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"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path at all and leave a trail." -Ralph Waldo Emerson My likes: -Dogs -Writing books/reading books -Martial arts -Any arts -Music (Primarily guitar) -My buddies -Philosophy -Nature -The Beatles :D My dislikes: -Family Guy -Pop tarts -About 90% of today's synth pop crap music. (I believe in real instruments). -Closeminded people Goodbye and have a lovely day.

  • How do you find the strength of your sun, moon and rising?

    And how do you find the strength of your other planets too? I've been looking into this online and I found a few sites that explained it. However, I don't know if they're correct, since apparently there are different ways to do it and their accuracy varies.

    Anyone know how to find the strength of planets? If so, do tell.


    P.S: If you're anti-astrology, this question is not for you. Please refrain from answering if all you're going to do is whine about how fake this is. :)

    1 AnswerHoroscopes9 years ago
  • Horoscope user awards 2012?!?

    If you were to award one (or more. I don't care) award(s) to regular horoscope user(s), what award would go to each user?

    Be creative!

    *Drumroll* let the awards begin!

    6 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • Friendship compatibility vs. Relationship compatibility?

    Do you think there is a difference when it comes to the astrological compatibility between just friends and between lovers? There doesn't seem to be a lot of info on this online.

    I personally think there is a difference. You look for different things in your friends than you do with lovers. So it makes sense that signs you may not want as a lover could still be great friends.

    What's your opinion?

    What have you heard about the difference of astological friend compatibility and lovers compatibility?


    4 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • If humans were to live on the moon...?

    This is a werid question, I know. But I was just thinking about how in natal charts, Earth isn't a planet with any meaning. Because we live on earth and it can't effect us like jupiter or pluto or mars.

    But what if humans were to live on the moon? That would mean the moon woudn't have any real effect on them. So would that mean their woult be little dynamics in emotions between different people? And what effect would Earth have on them then? I don't think it would make them emotionally void, but in what way might that effect their emotions?


    4 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • Decans and astrology?

    I need some quick clarity on decans. Can you apply the decans to more than just the sun sign? I'm pretty sure you can, since essentially all they are, are interpretations of degrees. But I can't find anything online about it.

    So if I'm a third decan pisces sun and second decan cancer moon, what does that say about my personality?


    P.s: knowledgeable answers only please. All I need is information, not lessons on how fake astrology is or whatnot.

    6 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • Your favorite thing about each sign?

    What is your favorite thing about each star sign? And if you could pick a sun and moon sign different from your own, which ones would they be?

    My answer:

    Aries: leadership ability

    Taurus: Dependability

    Gemini: Communication

    Cancer: Their empathy

    Leo: Their sense of humor

    Virgo: Their attention to detail

    Libra: Their peaceful demeanors

    Scorpio: Their depth

    Sagittarius: Their optomism

    Capricorn: Their work ability

    Aquarius: Their humanitarian ways

    Pisces: Emotionalism

    I'd love to be a leo sun, pisces moon

    Thanks people

    8 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • Fortune in the natal chart?

    I don't fully understand 'fortune' in the natal chart. Not sure why, because I've looked it up several times, but what exactly does it do to a person? How does it effect me?

    Also, what would Fortune in virgo, 5th house, at 5 degrees mean for me?


    4 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • Astrology Survey, anyone?

    1. Cats or dogs? Or both?

    2. Gay rights. Ye or ne?

    3. What are the sign(s) of your best friends?

    4. What are, or were, your favorite subjects in high school?

    5. What is your dream job?

    6. What moon sign would you rather have?

    7. What is one thing or person you couldn't live without?

    8. Have you ever discriminated against someone or not wanted to befriend a person just because of their zodiac sign?

    9. Abortion, ye or ne?

    10. What do you value most in a relationship?

    Thanks folks. If you don't want to answer the more controversial questions (gay rights, abortion, whatever), skip them. If you're fine voicing your opinion, speak up. And of course, leave your sun and moon signs and any other placements that are relevent to your answers.

    16 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • What do you believe makes us human?

    What separates us from the rest of the 'animals' (quotes around that last word, because essentially humans are also animals).

    I personally don't think it's intelligence. A lot of people say it is, but in truth, we're only the third smartest known species on Earth. Dolphins and mice are smarter. I'm gonna go with my piscean tendancies and say it's emotion that makes us human. Other animals can feel emotion too, but not in the range we do (if I'm wrong, please correct me). For example, dogs can feel emotion. But their emotions are limited to those of a 2 year old child whose emotional ranges is not yet fully developed.

    What is your sun, moon and mercury?


    11 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • What do you like most in your chart?

    This is your time to brag, folks. Go wild!

    I like having venus in pisces. :) And saturn in aries. It takes away my stereotypical 'slacking pisces' thing.

    So what do you like most in your natal chart?

    6 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • Astrology and twins (a bit of reading required)?

    I always wondered how astrology accounts for twins...since I am a twin. My sister was born one minute after me. We couldn't be more different. I'm very emotional and philisophical- more of an abstract thinker, and she thinks emotions are useless and get in the way. My strengths in school include writing and music. Hers are math and science. I'm far more independant than she is, while she needs to consult my mom when she's writing essays about herself for school.

    It's weird. She acts like an earth or fire sign. I act like a water sign (and I am one). And I looked our charts up. The only difference, besides degrees is that she has a trine between her mars and something else and I have a random sesquiquadrate (I totally mispelled that didn't i?) that she doesn't have. And I don't think she has a trine between her sun and pluto like me.

    What makes us so incredibly different? Our thinking tests and multiple intelligences tests and stuff come out opposite too. We even look opposite? Is this a result of the different degrees in our chart? I have a lot of 'late degrees' and she does not. Could it be that? Our charts are nearly identical except for degrees?

    please explain if you can. If you don't like astrology, do not answer please. thanks.

    5 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • What is 'morally right' to you?

    What qualifies as 'morally right' to you? Do you believe that what's morally right or wrong depends on the situation? Or do these morally right or wrong things apply to every and any situation, regardless?

    And what's your sun and moon sign (and any other placements you feel are relevent)?

    10 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • Zodiac inspired rooms?

    Just for fun, take a look at this:

    What do you have to say for the room that was apparently inspired by your zodiac sign? Do you like it, do you hate it? Which room would you want for your house?

    I personally would want a cross between the aquarius, pisces and taurus rooms. Taurus had a nice fresh look. Pisces had such a homey charm. And the aquarius room had guitars... which I cannot resist. I have a pisces sun, cancer moon and pisces venus.

    What is your sun/moon/venus?

    6 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • If your sun and moon sign are compatible?

    For example, my sun is in pisces, my moon is in cancer. Pisces and cancer are compatible. When someone's sun and moon signs go well together, does it mean anything for their personality or whatever, or is it just meaningless? Just curious.


    6 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • The moon, water in our bodies and astrology?

    So if the moon can effect the tides and large bodies of water, can it effect the water in the human body? Humans are more than 60% water, right? So is that 60+ percentage of us that is water effected by the moon at all?

    I've heard mixed info on this. Some say it's bull. Some say the moon has an effect on us, but it's too small to mean anything and some say it does affect us. o.O

    And if the moon does have an effect on the water in our bodies, what would it even do?

    I know this probably belongs in the science section, but I'm asking here because A.) This was a very astrologically inspired question and B.) I want to hear some thoughts about what this might mean for astrology.


    4 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • Stellium Sun, Mercury, Venus?

    In house 12, I have sun in pisces, mercury in aries and venus in pisces.

    What exactly does this mean? I know a stellium is three or more planets in the same house. But how does this affect me? There was no explanation with it on


    2 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • Who do you share your sun sign with?

    Just for fun, who are some celebrities you share your sun sign with that you like?

    And who are famous people you share your sun sign with that you don't like?

    And what's your sign?

    Here's a link to a site you can find this stuff on:

    I like having the same sun as: George Harrison, Einstein, Kurt Cobain, Steve Jobs, Michaelangelo, Chuck Norris (Even though those jokes suck and are getting old), Galileo, and John Steinbeck.

    I am a pisces

    I do NOT like sharing a sun sign with Osama Bin Laden. -_- *shudder* Or Justin Bieber.

    3 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • Astrology Survey anyone?

    What is your sun and moon and...

    1. Do you usually pick truth or dare?

    2. Do you prefer cats or dogs? Or do you have a preference?

    3. Do you do sports? If yes, which one(s)?

    4. Do you play an instrument? If yes, what is it?

    5. When (or if) you go hiking, is it more for the scenery or the exercise? Or, both?

    6. What house would you be in at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry?

    7. What do you think people commonly mistake about your sign?

    8. Glass half full or glass half empty?

    9. Who's your favorite Beatle? Or do you have a favorite?

    10. Do you like spending money or saving it better?

    Thanks! Feel free to add any other chart aspects, signs, placements or whatever is relevent to your answers.

    7 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • How do you interpret this song?

    1. What do YOU think this is about?

    2. What do you think the writers wanted to say with this song? Or do you believe they wanted to say anything at all through this music?

    3. Payphone (Maroon 5) or Stairway to Heaven? Which do you like more? Why?

    4. How does this song make you feel?

    5. What is your sun sign and your moon sign?

    Thanks! :)

    2 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • Astrology survey (moon signs)?

    What is your moon sign and...

    1. Can music cause you to feel different emotions?

    2. Do you want kids in the future?

    3. Do you prefer the arts (painting, writing, acting, music) or sports? Or neither?

    4. Would you be more likely to be a philosopher or a scientist (of any kind)?

    5. Did you grow up with parents or relatives who introduced you to and taught you about astrology? Or did you discover astrology for yourself?

    6. Do you ever just sit and think without doing anything else? Just sit and think/imagine?

    7.Your sun and moon sign?

    Thanks! :)

    16 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago