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  • What's the difference?

    Does anyone know what's the difference between L'Oreal Paris WILD, INTENSE, and COOURED ombre? I mean aren't they all the same but like why some say wild and some intense? Which one out of all 3 are better? Is intense ombre for darker hair and wild ombre for lighter hair? I have dark brown hair which is medium copper brown so a bit of red in it? Which one would be better for me, intense or wild kind?

    1 AnswerHair7 years ago
  • Hair Dye problem?

    So right now my hair color is black with blondish coffee colored highlights. I have most blonde highlights on my bangs. But the highlights at the back are fading so I'm going to highlight it myself because it's too expensive at the hair salon.... I have short hair so one box is enough for me. I have a few questions though and appreciate anyone who can answer for me?

    1. I bought these boxed hair dyes last year (2013) and one was medium copper brown. I want to use it now so I don't have to waste money to buy another one. But the problem is it's been stored in my basement (which is fairly cold) for at least a year and really never opened. I don't know if it's expired yet because there is no expiry date on the box. I also have the L'Oreal couleur experte that I bought last year in my basement but I don't care about that because it's just highlights, not all over the hair. If boxed hair dyes have been stored in a cold place for at least a year, can I still use it? Is it expired yet? Will anything happen to my hair as in reactions??

    2. I searched online for boxed highlights that I can put it on myself. I found the Revlon Frost and Glow in Honey highlights. And the Clairol Nice N' Easy Frost and Tip. They both come with a cap and hook. I like that method and it's easier for me since the cap is a guide with holes. Which one is better? The Clairol one is cheaper, but the Revlon one seems to have better quality and more good reviews?

    3. Shold I also consider dying my hair purple or red

    1 AnswerHair7 years ago
  • Found a way to delete my unused accounts?

    So like my last question, I accidentally created a few accounts. I found a way to delete them by reporting myself... Well they said to report for impersonation but idk. I just selected the option under report that said "This is my old profile" than "Close this account." Now it says a timeline will be deleted after a review or something? What does that mean? I have to write a email or review to fb saying that those are my unused accounts?? Or should I just ask all my friends to report my accounts as impersonation and it will be deleted or just wait for my accounts i reported to be deactivated? Usually how many friends I have to ask to report does it take to get those unused accounts to be deleted?

    2 AnswersFacebook7 years ago
  • Facebook NEVER replies to my email?

    Hello. So I have a big problem here. In the past, I've accidentally created fb accounts and forgot the passwords (possibly email) or some have been locked for some reason. I've contacted fb through email at least 3 times but they NEVER responds? I want to ask them to delete my other unused accounts bcuz I've already have one that I am currently using that I know my pw....

    How can I get them to respond? Will they ever respond?

    2 AnswersFacebook7 years ago
  • Does Dr Fone Wondershare only scan and recover recently deleted stuff?

    Hii! So I found a way to see my deleted convo. I used Wondershare. I wanna ask:

    1.Is it safe to use it?

    2.Can it scan and preview and recover stuff (imessage and other stuff) from a long time ago or only can recover stuff that you recently deleted?

    2 AnswersOther - Electronics7 years ago
  • 47 Ronin OR Catching Fire?

    Ok so this Friday, I am going to see either one of the two movies with my friend. I already watched 47 Ronin at the theatre once... But it was awesome that I want to see it again! The problem is Hunger Games is still up and I kind of want to see that too? I want to see 47 Ronin because it starts earlier in the morning so after the movie, my friend and I still have time to hangout. But for Hunger Games, it starts late, so after, we won't have much time... People are enjoying Hunger Games more than 47 Ronin? Is 47 Ronin really that bad? Yea so... Which movie should I see?

    2 AnswersMovies7 years ago
  • BF/GF Christmas gift advice???????

    Ok so it's almost Christmas and I want to get something special for my guy. I've been wanting to get him a

    Bracelet. yes. The problem is I've been reading older answers on yahooanswers to see if it's bad to give your bf a bracelet. I'm getting a bracelet for him and me. One says girlfriend and is pink with a heart charm. One says boyfriend and is black color.Do you think the guy bracelet is too "feminine"?? People say that guys won't like it or wear it. Do you think it's sweet to get it? I really want to get it for him and I. It would be a great way show the love. If not a bracelet, what else should I get him that shows my relationship with him? Plzz help, thanks!! He has too much video games so I just thought that a something different (a bracelet) would be special for both of us..... :)) Should we share the money or should I get it for him?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Math question involving tables and linear equations?

    Ok so I'm learning writing linear equations by using table of values. I'm stuck on this tricky question though. Maybe u guys could help me? Here's the question:

    I have to write an equation in the form y=mx+b. I will try to explain it the best I can because it has a picture instead. So there I have to find y=mx+b for a ski run. On the y-axis, it just saids 1400m. On the x-axis, it just saids 2000m. There is no points given. How can I find it when there are basically no points and the only two numbers provided is 1400 and 2000? Do i use these two points for y2-y1 over x2-y2??? Please help me!!

    1 AnswerMathematics7 years ago
  • Should i switch back to applied english?

    Ok so, this is the situation. I am in gr 10 academic english right now, but i didn't take that course. I checked off applied and I didn't go to summer school so technically I am not supposed to be in the academic english class. But they told me that because in gr 9 applied english, my mark was high so they put me in academic because they think I can manage it. But I really hate it, first day of the class and I already hate it that much. There were no ppl i know so basically im a loner in that course. But in the applied course, I have my friends in there, so I will be more happy since I have ppl. And I have to carry a txtbook and do a play and the work is harder than applied so im thinking of switching back to applied to be with my friends so the pressure wouldnt be that much. But I will have to switch my math period and I will lose my very funny history teacher. What should I do? Switch back or not switch? Technically, I really want to switch back to applied but I got a high mark maybe I should try out academic.

    1 AnswerHomework Help8 years ago
  • Gr 10 back to school supplies?

    Here are the subjects I'm taking:

    Compulsory (have to take):





    Optional (My options):




    Ok so I may be stupid to ask what supplies I should look forward to shopping, but some courses don't need those specific supplies (ex. I'm not taking art so I don't really need a lot of markers, glitter pens), if you guys understand. So I want to buy supplies that are right for my courses. Can you guys help me make a list of what to bring to school??? Plzzz, thanks!!

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education8 years ago
  • Does he mean I'm his gf?

    Ok so, a day ago, my 3 friend. Friend 1 2 and 3 were at a mall walking to stores. Then friend 1 (guy i have a crush on and we like each other) bought something with his own money and didn't let his parents know about it. So, we all thought of an excuse for him to bring inside the house. Friend 1 and 2 said from a relative or friend. Then friend 1 said "from my girlfriend" and he was looking at me. He was mainly asking me for an excuse. I told him he didn't have a girlfriend and he said "ok from _______ (my name)".... And then friend 2 said that he didn't have a girlfriend.. yet. Ik friend 2 meant us. He said he wasn't comfortable and not ready to have a gf now he's saying girlfriend? So basically am i his gf or just the girl he likes? Omg guys. Plzz help me????/

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Does this guy like me? Or did he not like me from the start?

    Ok so me and this guy like each other, or so we think we do. I told him i liked him then surprisingly he said yes he liked me too. Well all have gone well, now we just don't know. He's always acting like not liking me then liking me, I'm confused. I show him i like him a lot,and he? Does nothing. It's hard for a girl to confess and I did that. Well our friends know now. They always tell us to go on a date. It's maybe because we both do something that gf and bf do. We hugged and I kissed him on the cheek before. And kinda held hands? We just always call each other a name XD. It's like we act like bf and gf but we don't. Anyway, he did ask me out 1 or 2 times, i said yea, but we don't plan it, or he says i didn't ask. I don't know what he wants to do. If he wants me to go somewhere with him, why can't he just man up?

    He said he isn't ready for dating. Well and my friend did some counselling with us today. He said he didn't really like me then said yes then said no. I'm like "ok dude i don't trust you anymore". I don't feel he's trying, and he said he is. What a joke. We show each other we like each other. We just laid off the feelings today, then after he said something about me going somewhere with him. He is just so immature around me today, like throwing sand and sticks at me. And chasing me around, and grabbing my bag. He's acting like a 9 year old boy. Why did he do that? And he was making a lot of eye contact with me today. And we watched a film, there was a part about love and there was a couple in there, he said it should have been you and me. I'm having mixed feelings here. So to summarize, he does show he likes me, and I don't know his feelings so idk. But he was going by my side a lot today. My friends pressured him into asking me to go out on a date today when school starts, but I think I will have to say no. I don't want a guy to feel like he's pressured. Should I just get over him, that's gonna be hard, or should I still try to like him? The overall question is... Did he even truly liked me? Do you think he's trying to show me he likes me? Do you think he truly wanted to go out with me? He is acting like he wants to truly go out with me and kinda don't want to.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Does this way get rid of blackheads on nose?

    Ok so, I have these little black dots on my nose, but not big, just very small. And I wanna get rid of them. I read online and there's this way:

    Steam and moisturise: Put a hot towel over your face for 10 minutes. Letting it sit will bring the black heads to the surface. Wash with warm water and natural face wash. Close pores with cold water and apply oil-free moisturiser.

    Does ^^ this way work to get ride of TINY blackheads on nose?? It has to work?

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions8 years ago
  • Very tiny bright red spiders?

    So I am on my laptop right now, and i found this really really like very tiny bright red spider. My bed is clean because I just cleaned it, and there arent that much stuff on it so there is no way it is because of my bed. Right beside me, is a garden, if you get it. I researched that they appear in the summer a lot, and they love to eat the plants and stuff? So is it cuz of my garden next to me?

    4 AnswersZoology8 years ago
  • What does the word "Coil" in art mean?

    So I just need to know what does "Coil" in ART mean? Not a regular coil. Ik it's a part of pinch potting, but I need the definition of it. Plzz hellp!!!

    4 AnswersOther - Visual Arts8 years ago
  • We both confessed we like each other, now what?

    So I've liked this guy for a long time, and he started a conversation on facebook. I confessed to him and then I asked him if he had feelings for me. Luckily, I didn't get rejected and he said yes he did too. Well what now? Are we just friends who like each other? A crush? My friend said to get into a bf and gf relationship but i don't think we want that. But we can video call each other. I mean I don't want that like feeling to go away for each other. What should I do now? Now that I've got through the hardest part,which is asking the guy first.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Question about the gr 9 math eqao?

    So I have the upcoming gr 9 math eqao. I'm scared its gonna be hard since i already find some of the open response questions pretty hard!! My teacher didn't even tell me what to study! Well I just wanna ask if it's gonna be based on the previous done eqaos (2011-2010, 2009-2010) uk the past ones.Because I was practicing some eqaos on and I see some of the questions twice in 2010 and 2009. So is it gonna be they make up new questions OR take questions from the previous eqao and that's the test??? Plzz respond, I need to know what to study, idk!!!

    1 AnswerMathematics8 years ago
  • I like this guy but it's almost the end of the yr?

    So as you know, its almost the end of school. Well I like this guy. We have know each other for a year. And we've been fighting straight for a yr. I call him a name and he calls me a name for a yr straight. Well, he has been showing signs of liking me and I am liking him but I just keep it to myself. The problem is it's almos the end of the year, ofc I will miss my friends but I am also unhappy that Im not gonna see him anymore or yell at him. What should I do?? Confessing isn't that easy.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Some Math questions??????????

    So some questions I don't understand. Plz be specific!

    1. The formula B=100- h over 156 gives water's boiling point, B, in degrees Celcius an an altitude of h metres. What is the approximate boiling point of water an altitude of 5951 m?

    WEll I got the answer, its 62 degrees celcius, but how is the answer 62??? Please be specific!

    2.Internet Plus charges a base fee of $14 each month, and $0.08 per minute. For how many mintues did Harpreet use the internet if he is charged $42 for a month?

    The anser is 350 min, but idk how it's 350, again explain.

    3. The dimensions of a rectange are in a 3:5 ratio. If the shorter side lengths are 30 cm, what are the lengths of the longer sides?

    The answer's 50, idk how the answer is 50 though. Again explain.

    4. The cost of an MP3 player is $299. A newer model costs 20% more. Which of the following is closest to the sale price of the newer model after a 30% discount?

    The answer's $251.16, how is it $251.16??

    5. Tierney goes to the movie theatre and has $20 to spend on treats.

    Soft drink- $2.29

    Chocolate bars- $1.69

    Popcorn- $3.49

    She buys 2 soft drinks , a chocolate bar and popcorn. She also pays 13% tax. How much change should Tierney receive from her $20?

    The answer is $8.97, but how?

    6. Darwin is making a drink that is a mix of cyrstals and water in a ratio of 2:5. Darwin starts by mixing 4 cups of crystals with 9 cup of water. How many more cups of water should he add to have a 2:5 ratio?

    The answer is 1, but why?