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I am a Business Administration major at Indiana University Kokomo and an aspiring law student. Oh, and least I forget, I am a dreaded Conservative!!

  • How do you deal with an in-law that treats you like garbage and won't let up?!?

    I have an in-law that tried to come between my husband and I and tried to cause us to divorce. He almost succeeded. Now I want nothing to do with him but it seems like he just won't quit! He will back off for a while, but then he rears his ugly head again. What do I do? I try to stay away from him but with family functions it is difficult to cut him out completely!

    9 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Wage and labor question?

    How do I find out if this is wrong. If you are salary, do they have to pay you over time for anything over 40 hours if you make under $50,000.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Why does this count???????????????

    Why does Sarah Palin's religion count when Obama's doesn't?

    Why does McCain's voting record count (95% with Bush approval rating:30.4%) when Obama's doesn't (97% with Democratic Congress approval rating:17.8%)

    Just want people's thoughts. Thanks in advance.

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What is the best way to forgive someone?

    What is the best way to forgive someone and move on?

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Obama's fumble on affirmative action....?

    Do you believe this to be a fumble or not?

    Please, if you are going to be hateful about answering this question, don't answer. The best way for people to learn and grow is by discussing something from all points civilly. Thank you for your cooperation.

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why is Obama giving money to other campaigns?

    According to this video, "Is it time to clamp down on campaign finances?" Obama has a PAC (Political Action Committee) fund that he has money in that he can not spend on his own campaign. Instead he has been contributing to other Congress people's campaigns. Buying favors in case he gets the White House. Even Hillary and McCain have not done this despite the fact that they have PAC funds too.

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • This is going to sound weird, but here goes nothing...

    Ok. My husband and I are having an argument. We are Christians and as such do not believe that porn is good, in fact it is a sin (just go with me). He has stopped looking at porn (as far as I can tell) and has taken up what I call his new addiction World of Warcraft. This is an online game and it is very addictive and since he already has previously been addicted to porn I wanted him to cut back on playing so he did not get addicted. We had a huge fight over it and now only plays at work and not at home. Well, he was "researching" the game at home and I caught him and said he was playing and he said no he wasn't....fight ensues. Well, after the argument he told me that the plays to stay away from porn. He says it is his way of being on the internet but so preoccupied that he doesn't go looking for porn. My problem is I don't think I should have to choose between him and one addiction or him and thew other. He says he is not addicted to the game and can put it down at any time but when i tested that theory and asked him to give it up he said he didn't think he should have to.

    Your thoughts?

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Divorce??????????????????

    Ok, let's say you just had a huge fight with your spouse. When you have fought before he says that he says things out of anger when you argue. This time he says that he is going to file for a divorce the next day. You ask him if he is serious or just mad and he says a little of both. The two of you sit down and talk and agree to work things out, but you keep wondering about his divorce comment. He has said this before. Does he really want a divorce or does he just say it to make you shut up?

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Why won't Obama release his birth certificate?

    Why isn't it on file in Hawaii?

    16 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Double Standard?

    Ok. I think my friends husband has a double standard but she doesn't see it so this question is to open her eyes. Her and her husband have been having marital problems. He has a tendency to be addictive (not drugs or alcohol, but other things) and he has been caught talking to another woman on the internet. They worked out this problem but she still has some trust issues that rise up occasionally. When this happens or when they fight she goes to her sister and talks it out with her instead of blowing up on her husband. She talks it out first and then goes to him and discusses it after the anger is gone. Well, he heard her one day and he told her not to be bad mouthing him to her family. The thing is she didn't exaggerate or say anything that was untrue about him. Now he has been making her out to be a mean controlling wife to his family and he doesn't see this as a double standard. Tells us your thoughts and if you have questions I will do my best to answer them.

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Obama's foreign policy and war experience?

    Obama in this new video says that if he had to do it again he would still be against the surge because at the time he disagreed with the president. The surge has worked. Why would he say no again if he had it to do over? Your thoughts?

    Here is the link. Go to the video entitled: Obama in Iraq;_ylt=AoxZKdiEhD1P3739y...

    14 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What does race have to do with anything?

    I get so sick and tired of seeing racist questions on this site. People are always saying "oh Republicans are all racist because they won't vote for Obama." Or, " Democrats are all racist because they're voting for Obama only because he is black." STOP THE HATE! This is 2008 not the 50's or 60's. We should all be past this race thing. Do not get me wrong. I know that there are still some racists out there, but the majority of people are not. Calling people racist is only going to dig up hate and bitterness especially when people do it out of ignorance. If racism is being employed it is fine to call it what it is, but most of the time I see people asking racist questions just to be agitators. Give me your thoughts. Do you think that there are so many racists out there that we need to keep digging at this wound? Or do you think we should all take a stand and not let people keep racism going?

    20 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Iran Missile Testing...?

    What are your thoughts about Iran testing missiles? What, if anything, should be done about it? Why do you think they are doing it? Has your position changed on going to war with Iran?

    I want to know what people think about this position because I have mixed feelings.

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Iran Missile Testing....?

    What are your thoughts about Iran testing missiles? What, if anything, should be done about it? Why do you think they are doing it? Has your position changed on going to war with Iran?

    I want to know what people think about this position because I have mixed feelings.

    1 AnswerPolitics1 decade ago
  • Has Obama been consistent in this area?

    The Housing market is in shambles. I have heard at least two speeches by Obama where he called the government to action to help these people in their crisis. The Senate just passed a bill to help these individuals, but Obama did not vote. He thought his campaign was more important. Tell me your thoughts.

    12 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Do you find this interesting?

    Here is an article that talks about all the people who have "spoken out of turn" and hurt their candidates campaigns, but Rev. Wright is not mentioned at all. Tell me your thoughts.

    14 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Denver's National Anthem....?

    Here is a link to an article about "Denver's National Anthem." The mayor was giving a speech and asked a jazz singer to sing the National Anthem. Instead she sang "Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing" which has been known as the "Black National Anthem." The singer says she did not mean to make a political statement. Give me your thoughts.

    Also, do you think that the other city officials were in on it?

    One more question. Do you think her actions were unpatriotic to her country. (I am not saying it was bad of her to be proud of her culture. Just saying this up front before people get mad lol.)

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Obama's plane?!?

    Go to this link and scroll all the way to the bottom. There you will find a video about Obama's plane making an emergency landing. Do you think that this incident was an accident? Or do you think that the people around Y!A who have been saying something bad will happen to Obama were right?

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Help me understand this articel....?

    Here is a link to an article that discusses life insurance benefits. It says that a law was passed in 1993 that states that some insurance companies couldn't be sued for large sums but only small ones and the courts are letting these companies deny people their benefits. Why hasn't Congress done something? The article says that several judges and even the administration has called for action, but nothing has happened. Please help me understand this atrocity!

    1 AnswerPolitics1 decade ago