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Lv 56,132 points

MAC's Mommy

Favorite Answers23%

I'm 24 years old, and starting an all new journey in my life. My boyfriend and I welcomed a baby boy, Marcus Alexander, into the world on November 4th 2009. It's absolutely amazing to be a mommy!!! :) :) :)

  • Vacay in Orlando next week?

    1. What are the best things to go see in or around Orlando OTHER THAN THEME PARKS?

    2. What should I expect for weather?

    3. We're getting a rental car, what are gas prices like down there?

    4. Best beaches??

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Goin on vacay to Florida next week?

    1. What are the best things to go see in or around Orlando OTHER THAN HEME PARKS?

    2. What should I expect for weather?

    3. We're getting a rental car, what are gas prices like down there?

    4. Best beaches??

    1 AnswerOther - United States1 decade ago
  • Who/what/where/how are you?

    1. Male or Female

    2. Age

    3. City

    4. Occupation

    5. Relationship Status

    6. Kids

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Where to go and what to do?

    A girlfriend and i want to take a road trip at the end of May. We live in central Wisconsin and are planning at least 6days if not more. Originally we were thinking of just picking a direction and seeing where we end up and what we see along the way, but then decided that maybe a destination would be a better idea. What are some really good roads to travel on as well as good things to see??? We are in our mid-20's and looking for adventure!

    1 AnswerOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • wondering a good way to bring up.....?

    SO my bf and i have been together for 3 1/2 years now. 1 1/2 of which we've been living in an apartment together and we have a 14month old son together. although our relationship hasn't always been perfect (whose is?!) i feel like we're pretty good together. my issue is that i want to be married (or at least engaged) to him and he just locks up everytime i bring it up! the only time he ever really showed any interest over the subject was 2yrs ago when he had asked for some space to get his priorities straight. we were apart for about 2months and when he came back and said he wanted to be together again he actually asked me, "what would you say if i asked you to marry me?" at the time i said i wasn't sure cause i didn't know how serious he was and we were even together at the time. (i regret that now cause it probably scared him off!!!!! lmao)

    he has come a long way since we first stated seeing each other however cause at first he was a HUGE commitment phob and at least agreed to move in together. he also has been talking aobut buying a house together which is VERY exciting!!!! but i want to take the next step with him. he's only been in one other relationship that's lasted longer (4yrs with his highschool gf) that us. all the others only lasted a few months. so that leads me to believe that we're doing something right????

    granted his father wasn't exactly a good example of marital bliss (4 marriages, 3devorces, and 5kids with 3different women) and i understand how he is probably nervous about it. but i would like to at least be able to talk seriously about it. he usually says, "i don't see it happening in my near future." he knows that it's an important thing to me to be married and that i hold marriage to the sanctity that is has. so to my question. i just need to know a better way for me to bring up the subject without him getting mad saying i'm pressureing him, or getting the same old line. is there a less abrasive way??? how can i get him warmed up to the idea of at least thinking about it????

    honestly the only reason i want to get married is because of him. i'm not one of those girls who wants it for the ring and the dress. i want it for the symbolic idea of joining our souls together as one. he is definitely worth being patient for and i would wait a lifetime for him. i guess more or less i would just like to know if there is a chance of it happening in the future. just as a, "yes i'm thinking of our future and planning on being us for a long time" kind of thing???? idk.

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • One year old tomorrow...?

    SO my little boy turns one year old tomorrow. I CANT BELIEVE IT i know everyone told me that it would go fast, but i never imagined just how fast! I look at how big he's gotten, and realize how small he is still. We're not doing anything too special tomorrow, but on saturday we're getting the families together for a party. I'm so excited. what did you do when you're baby turned one??

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Looking for weight loss options?

    I was thinking about trying Jenny craig or something like that but am worried about the cost. I'm on a very limited budget so a gym membership is out of the question. i would really love to go back to my pre-pregnancy weight but am just not finding the motivation. HELP! Has anyone out there tried Jenny Craig? What were your feelings on it? What other options are available to a single mom with an 11month old?

    21 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • should i be worried if?

    my 9 1/2 month old has been pooping more the last couple days than usual. He is teething but i'm still a little worried and need to know if i should take him to the doctor. the last 3days or so my son has been pooping 2+ times a day. it has been both very fowl smelling, large amounts and very loose. also he's been having trouble sleeping and running a mild temperature (99.6+). what are possible causes and should i consider taking him in????

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Forward facing car seat?

    My doc told us back a ways that after 9months and 20lbs you can put the baby in a forward facing seat. i also have been looking it up online, and it says that MOST 9month olds are big enough and heavy enough to sit forward. So we went out and got one. My son will be 9months on wednesday and is already 22lbs and 30+in long. a friend of mine who is on her second child yelled at us for turning him around saying that you absolutely shouldn't do that till they're 1 and sent me the link to a different website than the ones i found. However the car seats we had only held up to 22lbs and his feet were hanging off the end of it. Is it wrong to have him in the new seat??? when did or will you put your baby facing forward?

    16 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • They told me time would fly but.....?

    I never took it all that seriously!!! and now here i am. My little boy is going to be 9months on Wednesday which means in 3months he's going to me 1year old already!!!!! Could it really be???? I can't believe it! Anyone else feeling this way? When did it sink in for you that your little one was getting old already? When did you start feeling like you wanted another one because of it??

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Bf's friends, not getting along with them AT ALL!?

    My bf and i will have been together for 3years in august. We've had our ups and downs and even separated twice. 8months ago i gave birth to our son! we had a little trouble adjusting to the change of being parents, but now we're better than ever!!!!!!

    here's the problem though. when we first got together he introduced me to all of his friends and i got along with all of them REALLY well. however ater the first time we split they started acting different towards me.... which i don't hold against them because they were HIS friends. but even after he and i got back together they still wouldn't talk to me as much or ask me to hang out anymore.....

    then after i got pregnant i found out that they were all tell each other that it was someone else's baby. they even convinced my bf of that! he made a huge stink about having to have a paternity test done. well needless to say IT IS HIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! None of them even came to see us in the hospital after the baby was born. and to this day there are still a couple of them who have never seen our son. i just don't think they're as good of friends as he thinks they are...... and now i've lost all patience with his friends. both times we split they all said that it was because i was being a b**** or something but both times HE dumped ME and it was cause he wasnt sure if he wanted the committment! he never stook up for me which i think is one of the issuses. he didn't trash talk me with them, but he never corrected them either......

    anyway, the 4th of July is coming up and of course they are all getting together to celebrate. But i just don't want to go. I have made ceveral efforts to reconnect with these ppl but they just won't have it. the worst part is that my bf and his bro are really really close. his bro is his best friend. suckily for me, the bro's gf is one of the ppl scrutinizing me!!!!!! they never do anything infront of the boys so my bf n his bro are completely oblivious to what's going on.

    i told my bf that i don't want to go to the 4th with his friends because i'm sick of just standing around while no one talks to me, and that it just wouldn't be fun for me at all. what can i do to either eliviate some of the akwardness with his friends or maybe convince him to go see his friends for a litte bit then do our own thing???? instead of spending the whole night with them. i mean seeing that we're a family now anyway doesn't it make sence that we start our own NEW traditions??? ...... HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Need a little help getting a smile on my face!?

    So, i've been at my job for just about 3 years now. It's a retail sales position at a local cellphone place. I've been having trouble since i started. i'm just not a good sales person. 8months ago i gave birth to my son, and ever since then i have had even more trouble with my job. i know that i have to keep it just so that i can pay the bills, and have already gone down to part time to keep my sanity. it just feels like i'm doing nothing all day. i mean the customers hate me because of the procedures i have to follow, but yet i get yelled at just about everyday for not following procedures exactly to the tee. and its stuff like not charging the display phone and crap like that...... i just need something uplifting today. I've been searching for a new job for about a month now. but its hard cause we (my bf, son and me) may be moving anytime now if my bf gets the job he's hopeing for. so i almost feel like i'm stuck here, which makes it even worse. my son and bf are the only things keeping me going right now cause work is REALLY bringing me down. What are some uplifting thoughts for today? anything?

    1 AnswerOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Need some help in how to keep my head up!!!?

    So, i've been at my job for just about 3 years now. It's a retail sales position at a local cellphone place. I've been having trouble since i started. i'm just not a good sales person. 8months ago i gave birth to my son, and ever since then i have had even more trouble with my job. i know that i have to keep it just so that i can pay the bills, and have already gone down to part time to keep my sanity. it just feels like i'm doing nothing all day. i mean the customers hate me because of the procedures i have to follow, but yet i get yelled at just about everyday for not following procedures exactly to the tee. and its stuff like not charging the display phone and crap like that...... i just need something uplifting today..... anyone?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What to do, what to get him!?

    This will be our first fathers day as a couple, and i have NO idea what to get him!!!! lol. we've actually been together for just short of 3 years, and our son is now 7months old. but, what do i do for my bf, or what can i get him for father's day?! what did you do your first time? or any other time really! lol.

    1 AnswerParenting1 decade ago
  • who else **cking hates their job right now???

    so i just got a call that my dad was taken to a hospital 30 min away in an ambulence because of heart complecations...... and guess what I"M STUCK AT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i work in a small cell phone office of about 4 ppl including me. and all three other ppl cannot or will not fill in for me. i was already have issues with wanting to continue working here, this was the iceing on the friggen cake!!!!!!!!!!

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • what to do, what to do, what will he REALLY like?

    I want to do something really nice for my bf/baby daddy. he has just been absolutely amazing the last 7months since our son was born. He's been working 25-30hrs a week and going to school. He just graduated with his second degree on the 14th. the hard part is that he is worried about money right now. so i want to try and keep it inexpensive and still super fun. He is really into football, swimming, disc golf and bike rides. he also really likes camping and grilling out and camp fires. i'm hoping to combine a few of these things into a mini shindig for him. maybe a fathers day/graduation deal. what ideas do you have??????

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • what can i do for him that's special?

    I want to do something really nice for my bf/baby daddy. he has just been absolutely amazing the last 7months since our son was born. He's been working 25-30hrs a week and going to school. He just graduated with his second degree on the 14th. the hard part is that he is worried about money right now. so i want to try and keep it inexpensive and still super fun. He is really into football, swimming, disc golf and bike rides. he also really likes camping and grilling out and camp fires. i'm hoping to combine a few of these things into a mini shindig for him. maybe a fathers day/graduation deal. what ideas do you have??????

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What to do for my man.....something special?

    I want to do something really nice for my bf/baby daddy. he has just been absolutely amazing the last 7months since our son was born. He's been working 25-30hrs a week and going to school. He just graduated with his second degree on the 14th. the hard part is that he is worried about money right now. so i want to try and keep it inexpensive and still super fun. He is really into football, swimming, disc golf and bike rides. he also really likes camping and grilling out and camp fires. i'm hoping to combine a few of these things into a mini shindig for him. maybe a fathers day/graduation deal. what ideas do you have??????

    3 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • PLEASE HELP ME~~ don't know what i can say....?

    Alright. So i LOVE my sister i really do. i just think that sometimes she makes some really stupid decisions. She will be 29 in june and i will be 23. so we're quite far apart in age. her (now) husband is 37. So they're quite far apart in age too. they met at work but have both since been fired from the place. i HATE this guy. i mean, he's arrogant, is a know-it-all, has made several inappropriate advances towards me (which my sister knows about and passes off as "that's just how he is") and is really just kind of an ***. you can't tell this a guy a thing cause he will tell EVERYONE else that he knows. recently he even almost cause my bf and i to break up cuase he stuck his nose in where it didn't belong and tried to stur stuff up. he is ALWAYS telling people one thing and doing another. like in an argument, he'll tell one person he'd back them up no matter what. then tell the other person the same thing. NO WONDER HE SELLS CARS FOR A LIVING!!!!! he really is the sleezy sales man.

    When my bf and i got pregnant last year my sister decided to go off birth control. STUPID! well, we found out about 2 months ago that she is now pregnant. so they did a little wedding ceremony thing in their LIVINGROOM and she's on his insurance (since she is jobless right now) and taking care of HIS 6year old daughter. i want to just smack her over the head and tell her that she's doing this for all the wrong reasons. she claims that she loves this guy, but i don't see how she can! he treats her like crap (or at least from what i have seen) and honestly nobody really likes him. all of our friends dont, our parents dont, i really don't know about my bro and his gf, but i know that my fiance HATES the guy as well. which i don't blame him for. i mean the guy pulled down my shirt and took pictures of my boobs with his phone for goodness sake!!!!!!! and my sister said "he just donesn't understand that he can't be that way with YOU. see he's like that with our friends......" WHAT?!

    All my sister has ever wanted was a house, a husband and kids. this guy can give it to her so i think that she's settleing. UGH!

    Help me please!!!! what can i do to make her see that she's with a looser, and even though she's pregnant with his baby now she'dbe SO much better off without him???

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Having some SERIOUS sister issues?

    Alright. So i LOVE my sister i really do. i just think that sometimes she makes some really stupid decisions. She will be 29 in june and i will be 23. so we're quite far apart in age. her (now) husband is 37. So they're quite far apart in age too. they met at work but have both since been fired from the place. i HATE this guy. i mean, he's arrogant, is a know-it-all, has made several inappropriate advances towards me (which my sister knows about and passes off as "that's just how he is") and is really just kind of an ***. you can't tell this a guy a thing cause he will tell EVERYONE else that he knows. recently he even almost cause my bf and i to break up cuase he stuck his nose in where it didn't belong and tried to stur stuff up. he is ALWAYS telling people one thing and doing another. like in an argument, he'll tell one person he'd back them up no matter what. then tell the other person the same thing. NO WONDER HE SELLS CARS FOR A LIVING!!!!! he really is the sleezy sales man.

    When my bf and i got pregnant last year my sister decided to go off birth control. STUPID! well, we found out about 2 months ago that she is now pregnant. so they did a little wedding ceremony thing in their LIVINGROOM and she's on his insurance (since she is jobless right now) and taking care of HIS 6year old daughter. i want to just smack her over the head and tell her that she's doing this for all the wrong reasons. she claims that she loves this guy, but i don't see how she can! he treats her like crap (or at least from what i have seen) and honestly nobody really likes him. all of our friends dont, our parents dont, i really don't know about my bro and his gf, but i know that my fiance HATES the guy as well. which i don't blame him for. i mean the guy pulled down my shirt and took pictures of my boobs with his phone for goodness sake!!!!!!! and my sister said "he just donesn't understand that he can't be that way with YOU. see he's like that with our friends......" WHAT?!

    All my sister has ever wanted was a house, a husband and kids. this guy can give it to her so i think that she's settleing. UGH!

    Help me please!!!! what can i do to make her see that she's with a looser, and even though she's pregnant with his baby now she'dbe SO much better off without him???

    5 AnswersFamily1 decade ago