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  • Why is my blood pressure so damn high?

    21 year old man, do 5km runs every other day (religiously) for last year (I can run a sub 20 min), healthy weight, eat healthy, drink plenty of water and have fish oil tablets. Why is my blood pressure 140+/90+ ?

    9 AnswersDiet & Fitness2 years ago
  • How to strengthen the heart?

    Recently had an ECG test which indicated I may have a weak heart. The test showed something called T wave inversion.

    I am 20, there is no history of cardiovascular disease in my family, so it s likely nothing, but I want to strengthen my heart just in case. I have a BMI of 22.

    Currently doing a 5k every other day, eating healthy (5-10 fruit and veg, salmon etc..) but still feel as if my heart is constantly beating fast.

    What other exercises can I do to help strengthen my heart?

    1 AnswerHeart Diseases3 years ago
  • How to fix low libido?

    20 year old very active male. Have had several sexual relationships, more recent ones I've been having low libido and trouble getting hard.

    I've looked through the standard explanations for low libido such as: depression, stress, etc etc but I don't think any of the mental side effect me.

    Don't want to have to result to buying viagra at 20 lol. I would understand if I was overweight and unhealthy, but I'm not.

    Please help. Any experience / advice would be amazing !!! Thanks all

    3 AnswersMen's Health4 years ago
  • How much damage does an energy drink a day do?

    My sister drinks at least one can of relentless or monster a day everyday. Tryin to convince her that it ain t doing her no good but she aint having none of it :(

    She s in good shape but still... she dont do that much exercise. Anyone know anything about effects of daily energy drinks so I can get her to stop or at least cut down. Much obliiiged :D

    1 AnswerNon-Alcoholic Drinks5 years ago
  • Popular Commercial Aircraft?

    What are the more recent aircraft which become commercially favourable?

    In my college project, I am hoping to make an addition to Flight Data Recorders, significantly augmenting its duration for powering the locator beam whilst also amplifying its signal.

    Anyway.. that's not important. Generally, different aircraft use different Flight Data Recorders... "Black Boxes". What are the more recent aircraft which become commercially favourable? The b737, 747 and 757 are all nice... but they're getting a bit old and I don't want to make a product for a craft which might (might) get commercially decommissioned in the not too distant future.

    Thank you all very much for your time.

    5 AnswersAircraft6 years ago
  • I want to grow taller (stretching exercises and dieting)?

    I'm 17 years old and I really want to add a couple of inches to my height, males tend to fully mature and cease all potential growth at 20-25. I've looked around the internet and constantly run into "grow 4-6 inches taller in 90 days", as well as being completely unreasonable... that sounds dangerous and probably impossible.

    I just want to know whether it's possible to add a couple of inches (maybe even 3) over a long period of time (6-12 months) by doing stretching exercises focused on lengthening spinal muscles and certain ligaments. And by dieting correctly (tuna & salmon, eggs, carrots, spinach, lots of milk, bananas, apples, oat meal, chicken yogurt, seeds/nuts and beans).

    Just want to know whether it's possible to gain those couple of inches over a very extensive duration by dieting and stretching correctly, rather than the "grow 7 feet in 9 minutes" type of impossibility. I KNOW GENES ARE A BIG FACTOR! One of my parents didn't mature until quite late and my sister who is 20 has had a miniature growth spurt recently (perhaps it was an inherited factor from my parent who finish growth til a bit later).

    5 AnswersMen's Health7 years ago
  • Will I ever make it to 6'4"?

    I'm 17 at the moment and 6'3" in height (sometimes drops down to 6'2.5" at the end of the day). I heard that males generally physically cease all growth development at 20-25 years old and I was simply wondering whether I'll make it to 6'4" over the next 3-8 years of development.

    My predicted height is 6 ft 4.5. Mum is 6ft, dad is 5'11", averaged out is 5'11.5", plus 5 inches for male offspring = 6ft 4.5

    My arm span is 194 cm / 6 ft 4.5, hand length is 8.5 inches and my shoe size is a 12 (UK). I have been told more than once that my head is quite large (over 10 inches from top of head to bottom of chin) and that I'll grow into proportion with it.

    I also diet pretty well, eat my 5 a day usually and drink plenty of milk and water. Usually get around 7-8 hours sleep and exercise on a regular basis. Should I do stretches or something to boost the process? Is there anything I can do to induce these effects over a long period of time and boost the growth development rate? I feel as if I'm still growing but very marginally.

    Would loooooove to be 6'5" or 6'6" but that seems impossible.

    2 AnswersMen's Health7 years ago
  • Will I ever make it to 6'4"?

    I'm 17 at the moment and 6'3" in height (sometimes drops down to 6'2.5" at the end of the day). Males generally physically cease all development at 25 years old (including all possibility to grow anymore). Just wondering whether I'll make it to 6'4" over the next 8 years of development.

    My predicted height is 6 ft 4.5. Mum is 6ft, dad is 5'11", averaged out is 5'11.5", plus 5 inches for male offspring = 6ft 4.5

    6 AnswersMen's Health7 years ago
  • I want to grow taller (stretching exercises and dieting)?

    I'm 17 years old and I really want to add a couple of inches to my height, males tend to fully mature and cease all potential growth at 20-25. I've looked around the internet and constantly run into "grow 4-6 inches taller in 90 days", as well as being completely unreasonable... that sounds dangerous and probably impossible.

    I just want to know whether it's possible to add a couple of inches (maybe even 3) over a long period of time (6-12 months) by doing stretching exercises focused on lengthening spinal muscles and certain ligaments. And by dieting correctly (tuna & salmon, eggs, carrots, spinach, lots of milk, bananas, apples, oat meal, chicken yogurt, seeds/nuts and beans).

    Just want to know whether it's possible to gain those couple of inches over a very extensive duration by dieting and stretching correctly, rather than the "grow 7 feet in 9 minutes" type of impossibility. I KNOW GENES ARE A BIG FACTOR! One of my parents didn't mature until quite late.

    2 AnswersMen's Health7 years ago
  • Getting Taller?

    I'm 17 years old and want to add a couple of inches to my height, males tend to fully mature and cease all potential growth at 20-25. I've looked around the internet and constantly run into "grow 4-6 inches taller in 90 days", as well as being completely unreasonable... that sounds dangerous and probably impossible.

    I just want to know whether it's possible to add a couple of inches (maybe even 3) over a long period of time (6-12 months) by doing stretching exercises focused on lengthening spinal muscles and certain ligaments. And by dieting correctly (tuna & salmon, eggs, carrots, spinach, lots of milk, bananas, apples, oat meal, chicken yogurt, seeds/nuts and beans).

    Just want to know whether it's possible to gain those couple of inches over an extensive duration rather than the "grow 7 feet in 9 minutes" type of impossibility. I KNOW GENES ARE A BIG FACTOR!

    1 AnswerOther - Health7 years ago
  • Can I grow any taller by doing stretches or exercises?

    Height has ran in my family for generations. My grandfather is 6'7, my dad is also around 6'7, my mum is a couple of inches shorter and my sister is about 6'2(ish).

    I'm the youngest in my entire family at 17 and am just over 6'3 (male), taller than my sister, but not taller than my mother, or not even nearly as tall as my dad and grandfather.

    I had a huge growth spurt a few years ago but have stopped growing now (I was 6'3 two years ago, so I've grown like half an inch since I was 15).

    I at least want to be a taller than my mother (6'5ish) which is about 2 inches to gain. Can I achieve this at all by exercising and stretching (time being no factor)? Aren't sons supposed to be taller than their mothers?

    I already do quite a lot of intensive workouts and keep active, but what stretches can help?

    AND PLOOIZ GUYS... none of that growtaller4idiots con site links. Thanks ;D

    4 AnswersMen's Health7 years ago
  • Please name this movie?

    This movie consists of 3 characters, 2 robots and a human watching, commenting and overall reviewing an old movie throughout the movie (that is the movie the 3 characters are in which is more modern (by modern I mean like the late 90's maybe early 00's (I think the movie has the word "fortress in the title" (that's the movie the characters are watching and reviewing (I think one of the characters is called crow or something (can't be f*cking bothered to type this information in on google)))))). Anywhhhay... Their silhouettes are visible in the bottom right-hand corner. Remembering it being funny as a child, might watch it again.

    3 AnswersMovies7 years ago
  • Will my body grow into proportion with my head?

    I am 17 years old and my head has a size of 12.5 inches from top of head to bottom of chin and many of my friends comment on the size of my head. I am 6'4 which is considered above average but yet I receive comments on my heads size. Is my head disproportional to the rest of my anatomy and if so will I continue to grow to correspond with my head size? Wouldn't mind being a wee bit taller :D

    2 AnswersMen's Health7 years ago
  • How can I motivate myself to exercise?

    As an endurance exercise I used to do 20 sets of 20 press ups with 10 second interval breaks between. I stopped for a week due to personal reasons, now I cannot seem to get back into routine again, I just simply give up or am not bothered to continue midway through the session.

    I have the strength and endurance to continue but simply can't be bothered (even though I enjoy the exercise). I know the feeling afterwards is good and that I get good results if I do it properly, but that doesn't seem to motivate me enough. Have tried to train with other people helping but that doesn't seem to help either :(

    How can I motivate myself to continue?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • Are Dumbbell Presses effective for enlarging pecs?

    Have recently started doing dumbbell bench presses with 5 sets of 50 reps (with 2 min break interval between sets). Dumbbells weigh 8kg each (will buy more if effective).

    I do a range of exercise other than dumbbell bench presses (300 press ups over 15 sets, 5 sets of 15 tricep kickbacks per arm and concentrated bicep curls).

    Are dumbbell bench presses effective for enlarging pecs and chest in general? and how long will noticable effects take (obviously not immediate)?

    17 yr old, 193cm, 86kg

    Thank you all for your time :D

    2 AnswersMen's Health7 years ago
  • Are Dumbbell Bench Presses a good exercise?

    I am looking to get a generally larger pectoral region and I was wondering if dumbbell bench presses were the way to go.

    Is it worth while or a waste of time?

    Currently doing 5 sets of 50 reps of 8 kg per dumbbell (gonna get more weights only if exercise is worth while).

    If it's not too impossible to ask, how long will effects be noticeable after? I am 17 yrs, 1.93m tall and weigh 87kg if that helps.

    Thank you all very much :D

    2 AnswersMen's Health7 years ago
  • Why am I not building up muscles with this exercise routine?

    I'm 17 and about 6 months ago I began a comfortable exercise routine. Once every two days I perform a strenuous workout which consists of:

    60 press-ups followed by a 20 second break

    immediately followed by

    20 sets of 25 press ups with 20 second breaks between them

    immediately followed by

    3 sets of 30 press ups with 20 second breaks between each set

    immediately followed by

    10 sets of 15 press ups with 10 second breaks between each set

    immediately followed by weight training and more press ups.

    Anyway, my point is that this routine is not building much muscles up, even though I have been doing it without fail almost every other day for half a year. What am I doing wrong? Apparently this is quite a lot, so why is nothing really happening?

    4 AnswersMen's Health7 years ago
  • Why is inhaled radioactive material more dangerous than ingested radioactive material?

    No matter where I look on the effects that radioactive materials have on the human body, inhaling the material seems to have a more deadly effect than ingesting it. Why?


    So a fatal dose can be caused by ingesting 8.8 MBq (240 µCi), about 50 nanograms (ng), or inhaling 1.8 MBq (49 µCi), about 10 ng.

    1 AnswerChemistry7 years ago
  • What are Free Radicals?

    What are Free Radicals?

    How can Gamma Rays create Free Radicals?

    How are Free Radicals biologically dangerous?

    Thorough explanation and links would be very highly appreciated. Thank you for your time :D

    1 AnswerChemistry7 years ago
  • How much gamma radiation is absorbed?

    If you were to place a gamma emitting source localised to an organism without any type of shielding, how much of the gamma radiation would actually be absorbed by the organism, and how much would not interact and pass through without interaction?

    For example, a gamma source emits a certain amount of EMR, enabling the organism to receive 100 gamma rays per second. How many will be absorbed and how many will pass through and not interact with the matter? How many out of the 100 will be absorbed and how many will not? Give an estimation or a formula of calculation.

    1 AnswerPhysics7 years ago