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Haley Grace is here!!!

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I am 23. I have a 2 1/2 year old son, who is the most amazing little boy in the world. He makes me smile all the time. I have been married for 5 1/2 years and could not be happier. My husband is amazing, getting married young has paid off for me. We are expecting our 2nd child in late January. I can't wait. I stay at home with my son and will continue to do so after I have baby #2. I have a college degree, and someday I will have the job I want, but for now my focus is on my kids. I am no where near perfect at parenting. I find myself taking shortcuts I swore I never would. My son has me wrapped around his finger and I rarely tell him no. However I feel he is pretty well behaved, in fact he is a little too good to be true. Hopefully my second will be just as good. I love Yahoo Answers pregnancy and parenting section, but try and stay out of all the drama. Sometimes I read the posts and laugh, but I never post on any of them. Don't wanna give them a reason to keep posting.

  • Do most colleges consider current students as alumni?

    My college is having an event. They sent a notice to current students, but it's an event for alumni. Does that mean that current students are considered alumni?

  • Baby Girl Accessories?

    How do you store your baby/toddler girl's Hair Things. My first was a boy so I didn't have to worry about all this little items. I am trying to figure out the best way to store all the barrettes, head bands, and other small accessories for a baby girl.

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Sims 3 Baby Not Found!?!?

    While trying to get a sim to marry, she became pregnant and had a baby. I finally got the propose marriage and marriage to show up. After we were married and she moved in, the baby did not come with her! Where is the baby, and how do I get her to join the active family?!?!?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Website about your Family?

    Does anyone have a website about your family or your kids to share with the rest of your extended family. I want to make a website to share with family and friends about what is going on with my kids and my husband and I. Can anyone recommend a good site to use to do this. I prefer it be free.. at least for now so I can see how much it gets used. I want to share photos and video along with basically blogging about them. Any ideas??

    6 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Okay this is for all those moms with new babies...?

    All through my pregnancy, I read your questions and followed your stories... the regulars anyway. Now we are all having our babies and just wondering... how is everyone doing since the birth of their new babies? Did everything go as you thought it would??

    I had my daughter 3 weeks early. I had a regular check up and told the doctor, I thought maybe I was leaking amniotic fluid very slowly. He told me it was probably urine but he would check anyway. Sure enough I was. Sitting in the patient room alone, I heard him out in the hallway tell the nurse to call the OR right away. My fluid had been leaking for about a week I thought. So I went to the hospital and had her by c-section. She came out at 5 lbs 12 oz and seemed perfect. About 8 hours later she was rushed to another hospital with a NICU. She was getting below 40% oxygen. I was released the next morning and spent the next 10 days traveling back and forth to be with her. She is home now... 5 weeks old and is absolutely perfect. Already weighing in over 7lbs.

    So how did your baby's birthday go?

    Here are a few pics of my daughter.

    Feel free to post your own pics if you would like...

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • New Daughter in the NICU?

    I had my daughter on Friday January 16th at 1:00PM by C-section. Her name is Haley Grace and she was 3 weeks early. I went an OB appt. and found out I was leaking fluid. Anyway she seemed so perfect and healthy when she was born, but around 9 PM that night they discovered she wasn't getting enough oxygen and had to be transported to a bigger hospital with a better NICU. My doctor released me from the hospital on Saturday, less than 24 hours after my c-section. (He had many reservations, but was understanding that I wanted to be with my daughter.) I spent all of yesterday by her bedside in the NICU. She can't be fed and has a tube giving her oxygen through her nose. She weighs 5 lbs 7 oz.

    So my question is for other moms who have had a baby in the NICU... How did you do it? The NICU is one hour away from my house and I already have a 2 1/2 year old son. I am so torn on where I need to be and how often. To add to that I am in an extreme amount of pain from the c-section and have to be in a wheelchair whenever I am at the hospital.(Part of the deal with my doctor) My daughter will be there at least this entire week. I want to be with her so much, but I miss my son so much too. He has been with his grandparents and see him here and there at the hospital, but I can't help but feel guilty for leaving him so much. I am a SAHM so he and I are together 24/7 normally. How did you divide your time? Also how did you deal with all of the emotions? I find myself crying and just overwhelmed and stressed so much. Everything has happened so fast and the hormones don't help.

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Mommies, Whats on your Christmas list this year?

    My in-laws want me to write a Christmas list, and I have no clue what I want. I put a few books on there, some bath and body works stuff, a new baby sling( I am due with my 2nd in February). Honestly I feel like there are so many things I want, I just can't think of any of them. So whats on your Christmas lists, maybe it will give me some good ideas. Thanks.

    12 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How did you prepare during your last 10 weeks of pregnancy?

    What did you do during your last 10 weeks of pregnancy to prepare for you little one? I am trying to keep busy to make the time go by a little faster. Any tips on things you did or wished you did??

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Gift for older sibling when new baby arrives?

    I am expecting a new baby in late January. Just wondering about getting my 2 1/2 year old a gift when the baby comes. What sort of gift should I get him? Should I have it at the hospital when he comes to meet the baby or I thought maybe I could take him shopping after the baby comes home and let him pick something out, and tell him it is for being such a good big brother. The shopping trip would end up getting him a better gift because we usually get our tax return back in early February. Or I could possibly do both. Get him a small gift at the hospital and a larger one later for being a good brother. Any ideas on what to get him would be great.

    11 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Just a way to get baby girl name ideas...?

    Okay well this is just a fun way for me to get some ideas of baby girl names. I am due February 5. So I am going to post pictures of myself when I was little, not actually sure what age I am in any of the photos. Then maybe you all can tell me what you think would be a good name for someone who looks like me.

    I realize my child may look nothing like me. This is just a fun way to get ideas.

    I know the quality of pictures aren't very good. Gotta love having digital cameras to take pictures of our kids now.

    19 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Feel like I can't take a breath and dizzy, 21 weeks pregnant?

    Okay so I am 21 weeks pregnant and all of the sudden I feel like I can't take a breath. I end up taking one, obviously but then I get really light headed and feel like I am going to pass out. My ears pop and I just get dizzy. This lasts for a few minutes and then goes away. I still feel light headed but the feeling of passing out goes away. This started yesterday and has happened like 7 or 8 times today. I am not doing anything strenuous just sitting on the couch. I am going to call my doctor, but does anyone have any idea if this is normal or what could be wrong??? This is my second pregnancy and I don't remember this happening during my first. I have also had a cough for like 6 weeks but last time I went to the doctor... Last Friday.. he said it was probably just allergies and to take Claritan.

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Which is the best floor playmat in your opinion?

    I am getting ready to go out and buy one today and I am not sure which one to get. Many people say their babies don't even like them. With my first child I went cheap and bought one for 18 dollars that he never used at all. These are a few I liked but wanted to know if they were really worth the money for you?? It just doesn't seem like these should cost 50 something dollars.

    Thanks for the help

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Anyone use the munchkin slings?

    They almost seem a little too good to be true. They are a good price and seem to be worth the money. Just wondering if anyone has used either one. They have a cargo one and a reversible one. Here are some links to what I am talking about

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Preparing for a new baby?

    Just wondering if anyone wants to share how they prepared for their new baby. Like a checklist or a time line of what you did to prepare yourself, your house, your other children, or just preparing for labor???

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • So much Pregnancy Pain, normal or not??

    Okay please bear with me, I am going to try my best to describe this. I am 16 weeks pregnant with my second child. For the last few days I have been having very bad pain along the right side of my abdomen. It goes from about belly button height all the way down to my pubic area. It is not mild cramping or really cramping at all. It is just Pain. It happens at night a lot whenever I lay on my right side or my back. It gets really bad sometimes when I pee, but not every time. And during the day sometimes after I have been sitting for a while when I stand up it hurts very bad. When I stand up and it hurts it feels like something inside of me is falling down. I can't really explain it.

    Is something in there just getting smashed by my growing uterus, Could it be a bladder infection?? I was going to call my doctor yesterday but I didn't because I thought it was going away, but it hasn't. If I need to call the on call doctor I will but just wondering if anybody on here has experienced anything like this. I never felt like this with my last pregnancy. I have a check up early next week, do you think I should just wait until then to talk to my doc??

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 2 year old son keeps getting upset?

    Okay my little boy is crying and sobbing every day about the sun. It all started with a toy that is a sun and plays you are my sunshine. Everytime he sees it he gets so upset and cries while asking me if the sun is okay. Now he does it all day long. The sun is at grandma and grandpas so he doesn't see it anymore.

    He will just come walking up to me crying asking me if the sun is okay. Or he will ask me to sing you are my sunshine and if I do he will start sobbing and crying into my shoulder. We have to go through this many times everyday. I really don't know what to do to make him feel better or explain to him the sun is okay. I tell him all the time that the sun is okay and the sun is happy. Nothing works. Any ideas???

    He is also starting to do it with other stuffed animals too. Such as his glow worm or stuffed dog. I really need help I can't stand to see him so sad all the time.

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Baby Pictures taken by You!?

    Does anyone have any pictures of their babies or toddlers that they took themselves instead of having them professionally done. Ones that you made into wallets for family and stuff. I am looking for ideas for my 2 year old son. I have a digital camera I am just not very good at thinking up poses. Any ideas?? You can just tell me or if you want let me see yours.

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What age did you stop using a stroller???

    My son will be a few months shy of turning 3 when my baby is born. I cannot decide if I should buy a double stroller or just let my son walk. For the first few months I plan on using a sling or front carrier for the newborn. Is my son old enough to start walking all the time when he is 3 or do I really need a double stroller???

    21 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Progesterone levels??

    Okay for anyone who knows anything about this. I had my progesterone levels checked yesterday and they were 13.4 which is a low. I am 6 weeks pregnant today. I start supplements today but I am a little worried that maybe I started them too late. I lost a pregnancy at 5 weeks last time although i didn't actually miscarry until 11 weeks. I don't want this to happen again. My doctor just said that its a little low and a precautionary thing. Has anyone had this happen?? Do you think my baby could still be okay??? Is 13.4 too low??

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Healthy Foods while pregnant?

    Just looking for ideas of quick easy meals or snacks that are healthy to eat. I am five weeks pregnant and not a very good eater. What were/are some of your favorites?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago