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boyfriend's grandma died: etiquette?
I have been dating my boyfriend 5 months and the entire time he's grandmother has been very sick. The hospital believes any day now will be her last.
I am in a rigorous graduate program and have multiple assignments and finals due this week and next. I am panicking that if she dies I won't be able to attend the wake and funeral and my boyfriend will never forgive me for it.
These grades are super important to my future career but I don't want to disregard my boyfriends grief! What do I do????
5 AnswersEtiquette6 years agoUnambitious boyfriend?
My boyfriend is 22 and appears unambitious. Prior to dating he didn't work for over six months. Recently working again, he wants a lot of things. but working part time is not enough. He currently doesn't have a car and that effects him getting a second job.
He continues to talk about "what he's going to do" but when he should be preparing or studying he prefers to bum instead. I have a very busy schedule and am becoming alarmed by this lazy behavior as I have a strong work ethic.
How do I motivate him to change his lifestyle for the better?
3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years agoRelationship and graduate school?
I'm 23 and have been with my boyfriend two months. As a student in a challenging graduate program I have many overlapping, tedious assignments. We have total opposite schedules he works until 2 AM and his days off are my school days. When I say I am unavailable, he says things like "Oh, I got my hopes up." He doesn't understand the pressure since he didn't go to college. I have long days where I get home by 7-8 o'clock and then he expects 8 hour visits! I can't function the next day after going to bed at 4:30 AM. I end up sleep deprived and end up not doing my work on my days off. I wish he were more understanding and not so pushy, as it makes me feel more overwhelmed.
I sacrificed SO much to get into this program, and I feel he's not respecting my responsibilities. This isn't grounds for breakup, but how do I make it clear to him that to date me, graduate school comes as a package deal?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years agoMeeting my boyfriend's ex?
I am attending a wedding soon with my boyfriend of 5 months. His ex-girlfriend, whom he has a matching infinity tattoo on his ring finger for, is a family friend.
The thought of having to be in the same room with her makes me anxious. I'm afraid I'll end up ignored, as she's closer with his family than I am. Also, I hope I don't have to listen to her going down memory lane, making me feel left out.
How do I prepare myself for this uncomfortable meeting?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years agoMy boyfriend and his ex have matching tattoos.?
I noticed it - he was honest about and claims he wants it removed. One glance at his hand is a neon red, mood-killing reminder of her. (Especially during intimate moments.) If we got married, the tattoo for her would blur out the ring symbolizing commitment to me. I feel like a tattoo for an ex is like publicly leaving intimate, framed photos for your new SO to see. On the other hand, his ex-girlfriend may enjoy that it inflicts doubt and insecurity. It is plain dumb to let... INK get the best of me.
How does one not let this make them insecure? :|
6 AnswersTattoos6 years agoFacebook drama & innuendos?
I am 23 and just started dating a guy I knew from high school. Unknown to me, he told me he used to hook up with a girl I was acquaintances with back then.
The moment I posted a photo of us, both her and her friend have posted innuendos at me. Considering she has a past with my boyfriend, I know she's spitefully "liking" the pictures of us. I deleted her and her friend, but she's still on my boyfriend's stuff. It's making me wonder has he spoken to her, or led her on? I don't understand why 5 years later a girl would be looking for conflict?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years agoRelationships and friends?
I am 23. A friend of mine who is always fighting/ditched by her boyfriend wants me to go to bars with her every weekend.
Saying "no" doesn t work with her, she ll keep guilting/pushing. I m not single anymore, so I m disinterested. She s been envious lately of my relationship, & I think she tries to provoke a fight between him and I.
How do I make it clear that as I taken female, I don t want to be in bars?
3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years agoBalancing friends and relationship?
I am 23 and a female friend of mine is y pushy and manipulative to get me to go out with her to bars. She is unhappy in her own relationship. She stays, yet accepts his lies and has cheated on him multiple x. She uses me to fulfill her weekend when she gets ditched. Now that I am with a guy, I am less available and I can sense she's pissed. She's constantly negative about anything I tell her, and it seems she is looking to cause a fight so I'll end up single again.
How do I make it clear I am not ruining my chance at a relationship to party with her?
1 AnswerFriends6 years agoWhy does my ex do this?
I m 23 and dated a 27 year old guy for about a year. We broke up about 10 months ago. We had a lot of opposing views, which caused some arguments. Eventually leading me catching him in multiple lies, leading to me dumping him.
We live in the same complex, so I see him often. I still feel a bit uncomfortable when I see him in person. When I ve been to a nearby bar, he was definitely drunk grabbing my arm to talk saying "I see you." Even bumping into me while dancing/hitting on another girl, and then grabbing my hand, trying to dance with me. I don t act friendly, but I don t act immaturely. I just treat him as if he s a stranger. Why is he so friendly, and then trying to rub in my face he s with another girl?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years agoBridezilla Sibling: Bridal Shower Planning?
I am a 23 year old girl currently in Graduate School, expected to be completed in 2017. I currently work once a week, and barely get to indulge myself, let alone throw a $1,000+ party, beside the other MOH obligations. My sister commented how I better start saving, she doesn't want to hear excuses that I am overwhelmed with school work to plan, or about my finance troubles. Because if I do, she will do the bare minimum when it's my wedding day.
Even though it's my sister, we do have a volatile relationship. We typically end up fighting due to my sister's verbal diarrhea, or the fact my sister uses me but when it's time for her to help me out she's MIA. I refuse to be in debt, for someone who would NEVER bend over backwards like that in return. If I magically had $2,000, I'd be treating myself with it.
What do you do when the bridezilla is your sibling?
12 AnswersWeddings6 years agoSad to be single during the Holidays?
I am 22 years old and left my last LTR about 10 months ago. Since Thanksgiving, on all social networking sites, I'm bombarded with romantic couple pictures gifts people received/got their SO, etc.
Now with New Years approaching, my friends have boyfriends and are busy, and most places have pricey cover charge fees. So I'm staying in to just eat dinner with my parents. I try to be the bigger person, but I can't help but feel envious that I constantly get left behind by my friends, and I've yet to find my happiness. The thought of being alone with no New Years kiss at midnight makes me feel pathetic.
How can I not let my sadness get the best of me?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years agoHow to deal with an extremely nosy person?
I've been friendly with this girl over 2 years. I've realized she spews things you told her in confidence, and especially will if she's angry with you.
There are certain parts of my past I never told her. Recently a guy from my past told her something that could severely hurt my reputation which she did not know. She had the audacity to call me looking for information. It's not the type of thing you have a right to bluntly ask someone. I acted nonchalant and denied. She tries to say she's "defending" you on your behalf, but she has the "misery needs company" attitude. I tried to diffuse situation and told her " she shouldn't be discussing my personal life on my behalf."
Now that she suspects something, she may continue to ask around. I am really stressed and angry with him for assuming someone would know that about me, friend or not, I am a private person.
What do I do????
6 AnswersEtiquette6 years agoShould I text him first?
I an 22. I met a guy through my friend, as its a close friend of her boyfriend. He seemed distant initially but came over and danced with me. My friend told me he whispered to her unsure he should pursue me, he wasn't sure if I was interested. She gave him the go and at the end of the night he asked for my number.
Its been 3 days and no text/call. If he was doubtful that night could he still be? Should I initiate to show I was interested?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years agoShould girls do the pursuing in dating?
At 22, it seems that dating etiquette is really complicated. To avoid this I typically mirror a guys action: whatever effort he makes I do the exact same (texting, vs. phone calls, and actual plans to hang out)
Is it really true that if a guy is genuinely interested he will do whatever it takes to get that girls attention, and keep it? When I met guy I thought we hit it off well, but at the end of the night he never asked for my number. I could've taken the initiative to ask - but I figured if he wasn't chasing me like a dog to a juicy steak, he wasn't that into or, of it at all.
Should girls pursue a guy? Or allow the guy to show his "masculinity"
2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years agoPhysical attractiveness and dating?
As a 22 year old female, I have never had an issue gaining male attention. Unfortunately, majority of the attention I get is from guys who I know would not be boyfriend material. Very rarely do I find myself nervous around another guy due to his physical attractiveness. Yet, the few times I've met guys I was interested in, the guy never asked for my number.
Due to being pretty, I feel like a lot of guys assume that I am trashy and will hook up with them, that I am too "high maintenance", which I am not. I don't want to intimidate guys away, but it's frustrating that I don't get the attention from the guy I really want?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years agoGuys: Do you ever regret your actions in young love?
My first love was from 16-18 and was a tumultuous, obsessive, and volatile love. His kind demeanor changed as he became more possessive, distrusting, and accusatory of me. We fought constantly about him ditching me for his guy friends, and the random girls all over his social media. Controlling increased and he gave me ultimatum to delete all of my social networking. His father, whom he had a strained relationship with suddenly died. His behavior worsened: lying, sneaking out to bars, I even caught him in my neighborhood in his new car he never took me in, with other girls.
It's been five years since I left. I've loved and lost since then. He's changed into a bragging player, bitter guy. I look at his social media frequently, and know who he's dated. Every time I date a guy I compare them to him, motivated by spite, wondering if it will it make him jealous. I am too prideful and ashamed to ever speak to him again and ask him for answers as to why he hurt me, the one person who was always rooting for him? I see so many couples reunite, and I can't help but wonder is that why all of my relationships have failed. Am I supposed to be with him? Ironically he's never had another public relationship, since ours ended in 2010. Could the shocking death of his dad be why he betrayed me, because he was so confused and distraught? I feel like I'm at a brick wall in my love life. At 16 I knew I was madly in love, and at 23 I don't even know what love is anymore.
Any similar stories?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoI don't like my friend's boyfriends.?
My friend cheated on her long term boyfriend, and was juggling him and the new guy. She ended up with an incurable STD, and the new guy treats her like dirt. They constantly fight: he's secretive, always at bars with guy friends, she is last a priority to him.
My other friend found out her boyfriend is a drug addict and stays while he lies he's in rehab. I am worried one day she will get seriously injured, as he gets high/drinks and then drives them home. I have another friend in a controlling relationship, he has caused a huge rift in our friendship. She is extremely miserable, but due to low self-esteem from being overweight in the past, she thinks he will propose to her, so she stays.
They come for advice, they know their in a bad situation, yet choose to stay and ALWAYS complain. I have a difficult time staying friends with people who settle and don't care. Friends are supposed to be free therapy, but it gets to a point of stupidity and I get tired of hearing the same nonsense. I'm not perfect, but when I know I'm being lied to, mistreated I exit the entire equation. I am afraid to sometimes be blunt and honest with these people because it may end the friendship.
I am the only single friend in my group currently, and I feel no one takes my advice seriously because I'm the "single bitter one." Yet I'm not the one dating a drugee, control-freak, or the guy who sleeps with other girls while with me.
What to do?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago22 and don't fit in with the hookup culture?
I am 22, and six months ago I ended a year long relationship. Since then I've been on no dates, and have not hooked up with anyone. I easily get male attention, but emotionally I can't handle the juvenile drama. Who has a boyfriend but is still sleeping with their ex, STDs, who got a FWB pregnant, guys lieing about their drug addictions, controlling/insecure guys, the side-chick fad, "why are you liking other girls pictures on Instagram", "Who is _____ texting you at 1 AM?, snooping through your partners phone.
I look at my female friends and there are gut-instinct red flags that these are the wrong guys for them, but they settle just so they aren't single. I look around and everyone is just immensely selfish, shallow, and sneaky. The one time I attempted to date, the guy wanted me to drive over an hour away to get drinks. Any guy that doesn't care about my safety, is no guy I want to meet. The majority of guys that approach me are shallow minded: The only thing they worry about is "Where is the next party: how high or drunk can I get?" and "When am I getting laid" and then brag about their conquests. I know girls who jump from guy to guy: random make out sessions at a bar, having sex in a guys car. I don't mix well with casual hookups, and sadly "casual" seems to be the only thing guys my age want.
I feel defeated I just don't know what the right thing to do. I crave intimacy but I don't want to get wrapped up in that immature drama.
3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoHow to deal with a clingy friend?
I became friends with this girl through a guy I used to casually date. She is a nice person but I've realized is very manipulative and victimizes herself. She admitted she cheated on her long-term boyfriend, got caught; he took her back, but she still juggles the two guys and "drunkenly" hooks up with other guys saying she "didn't mean to." When she doesn't get her way she makes up stories to have people side with her. She was sleeping with both guys, ended up with an STD, spread it, and a few months later got pregnant. She got an abortion, because she realized she didn't know who was the father.
She texts my phone every single day and calls my phone without asking me first if I'm free, and proceeds to keep me on for hours. She never does anything to change her behavior, but complains all the time about her situation. She wants to hang out everyday, and refuses to take no for an answer. She starts to cry and says "I don't want to be alone" so you feel guilty. I've got to the point where I give bad advice, because I want her lies to blow up in her face so she just stops. Lastly, I begin to get worried because I become guilty by association. I definitely do not behave like that, and do not want my reputation tainted. I truly believe she has some psychological issues. This has become all too much for me, I feel like I'm listening to people on Jerry Springer.
What do I do???
6 AnswersSociology7 years agoBreakouts of cystic acne suddenly?
I am a 22 year old girl and my whole life I have never dealt with bad acne.
In May, after finally getting into graduate school and going through a breakup I began getting painful cystic acne on my chin and cheeks. I have gone to get a facial, but the extraction part was extremely painful. She insisted she was getting the infection out. It did help, but the same problem is arising again.
She recommended I did my regular cleaning routine and buy a 2% salicylic acid spot treatment. It helps somewhat, but I am still displeased with my skin and how painful these pimples are.
What else can I do?
2 AnswersSkin Conditions7 years ago