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Why do Repubs put their party ahead of the needs of the country?
10 AnswersPolitics5 years agoMichigan just passed a "Right to Work" law that appears to be?
Michigan's "Right to Work" law is anti-business. This GOP sponsored law encourages citizens to not pay for services or benefits they receive from unions. Though they claim such a law is not an attack on unions, it is illegal in that state for a citizen to receive a service from any other business and not pay for it. Why is the GOP (1) creating an entitlement for some workers, and (2) Why is the GOP attacking business?
1 AnswerLaw & Ethics8 years agoThe last President we had that was a businessman was George W. Bush. Do we need more of the same?
Willard Romney insists that his experience in for-profit business makes him qualified to run our not-for-profit government. George W. Bush came from the same background, preached the same line, and left our economy on its knees, reduced our standing in the world, led us into two wars that were unfunded, had major security lapses that exposed us to the 911 attack, redistributed wealth to higher income brackets, underfunded regulatory agencies resulting in record food and toy recalls, etc., etc... Now this salesman and compulsive liar who refuses to use his first name - Willard Romney - feels that he is entitled to get the job to be President because of his belief that it is his religious divine right.... And the GOP faithful, who were calling him a liar and a flip-flopper during the GOP primaries, are standing behind him as the solution to our future! Go figure!!!
7 AnswersElections9 years agoAnyone notice how the media doesn't focus on white people who loot and steal after the hurricane?
When a natural catastrophe hits a predominantly black area, the media tries to depict blacks who take food from stores as criminals. When whites do the same thing after a natural disaster, the media depicts it differently. For those of you who want to believe that whites without water and food are just sitting in their cold homes waiting for services to be restored, you should take off your biased glasses.
2 AnswersCurrent Events9 years agoThe last two businessmen elected as Presidents were Hoover and George W. Bush?
Both Republican Presidents, Herbert Hoover and George W. Bush trashed our economy! Now we've got another Republican who is telling his minions that he can restore the economy by doing the exact same thing that George W. Bush did! Republicans will go for anything another Republican will spit out of their mouth. During the primaries they hated Romney; now they will make tea out of his muddy panties!!!
4 AnswersElections9 years agoRomney says we should put the economy into his hands because he is a "business man"?
Is this the best Repubs can do??? They've went from a pizza salesman to "businessman" Romney. Americans haven't forgotten what the last businessman president - George W. Bush - did to the economy!!!
8 AnswersElections9 years agoWhere is former GOP leader Michael Steele?
Former black GOP leader Michael Steele said that he was not invited to the Republican Convention, and his request for credentials to attend the convention were ignored by Republican Party officials. What the hell kind of GOP is this?
2 AnswersElections9 years agoIs it right for Mitt Romney to want to redistribute wealth so that more of our tax dollars are given?
Trickle down doesn't work. Yet Mitt Romney wants to raid our treasury in the same manner as GWB, and give the rich even more money simply because they are rich. His brand of social Darwinism supposes that if you have money - no matter how you got it - then you must be a better person than a person who has not yet acquired wealth, therefore you should be entrusted with the nation's wealth with no strings attached. Are Repbubs so stupid that they vote against their own interests and against the interest of their children? Party before country!
5 AnswersElections9 years agoAkin, Limbaugh, Bachman, Ryan, McConnell, Hannity, Walker...?
Republicans have gotten their party co-opted by some pretty extreme elements.. Akin has ignored their leader's (Romney) call to resign. Question: Isn't the Republican Party starting to resemble the Taliban?
6 AnswersPolitics9 years agoHow can someone who was a bishop in the Mormon Church lie so easily?
The likes of Mitt Romney and Huckabee have shown themselves to be religious, opportunist pimps. They wear the cloth of religious persons only totry to enlist support from religious quarters, yet they lie, distort, and misrepresent the truth for political power and personal gain. GWB also claimed to have deep religious beliefs while at the same time lying to the American people about reasons to got to war in Iraq and causing the needless deaths of thousands of Iraquis and U.S. troops. The lowest forms of life...
13 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years agoWhat does Mitt Romney have in common with this group of dictators?
What does Mitt Romney have in common with Augosto Pinochet, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, Mubarak, Muammar Gaddafi, Ferdinand Marcos, Sani Abacha, and Jose Eduardo das Santos? They all hid their money in bank accounts outside of their country....
If, as Congresspersons claim, "Guns don't kill people, people kill people", as justification for imposing no restrictions on the type and amount of guns and magazine capacity a person can possess, they why are these same Congresspersons so intent on stopping other countries from having nuclear weapons or allowing the Palestinians to have weapons if simply possessing weapons is a benign act?
Entitlements. Republicans have relied heavily upon the philosophy that any individual or group of individuals who decide to invest their money to start a business is entitled to goverment backing to offset their investment - tax credits, tax cuts, grants, etc. If, as Republicans claim, "the government is not in the business of picking winners and losers", then why do Republican legislators redistribute our treasury dollars in this way instead of letting the marketplace be the arbiter of which business is viable and successful?
4 AnswersGovernment9 years agoWhy are Republicans trying to undermine the Presidency?
Constructive, honest criticism of the President is fair and worthy of debate, but slander, misrepresentation, falsehoods, lies, and attacks against the President's character in an effort to undermine the presidency, especially at a time when our troops are fighting in a foreign country, speaks volumes to the ruthless practice of putting party politics ahead of what's best for the country.
8 AnswersPolitics9 years agoWas Mitt Romney receiving his regular salary or any compensation from Bain Capital when he claimed?
Was Willard Mitt Romney receiving his regular salary or any compensation from Bain Capital when he claimed he was not working there, even though SEC filings listed him as the CEO? Was he using the false filing at the SEC to commit financial fraud of some sort? (tax credit, lower tax rate, tax evasion, etc.?) And are Repubs so blinded by loyalty to their party that it no longer matters what the character of their candidate is???
8 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years agoWhat is the Republican plan to provide healtcare to millions of Americans?
Republicans plan for health care is, 'Don't get sick, and if you get sick die quickly!'
3 AnswersGovernment9 years agoIs something wrong with Arizona Gov. Brewer?
This horrid woman is claiming a victory (with a straight leather face) now that the U.S. Supreme Court has struck down three out of four provisions of the Arizona law that was enacted as a State immigration enforcement law. Republicans believe that the bolder the lie, the better!!! Such a horrid, dreadful lady.... She is really a woman isn't she??? Reptile???
6 AnswersGovernment9 years ago