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Favorite Answers14%
  • What do I wear to a job shadow?

    Hi I'm going to be job shadowing an archaeologist tomorrow in their building and I'm not sure what to wear. Any suggestions? I don't have any slacks or anything. I have a couple button ups but they're plaid and stuff

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment6 years ago
  • I'm getting a german Shepard puppy tomorrow...?

    Hi I'm getting a female german Shepard puppy tomorrow and have been trying to think of names and the one I like best is Athena but my dad said he kind of wants a german name for her. Any suggestions or do you think Athena is a good name?

    4 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • I'm afraid I am going to be fired..?

    Hello okay my job has a point system where if you reach 10 points you are fired. If you miss a day you have 3 points added if you have a doctors note you don't get any. Anyways I was supposed to work on Monday. It earlier that day I had fell down the stairs and twisted my ankle pretty badly and my dad who is an EMT told me I copulent stand on it for at least a day so I called in. They still put points on because we didn't go to a doctor. And then earlier today I was just so sick. I was literally camped out on my bathroom floor just passe out with the highest fever I've ever had and I didn't have any energy to even pick up the phone so j had my mother do it for me but she didn't. And that's gonna be more points and I'm 90% sure that im over ten points and I would go to the doctors office if I could but my mom and dad just can't afford it so I can't get the note to drop the points. Besides the only reason we go to a doctor is for yearly check ups and if something serious happens. I personally think the point system is unfair but I can't do anything about it. I can't get the points dropped either. I have to try to go to work tomorrow but I'm still miserable so I don't know what to do. I don't want to be fired because I'm afraid I'll never find another job after. Please help

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • Trident ear piercing?

    Hello! I live in the US and have been thinking about getting a trident piercing done and was just wondering about the cost. And also the pain level. Thank you so much!

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body6 years ago
  • Advice on a crush?

    Hey guys this is gonna be stupid but there's this guy I kind of like and I've liked him for almost a month which is the longest I've had a crush on anyone but the thing is I don't know him very well. I mean we've talked a couple times but it's only ever been in the one class we share. He's just really nice and funny and smart and talented. But I'm 99% sure he doesn't like me and also he is a senior but I'm only a junior and school will be ending soon. Also I don't know a lot about him really. I just I don’t know what to do. At the beginning of the year my friend thought he liked me because in class I would catch him looking at my a lot. But I don’t know. Since then he has stopped. It’s been forever since I’ve had a crush on someone so it’s just really weird to me right now. I don’t know what to do and would like any advice you guys could give me. My friends aren’t really taking me seriously about this so I don’t want to ask for their advice. Thank you all so much!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Opinion on whether or not to bleach my hair?

    Hey so I have really dark brown hair with an undercut that I want to dye purple. I was thinking about bleaching the undercut to make the color more noticeable but I don't want it to look weird once my dark hair starts growing back. Should I bleach it and then color it or just color it as it is??

    4 AnswersHair6 years ago
  • Which color?

    I'm dying my undercut in a couple weeks and can't decide which color. No matter which color I choose they will all be really really dark. I was thinking purple, blue, red, pink, or green. What do you think? By the way my hair is a very dark brown! Thank you!

    4 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style6 years ago
  • What/ who were the barn burners in 1850?

    I need to know the beliefs positions and issues of this ASAP!!!! I need it for an Advanced Placement United States History course due tomorrow and I'm not finding anything in the text!!

    1 AnswerHistory6 years ago
  • According to my eye prescription am i legally blind?

    Okay so my right eye is -9.75 and my left eyeis -9.25 i can assure you i am not lying because i am holding my prescription right in front of me. Thank you

    3 AnswersOptical7 years ago
  • Ive been thinking about getting a small tattoo...?

    Okay so for the past year I have been thinking about getting a tattoo and I have a pretty good idea of what i want to get. I was thinking about getting 8 small birds( one for each member of my family) in flight on either my shoulder flying towards my heart or on my wrist. But tge thing is i want to be able to hide it without putting on a long sleeved shirt. Also the birds wouldnt hve any setail it would be just shadows (?does that even make sense?) Anyways i was just wondering what you guys thought

    3 AnswersTattoos7 years ago
  • How should I do my hair for the play Im in?

    I have shoulder length hair that is currently straightened. Its a really solid brown color theres like no depth (i hate it but i dont want to dye my hair.) The director said to have my hair pulled back in some way other than a pony tail. Since im not the main character i cant do anything to extravagant so im open to any really easy but elegant suggestions

    3 AnswersHair7 years ago
  • How long do I have until Supernatural starts to break my heart?

    Hey! I started to watch supernatural due to all the fan posts on Tumblr and i can tell it is really sad at points and I am half way through the first season. So how long until Sam or Dean die and I start to get the feels? I know it happens a lot but I have to prepare myself. Also do not be an absolute a**butt because people tend to do that on here. Thank you!

    4 AnswersDrama8 years ago
  • Will hottopic's red comb in hair color show up?

    I have brown curly hair will the red show up? Also will it straighten my hair? And will my hair still be moveable like it won't become stiff when it dries?

    1 AnswerHair8 years ago
  • Will red comb in hair color show up in my hair?

    Okay so I have brown curly hair and I am planning on going to hottopic to buy some crimson red comb in hair color for a concert I'm going to. I was wondering if the color would show up in my hair or not. Also will the coloring cause my hair to straighten out? also will my hair stay soft and flexible with the color in? Thank you!

    2 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • What is a good way to get back at my older sister?

    hi okay so when I was little my sister told me that used to slit peoples ankles to be able to steal their cars. So I began to jump into bed thinking oh I don't know it was just paranoia I guess then earlier this week I told my sister that I finally stopped jumping into bed. Then earlier today I was about to crawl into bed when my sister grabbed my ankle from under my bed causing me to nearly sh*t myself. What is a good way to get back at her? Thanks for answering!!

    1 AnswerFamily8 years ago
  • What is a good prank to pull on my older sister?

    hi okay so when I was little my sister told me that used to slit peoples ankles to be able to steal their cars. So I began to jump into bed thinking oh I don't know it was just paranoia I guess then earlier this week I told my sister that I finally stopped jumping into bed. Then earlier today I was about to crawl into bed when my sister grabbed my ankle from under my bed causing me to nearly sh*t myself. What is a good way to get back at her? Thanks for answering!!

    1 AnswerOther - Holidays8 years ago
  • Sugar before bed gives you weird dreams?

    Is it true that if you eat something sugary before bed it will give you weird dreams? Last night before I went to bed I had some rice cereal with some sugar on top and I had a really really crazy weird dream and I was wondering if the sugar did that. Thanks for your answers!!

    4 AnswersDream Interpretation8 years ago
  • Red or Purple hair dye?

    OKay so I want to dye the ends of my hair black and red or purple and I cannot decide between the 2. I like both colors equally so it really doesn't matter. Just incase you were wondering I have a dark brown hair that I don't really want to bleach that much so yeah. Thank you for helping me with this! Have a lovely day or night!

    5 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • How to get a boyfriend if you are extremely shy?

    Hello lovely people! Okay so my problem is, is that valentines day is coming up again and I have never in my life had a "valentine" or a boyfriend. I'm very shy and when people talk to me I'll talk a little but not a lot. I'm skinny and I personally think that I'm okay looking, I mean I'm not ugly. My parents sisters and some friends call me beautiful. But I'm pretty sure they just do that 'cause I'm. Skinny. Okay back to the problem! I don't have any guy friends and I am almost positive no one has a crush on me! I'm just kind of lonely, I want to have my first kiss and a first boyfriend who I can be myself around. Since I am 15 and I haven't had any of this stuff people think I'm weird and make fun of me. :( oh! And incase this matters I'm smart I mean I don't have anything wrong with me I get good grades and all that stuff. .... wow that sounded very shallow I apologize!! Anyways thanks to all you lovely people who took time out of yourlives to read this!

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago