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Like I'm gonna tell you anything, SUCKER!!! :P

  • Possible hormonal problem? bleeding between periods, weight loss, small breasts?

    So I think I have some sort of problem. I bleed heavily for like a week between periods (enough to need a tampon) and am 18 with AA breasts, the same size since middle school. I eat a good 1600 - 2000 calories a day and exercize 2 - 3 times a week. Recently I've been losing weight, from 120 to 112 to now 108 pounds at 5ft 6.

    I think this may be a hormonal problem? Any insight?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • What to get your boyfreind for his 18th birthday?

    OK, so i am 16 and some change, and my wonderfully amazing boyfreind is turning 18 in a week or two.

    We've been going out 4 monthes fight-free and I really want to get him something he'll like.

    I have $25 to spend (im rather poor) and idk what to get him.

    He's 6ft 6, has alot of freinds, plays COD black ops, runs XC (with me. but im faster than him... but thats not the point), and plays soccer. I've already gotten him 2 stuffed girraffes, mixCDs and a dogtag. Oh and he loves dogs, manhunt and other sports.. but idk what to get him now :/

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Will I ever finally fully fill out (recovered anorexic!)?

    Ok so I'm a recovered anorexic. At my worst I was 5ft 5 and 84 pounds at age 14 (800cal/day and 5 miles a day). And I ran track so I had a fair amount of muscle weight in my arms/legs/abs

    I was hospitalized at age 15 at 95 pounds, 5ft 6. I was eating 1200cal/day and like 4 miles a day. So not much bettter. Naturally both of those years my hips and chest were very very very flat.

    Now I'm 16, 5ft 7 and 108lbs. I eat like 2000 to 2500cal/day and run like 5 miles a day. My hips and chest are still like a bit behind though. Now I have hips and am like a size 1 or 3 (vs. 00 before) and an ADULT 32A bra size which is sooo exciting for me. and i have a layer of fat! yay! But still, will I ever like fill out fully to be like a B cup or has anorexia stunted me forever?

    btw i have a VERY small frame like really narrow shoulders and ribs.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • What is this song called?

    dananananananana danananananana (lol if that helps)

    2 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • I was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. and they want to medicate me...?

    i've always been intense. im an intense person who is perfect in school and sports (10th grade year). but recently i trained WAY to hard in xc so they took me to a pysch and she gave me a test and the results came out as "low self esteem and generalized anxiety disorder". now she wants me to go on medication, but im not sure i want medication because i think it might hurt me in the long run. my constant worrying is the thing that makes me do my homework and training runs. My parents think GAD is a joke. i know that i'm not right as far as that goes, i shake sometimes im so nervous and i have these weird panicy attack things where i just melt down. however i make sure im alone when i melt down, like bathroom stalls at school. occasionally i slip though and its embarrassing. i also constantly replay bad memories in my head and constantly berate myself. idk what to do, i want to not have panicy attacky things, but i dont want to be one of those overmedicated teens as well.

    8 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Why am I extremely sad about my running schedule being reduced? I've been crying daily!!!?

    i'm a girl who loves, loves, loves to run, and i have loved to run since i did my 1st mile run in 2nd grade.

    however, since i had a blood disease that causes weight loss and heart damage, the dr. told me 9 miles a week, tops, until i regained the weight and was surely healthy

    so i've only been able to make 2 out of the 4 cross country practices we have each week (its preseason training), and for some reason this really depresses me. i have been crying alot (in private) and just feeling horrible whenever i think about the fact that i can't go to practice.

    my goal is to make it to state, and at the practices i am able to go to, i run reallly fast/strong and i have a shot, but i just want to be able to run 20 to 30 miles a week so i can train properly!!

    why am i so sad about this??? i couldn't go to sleep right now because i was sobbing so hard! is this a normal human reaction?

    4 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Is this a normal reaction to not being allowed to run?

    actually, i'm allowed 9 miles per week. but its xc season and each practice is 4 miles long, so this means i can go to 2 out of 4 practices

    however, i realllllly want to go to states this year, and whenever my mom re-reminds me that i cant go to xc practice i feel all choked up and horrible. i do even now that i'm writing this (in fact i'm starting to cry). when i do run though, i love it and i run extremely hard and even keep up with the guys, but i feel so horrible inside that i cant go to the other practices

    is this overdoing it? its truly how i feel, im not acting or anything :(

    4 AnswersRunning1 decade ago
  • How to improve my times with Dr.'s orders to run 9 miles a week and gain weight?

    I'm a distance runner (age 14 girl), with a 12:19 3200, and the Doctor recently told me that i'm only allowed to do 3 sets of 3 miles each week in order to gain weight (i've been running them very hard though). Thats 21 miles LESS per week then i normally run. I am 5'6 90ish pounds, so he told me to eat 2800 calories a day to gain weight. I was wondering if strength drills and weight lifting (8lbs, i'm not allowed any higher) would really help me out along with a high protien diet...

    also, would about an hour doing stunts (jumps, grinds, ect.) on rollerblades be beneficial?

    If not, any other ideas to lower my times while i'm stuck gaining weight?

    4 AnswersRunning1 decade ago
  • Is my lack of weight an advantage or disadvantage in the 3200?

    I am really thin (about 90lbs and 5'6) and I was wondering if that gives me an edge in the 3200 (i run a 12:19), or if it actually slows me down compared to the other normaller sized girls...

    6 AnswersRunning1 decade ago
  • We won't have a bathroom for another 2 days! How do I deal?

    we use the toilet at the neighbors, but late at night we have to go in the backyard...

    and i have to shower with the hose in my swimsuit, but we are going to the gym to take a shower tonight

    its HORRIBLE! any easy things to do that i missed above? like how not to smell bad... (the hose water is icey)

    2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • I CAN SEE ALL OF MY RIBS, that is kinda freaking me out right now! how bad is that?

    i run track/xc for my high school and i have been eating about 2000 to 2300 calories per day! i am NEVER hungry, i eat often... but i can fit my whole fist under my rib cage! and i can actually count every bone (or at least 13 of them)! i eat more than anybody i know, but it is healthy fibery stuff. but STILL, that is really bad! i actually tally up my calories and they are at what i need currently...

    i run 4 to 6 miles daily to practice (but i take off sundays)

    i KNOW that that is not healthy for a 14 year old girl. (5'6 90lbs)

    how bad is it? WHY am I built like that?

    its kinda freaking me out... i just had 4 oreos and a mug of milk (normally i have a big bowl of ice cream), i'm NOT anorexic...

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Why can't all this social/flirty stuff just CLICK!?! How come I can't be a normal teenager?

    I am 14, but I have NEVER had a boyfreind... at all.

    i just can't flirt or even really show interest correctly. i have to really try to just not freeze up around guys I like. when guys i like flirt with me, i'll end up accidentally dissing them (like by moving away when they get all close), and i won't realize it 'til somebody goes "OOOH, SHE JUST DISSED YOU!!". i want to be normal, but it just doesnt work!

    theres more...

    people backstab me and use me sometimes, but i dont really care that much. i'll just kinda smile and be like "gee, thats not nice". (i.e. somebody told me that I needed to "shut the hell up", and i just smiled and was said "sure", i felt kinda hurt, but not angry, or come-backy like i should have.

    i am class valedictorian out of 428 right now (i dont even study!), and i also hold 3 school records in track... that kinda contributes to the non-normal-ness. but i'm not nerdy, thats the thing! i play dumb alot to just blend a little bit.

    i'm the type of person who shops at thrift shops, and smiles at random people... always the first to do that dare and look ridiculous (like talking to the icecream man in spanish!). i'm also the first one to do chores in the house (when i get bored i clean)....

    but, i just dont BLEND with anybody else... WHY????? its HORRIBLE. :(

    7 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • How many calories does a teenage distance runner (2 hours of training daily) need?


    I'm a 14 year old 90lb girl, who trains about 2 hours a day

    today I did

    2 miles warmup (8 min/mile)


    10 55m dashes fast

    4 sets of 1/2 mile of 100m sprints then 100m jogs (45 second breaks)

    3 sets of 200m dashes medium pace (200m fast-walk breaks)

    another 1/2 mile of 100m sprints then 100m jogs (2 minutes fast-walk break)

    1.5 mile cooldown (9 min/mile pace)

    thats about my daily stuff, sometimes a couple miles less...

    HOW MUCH SHOULD I EAT PER DAY!!!?!??!!?? the internet only goes up to 1 hour of moderate activity per day, but i know that running is a lot weirder on your metabolism...

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Lightheaded after a fairly easy workout?

    today i was doing in-place lunges, and about 15 lunges into the cycle i felt really light-headed and kinda faint. then i drank some water, because it thought it might have been dehydration. I'm still sort of lightheaded right now (and my hands are shaking a little)

    no, the workout was EASY! I'm used to running 4 miles, then weight training for an hour.

    this was a half-hour dumbell session that i do on my REST days thats how easy it is. i ate dinner at 7:30, but i did drink a diet coke, which i normally do not do.

    WHY????? this has never happened, even at super-hard 3mile races at track!

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Umm... did my coach really mean for me to run 16 miles tommorow?

    he told us to do 4 sets of 30 minute runs tommorow

    i can run 4 miles in 30 minutes if I work moderately hard... if I just loaf around i can run 3 miles which still adds up to 12 miles...

    this is high school track,

    i run the mile in 5:47 and the 2mile in 12:19 at meets (not too bad for a 14yr old girl)

    uh, do you think thats what he means? because 16 miles is crazy!

    6 AnswersRunning1 decade ago
  • What is the danger of being 5'6 91lbs?

    I'm a 14 year old girl (almost 15!)

    but i can run a 5:47 mile so i'm not going to die or anything!

    i also train ~5 miles a day along with strength (i can do 100 8lbs bicep curls in a row!). then, (i'm pretty hyperactive) i'll play soccer/basketball/rollerblade/trampoline jump with freinds for 30 minute to an hour

    my period has gone away, but i take calcium supplements for that

    nor am I anorexic, as I eat a pretty balanced diet of 2000 to 2500 calories each day (including chocolate ice cream)

    p.s. today was Easter so I ate ~1100 calories of chocolate, and ~1000 calories of real food...

    so, I'm fine, right?

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • I'm sick and feeling REALLY guilty about not running!?

    i had a really bad cold (i had a FEVER and running with a fever is bad) this week and skipped training on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday... on wendsday i felt a bit better and ran at a nice slow pace

    on thursday i felt pretty good and trained at 100%

    but now today i feel horrible again (fever), and i am feeling very guilty about all this practice i am missing (i train at 100% 5 days a week, and 50% once, and one day off normally)

    oh yeah, im 14... HOW CAN I GET RID OF ALL THIS GUILT?!?

    1 AnswerRunning1 decade ago
  • How to help an anorexic freind when you are 89lbs yourself?

    my freind is anorexic and eats maybe 600 calories a day, and she is 5'4 like 115lbs but she NEVER eats and is always saying "I'm TOO fat" and "I'm ugly" and "I need to lose 10lbs". she also says "I want to be as thin as you" to me.

    im 5'6 89lbs (on the thin side), but i eat 2000 to 2500 calories a day and i have a very high self esteem, i dont ever say "im fat"... i USED to have an eating disorder, but got over it 6 monthes ago.

    how can I help her... ? im her THINSPIRATION person, but im the only one who seems to notice her anorexia.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Sore throat without runny nose, or sinus pressure?!? Google and WebMD failed me!!!?

    so that means its not a cold. i can inhale and exhale through my nose quite well, and and my sinuses are not all swollen.

    however, for the past couple days I have been running EXTREMELY hard (hard practice, track meet, hard practice) and today I felt nauseated, fatigued and had a headache even though I had a medium practice...

    after a double-shot of expresso, the nausea and headache went away, and now my throat hurts and i just ate 3 cough drops and took cough syrup and its getting worse. but i have NO cold symptoms (i get colds alot and i know what they feel like...). i slept 9 hours last night, and felt NO symptoms except fatigue (from 6 miles of intervals) the past few days

    im 14 yrs old...

    4 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago