got home he mentioned it to his wife and now she is on this kick of "if we win" or "my portion of the winnings."  The thing is this.  They have never had a joint bank account nor put their funds together.  His paycheck goes into his account and hers goes into hers.  When a bill comes due one of them will pay it with their funds.  My question is this.  Is she "technically" owed any of the funds if they win.  Now let's set aside that they are married.  Yes, I know the laws and things like that so even though they are married his winnings are partially hers and vice versa.  But again, they've never co-mingled their money.  Sure, if they win he'll probably give her some of the money but what is she actually entitled to?  Let's have a conversation about this.  What are your thoughts?  Is she entitled to half of anything he wins, if he wins?

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce3 months ago
  • McDonald's McCafe' foam issue?

    This may seem like an odd or dumb question but has anyone else had this experience?  Every morning before work I go to McDonalds for my normal coffee.  A large hazelnut latte.  Most mornings they understand what a large is, even though they put it in a large cup.  But some mornings they must think I'm dumd or won't notice.  I get to work and they pour about a half a cup then top the rest off with foam however they charge the same amount.  I'm paying for coffee not foam.  Then when you bring it up to them they give you the excuse "well, the machine determines the amount."  Funny thing is that when I go to other McDonald's they seem to be able to fill up a large cup.  I'm not talking about to the rim but a good amount taller than just half a cup then the rest with foam.  Has anyone else noticed this but me?  I stopped today and ordered my coffee and specifically told them "no foam" and they seems to have a problem with that.   

    4 AnswersFast Food4 months ago
  • Asking a co-worker to be the child's God-parent?

    I recently came across a post here where a wife was upset with her husband because he has befriended a younger co-worker on his job.  They recently hired her and he was partially responsible for training her.  She's been with the company almost a year.  He's 51 and she's 30, pregnant with her 3rd child.  Anyway, the guy and this girl are really friendly and have kept things above board as far as work is concerned.  The wife is upset that this young girl haw asked her husband to be the child's god-father once it's born.  In reading the responses to the question many have said that there must be something going on between this girl and the husband for her to name him as the god-father.   One person even made the comment that "you do not name your co-worker as the god-parent."  My question is why not?  If this girl and guy have forged a friendship who are we to tear it down simply because she wants him to be her child's god-father?  And the wife seemed upset because she didn't ask her to be the god-mother, even though this girl and the wife have never even spoken or met.  My take on it is this.  You can name anyone you see fit as the god-parent.  Maybe this girl sees him as a role model, mentor, or positive figure that could benefit her child.  Again, I see nothing wrong if that's what she wants to do.  What do you guys think?

    3 AnswersFamily6 months ago
  • Mixed signals?

    There's a female co-worker on my job and she and I have gotten really close in the past year or so. So much so that we've began texting and even sexting somewhat.  The problem is that she has a live in boyfriend that she constantly complains about and how he won't move and how she's ready to leave him.  My problem is that she's hinting that she would like something between she and I but she's not making any plans to leave the bf.  A few weeks ago she asked me if I knew anyone who was renting an apartment because she was fed up.  I gave her the rental info to the place I live at but today she told me that she's going to the beach to celebrate her upcoming birthday and the bf was going with her.  One day you're tired of him and ready to move but then the next you're taking him to the beach with you to celebrate your birthday.  Is this mix signals?  Does she really want to leave him or not?  I'm not investing any more time into this until she tells me she now has her own place.  And even after that I'm gonna watch myself because I may start coming around, if she tells me where she lives, and this bf may still be in the picture.  Is she just playing or not?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 months ago
  • Was she lying to me or just not telling the truth?

    Late last year I was getting really close with a female co-worker.  we started talking and texting daily.  Even to the point to where we were exchanging photos, if you know what I mean.  Some of the pics she sent me seemed a bit questionable like they were a little too professional.  None of them had her face in them but when I asked about them she gave me some excuse about them so I guess I believed it.  One of the pics she sent was of a pair of legs crossed on a bed with a hand strategically placed of the private area.  The rest of the pic was nude.  We had talked about getting together but then covid hit and we all started working from home.  I haven't seen her in a while.  And since then we haven't spoken much.  Recently I was looking at a few porn sites and I came across the very pic that she sent me on a bed with her leg crosses, or so I though were her legs.  Like I say, I questioned the photo when she sent it but she casually explained it to me.  One of two things is going on here.  (1) She's on a pron site posting pics or (2) she copied the photos from various site to pass them off as her.  Yeah, I'm going with option 2.  Did she lie to me or just didn't tell me the truth?  And should I call her out on it or not?  At this point since we haven't really spoken in a while I'm going to let it rest but if things heat back up between us I'm surely going to mention the photo(s) to her.  Of all the pics she sent I only believe that one was actually of her.  

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 months ago
  • Can you tell when she's cheated?

    I was talking with a few buddy friends of mine recently and one of them thinks that his girl is cheating on him.  He said that she's not acting strange or getting missing or anything like that but he feels this way because when they have sex she's not as tight as she use to be.  Sometime she is and sometimes she not.  He feels that she's loser after she's possibly been with another guy.  I myself was messing around with a girl and we almost go to the point of having sex when she stopped us saying that her boyfriend would know she had been with someone else.  Is it really possible to tell if a girl has been with another guy based solely on how tight or lose she is?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating8 months ago
  • Ladies, how much money would it take for you? Or would you?

    I overheard a group of young women recently and they were discussing something pretty strange. One girl mentioned that she knew an older guy who she had hooked up with a couple of times in the past and he wants to get with her again. she said that he offered her $40 so orally please her and take a few pics. She said that she told him she would do it but wanted $80. He said for $80 he wanted to have sex with her. She then said she would never let him have sex wth her again. This was a back and forth negotiation. He then said $80 for oral on her, pics and for her to give him oral till he ejaculated. Again she said no, she wasn't putting his thing in her mouth. She then offered $70 for oral on her, pics, and she would jack him off. They left before I heard if he accepted the offer or if it was ever completed. How many of you would ever consider this? Sexual favors in exchange for money? Yeah, it's prostitution but in times like this would you ever look at this as some extra pocket change with no actual sex involved. Would any of you do it, or have you?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating10 months ago
  • Would you ever report yourself to your boss?

    I work for a medical company signing up patients to receive free medication. It's an application process and not every patient get approved. If everyone got approved then there would be no need for an application. Today I received a call from a doctor's office about a patient's application because the patient was denied. The woman on the phone was questioning why. When I told her the information that we had received from the patient's insurance stating he only had a $8.95 co-pay for the medication she kept saying that when they go to the pharmacy it keeps ringing up over $100. I told her we don't set the price for the medication and they would need to call their insurance company. She wasn't liking what I was saying and demanded to speak to my manager or supervisor. I told her I would forward her information and phone number on to the managers and she should expect a call within 24 hours. Knowing our managers it may be days before anyone calls them back, and that's if they do. Then she was questioning why we didn't reprocess the application. We processed it the first time and he was denied. Are we to assume the information his insurance company gave us is wrong and we should automatically reprocess it hoping for an approval? Again, not every patient get approved. If that was the case no one would get turned down for a mortgage, car loan, apt, etc. It's an application process for a reason.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 year ago
  • Can you believe he called me dainty?

    My husband and I are at it again. Yesterday he decided that he was going to work some OT on his job. Wed are normally his late day and he doesn't get off till 8 but he decided to get in a couple of extra hours and work till 10. 10 rolled around and I assumed he was on his way home. Around 10:30 when he didn't walk in the house I called and text him to find out where he was and he told me that he had hung around and was speaking to an employee who was working till midnight. Then he had to stop and get some gas. That made me mad because he didn't walk in the house until a little after 11 PM. We got into it and I told him that I don't like being home by myself. I'm 49. My husband said that he hates a dainty woman who can't be alone without a man there to protect her. He told me to just lock the doors. But what really made him angry with me was the fact that I alluded to the fact that maybe he was out doing something else. My mind tends to wander when he's not home but I told him I just didn't like being home by myself. He said that he's not just going to run home so I can feel secure and there are going to be times when I'm going to be gone from the house. He said it's funny that I can take a day off work and sit at home all day and not think about my safety but the minute it gets dark I turn into some scared little girl. Can you believe he called me dainty and am I wrong for my feelings? I'm not dainty. I was in 2 branches of the military in my youth.

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 year ago
  • What's more important?

    Let's say you got into an argument with someone over something trivial but you made a big deal out of it. They told you it wasn't worth all the conversation but you just wouldn't let it go. One thing leads to another and you kept going on and on and on about it. You get popped in the mouth over it. Now all you want to focus on is the fact that you got hit instead of looking at yourself and saying, "was it worth me continually talking about it?" Had you just let it go you would have never gotten popped but you're the type of person to where when you have something on your mind you don't quit until you feel you've been heard. Most people would look at you and think you were making a mountain out of a mole hill by not just moving on past it and stop stressing over something unimportant.

    You pull into a parking space at a grocery store and there's an open space on your passenger side. When you return to your car another car has pulling so close to you on your passenger side until you get angry. Granted, they didn't hit or touch your car. You wait on them because you want to give them a piece of your mind. The other driver comes out and you clearly could have gotten out of your space but you want to state your case. The other driver apologizes but you just won't let it go. One thing leads to another and you keep going on so much about it until the driver pops you in the mouth because they've heard enough. Do you have right to be mad?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 year ago
  • Do you believe this story?

    I listen to a morning radio program each day and they have this segment called the 2nd Date Update where people call in because the date they went on didn't go as planned and they want a redo. This morning a guy calls in because the girl he recently took out blocked him. They get her on the phone and she said that he left her at the restaurant with a $600 bill because he didn't bring enough money on the date. He said he took her to Ruth's Chris and when he realized he didn't have enough money he went to the bathroom. She went to the bar and ordered some Louis XIII because that's the only thing she drinks. He ducks out and left her hanging that's why she won't respond to him.

    First of all what did you order from Ruth's Chris that was over $600 and why in the would would this girl order Louis XIII on someone else's dime? How much is a shot of Louis XIII anyway?

    Do you believe this story? They patched the two together on the phone and she demanded her money back with interest because she had to pay the bill since he snuck out. Why would a guy leave a girl hanging in a restaurant like that? If it's true.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 year ago
  • Who do women . . . . ?

    Get offended when their man looks at or talks about a celebrity on TV? Like they will ever , EVER, have a shot and getting with the woman. My girl and I were sitting the other night watching the Grammy's and they showed Cardi B in the audience. She knows I loves me some Cardi. I paused it and rewound the TV to look at her again. She got all upset about it. But let Shemar Moore or someone like that come on TV and you'll have to wipe the drool from her lips. Why do women do that?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 year ago
  • Is this a high class girl looking for a deep pocket?

    I recently posted about a co-worker who was unhappy with her bf and she and I have been communicating. I think I'm being played because a number of the pics she sent me don't look like her but look more like screenshots from a porn site. Well, she screenshot a pic of a very ritzy hotel / golf resort in our city and made mention the she would love to go there. Rooms are several hundred a night. This morning she and I were talking about Thanksgiving plans and I told her I was leaving Fri morning to go hang with my family at the beach and I mentioned that you can get great rooms now with oceanfront views for less than $100. She made mention that she would never stay in a place that cheap because she's a "high class chic". She needs the spa and massage treatment and again mentioned how much she expected to spend on a hotel. What's she trying to say? In order to get with her I need to come out of the pocket to lavish her in luxury. But, we are talking about a girl who's got 2 different baby daddies and a boyfriend who apparently cheated on her some time ago. What do you think?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 year ago
  • Am I being played and should I play along?

    I've been on my job for about a year now as a customer service rep for a large company. I have a female co-worker and for months now we've been friendly with each other. But in the past month or so Our conversations have really taken a turn. She told me she liked me so we exchanged numbers and began texting. Now she works from home so we don't see each other that often unless she has to come into the office. In the past week our conversations have turned sexual. The problem is this. She's in a bad relationship that she can't really get out He lives with her and she can't just put him out because he's been there too long. She'd have to go through an eviction process. Well, She keeps telling me that she wants more with me. Yesterday she asked me for a few private pics which I sent when I got home. She returned a few blurry photos but upon further looks at them you could tell they weren't of her but possibly screen shots from a porn site. I knew something was up then. This morning I don't have to be into work until later so she text me "Good morning" and asks what I was doing. I told her I was about to get in the shower. She wanted to invite herself over but couldn't because she had to get to work. I suggested I swing by her place and do some things with her and she said that sounded like a good idea but when I asked for her address she suddenly went silent. She just hmu asking what side of town I live on and when I told her she now wants to talk about the

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 year ago
  • Check deposit hold, why so long?

    Several weeks ago I was let go from my job and I don't qualify for unemployment because I exhausted all my available weeks earlier this year. So I have no money coming in right now. I recently found out that I had a 401K from a job I worked a few years ago and it had like a $1500 balance in it. I decided to cash it out because I really need the money right now. After federal and state taxes were taken out I received a check yesterday for a little more than $1100. I did a mobile deposit into my bank account and the email confirmation I received said the funds would be available on that day but a hold will be placed on the check. This morning I wake up and check my account and I can see the deposit but it says the funds will be held till next Wed, 7 business days after the initial deposit. From everything I'm seeing this does not qualify as a "large deposit" and those funds should be available today. In years past they bank would at least make $200 available until everything else was verified but they didn't even do that. This was a check from ADP not from a personal account. Why does it take a bank, in 2018, more than a week to verify an $1100 check deposit?

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance3 years ago
  • Is it wrong that mom doesn't want to have dad's funeral at his church?

    My mom and dad haven't been members of the same church in some 30 years. They raised us all in the family church for years until we all grew up and decided to venture out. All of my brothers and sisters, including mom, are at different churches now and I'm the only one still at the family church with my dad who is a deacon there and has worked all his life in. Several years ago the church went through a financial hardship and we're no longer at the location we were at. Our church has moved to a location about 25 miles away. Yes, we lost members but my dad and I remained members and didn't mind the drive. Dad is now 80 and health is declining rapidly. In the past few months he has been attending church with my mom so she can keep an eye on him. He would occasionally go to the family church where he's still a deacon and still a member. In speaking with one of my sisters yesterday she mentioned that mom has said that when he dies she's not having his funeral at the family church because she feels that's too far for the family to travel. She wants to have his funeral in a more convenient location for her so she doesn't to ride that far to the family church. Yes, I know that the spouse makes the decision in situations like that but how would you like it if someone decided to have your funeral not at the place your served simply because they didn't want to go that far? Should I talk to mom to get her to reconsider this decision?

    7 AnswersFamily3 years ago
  • How much control does a boss or manager have over your personal stuff?

    I work for a fairly large company with many locations across the country. We have a new manager for our department but this woman is stationed out of our TX office. She's a major micromanager. She'll be in the office next week for a visit and we've been told that while she's here we are to make sure that all cell phones and unnecessary things are out of view from her or she'll take them from your desk and put them away for you. Now, the local managers don't have a problem with us having them out cause they know most of us have kids or ailing parents. We don't see the general public in our dept and we usually listen to our headphones during the day as long as we get our work done. However, this new manager doesn't like seeing those things. Again, major micro manager. We've been told that once she leaves at the end of the week it's back to business as usual. How would you feel if a new manager walked by your desk and just saw your phone out, picked it up and moved it because they felt they could?

    15 AnswersLaw & Legal4 years ago
  • Is she sending mixed signals or just being a tease?

    I met this woman on a dating app a few days ago and from day one she's been nothing but sexual with me. We've never spoken on the phone but only texted each other. The first day she began sending me naked pics of her, even a few with her face in them. Some of the pics were really explicit. I asked her when I could come see her and she was like, "oh, you can't have any until we get to know each other better." She keeps saying she's horny and wants to get her little toy but she'd rather have the real thing. Today, she sends me a text saying good morning and asked what I was doing. I told her I was at work and she said she's like to come over and crawl under my desk and pleasure me. Then she sends me a pic of her vagina which was really wet. I asked her if I could come help her out and again she said she doesn't just sleep with a guy on the first meet but since we have been talking she's done nothing short of sending me one naked pic after another. Is she sending mixed signals or just being a tease?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago