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  • How can I not be so nervous?

    I just joined a new sports team in the fall and for some reason I'm always so nervous for games and practices. I'm nervous about the playing and about being social although my team likes me and I'm normally a very social person. The weird thing is that after games and practices I realize it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be and I didn't have any reason to be nervous. Also all day before I have to go to practice all I can think about is practice and what I could do wrong. How can I learn to just chill out a little more and not worry so much? THANKS

    2 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • How do I bring my grades to high A's from high B's and low A's?

    I just finished freshman year at my highschool and my overall grades ranged from an 85 to 91. My high school is very challenging and often our honors and AP courses are equivalent to college courses. I am pleased with my grades but I know that freshman year is the easiest and it's only going to get harder! I really want to bring my grades up to all A's like around a 93 average and I don't know how to do that. I study for about 1 hour everyday but I don't think that is enough. Also I don't know how to use my textbook to my advantage and I don't know how to study that effectively, but I really want to learn better studying techniques for next year. DO you have any suggestions?

    Also I have 3 textbooks to study with over the summer (AP US history, Chem honors, and Algebra two) but I'm not sure how to use them to prepare me for these classes next year. HELP!!

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education8 years ago
  • How do I bring my grades to high A's from high B's and low A's?

    I just finished freshman year at my highschool and my overall grades ranged from an 85 to 91. My high school is very challenging and often our honors and AP courses are equivalent to college courses. I am pleased with my grades but I know that freshman year is the easiest and it's only going to get harder! I really want to bring my grades up to all A's like around a 93 average and I don't know how to do that. I study for about 1 hour everyday but I don't think that is enough. Also I don't know how to use my textbook to my advantage and I don't know how to study that effectively, but I really want to learn better studying techniques for next year. DO you have any suggestions?

    Also I have 3 textbooks to study with over the summer (AP US history, Chem honors, and Algebra two) but I'm not sure how to use them to prepare me for these classes next year. HELP!!

  • is comitting suicide cowerdly or noble?

    I'm doing an essay on Romeo and Juliet and my essay topic is about suicide. I am trying to gather people's opinions in if they think suicide is noble or cowardly in today's society and in Romeo and Juliet's time. Thank you

    8 AnswersOther - Entertainment8 years ago
  • Comic Con 2013 schedule?

    Does anyone know where I can find a 2013 comic con schedule?? If I can't get all four day passes i really want to go on the day(s) Teen Wolf and Supernatural will be there! HELP!

    1 AnswerOther - Television8 years ago
  • Should I write in 1st or 3rd person limited?

    I am currently trying to write a novel and I am really having issues picking a point of view! Just to give a summery the novel is about supernatural creatures that are slaves to humankind. It is set in the future. One slave owner buys a slave and they form a bond and try to stop the slavery. I was thinking of doing it in first person on the slave or in third person limited to the slave. I can't decide which would be better. I know first person tends to be biased but I can't really see a difference of the points of view beyond that. HELP!

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • 3rd person writing?? HELP!?

    Ok so I'm attempting to write a short story in third person but I got stuck. When I'm writing in 3rd person (close to the main character) do I have to stay close to that character? Can i switch characters and then become close to another character to see what they are feeling?

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Character names for a novel?? HELP?

    I have been going crazy trying to come up with two guy names for a book I am starting! Can't stop thinking about it and I need HELP! Two guy names that are very different. This is also set in the future.

    1) This guy I want to have sort of a beautiful name. He is a slave and very reserved. In my head I see dark hair with hazel or blue eyes. This guy also ends up being fierce and a great leader. But his character has a habit of pushing a subject too much and being a bit rebellious

    2) This guy has a kind heart, hidden to many people by a rough exterior. I picture him also having dark hair and eye color undecided. He doesn't like to talk about feelings and is also a very good leader. He doesn't have many friends because he pushes people away, but people respect him.

    Any Names are welcome. THANK YOU GUYS

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Should I go to Comic con or this New Jersey convention?

    Hey, so as you can tell by my question i'm trying to decide if i should go to comic con or a new jersey convention. Comic con is obviously going to be A LOT harder to get into, so i am more likely to get into the new jersey convention. However the one is NJ only has the Supernatural cast (mind you one of the major reasons i am going to comic con is for the supernatural cast). Also comic con doesn't guarantee a seat, but the NJ convention can guarantee me a seat for three days.

    So I figured I should go to the Nj convention, but then I thought about how much bigger and cooler comic con is! Also comic con has writing sessions and other casts that I want to go and see. So now I think I should hold off on the NJ convention and go to comic con instead! HELP!!

    1 AnswerDrama8 years ago
  • Should I go to Comic con or this New Jersey convention?

    Hey, so as you can tell by my question i'm trying to decide if i should go to comic con or a new jersey convention. Comic con is obviously going to be A LOT harder to get into, so i am more likely to get into the new jersey convention. However the one is NJ only has the Supernatural cast (mind you one of the major reasons i am going to comic con is for the supernatural cast). Also comic con doesn't guarantee a seat, but the NJ convention can guarantee me a seat for three days.

    So I figured I should go to the Nj convention, but then I thought about how much bigger and cooler comic con is! Also comic con has writing sessions and other casts that I want to go and see. So now I think I should hold off on the NJ convention and go to comic con instead! HELP!!

    1 AnswerCelebrities8 years ago
  • Should I go to Comic con or this New Jersey convention?

    Hey, so as you can tell by my question i'm trying to decide if i should go to comic con or a new jersey convention. Comic con is obviously going to be A LOT harder to get into, so i am more likely to get into the new jersey convention. However the one is NJ only has the Supernatural cast (mind you one of the major reasons i am going to comic con is for the supernatural cast). Also comic con doesn't guarantee a seat, but the NJ convention can guarantee me a seat for three days.

    So I figured I should go to the Nj convention, but then I thought about how much bigger and cooler comic con is! Also comic con has writing sessions and other casts that I want to go and see. So now I think I should hold off on the NJ convention and go to comic con instead! HELP!!

    1 AnswerComics & Animation8 years ago
  • Why aren't I sore from lifting?

    So recently I started a lifting program to strengthen my arms and back for softball. However I have been doing it for about two weeks, but after I do it I am never sore. This is especially weird because I have never done a lifting program before and so I should be very sore! I do it Moondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for about 30 minutes. I also lift in gym for about 20 mins those same days. However I am not sore at all! The weights I am using are definitely heavy enough because I can barely finish my 3rd set, and sometimes I can't finish my 3rd set. So if my weights are heavy enough why aren't I sore? Also does this mean I am not gaining any muslce, because my goal is to gain muscle

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • is it a good thing to be iridescent?

    In case you don't know what iridescent is you can google it or go off of my basic definition. Iridescent- being able to change perspectives, abilities, and looks depending on your angle. I just found out I am like this but I don't know exactly what it means exactly or if it is a good thing. Can someone help!! Also I just saw something online written by a physcology major saying "once in awhile you will meet someone who is rirdescent and nothing else can compair"

    2 AnswersMythology & Folklore9 years ago
  • Should I do band or Chorus next year?

    Hey guys, I am currently doing band and I am a freshman in high school. I have done band since 4th grade, which is the first year my school offers band. I did do an after school chorus in 4th grade, but since then I haven't done any chorus stuff. I find that I have a good voice and I sing everyday by myself. Band is just getting really boring and I find myself wanting to be in chorus every time I enter the band room. However I can't really do a singing scale, I mean I could but I am clearly not as advanced as the other kids in my grade. Also I haven't sung in public since 4th grade when we all sucked anyway. Also, all my friends are in band and there are band trips and I want to go. I think I am going to tough it out in band, but I really like the idea of chorus and singing!

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education9 years ago
  • Has anyone else ever felt this way on their sports team?

    Hey guys I just joined a new sports team and I have been having some trouble living up to their amazingness!! The sport is softball and I have been playing for 4 years on a town c level team and I am now on a club team that is a level. All the girls are amazing and nice and great at softball, however I am not. I am not bad clearly because I made the team, but I am definitely te week link when it comes to outfield. I just feel so unneeded and scared that I won't be able to live up to be as good as they are. It was only my second practice with the team but our first tournament is Sunday and I am sooo nervous!! Has anyone else ever felt like the weak link and like you won't be able to live up how good you should be?? What did you do?

    2 AnswersBaseball9 years ago
  • Why does this happen? How do I get rid of it?

    Recently I have a new obsession and it's just reading some fanfiction, but the problem is that whenever I'm reading it I get bored. When I am not reading it however, I need to be reading it. It's like a pull towards reading fanfiction, but then when I finally give in and read it, I am sooo bored and it takes me forever to read it because it's so boring. I have been reading it for a month now so I guess I am just getting over the obsession, but then why do I crave it whenvever I'm not reading it?

    1 AnswerOther - Health9 years ago
  • How much harder is high school than middle school?

    Hi, I'm an incoming freshman and I am very apprehensive about grades, gpa, and all the work. In middle school I had a gpa of 3.8, meaning I got mostly a's and I think I got 1 B overall. I just wanted to know how much different the work load is in high school and how hard it will be to mantain at least a 3.5 gpa? How much studying time do I need to set aside? Will I be up until 3 am studying just to get an A? Would you recommend taking ap classes? Why or why not? Should I do homework all the time? (I did in middle school but that was because it boosted your grade, but in my high school homework doesn't count towards you grade). Also if you know any good premed schools on the east coast and what gpa you need to get into said colleges that would be super helpful. :) best answer gets 5 stars and the pride of knowing they helped a stranger! lol :) thanks guys

    5 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education9 years ago
  • What did you do in freshman year English?

    Hi I'm taking high school freshman English Honours this year, and was wondering what you guys did in relation to the Odyssey? Did you write a lot of essays, and if so, what were they about? What are some main points to keep track of, and what books are the most important? Also, this is unrelated, but what else did you do that year? What types of things did you learn about and was it an educational year?

    3 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education9 years ago
  • Is a college that is good for nurses good for doctors too?

    I was thinking about going to Drexel University and I want to be a doctor. I saw that they have good nursing school and I was wondering if a good school for nurses is a good school for doctors? I'm talking just for undergraduate school, like before I apply for med school. Does it actually matter what college you go to before medical school? Can you recommend some good schools to attend before medical school? Preferably on the east coast, but I'm open to all college suggestions.

  • Shaving my face dream?

    Hey, I had a dream that I shaved a portion of hair off of my cheek in my dream. I was looking in a mirror and there was a male figure next to me, watching me. I am a female too, and I clearly don't shave my face in reality, so what could this mean?

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation9 years ago