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  • Night Terrors in a 14 month old?

    Is it possible for a 14 month old to have night terrors? Our son has been waking randomly at night screaming and I can't comfort him at all. He seems to be asleep still or barely awake and nothing I do can stir him out of his fit. He thrashes around and sounds like hes in pain! We have tried everything and nothing stops it until he finally seems to open his eyes all the way and see me. When I hold or talk to him during it seems he gets more aggitated. Afterwards he wants to be held and seems to be just fine. Anyone had this happen...its frightening!

    9 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Question about cutting ties with family?

    Have you ever had a conflict within your family (direct or extended) that has led to cutting all ties with them? If so what was the nature of the conflict and your reasons for doing so. Did you find it difficult to keep them out of our life and if so how did you deal with it? What about recourse from other family members or friends of said family, how did you deal with that?

    We have had an unfortunate turn of events in our life and had to step away from some very toxic family members for the well being of our children and its been very difficult. We have tried to keep it to ourselves and deal with it, but these family members are telling everyone they know a twisted version that makes us look like the bad guys. We keep receiving emails and calls from their friends telling us that we are being malicious and how dare we keep our children away from such sweet people. They have no idea what the situation is, and it is none of their business so I just ignore the remarks. It is tiresome, and we have moved on with our lives but every once in awhile this situation gets dredged up again and we get to relive it. Just looking for similar situations and support, thank you.

    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • How long is it safe for me to soak in a jacuzzi tub while pregnant?

    My wonderful husband booked us a jacuzzi suite at a very nice hotel for our upcoming anniversary. It has a very tempting jacuzzi, however I am 8 months pregnant with our second child. How long can I safely soak in the tub and not overheat?

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Pregnancy test question?

    I used a pregnancy test last week which showed negative, then today I had three positive tests! How far along do you think I may be? The lines are quite faint, and the digital one just says pregnant. My LMP was around June 4, its been a little while so I can't really remember how the doc measures the due date lol! (this will be #2 :)

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Question about dayhome?

    I have a dayhome and 3 little ones on a weekly basis. I charge a weekly rate for each child regardless of time at the home. It's fair and works great for everyone!

    I now have a mom that would like to have her daughter at my home once in awhile here and there. It would be so she could participate with her other child on fieldtrips etc. How do I determine the price of one day for the girl? What is fair and reasonable?

    (I charge 125 a week)

    1 AnswerOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • A good potluck dish...?

    I need to bring a potluck dish out camping :) What are some good ideas that are easy to transport and/or put together quickly? We have a two hour drive to get there, and full access to trailers and motorhomes etc. with stoves. THANK YOU!!

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Getting my toddler to eat more dairy?

    My little sweetie just doesn't like cow's milk, it makes her gag! I still breastfeed (not often now) but I know she needs a more rounded diet. She eats all the other food groups very well, and gets all of her servings. The dairy category however, is becoming a challenge! She used to eat shredded cheese and yogurt and recently has decided she doesn't want anything to do with these! What are some unique ways to get more dairy into her diet without feeding her milkshakes all the time (lol-she tasted daddy's and it went ok)? I do sprinkle cheese on her food and mix it in, and she does fine; other suggestions would be nice though!!

    11 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Share your April Fools jokes?

    What are some April Fool's pranks that you have done or had done to you? Just for fun!

    5 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Weening suggestions...?

    I am going to start weening my daughter (she has been breastfed since birth and does not/will not take a bottle). She is now 14 months old and eats regular food like she should, but continues to nurse about 3- 5 times through the course of the day and night. She is very reliant on this to help her go to sleep (I know not good!!) but CAN sleep without it if she has to, with great struggle lol!

    How would I go about starting this process? It doesn't matter how long it takes us, as I am at home with her all the time. (My husband and I said we would ween her before trying for another baby and we are ready) I am ready to do this and know that she doesn't require it any longer.

    We have had days when she has only nursed once because of the day's activities and it hasn't bothered her at all, just me: ouch lol! Then some days she signs that she wants to nurse and has a breakdown if I don't let her right away?! She absolutely refuses to drink cows milk in her cup. (Our doctor said it's normal because she has a milk source)

    Any suggestions on how we should begin this process? Thank you :)

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Dealing with a mother-in-law that 'knows best'?

    It's Christmas time and my house is quite child proofed! We have a one year old girl and we are spending Christmas at my in laws. They don't believe in childproofing at all. They tell us that they never moved anything for their children and won't for ours. They have breakables everywhere!! On the ground, ornament stands, glass ornaments on the tree, and dishes of little candies, peanuts etc all over the house. (Even the cat food is a hazard on the floor!) I usually spend the day running after my daughter and don't get to socialize at all! It would be nice to have some adult conversation this Christmas without worrying about my daughters safety constantly. (My mom in laws hubby just says no really sternly to our daughter and tells me to slap her hands until she learns!!) They tell me to 'relax, she'll be fine!'. It's very frustrating. We have trouble telling them how we do things because she's one of those people that are right and that's all there is to it, there is no point in starting something. Should I just bring a playpen?? Is that fair to my daughter? Any suggestions would be nice.

    8 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • How to stop a dry cough in 11 month old?

    My daughter has had a cold the last couple of days, mostly sneezing and congestion. Now last night and tonight she has this dry cough. (I imagine it's the same one I get when the nasal passages clear :) She was up most of last night with it and today it has made her vomit after eating. Any suggestions on how to help her through tonight?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Travelling with baby question...?

    I have a 7 month old baby girl and we are driving to a wedding about 900 KM away. As it works we have only got one day to get there in our small car. It's through a lot of stretches without stops (200 KM is the longest) due to the mountainsl. She is VERY mobile and hates being strapped down for long, she wants to crawl everywhere!

    My questions are: has anyone done this type of drive in one day, any suggestions as to keeping our little one awake through some of the drive so she's not so cranky at the wedding the next day, how often should we stop, what essentials from seasoned parents should we be taking?

    Any and all help will be greatly appreciated :) THANKS!!

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Crying question?

    My baby girl is 7 weeks old and we have had the same bath routine since she was born. Just recently she has startes crying after we bath and dress her. Nothing is different so I was wondering if there was a reason that she has started doing this. It is a very upset cry!

    The only thing we've tried that seems to calm her is to hold her and let her suck her fist. Is it that she is stressed from the day or just needs to cry?? It happens EVERY night now!

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Question about sex after baby?

    I had an emergency c-section on Dec 19th after a day of labour. I am feeling pretty darn good and would love to be intimate with my husband. How long should a person wait before having intercourse after a c-section?

    11 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Being induced tomorrow morning...?

    Has anyone been induced with cervadil before? How effective was it for you if so? I've been told I have a large baby (9lbs 7 ounces) I'm short myself (5'2'') and not very big and am very nervous about all of this!

    I am at 41 weeks and they are wanting to get things moving for obvious reasons. Any input or reassuring words lol!

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Suggestions to deal with pre-labour...?

    I am at 39 weeks and getting a lot of contractions and menstrual-like pain. They aren't regular at all and increase with activity. I am a usually busy body, so sitting is driving me crazy! Some of the contractions REALLY hurt though, and I need to use my breathing techniques and squeeze my husbands hand. This has been happening for a week and I am getting really worn out. I was dilated 1.5cm two Mondays ago and effacing nicely. (All night I have the achy cramp-like pain) Anyone have any suggestions as to how to make the time seem like it's going by faster?? I am becoming quite moody with my poor husband and every day feels like it's a week long lol! Just need some suggestions as to get through this with a positive attitude! (I can't WAIT to meet our first baby :)

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Aromatherapy use during pregnancy?

    I am a regular user of aromatherapy essential oils in my daily life, as my husband and I don't use many traditional medications. I regularly use lavender, peppermint, bergamont, lemongrass and occasionally eucalyptus and tea tree (depending on the issue). What essential oils (not just out of those listed), if any, are safe to use during pregnancy? Are there any points during the pregnancy that some become alright to use? Thanks for any help and input!

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Aromatherapy question during pregnancy?

    I am a regular user of aromatherapy essential oils in my daily life, as my husband and I don't use many traditional medications. I regularly use lavender, peppermint, bergamont, lemongrass and occasionally eucalyptus and tea tree (depending on the issue). What essential oils (not just out of those listed), if any, are safe to use during pregnancy? Are there any points during the pregnancy that some become alright to use? Thanks for any help and input!

    2 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • New show starting on TLC, Diagnosis X?

    Diagnosis X on TLC is going to start soon, has anyone seen the ads for it. If so, what is the song playing, I love it!!

    1 AnswerDrama1 decade ago