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Airelle Macdonald
Mortal kombat x opinions?
I just recently picked up mkx for xbone and ps4. I wanted to try it out on both systems to compare the 2. Based of what've have read so far am I the only one who was disapointed by the new game?
I legit beat the entire story mode less then 3 hours. I also skipped the cutscenes so I'm sure it didn't help prolong the lifespan. I just can't help but feel like I won't keep this game. It's exetremely short I already unlocked all krypt weapons to unlock every area. As fun as it is there just isn't enough to do in my opinion. I also tried to do single player 1vs1 but I was earning like 50 krypt coins and sometimes is get 0. Also I "hate" the fact that when you play the story you can use all 3 move settings at once. But when you do verses or online verses they let you pick 3 choices. It's like your only getting 33% of the characters actual moves each choice.
Please is love to hear anyone's feedback on what they thought.
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games6 years agoBatman arkham knight?
I have just recently seen the new trailer that was released not to long ago. I seriously can't wait for this game. I'm litterally playing all the old arkham games to help ease my pain of waiting.
Am I the only one who's Beyond excited for this game. Is anyone else getting it on release day. also what systems are you getting it for.
I can't decide whether to get it for ps4 or Xbox one. I know playstation has exclusives sometimes. For instance in arkham asylum you could play as the joker and batman. Do you think the new one will have any exclusives to systems?
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games6 years agoOne piece question?
I have a few questions that have been bothering me.
1. Does anyone actually know how Blackbeard was able to take 2 devil fruits. I have heard some pretty interesting theory's so far but have they actually said how yet?
2. What is up with the inital D in some people's names. Like monkey d luffy, Portages D ace, or even garp and gold d Rodger. Is it just meaning that people want to follow them?
3. there is a brand new iPhone/andriod phone game that came out called One Piece Treasure Cruise. Anyone know how often they update the game. I know the Japanese version is up to jaya. But the English one just got to Louguetown. Or if you haven't played this game an you enjoy one piece I HiGhly advise you to check it out :).
Thanks again for anyone who can help I greatly appreciate it.
3 AnswersComics & Animation6 years agoBest games of 2014?
Hey guys I have been overlooking and viewing all the games that "I" played for new 2014 titles. I don't own a wii u so unfortunately I can't say Beyonetta 2 or super smash bros or hyrule warriors.
This would be my personal list of games but not in the exact order.
Dragonball z battle of Z, castlevania lords of shadow 2, dark souls 2, titanfall, jojo bizzare adventure all star battle, wolfenstein the new order, murdered soul suspect, sniper elite 3, one piece unlimited world red (ps3 release) destiny, naruto shippuden revolution, middle earth shadow of Mordor, alien isolation, evil within, sunset overdrive, lords of the fallen, ac rogue, da inquisitions,far cry 4, kingdom hearts 2.5.
Now is numerical order :)
#1..... Alien isolation
2. Middle earth shadow of Mordor.
3. Wolfenstein TNO
4. Far cry 4
5. Dragon age inquisitions
6. Dragon ball z battle of z Co Op :)
7. Naruto shippuden ultimate revolution
8. Jo jo bizarre
9. Castlevania Los 2
10. One piece unlimited world red :).
I would love to hear other people's thoughts and opinions on what they thought there top 10 games that came out in 2014 for any system.
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games6 years agoNext gen systems.?
Why does everyone keep saying Microsoft Xbox one is down. I have been on my Xbox one all day and night Christmas and I'm even on it now chatting with my friends. Everyone on my 148 friends list 99% of them all came on yesterday/last night. The only system that doesn't work for me is ps4.
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games6 years agoPS3 question?
I have 2 ps3 I would like to sell one one is a ps3 160 gig. The other is a ps3 original backwards compatitable 60 gig one. My question is which would I get more money for selling.
3 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years agoDc vs marvel fights.?
Who would win in these fights please say the name of who and just why you think they win. Please say more then just because you like someone lol
Batman vs Captain America
Black widow vs wonder women
Flash vs iron man
Thor vs shazam
Superman vs hulk
Nick fury vs cyborg
Green lantern aka Hal jorden vs magneto
Green arrow vs halkeye
9 AnswersComics & Animation7 years agoOne piece question?
I just recently started watching one piece like a month ago. I ended up loving it in already on episode 560. My question is what is the real purpose of the wanted bounties. Is it just to show how much there worth captured dead or alive or does it also play into how strong they are individually. It seems like when luffy gets stronger his wanted bounty goes up. Same with the rest of the pirates and straw hat crew. I mean it could just be coincidental the timing of it all. I know the world government try's to hide some things straw hat crew does for publicity reasons. Or if I'm completely wrong lol please let me know.
1 AnswerComics & Animation7 years agoEnglish sub vs English dub?
What do you all prefer. I personally prefer the English sub. For multiple reason 1 it's the closest to the manga with the dialog as in the English version do not say the same things it's like watching a different show. 2 it sounds better with the characters in Japanese audio since that's how it's made. And finally the theme songs change depending in the show.
4 AnswersComics & Animation7 years agoOne piece question?
Currently I have started one piece I'm on episode 250. But for the first time since bleach I found my self skipping a decent amount of episodes. How can I watch one piece without all the boring crap that has nothing to do with finding one piece. I can't say filler episodes because tech the writer wrote the filler episodes as part of the manga I prolong the life of the show. Is there a episode guide that shows main story line episodes with unnecessary wasted space. I don't mean what's cannon and not. I really enjoy one piece please help.
5 AnswersComics & Animation7 years agomanga vs anime?
What do people prefer also please only people who started an anime on manga not people who switched because there not patient enough to wait for the rest of the anime.
5 AnswersComics & Animation7 years agoOne piece question?
There is countless one piece video games that have come out. I'm curious I'm still kind of new to one piece an I want to get a game for the ps3 what could I play that wouldn't ruin the story line. Also I have only seen 6 people that are with luffy including him. Are there any games that are closer to the beginning of one piece story.
2 AnswersComics & Animation7 years agoAnime question?
Instead of a typical question il ask it a different way. 1 what's your favorite anime that is only a 1 season anime. 2 what is your favorite anime movie( can be tv series related or seperate). 3 what's your favorite long term anime such as one piece DBZ ect..
8 AnswersComics & Animation7 years agoEspn fantasy baseball help?
I have just drafted St L rookie prospect Oscar Tavares. I noticed he went 1-3 with a homerun in his opening day. Why is espn servers showing up as he didn't play today. And he has 0 stats of anything. Where everyone's stats on my fantasy team updated.
1 AnswerFantasy Sports7 years agoShounen Jump Anime fans?
March 19 is the official release date for J Stars Victory Vs. for people who don't know it's a ps3/vita exclusive that is a cross over with over 20 weekly shounen jump amines. Including DBZ, One Piece, Bleach ect... I'm wondering if anyone knows of a final character list on playable characters and support characters. Or if the whole list is still unannounced.
2 AnswersComics & Animation7 years agoBleach questions please no spoilers?
I just started bleach not to long ago. But I'm a little confused because it seems like the whole show contradicts it self. For instance towards the beginning when rukia older brother almost kills itchigo. There's a part after that where Urahara teaches Itchgo to be his own soul reaper. It shows a chain on his chest that was disintegrating with in minutes. I'm at the arrancar season 6. There's a little boy soul looking for his sister because his family died in a car crash. Why is it all these weak souls aren't becoming hollows? There chains aren't being eating progressively like itchigo's was why?
4 AnswersComics & Animation7 years agoWho would win these fights?
Goku SS God vs Naruto 9 tails form.
Kenshin Himura vs itchigo
Inuyasha vs Kenshin
Kakashi vs SS future trunks
Master Roshi vs Makarov <(fairy tail)
Natsu Vs Sagara Sanosuke
Brolly vs Madara
Krillen vs Seshomaru
Vegeta vs Pain.
2 AnswersComics & Animation7 years agoYour top 10 favorite anime of all time?
I'm curious because I'm looking to start a new anime to watch
10 AnswersComics & Animation7 years agoSpawn anime/cartoon opinions?
I'm not really sure what define it as a anime or cartoon. Has anyone seen it I know it was a hbo series that was cut do to the violence. I want to know if it was any good
2 AnswersComics & Animation7 years agoNaruto shippuden manga ends 2014?
I have been reading multiple forums about the end of shippudden is almost here. I was wondering if anyone has any actual facts about this or is it just rumors?
3 AnswersComics & Animation7 years ago