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Wife, mother, cook, laundress, cookbook collector, ebayer, politically active mature woman who is an object of adoration to one slightly off-center cat.

  • Here's a thought....?

    Did McCain chose Palin, knowing she was under investigation, hoping that she would get him in the white house then be found guilty and removed from office (like Spiro Agnew was - indicted for crimes committed while Governor of MD) that way he could actually chose someone better suited (per HIS qualification) for the job -say Joe Lieberman?

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Would this be considered cruel and unusual punishment?

    All three have been convicted of murder:

    1 - Ira Einhorn, Phila. political guru of the '70's. Killed girlfriend, Holly Maddox, hid her body in a trunk, skipped town, tried in absentia, found guilty. America's Most Wanted tracked him down in France. Extradited to serve life sentence.

    2. Tom Capano - big shot Delaware lawyer, murdered Anne Marie Fahey, Gov. Carper's secretary dumping her body at sea. Sentenced to life.

    3. Wesley Cook (Abu Jamal) - executed Phila cop Danny Faulkner. Sentence to death.

    All top media cases, all enamored of their own celebrity status. Would it be cruel and unusual punishment to put all three in one cell and tell each one that 'they' are the most important prisoner in the cell and see if their egos can handle the possibility that they are not "THE" most important prisoner?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Which do you think is a more fitting sentence for the murder of a police officer?

    The executioner of a police officer is given the death penalty, but all sorts of 'celebrities' and celebrity wannabes have latched on thie 'cause celebe' without even reviewing the trial, merely jumping on the band wagon that the executioner is a political prisoner. If executed, he will become a martyr. Do you feel it is more fitting to have this sentence changed to life without parole, but limit access to his 'fan club' or in other words, silence the rabble rousing from prision? No book deals, no college graduation speeches on tape, no interviews with friendly press, etc. Access only for attorney and/or close friends/family.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Who remembers Danny Faulkner?

    Everyone remembers his executioner, but no one remembers him. Why?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Those who have a problem with Obama not wearing a flag lapel pin....?

    also have a problem with the fact that these pins are all stamped 'Made in China'?

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Microsoft in bid to purchase Yahoo.?

    If Microsoft does indeed follow thru and buy Yahoo, will the editorial opinion of those running YA change any or will they still be right leaning?

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Celebrity Detox Question?

    Do you think they should just cut Conaway from this program? Between him and the girlfriend, they seem to want this to fail for him and he is bringing down all the others. My original thought is that he is going to kill himself anyway, why not just hand him a gun and say be done with it. He left Taxi with an attitude that he was better than anyone else and look where that got him. He's still working that attitude as a washed up addicted flunky, should they be wasting time on him when it is obvious he doesn't want to get and stay clean.

    4 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Here's a conundrum for you "Pro-Life' proponents:?

    Would you opt for abortion when the mother has sworn that the child will be raised in an independant household where choice in important matters is afforded to him and not forced on him. If said child would grow up to vote in favor of 'pro-choice' laws and be an advocate for giving women a choice? The Eric Rudolph's of the world have no problem bombing clinics and pointing out the homes and families of obstetricians who have performed abortions (whether therapeutic or not) for harassment and physical abuse and even murder (as in the case of Bernard Slepian) so why not abort the future obstetricians who would perform abortions?

    16 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Should an elected official (particularly the hawks) be required?

    to either have served in the military or have a close relative such as a spouse or a child serve to be able to vote on war? Don't you think they would be more judicious if their own was on the line?

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Another Vice Presidential Question?

    So, do you think that who ever gets the party nod should pick one of their prior adversaries as a running mate or should they go outside this group and pick a running mate? Why or why not.

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • A Presidential/Vice Presidential Ticket. Is it necessary?

    In a Southern state, more than a few moons ago, when one ran for governor, there was no ticket of Smith for Gov./Jones for Lt. was one election for governor, and from the two parties the one with the least amount of votes became Lt. governor. If more than two ran, the one with the second highest numbers became Lt. Gov. My question is this, knowing that if you screwed up in office, the representative of the opposing party would automatically get your seat, would this make you a more responsible representative? If so, shouldn't this be seriously considered for the presidential election?

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Fred Thompson?

    First he was 'thinking about running', then finally after all were declared, he said 'I'm running', then after Iowa "I'm dropping out", now before New Hampshire, apparently he's 'running' again. How can you justify support to a man who cannot make up his own mind regarding his own actions by electing him to a position that requires making important decisions? Should he go back into acting and take a part on Grey's Anatomy where indecision is the main plot and NO ONE can make their minds up about anything?

    14 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Who made the determination that Democrats cannot be people of faith?

    The voter registration card doesn't indicate that you must forfeit or adhere to any particular belief system in order to check a box.

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Separation of Church and State?

    Everyone is so upset of the fact that as a religion, Mitt Romney states he is a member of the Latter Day Saints (Mormons). Prior to getting involved in politics, I am not sure what he did for employment, but am quite sure it wasn't for his church. My question is for those who find fault with him, why isn't the same if not more scrutiny being given to Mike Huckabee, who prior to entering politics, was a Southern Baptist not only by profession of faith, but by Profession, as he was employed by the Southern Baptist Association as a minister of the gospel. Isn't that blurring the lines between church and state a bit more than Romney who is only a member of the denomination and not employed by it?

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What is Black and White?

    Okay, why the label of black and white? I once heard an interview with a female sportscaster (Jayne Kennedy, I believe) who classified herself as a 'caramel cream' and another black female as 'dark chocolate'. I knew a mixed race gentleman who referred to himself as 'cream in coffee'. As a caucasian female, I am deathly pale with light brown hair, but my hub is olive complected with dark hair and dark eyes. I have met people classified as 'black' who are fairer than he is, so what determines 'black or white'? I much prefer the survey form question that asks: Asian, Indo-european, Mediterranean, African and Semetic as a choice of ethnicities rather than a color. Your thoughts please?

    8 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Why does everyone want advice on how to get out of jury duty?

    Almost everyother question is 'how do I get out of jury duty?'. Why? If you were charged with a crime, you would be entitled to be tried by a jury of your peers. Wouldn't you want someone who is literate and has a modicum of intelligence sitting in judgement? What happened to civic duty? Would you want to be judged by a group of people eligible by virtue of having a driver's license but no job, no future, and probably no life only sitting there for the free donuts and $9/day? Wouldn't you want to be judged by someone other than those too thick to even come up with a reason to be excused?

    22 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • Why is it.....?

    When the child of an enemy combatant needs medical care, they are rushed to the US and no expense is spared at the finest children's hospitals in the country, but a serviceman/woman who is injured in combat is consigned to a moldy cubicle in Walter Reed after maybe a six month wait on a list because VA subsidies have been cut drastically?

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • To support the troops we need to support the president?

    If this is correct, that we need to show support to the president as evidence we support the troops, why is it that of the homeless in America, 25% are veteran? Where is their support when they return home? If Bush is SO behind the US service personnel, why is the VA gutted and so many of those who offered themselves for our country are sitting on heating grates and in shelters. Where is their support from our administration? He wants our support, but where is his?

    11 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Contraceptives in High Schools?

    In regards to providing the pill to teen aged girls in high schools. Am I the only one concerned with what will be prescribed? I understand the thought behind doing this, prevent pregnancies, embarassment at going to a clinic, etc. But if I recall, any time as a grown woman I had received a prescription for this type of medication, I had to have a full physical first to rule out any underlying conditions that could be ascerbated by taking a contraceptive. Will the girls be given complete, and I mean complete including gynocological, physicals before they get their pills from guidence office/nurse?

    14 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago