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Retired military. 10 years active in the Marine Corps. 16 years in the National Guard. Engineer. Retired 1sgt. Viet Nam - 3rd Marine Division Gulf War. Eingineer Detachment

  • Why did the NEWS stop talking about all the lies Hillery committed during the debates now that she lost so badly.?

    People died - Hillery lied -Benghazi

    Hillery landed under sniper fire. Bosnia.lie

    Hillery did not wipe her server except with a cloth..lie

    Hillery had no classified documents on her server. lie

    Clinton foundation corruption- lied

    Clinton and BLM -hands up don't shoot- lie

    the lies are endless and the list just goes on and on..

    This is just a partial list of recent lies

    Why do the leftist still think she is honest and trustworthy.

    5 AnswersPolitics4 years ago
  • What happend to the daily body count?

    Lately it seems the news media has forgotten to mention the total number of GI';s killed in Afghanistan and other hot spots where American soldiers are being killed daily. Why is that no longer important to the media like it was with the Bush Administration and even Clinton's. Is Obama getting a total pass on not stopping the killing/dieing and murder of innocents with drones and bombs?

    2 AnswersMilitary7 years ago
  • will Monica Lewinsky vote for Hillary?

    I know Monica is still a Democrat, but how will she vote if Hillary gets the nomination for President.

    Will she be Democrat enough to vote for Hillary? Or not.

    Its an interesting thought after what Hillary has said about her in her latest Monica responses.

    7 AnswersCivic Participation7 years ago
  • What will Obama do when the "go Green" and the Unions finally have their input with Obama after Jan 20th ?

    The go green far left liberal wing of the Democratic party and the Auto Unions are at total opposite ends of the Democratic party. Go Green wants the Detroit gas guzzling luxury SUV's to take a perminate hike across the borders and not to repeal Clintons NAFTA and bring auto working jobs back to America. Which side do you think Obama will side with? He is in the middle of opposing views of the Democratic party.

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is this the season of silliness?

    Obama said Clintons bickering about him is a season of silliness and that just cost Hillary the victory tonight. Obama wins. what do you think?

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Should the Huckster and ObamaNation drop out?

    That would stop all the fighting in the Democrat party and would unite the Republicans against Hillary, not McCain.

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Since South Carolina and Bill's Racial remarks, has Obamb left the Clintons in the dust?

    Since South Carolina Obama has been on a run of wins and Bill is in the background. How much did the race card cost the Clintons?

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Who's finger is on the nuclear trigger?

    Given the old Soviet Union and China still have their stockpile of weapons and the old is being replaced by the newer and younger generation and can remember the Brerlin wall coming down only as a History lesson. What does the cold war mean to the those in the up and coming communist party. How important is this election and who we elect in reguards to diplomatic ties and relationship to those two countries?

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Hillary has 50 million,?

    Should she disclose where she got her money from like Obama is asking since she just dropped 5 million to keep her campaign going?

    6 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • If Hillary has 50 Million,?

    and she just dropped 5 million to fund her campaign, should she disclose where the money came from like Obama is asking?

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Bush's big spending days over?

    The "Speaker of the house" Pelosi, D. Calif and "Majority leader" Reid, D. Nevada.

    Bush cannot spend without their approval and they want to spend 159 billion in a stimulis package over and above Bush's 3 trillion dollar spending plan. This all has to be paid with taxes. Why isnt Bush's 3 trillion enough without adding 159 billion approved by the sitting democrats on top of it. Is this just the beginning for the democrats? I know Obama and Clinton will support this too, right?

    1 AnswerPolitics1 decade ago
  • 5 reason Hillary should be worried!!!?

    1. Obama

    2. Obama

    3. Obama

    5. Obama

    5. Obama

    Is there a need for a 6th?

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • McCain....victory speech tonight!!!?

    Was that Joe Liberman {former Democrat} on stage with him tonight? Maybe that will be his choice for VP. Joe ran for President last time and considered McCain as his VP. Will McCain draft a Democrate as his VP if he gets the republican nod?

    2 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Come on Democrate voters.?

    Go with your gut feeling between Obama and Clinton. Quit flip flopping back and forth. The majority cannot be for Hillary one day and Obama the next. Pick a favorite and stick to it. Are they so exactly similar that there is little choice between the two? Whats so difficult within the Democrats that they have to be so mean and angry towards each others opinion. Will you commit to supporting Hillary if she wins, Or Obama if he wins?

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • If Hillary is elected,?

    How long will it take and for what reason will the public be calling for her impeachment. Two impeached Clintons seems to be better than just one. Its the old "twoforone" thing going on.

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Has the country gone to pot?

    Now that each party has been narrowed to two front runners, when will the hard questions and specifically drug use {if any} come to light? Some have allready admitted to using it but how long ago?. I feel as a voting public these are relative questions about the charactor of the candidate and their willpower and their overall conduct and do they believe its illiegal.


    What is the importance of this type question?

    10 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Down syndrome woman was newest suicide bomber..?

    They found the cell phone that set off the bomb of the down syndrome woman who was the last suicide bomber in Iraq. The terrorist are resorting to allowing handicap women to do the suicudes. Are they desperate for jihadist or did the surge work?

    8 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • The true meaning of liberity, justice and freedom.?

    In America

    What are the limits of freedom for one befor they start to impose on another who does not share the same morality or imorality.

    Is freedom a license that gives everyone the right to do as they please without reguard to other peoples beliefs or convictions?

    How fair is it for one group to impose their beliefs or non beliefs on others under the licence of freedom.

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Hillary saved Bills Presidency, can he salvage her run?

    Can Bill do for Hillary on her run for the Presidency what she did for him when he was president?

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago