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  • Dreaming of ex boyfriend and water?

    For the past few weeks, maybe a month, I keep dreaming of my ex-boyfriend and water. Every time I see him in the dream there is water near by or we are standing in water. The dreams are different every night but those two factors are always the same and I cannot figure out why. I am usually pretty good at figuring out the meaning behind my dreams but I am stumped on this one. Help?!

    5 AnswersDream Interpretation9 years ago
  • Friend's Dog has started biting...?

    My friend has a 4 year old toy poodle that she has had since he was a pup. He has always been a very, very sweet dog and has never shown aggression until recently. The first time he bit her was a few weeks ago when she went to pet him while he was trying to sleep. Then a few days ago, she went to pick up his bowl after he was done eating and he bit her again.

    We think he is acting like this because of her cat she got a year ago. When she first got the kitten, it was very tiny and the dog loved to play with it and they were best friends. Now, the cat is actually a little bigger than the dog and when she plays, it is a little more annoying and not so fun to the dog (or us for that matter.)

    So basicly, my question is what should she do? She loves both animals very much and she wants to keep them both but if it is the cat that is causing the dog to become aggressive, then shouldn't she find the cat another home? Or is there a way to get them to behave and/or stop the biting?

    4 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Why would paint come off a car?

    About a week ago I went outside and I noticed that the paint on the hood of my car was coming off. It looked really weird. It looked like someone had carved spiral circles and waves all over it. the paint was some what attached but you could lift it up. It was literally just designs.

    I called the police station to make a report and they sent an officer out. The officer said that he had never seen anything like it and said that there wasn't actual evidence of vandalism. He said there wasn't any scratch marks under the paint or anything and there wasn't any indentions in the car but he couldn't figure out how it could have happened. He said that if there was a chip or something in the paint then water could have got underneath and caused it to bubble up and do that. But there wasn't a chip in the paint, not even a scratch! And it shouldn't all peel off at once.

    When I started driving down the road a bunch of it flew off so I just stopped and took the rest off. Every bit of the paint came off, now all is left is the metal. I still think some one done something to it because I don't see how it could have all came off like that. Does any one have any ideas?

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Very confused and

    Monday (3/29/10) I started getting very dizzy and week off and on, I felt like I was actually going to pass out. Then later on the day, I started getting severe pelvic pain, it wasn't on any specific side at first. It kept getting worse no matter what I did, it hurt to move at all or even breathe. I also started getting really pale. I came home and went to bed and later that night I started getting dull achy pains where my right kidney is and when you press on it I just scream. I felt better Tuesday, but still having dizzy spells. Now the pain is back and the dizziness is becoming more frequent.

    I have had 2 pelvic infections in the past, both when I was NOT sexually active, but the this pain is a lot worse and I have never had the other symptoms with it. There is no chance of pregnancy, haven't been sexually active for almost a year now, and I have been checked for STD's as well.

    I am really starting to get worried, I have never felt like this before and I think the dizziness is scaring me more than anything. Any suggestions on what it could be?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • My friend is having severe pain in her abdomen?

    My friend has just called me and she says she is having severe pain in her lower stomach on the right side, around the pelvic area. She said it hurts to move, she can't even hardly stand up and when she rolls on her side the pain is worse and that it is a very sharp stabbing pain. She was feeling a little nausous earlier and this pain has came out of no where and has been hurting for about an hour. I think it is possibly appendisitis and that she needs to go to the hospital but she is afraid to because she doesn't have money for hospital bills. Do any of you have any ideas on what I she should do? and she isn't pregnant and has already had a her period this month.

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Pregnant Shih-Tzu isn't eating?

    I have a shih-tzu and she is over a year old and we are almost positive that she is pregnant with her first litter of pups. Her and the male dog hooked up around the end of October. She has already gained some weight but she isn't eating. Every once in a while she will eat a few bites of something but thats it. She also throws up sometimes which I have been told is normal at the begining of her pregnancy. But why won't she eat? I have tried everything! I am very worried about her. Can anyone help me?

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What should I do, I can't calm myself during a panic attack?

    Last night I started vomitting and had a really bad panic attack. I couldn't breathe, I felt tingly and dizzy, and the attack made my nausea worse. I was so scared and spend hours trying to calm myself and about 2 minutes after I got my breathing under control the panic attack started again. My mom was with me and tried talking to me but it didn't work. Now tonight I am having a hard time breathing again b/c of a panic attack but I don't know what has triggered it this time but it is making me nauseated and tingly again. I have tried watching movies and talking to myself but NOTHING works! I don't know what to do, I honestly don't know if I can handle this again because the same thing happened Wendsday of last week and the attack last for hours! PLEASE HELP!

    5 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • What do you think about dating while pregnant?

    Just wondering what people thought about a girl dating while pregnant w/ someone elses baby or a guy dating a girl who is pregnant w/ another guy's baby. I was wanting to know because I broke up w/ my bf not to long ago and I am ready to get back out in the dating scene, and I think I may be pregnant w/ his baby and even if I am, it's not worth taking him back. I mean I loved him and all and still kinda do, but things had been pretty rocky b/w us 4 a while so it wasn't that hard 4 me to get over. Guys: would u date a girl preggo w/ another guys baby? Try not to be negative..I just want your opinion

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How do I reinstall Windows XP on a Gateway computer?

    My grandmother has a gateway windows XP computer and some how everything got deleted, all files, hard drives, and everything. We want to download windows xp off of my computer onto a disk and install it onto hers. How do I do this? I have blank disk and stuff, I just need somewhere on the internet I can download windows xp for her computer. Please Help!

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Babies who has drug withdrawls because of mother abusing drugs while pregnant?

    Here is a little background info...My dad got his girlfriend (now exgirlfriend) pregnant last year. At the time my dad wasn't aware that she had a drug problem until after she was pregnant. She always stole his prescribed pain pills he has and she got pills from other people. At first she wouldn't admit to taking them and later would admit to taking them, and sometimes she said she snorted them. My dad finaly got her to tell the dr because he was afraid something would be wrong with the baby when she had her and the drs wouldn't know what to do. They done a couple of drug test when she was born in March and they some how came back negative. When the baby was born she would always start screaming and throwing a huge fit, most of the time over nothing. She will be sitting there in her swing and or you can be holding her and she will just start screaming and you couldn't get her to stop. She is almost 8 months old and throws huge tantrums. She will start kicking and swinging her arms and start shaking all over and tries to get away from you. She does this almost every time we try to changer her diaper and sometimes just out of the blue for no apparent reason. She also gets spooked easily sometimes, you can just be sitting there with her and start talking to her and she will jump and sometimes even start throwing a tantrum. She lives with my dad full custody and her mom gets her every other weekend and one day during the week. Anyways, my dad is trying to find out if there is some kind of pediatric specialist for babies that has drug withdrawls or whose mother has done drugs while they were pregnant. He is wanting to have some testing done and stuff by a dr. Any suggestions or answers is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Severe Pain Please Help?

    Ok, I have had a series of health issues since August and my regular doctors doesn't know what is wrong. I have had to many things going on so im not going to mention them all. I am going to see two specialist at the end of this month, but not so sure I can wait that long until then. In August, I got this knot under my arm (axillary area/armpit.) I told my doctor and she said it was probably a swollen lymphnode. So I was like ok, and after a week or so it went away, you could still feel it but it was really little and you couldn't see it. It has now came back about 2 weeks ago, and I went back to the dr last week because of some mysterious rashes and I showed him and he said he isn't sure and we will just wait and see what the specialist says. Well now this knot has gotten about 3x bigger. It is about the size of a quarter, maybe a little bigger and hurts REALLY BAD! It is also all red and stuff and today I had an anual check up with my OB/GYN and I mentioned it to her and she said that it was a cyst under the sking and was definatly infected and need to be drained by a surgeon, so she referred me to one but the app. isn't until October 17th. This knot is huge and im in so much pain, I can't hardly move my arm, I can't hold my arm against me, and you can't touch it or anywhere around it. I have tried holding a hot rag on it like my OB/GYN said to so it will get a head on it but now it is hurting even worse and I can't sleep because of it, and it is hard for me to wear a bra. Sorry if you found this kind of gross but im dying in pain and I was wanting thoughts on what I can do to relieve it. I thought about going to the ER a couple of times because it is like getting bigger and worse everyday and nobody else will do anything! I can't wait that long to get to a doctor, by then I definatly won't be able to bear this pain! PLEASE HELP ME!

    5 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Pregnant and don't know what to do! Please Help!?

    I'm 17 years old, will be 18 in a week and i'm almost 100% sure im pregnant. My mom knows me and my boyfriend are sexually active and she use to not really have a problem with it, she just wanted me to take my bc. She use to love my boyfriend to death and treated him like he was her own son which was great since we were thinking about marriage. He has had somewhat a hard life and problems with his family, and now he doesn't really have family left but a grandmother and is stepfather and an uncle so he is now living at my dad's house and im living with my mom. Me and my mom is very close, she is like a mom, sister, and best friend and we use to talk about anything and everything. Well about a month ago my mom got REALLY mad at my boyfriend, now she won't see him, talk to him, and doesn't want me to have anything to do with him. He has done some things wrong but she accuses him of a lot of stuff he didn't even do. All she does is gripe and complain about him and put him down and won't stop even after I have asked her too. I love my boyfriend a lot and I want to stay with him and work things out, and the things he did wasn't even big enough to get mad over, and some things he has done to me (nothing abusive) she gets mad over and it doesn't even concern her and she doesn't know the whole story. To her he is evil which is not true. Well now i'm pregnant, well I took a preg test and it showed a faint line and I told my mom and she said she doesn't believe im pregnant, and she was the one to buy the test for me. I am 2 weeks late on my period, i'm nauseated, can't sleep but yet im tired, my boobs hurt and is tender, I get cramping in my lower stomach, and I have getting frequent headaches but she still says im not pregnant. I have an appointment with my OB/GYN this coming Monday for an anual check up and im going to have them do blood work. My mom says I better not be pregnant and sometimes she says if I am she doesn't want nothing to do with the baby because it is a part of my b/f. So I figured I will just move in with my b/f because he has already found a place and is waiting to move in, and when I mention that to her she gets even madder and says if I move out she is moving away and won't have anything to do with me, but yet she won't have anything to do with the baby. She has also said I shouldn't even tell my boyfriend and just break up with him which is completely wrong! He doesn't deserve that and neither does the baby, and my b/f actually wants a baby and he would make a great dad. I want to stay with him because I love him very much but my mom won't stop and keeps making comments and threats and im so close to her im afraid to lose her and I don't want to make her mad but either way I go she is going to. What should I do? I can't stand my mom saying all that stuff and we really don't have room for a baby here, but somedays she is just so nice and says stuff that sounds so good, like us moving into a house (we live in an apt.) or moving close to the beach which is my dream, and I have always wanted it to be just me and her, and now my bf but she doesn't want anything to do with him and most of the time she is just so mean about it. I don't know which side of her to believe or to go with, she changes everyday! I am so confused and sorry if all this is really long and confusing but I need help!

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Pregnant and don't know what to do! Please Help!?

    I'm 17 years old, will be 18 in a week and i'm almost 100% sure im pregnant. My mom knows me and my boyfriend are sexually active and she use to not really have a problem with it, she just wanted me to take my bc. She use to love my boyfriend to death and treated him like he was her own son which was great since we were thinking about marriage. He has had somewhat a hard life and problems with his family, and now he doesn't really have family left but a grandmother and is stepfather and an uncle so he is now living at my dad's house and im living with my mom. Me and my mom is very close, she is like a mom, sister, and best friend and we use to talk about anything and everything. Well about a month ago my mom got REALLY mad at my boyfriend, now she won't see him, talk to him, and doesn't want me to have anything to do with him. He has done some things wrong but she accuses him of a lot of stuff he didn't even do. All she does is gripe and complain about him and put him down and won't stop even after I have asked her too. I love my boyfriend a lot and I want to stay with him and work things out, and th

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Having trouble deciding on baby names?

    Which do you think will be better? and you can change the names around if you would like....


    Piper Alexis

    Emma Rose

    Jaylee Nicole

    Jaycee Elizabeth


    Jason Edward (father's uncle's name that died a few years ago, so it was his choice)

    Isaiah James

    Leo Matthew

    Levi Jacob (Jacob is father's name)

    I want your honest opinion, and you can add middle names and stuff that you suggest too. Thanks!

    21 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Why do they limit answers?

    I love helping people and giving advice and sharing my knowledge so when I created an account on yahoo answers I was really happy. I also like seeing what other people has to say and what kind of questions people have. So I have been sitting here reading numerous of questions and answering almost all of them with my honest opinion and to the best of my knowledge and when I went to post another answer it said I had reached my limit for the day! I got really mad and disappointed and don't see the point in limiting the number of questions you answer. I'm trying to do a good thing and give people advice, hopefully helpful advice and its not like im being all mean and rude. Not only that, it takes my mind off of things and I enjoy doing this, I actually think it is fun and entertaining. Does anyone else feel the same way?

    8 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • I took a pregnancy test and it came back negative then checked it later and it said positive!?

    I am 18 and took a pregnancy test early this morning and after 3 min it came back negative. I was in the bathroom not too long ago (about 12hrs after test) and when I glanced down at the trash can I saw the test and it said positive. I am a little over a week late on my period and am already feeling nauseated and tired all the time, and my boobs are a little sore and I get cramping from time to time. Do you think I could still be pregnant even though the test came back neg and later showed positive? PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR OPINION!

    13 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago