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how to respond when a girl tells you she likes you but you dont like her?
i kinda want to do it in the nicest way possible
2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoif the coyotes won the Stanley cup would Raffi Torres still get a ring?
Also whats the requirements for a player to get a ring on a Stanley cup winning team? (games played? Playoffs games played?) just curious
5 AnswersHockey9 years agowhat are some bands that are like Rise Against?
6 AnswersRock and Pop9 years agoNintendo 3ds questions?
i recently lost my old ds lite and i usually go on road trips a lot so a handheld game system is pretty much necessary and my questions of a 3ds are
1: can i still play my ds games and my gameboy games?
2: will i find myself using the the no 3D mode a lot?
3: is it really worth paying the extra $s for this instead of buying another ds lite?
4: how does the battery do and if its bad can i buy something to make it last longer?
5: for the second analog stick accessory at gamestop are there a lot of games compatable with it?
6: What are the must have games?
Thanks for reading
1 AnswerOther - Games & Gear9 years agoCan you get in trouble for prank calling poison control hotline?
Just wondering my friend wanted to do it and say he drank a bottle of windex thinking it was kool aid
6 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years agois this basically a guarentee that i will be on varsity?
i was talking to my lacrosse coach and we are not that very good and this is a brand new coach and i was talking to him after one of our practices (basically tryouts) and he said "your really good, in 5 minutes i relized that you were probably one of the most skilled guys out here, your perfect for my offense that il'l be running this year, you have great size and speed and you will be a superstar running my offense coming from around X (behind the net) catching the ball left handed in scoring like that" the thing that is making me debate if this is a guarentee is i am a freshman however, im left handed which isnt that common in lacrosse, i would say im pretty good iv been told by juniors that im amazing and there is another attackman who is lefthanded and is a senior and is ok
3 AnswersOther - Sports9 years agoWhy is my friend doing this?
start of highschool (were both freshman) i got into a new group of friends and in that group there was that one kid that every made fun (lets call him bob for now) of but i was nice to him unlike all my other friends. now second semester comes around and all our other friends got their lunch hour changed except me and bob. now there was two tables and me and bob sat down at one with other freshman that were mutual friends of mine, and they told me to leave. bob sat there and did nothing and i went to another table the next day which is kinda a nerdy table but idc. now bob dosent really talk to me and when he does, he almost talks down to me and i dont think iv done anything wrong. Whats up with bob and how should i deal with this
3 AnswersFriends9 years agokinda confused about my friends?
so i was the new kid in a huge highschool of 5000 people at the start of freshman year and i got really close with, but theres a problem. i only seem to talk to them at school and xbox and we talk a lot. when we would sit at the lunch table they would say to each other "yeah lets go hang out at ______" and they would say this right infront of me and have never invited me. now this really didnt bother me because i would say to myself " even if they did invite you, you could go you have hockey." but that started in late october and now im really starting to question if im really friends with them. also i live close to our school and after a school day some of us went to my house and hung out. Why do they do this and is there something i should do.
3 AnswersFriends9 years agoDoes this girl like me?
im a junior in highschool and i go to a huge highschool and theres a girl who iv never talked to before and she is in a whole different social group that is more of the popular group and im kinda what you would be in called the middle upper class. (our school has very obvius social classes and yes its kinda dumb) lately in gym we have been doing these weird dances and to be hounest im pretty awkward when it comes to them, anyway we had to do a thing were to guys were back to back and the girls had to walk around and i yelled supries trust fall and fell back and the guy behind me moved and i fell on my butt and while she was walking around she started to laugh a lot. also we had to do a thing were we had to face each other about 2 feet away and she instantly started to look down at my shoes. Lastly we have these awkward eye to eye connections acrosse the hallway, lunchroom and gym and i honustly dont know whos looking first. are these signs that she likes me?
7 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoSo the filter for what i say went down for 5 seconds and im pretty sure my class thinks im an A** hole?
so basically today i came to school not really happy didnt get a lot of sleep and some personal stuff is going on at home. Now i have some kids who sit around me who im kinda friends with just wouldnt hang out with them after school and they had ripped my to kill a mocking bird in half (by the binding) 3 times and it had been together with duct tape and i was on the other side of the room and they thought it would be funny to do it again and they did. i was tired of this and finally when one of them brought it to me and told me i basically turned around and told on them and i wouldnt normally do this but it kinda slipped out. The teacher asked me if i was tatteling then relized when i showed it to him and gave us a five minute lecture about why you dont take other peoples stuff and a girl came over (kinda a bi**hy girl) and told me i shouldnt of ratd my friends out and i was a d**k. worst part of all the girl i liked who was sitting there was saying whats going on and my best friend that i was sitting next to told her and then i heard him wisper to another guy next to him This isnt like scott he is probably pissed. What should i do know? i was thinking about posting on facebook with something like "5 seconds can change a person's opinion and today i found that out the hard way in reading" would that be good or should i say something else and also would it be weird if i messaged the girl i liked asking her did i really look like a D**k today it kinda slipped out. sorry this is long but thanks for reading!
3 AnswersFriends9 years agoWhats the best way to get prepared for a big tryout in 11 days?
i have a huge lacrosse tryout in 11 days for all midwest team and basically if i make this team i get looked at by some smaller D1 coaches (smaller schools) and D2 and D3 coaches.Also if i make this team i will probably make varsity for my highschool because we arnt that good and they take freshman. Now im running a lot more (around 3 miles a day) and stretching a lot. anything else i should include into my routine?
2 AnswersOther - Sports10 years agoSo my friends are best friends with a Grade A a hole what do i do?
i was new to my high school and i joined a group of friends who are really nice i like to hang out with them and that stuff but then theres a problem where there is another kid who is in this group and basically he talks down to everyone like he is some kind of god, he always makes fun of me even though im taller and bigger, and he always tries to tell me to go away but my other friends always tell him "No we like (my name) he can stay" but in a gist of it he is an A** hole, cocky, and many other things and iv tried to avoid him but every time i hang out with this group he is there and everyone loves him (like a friend not in a gay way) but me. how do i deal with him he is just really getting annoying
2 AnswersFriends10 years agoSo i like this girl and she likes me back but shes moving to england in two weeks?
iv liked this girl and i know she likes me but we been a little to scared to talk to each other and i finally started to talk to her on facebook and got her number and we started to text and we found out that we really liked each how we looked and each others personatlites and i basically told her i wanna like to start hanging out and maybe we can take this to the next level and she responded with id love to but im kinda moving to england in two weeks but coming back in a year. know im stuck on what im spose to do leave her alone or continue talking on the phone, facebook and text or just not even try. some adivice would be nice. (and yes we both live in america just making that clear and were both sophmores in highschool)
1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years agorandom question but is this a turn on for girls?
me and my friend were kinda joking around in class and we were also talking to one of our friends whos a girl and she has a boyfriend who is almost addicted into xbox and she hates it so me and my friend were thinking would not having a xbox be a turn on? not really a serious question we were just kinda curious
5 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years agoCan a girl liking a bunch of your statuses on facebook be a sign that she likes you?
theres a girl who is in two of my classes and iv never really talked to her and she added me on facebook and i usually post around once or twice a week and she always likes it and they have nothing to do with her. For example one was a inside joke about my hockey team and she liked it. also she kinda looks at me more than usuall during class. does she like me or is a creeper
4 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years agohow to train to be kicker\punter in high school football?
im a freshman and wanted to be the kicker for the next 3 years and i wanted to do it because the only position i can really play which is WR because im tall and skinny were stacked at it and we really have no kicker so i wanted to step in next year and do it. please post video links for tips and how to train or just tell me how right now iv been doing stretches to get more flexable
3 AnswersFootball (American)10 years agoWhats your thought of locker Boxing in the hockey locker room?
just wondering my team does it almost after every practice and were probably eventually gonna get caught though.
my thoughts- stupid and someone is gonna get hurt but its really funny to watch
4 AnswersHockey10 years agoWould my xbox account be banned for playing MW3 to early?
my friend's mom owns a video store and he was offering me and my other friend to give us both mw3 early but we would have to return in by release date and this his mom really didnt care and she just said if the district manager or someone like that asked she would just say we were seeing if the games worked. now my friend is also worried that we might get banned because we think that microsoft is hunting down people who play it that early so if we did would we get in trouble?
4 AnswersXbox10 years ago