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Please help! I really like this girl and don't know how to tell her or if I should?
How do I know if she likes me back?
I like this girl named Maggie, I know she is into woman because she is openly bi (thats what it says on her fb). We talk in school at least once a day, also we hug almost every day (sometimes she hugs me sometimes I hug her). She smiles at me sometimes when I smile at her, but other times she doesn't notice me.and she sometimes flirts but not always. As for outside of school yes we have been over each others houses. And I've actually stand over her house (like a sleep over). She flirts with me sometimes. Ex when I stayed over her house and we were watching a horror movie, on the movie it was like "just admit you killed them!" Then she turns to me kinda smiling and places her fist on my knee (kinda like if you were going to slam it on a table but really lightly like just placing it there) and jokingly she's like "I killed them!" Then also when we were playing my sims she bumped into me and was like "oops I almost fell ontop of you, that would have been awkward". Though sometimes I feel like she doesn't because she talks to her other friends more, or in like a different way, or doesn't always talk to me. And with texting I almost always start the convo.
<3 thanks for you're help.. Also I'm not openly bi, but she knows I'm bi because I came out to my GSA(gay straight alliance) group which she is in. Also what may be additional signs I may be missing?
1 AnswerLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender8 years agoHow do I know if she likes me?
How do I know if she likes me back?
I like this girl named Maggie, I know she is into woman because she is openly bi (thats what it says on her fb). We talk in school some times, also we hug almost every day (sometimes she hugs me sometimes I hug her). She smiles at me sometimes when I smile at her, but other times she doesn't notice me.and she sometimes flirts but not always. As for outside of school yes we have been over each others houses. And I've actually stand over her house (like a sleep over). She flirts with me sometimes. Ex when I stayed over her house and we were watching a horror movie, on the movie it was like "just admit you killed them!" Then she turns to me kinda smiling and places her fist on my knee (kinda like if you were going to slam it on a table but really lightly like just placing it there) and jokingly she's like "I killed them!" Then also when we were playing my sims she bumped into me and was like "oops I almost fell ontop of you, that would have been awkward". Though sometimes I feel like she doesn't because she talks to her other friends more or doesn't always talk to me. And with texting I almost always start the convo.
<3 thanks for you're help.. Also I'm not openly bi, but she knows I'm bi because I came out to my GSA(gay straight alliance) group which she is in.
2 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender8 years agoSo I have a crush on this girl in my school?
How do I know if she likes me back?
I like this girl named Maggie, I know she is into woman because she is openly bi (thats what it says on her fb though she seems closer to a lesbian). We talk in school some times, also we hug almost every day (sometimes she hugs me sometimes I hug her). She smiles at me sometimes when I smile at her, but other times she doesn't notice me. As for outside of school that hasn't worked v.v I've tried inviteing her a few times but she's busy, though she has an excuse and will tell me why she can't go. Because she is always busy it would lead me to believe she isn't interested, however she did invite me to a movie once, unfortunetly I had something I couldn't get out of v.v. She's also agreed with me when I've said things like "we should hang out sometime" idk if she is just being nice or she actualy does wants to hang out but we've just had bad timeing. :/ So do you think there is a chance she likes me?
<3 thanks for you're help... also one more thing I'm not openly bi, if that makes a difference only 2 of my friends and my parents know, I'm working on comeing out to my friends... One more thing I'm a junior in high school and she is a senior in high school.
1 AnswerLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender9 years agoSo I have I crush on this girl in my school?
How do I know if she likes me back?
I like this girl named Maggie, I know she is into woman because she is openly bi (thats what it says on her fb though she seems closer to a lesbian). We talk in school some times, also we hug almost every day (sometimes she hugs me sometimes I hug her). She smiles at me sometimes when I smile at her, but other times she doesn't notice me. As for outside of school that hasn't worked v.v I've tried inviteing her a few times but she's busy, though she has an excuse and will tell me why she can't go. Because she is always busy it would lead me to believe she isn't interested, however she did invite me to a movie once, unfortunetly I had something I couldn't get out of v.v. She's also agreed with me when I've said things like "we should hang out sometime" idk if she is just being nice or she actualy does want to hang out but we've just had bad timeing. :/
<3 thanks for you're help... also one more thing I'm not openly bi, if that makes a diffrence only 2 of my friends and my parents know, I'm working on comeing out to my friends... One more thing I'm a junior in high school and she is a senior in high school.
1 AnswerLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender9 years agoI want to come out to my parents as bisexual, is this a good way to?
Okay I want to come out and I want your opinion on if this is a good way to. This is what I'll say or close to (cuz ya know with nerves it might not come out the way I plans it). "Mom, dad I have something important to tell you, and I want you to take me seriously. Pleas hear me out and do not interrupt until I'm done speaking. I'm bisexual I've always been attractted to both genders even at a young age, though at a young age I didn't know what my feelings ment. However even the age of 7 I kissed my best friend Jackie. When that happened I liked it, though I apologized for doing so. When I made friends it was always difficult. Since I was attracted to both genders sometimes when I was first meeting someone regardless of gender I'd have a "butterflie" feeling in my stomach and I'd be really shy and quiet at first. In middle school I started questioning my sexuality when I was reliesing what my feelings ment, though at first I was confused. I didn't really have any major crushes in middle school, though I had feelings of attractions towards both genders. Since these attractions weren't at the same time I'd be confused and question if I was gay or straight. Though towards the end of middle school I was reliesing I was bisexual and felt for both genders. I often thought about kissing and being with girls as well as kissing and being with guys. In 9th grade I was mostly trying to accept the fact that I was attracted to both genders. As of currently you know I have a boyfriend and I like him and enjoy being with him. Though I'm also atteacted to my friend Santina who is also bi, i haven't said anything to her bcause I have a boyfriend, but I still like her and at some point, provided she likes me will date her. Once I did it just took a while to figure out how to come out to you. I hope you accept me, and this is who I am it's not a phase. Okay that's all I have to say." Some time after I come out to my parents I want to come out to my close friends and boyfriend. Though I won't give them this explanation I'll just say I'm bisexual then to my women friends who are straight I'll tell them they don't have to worry about me likening them or anything because I know they are straight. (accept my guy friend who is also bi, he knows and is helping me come out, so I'll probably practice saying this with him.)
Thanks so much for your time :). So is what I'll say good?
8 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender9 years agoIs this considered makeing out?
So I've heard from people that makeing out involves tounge but my boyfriend and I were kissing a lot an I wanted to know if it was consider makeing out. Well, when I was at his house we went outside and he showed me his snowmobile. We both sat on it me in front of him. We then started kissing with me leaning back on him and him holding me. Also I would either hold my hands over his or bring one up to his face. We were kissing for like 10 minutes but did not use tounge. Would this be considered makeing out or just kissing a lot?
4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoGuys!!! First kiss lip gloss, lip balm, or nothing?
On saturday I'm going to have my first kiss ever. It will probly be in the middle of our date so by the time he kisses me, there won't be too much gloss or balm just a little. Anyway when you kiss a girl do you prefer flavored lip gloss, flavored lip balm, or nothing. If gloss what flavor? flavors I have: melon, cherry, cupcake, watermelon, and pepermint. If balm what flavor? flavors I have: chocolate and strawberry. Or should I just wear nothing? btw we are both 16
8 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoWhat can I expect for my first kiss?
So after I went on a date with this guy (yes we both like each other) we were talking on the phone. He said he was going to kiss me but figured it'd be too much for the first date. But he said he will kiss me on the second date. He is a really nice and sweet guy and I like him so I kinda want this kiss. However I've never kissed or been kissed by anyone before. He's kissed before and he knows i've never kissed anyone (I told him). What should I expect when he kisses me? What should I do (well I know the obvious is kiss back, but like how)? Answered please I am nervous for my first kiss. (both of us are 16 btw)
9 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoHey guys I have a question for you?
First if you are a shy guy how would you act around a girl you like(more than a friend) that you are friends with? Second if a female friend you olny like as a friend told you that she liked you how would you react, and would it ruin/ make your friendship akward or would you just brush it off and continue being friends? I like my guy friend and he tends to be on the shy side, I'd ask him out but I'm afraid it would ruin our frienship, especialy if he dosent feel the same way. We are both in 10th grade btw.
2 AnswersMen's Health10 years agoHow do you stop crushing on someone? Please help!!!!?
I have a crush on my guy friend but I don't want to ruin our friendship by going out with him cuz we are really good friends. How can I stop crushing on him??? I'm a girl btw and we are both in 10th grade.
1 AnswerFriends10 years agoSo I have a crush on my guy friend?
I have a crush on my guy friend but I don't want to ruin our great friendship. How do I stop crushing on him? btw we are both in 10th grade and I'm a girl.
1 AnswerFriends10 years agoAm I bisexual or just normal?
Ok I'm 16 year old female and there are a few things that are makeing me think I might be bi. Firstly with guys I can honestly say I'v olny had 4 actual crushes, the other crushes I pretty much pulled out of nowhere because my friends would bug me. Also with the actual crushes 2 of the guys were more effeminet (one of which I'm currently crushing on, but he's also my guy friend so maybe thats why) (also 2 crushes were in elementry so idk if they count then one in 8th grade). Ok now with females, I've never had a "lady crush" persay but I think its because I wont let myself because damn society wants everyone to be straight. However I'v found i feel like I'm attracted to woman. Like sometimes if I'm with one other girl (friend or not) I'll have a nerves like I guess you can say butterflie feeling, but this dosen't happen with every girl just some (and also same thing w/ guys). Also one time I was with one of my friends and she was doing my make up and I felt such an urge to kiss her so I just kept laughing and told her to let me do (mostly cuz it was makeing me uncomfortable that I felt like I wanted to kiss her). Lastly some times I think about woman or kissing them and it I guess turns me on like if I was thinking about kissing a guy I had a crush on idk. Lasty one time when I was in my older brothers room looking for a caculator I accidently found a playboy magazine, so I looked at it and I just felt so turned on and attracted to the girl on girl images it had. Please tell me what you think I'm so confused but I dont want to tell any1 untill I know for sure.
5 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender10 years agoAm I bisexual or just normal?
Ok I'm 16 year old female and there are a few things that are makeing me think I might be bi. Firstly with guys I can honestly say I'v olny had 4 actual crushes, the other crushes I pretty much pulled out of nowhere because my friends would bug me. Also with the actual crushes 2 of the guys were more effeminet (one of which I'm currently crushing on, but he's also my guy friend so maybe thats why) (also 2 crushes were in elementry so idk if they count then one in 8th grade). Ok now with females, I've never had a "lady crush" persay but I think its because I wont let myself because damn society wants everyone to be straight. However I'v found i feel like I'm attracted to woman. Like sometimes if I'm with one other girl (friend or not) I'll have a nerves like I guess you can say butterflie feeling, but this dosen't happen with every girl just some (and also same thing w/ guys). Also one time I was with one of my friends and she was doing my make up and I felt such an urge to kiss her so I just kept laughing and told her to let me do (mostly cuz it was makeing me uncomfortable that I felt like I wanted to kiss her). Lastly some times I think about woman or kissing them and it I guess turns me on like if I was thinking about kissing a guy I had a crush on idk. Lasty one time when I was in my older brothers room looking for a caculator I accidently found a playboy magazine, so I looked at it and I just felt so turned on and attracted to the girl on girl images it had. Please tell me what you think I'm so confused but I dont want to tell any1 untill I know for sure.
3 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender10 years ago