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  • What do 32 year old guys like?

    Been talking to this 32 yr old guy for a couple weeks now. Going to go out tomorrow. I'm 25 female. But I'm just curious if since he's older if he's into something different

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Question for guys?

    Met this guy. He looked only 28 or 29 But he's 32 and I'm 26. Started talking to him, very forward about wanting to out with him. We've been talking for about almost a week now. I know he's older and may want more like sex maybe. But so far he's been very mature about everything. I know he's probably at that age where he may want a family soon. But I'm still getting to know him. But I like everything about him so far. Any thoughts guys on just keeping his attention. I don't want him to loose my attention just because I'm 26

    1 AnswerMen's Health6 years ago
  • I've been getting alot of headaches or migraines alot??

    Lately Ive been getting alot of migraines or headaches in general. Which in turn make my face feel hot like I have a fever but don't. Then I was thinking I hve eye ache that's giving me a headache but not sure. When I look up I feel as if it makes my head hurt. I don't feel stressed out or anything. But I hear you can't always tell that you are. Any thoughts or ideas what or how it can be caused. Until my doctors appointment

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management6 years ago
  • Nauseous for some reason.. Any ideas?

    Last Saturday I took an emergency contraceptive. Started my period a day late, my period is light. I have been feeling very nauseous for the past several days. To the point where I almost throw up. It's irritating feelings like that. Ive been drinking more water thinking I wasn't drinking enough. Still feel the same. Maybe the emergency contraceptive didn't work or late side affects from it or something else??? Any ideas

    1 AnswerWomen's Health6 years ago
  • Burning in my vagina after he ejaculated in me??? Why?

    He has came in me before and this has never happened to me. We never use condoms and he has been pulling out. But this time he came inside me. It didn't start burning right away. It's started burning like ten minutes later and lasted for about 30mins to and hour. Then went away. Why did it burn??

    2 AnswersWomen's Health6 years ago
  • what does this mean?

    What does it mean when someone tells you not to be a smart ***?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • can a guy get a urinary tract infection from taking other medicines for other problems?

    Just curious if a guy can get a urinary tract infection,from being on more then one type of medicine for other health problems?

    3 AnswersMen's Health6 years ago
  • how could one possibly know they have an std of any sort? if ive only had sex with this same guy ever.?

    Ive only ever had sex with one guy. We still have sex. He has been in and out of the doctor for other reasons. But he has been doing deep diagnosis of himself and thinking he has all these things wrong with him. But today he said he had painful urinating, and now thinks he has an std, just because of that one symptom. And is upset with me because he thinks i may have gave him something. When hes the only guy ive ever done anything sexually with. And my mouth is always clean when i give him a bj. I have no symptoms at all in my private area, feel fine all together, keep myself clean. He says im only person hes slept with. We have been have sex without a condom since we started hanging out again, and he just pulls out before he comes. Now i feel like hes blaming me, for his health issue. Painful urination can be cause by alot of could one possibly know they have an std of any sort? if ive only had sex with this same guy ever. Is there anyway to get a test from a store while i wait till i see my doctor to get tested? My appointment is three days from now.

    3 AnswersSTDs6 years ago
  • thoughts on my situation with this guy?

    What are the best things/topics to talk about when laying in bed with your guy?

    Me and my guy are 25, we used to date before, but things got complicated. However we have been doing "just friends "for a long time now. Since then we hang t a lot, and have sex. But we have nt kissed or held hands or anything. But acouple days ago he kissed me right before going at it. Does that mean he's ready to move forward now? Or what?. We have no status, other then just friends and we look at each other, every body thinks we are dating. Honestly I've been wanting him to kiss me for a while now and was giving up on that ever happening again. We have never argued, and have good communication. What do toy think so far?

    Also sometimes when were are laying in bed,before or after sex, i lose thought and feel like i have nothing to talk to him about anymore and we're just lay quietly. Any good topics our things to talk about when laying in bed.????

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • finally!!!?

    After being on and iff for a whille, doing "just friends" or fwb. It got to the point where i just wanted to kiss him so so bad, other then just have sex, and hang out alot. But finally he leaned in for a kiss, i wasnt sure at first. But im glad. Thats alot i wanted to say

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • if a guy gives his girlfriend a puppy, whatd does that mean?

    Im just curious if a guy gives his girl a puppy as a gift, if it means they are serious or not? Also what if a guy and girl where just friends, and a guy gave her a puppy? Does that mean anything? Im not sure if is supposed to mean we are more serious now, and that i care for you.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • trying to get more attention from him. need help. advice?

    So me and my guy friend are 26. We started dating a year ago and where on and off for a few months, so we decided to do just friends. Still we would hang and started just doing fwb. We always hangout, not all the time do we have sex. But do most of the time. And have been doing this for a while now i would say a good 6 months. However i want afgection from him other then just having sex. Laying in bed together. I want to kiss him so bad. But not sure, if i should just go in and kiss him when were laying in bed or something, or if i should ask him if i could kiss him either way, i know the outcome could be good or bad as in (why are you kissing me, or why would you want to kiss me, or yeah ive been waiting for you to.) so all that plays through my mind. I know we are friends, but sometimes it gets to the point where he questions me like hes my boyfriend and worries about me. Honestly there was one time he started questioning through text about sonething that happened at my work so i called to answer them as we talked he questioned me like the concerned boyfriend. Then i said you dont trust me and then he said its not like we are dating and at that moment i just wanted to tell him to stop questioning me like we are. But i wasbt sure what that would do. I dont want to mess up our friendship. We only have sex with each other no q else

    So any ideas if it be a good idea to kiss him, or just wait to see if he ever does, or maybe just give hin a kiss on the cheek or neck or ?????????

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • what do guys get out of this?

    What do guys get out of doing a sex video? My guy asked me to do one with him. Other then probably wanting to post it, or black mail. What other then that, would a guy want to record themselves having sex?

    Don't worry i didn't do it. I'm just curious

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • i need help on some ideas on what to get for my guy for Christmas?

    Hey guys, my guy is 27, i have only known him a year. And ive never got him anything as a gift yet, but i want to get him something for Christmas this year. Any ideas on what guys might like for christmas? I thought about getting him some of the name brand clothes he likes, or a watch, hes very athletic, but not sure, what is too much. I dont want to go over board. He just got a new car. And im all out of ideas. I thought of just getting a bunch of small stuff he likes and putting it together.but not sure it may be too cheesy. Or making him something, not food. Idk. Sex is not going to be a gift to him, we do it all the time. So okay. Any ideas guys?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • best gifts to get the guy in your life for christmas without it being to much?

    Ive been with this guy for about year now. We are both 25. I have and idea what he likes but not sure. Like idk if i should get him any clothing apparel, idk hus size, he just got a new car, also im not sure what else i could possibly get him. Ive never git him anything before, this will be my first year .any ideas what would be a good gift? I don't want to get him gift cards,its kinda of chessey but Its my last resort.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • when to take a pregnancy test?

    Can i take a pregnancy test if i think im implantation bleeding. Im already 4 days late, no im just spotting. Can i still take a pregnancy test to be sure and still get a correct result?

    2 AnswersPregnancy6 years ago
  • am i pregnant or not?

    Im 2 days late. On my third day still nothing, no signs of anything other then ive been nauseated no vomitting though, ive had bad headaches these past few days, im glad today i havnt got one. I have a pad on just in case, but nothing. I should, have started by now. I was told to just wait and see if i start and if i dont start after the seven day then i should take a test. Me and my guy have been having unprotected sex, doing the pull out method, so he hasnt came inside just on my stomach. Any thoughts, maybe still to early to take a test? Or im just gonna start late? I dont feel stress and i havent been worried or thinking to much i may be pregnant or not, just curious to know others thoughts while i play the waiting gamd

    2 AnswersPregnancy6 years ago
  • do all women get pregnancy symptoms?

    I believe i may be pregnant but not sure yet. I havent started my period, im a day late. These past few days have been filled with headaches, and being very nauseous but no vomitting. I had figured i was going to start because i had slight cramps a few days before i was supposed to start. I told my guy i havent started yet too. We have been having unprotected sex, he does the pull out method, he hasnt came in me, and im not on any birth cpntrol either. Its been a week since we last had sex. So im not sure but i think it still to early to take a test probably. But do all women get symptoms when becoming pregnant?

    3 AnswersPregnancy6 years ago
  • could i be pregnant?

    Me and my guy (both 25) been having sex lately without a condom, im not on birth control either, he does the pull out method, and just comes on my stomach. Anyways im a day late on my period. Been having headaches these past few day and feel nauseated at times. I figured i would had started since i was having slight cramps a fews before im sopposed to start. I could just be late an am going to start. I believe it may be still to early to tell if i was pregnant or not. Had unprotected sex yesterday, (he did the pull out method), did that thinking it make me start, but it didnt. Any ideas?

    2 AnswersPregnancy6 years ago
  • early early symptoms of pregnancy? what are some super early signs?

    We are both 25. So i have had unprotected sex lately. He has just been doing the withdrawal method, and just letting it out on my stomach.

    Its been only 4 days since ive last had sex. Im not going to lie weve been having sex like every 4 days for the past two weeks. Im not on birth control either. Im not sure if there are any super early signs. Like Ive been having alot of vaginal white mucus lately, i feel like ive been emotional and tired. Sounds stupid, but i feel emotional, l I ke crying for no reason or about something stupid, which i never do. Ive been sore on my back lately.

    I dont start my period for another 2 weeks. Im not thinking about it if im pregnant or not. It just caught my attention today when i started crying for no reason, and just emotional you know. Any ideas? I know its to early to take a test. Plus id rather wait to just find out if i start my period or not. And. Have been starting 2 days late every month so far. Any ideas?

    3 AnswersPregnancy7 years ago