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Bridget V

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  • Can someone explain to me why it is a horrible thing?

    for a child to be 'classified' or 'labeled'? I'm specifically referring to a child being classified with a delay or learning disability.

    My son is 3, and has a speech delay. Not diagnosed at Apraxia yet (b/c he is too young), but he shows signs. He goes to preschool through the school system as a "preschool child with a disability". He has that label until kindergarten, then he will have a more individual label (if needed).

    Growing up, my brother had auditory processing disorder (he needed to have things explained one a time to him, he could not handle too many directions at once, and cannot handle a lot of noise), Many of my moms friends asked her "how could you let the school LABEL your child!". To which she answered "how could I not? he needs the help!"

    Anyway, I'm starting to run into this a little bit myself. A random mom at the park will say (after we get to talking) "I could never let the SCHOOL classify my child like that!".

    Which leads me to my question. Why is labeling/classifying a terrible thing? I mean, if your child had a problem, wouldn't you want all the help you were able to get for them? Is it the "my child is perfect" mindset that leads parents to refuse to let their school systems to do this?

    Please understand, I'm all for getting a second opinion about something, but when there is obviously a problem or a delay, I just don't get why someone would deny their child help.

    I would really like to hear from parents who are dead set against this. I'm trying to understand.

    14 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • What is being taught in sex ed nowadays?

    I'm curious. I'm 30 and I only remember general health classes learning about the female repro system. And in 9th grade where we had a semester detailing every STD. Looking back, I don't recall anything on how to prevent pregnancy besides abstinence. Maybe I was caught in a school system that had "Abstinence and nothing else".

    What's your opinion on this? Should it be a part of sex ed to teach teens how to prevent pregnancy? Or do you think that giving teens information like this encourages them to have sex?

    My opinion is that birth control (condoms, etc) should be talked about and statistics given, I'm even for condoms being available. But I do think that it should be stressed that abstinence is the only foolproof way to prevent pregnancy, and that ANY TIME a penis enters a vagina, pregnancy can occur.

    Your thoughts?

    7 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • For those that use Good Start or Similac?

    Just wanted to let you know that Target has clearanced their 20% more cans (the 30.8oz BIG cans) of powder GoodStart DHA/ARA, Similac, and Similac Isomil down to $13.00! The cans may not be in the regular formula aisle, but may be on an endcap somewhere else in the store. I've found quite a few cans on the endcaps by the shampoo.

    Hope this helps someone....

    And, because I need to ask a question - here it is -

    What new thing has your baby done this week? My boy is just starting to climb on everything!

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • My son has this weird fear?

    He seems to be afraid of grass. He's gotten better about walking on it with me (a few weeks ago he stopped dead in his tracks when we went for a walk and came to a grassy area). But if I let go of his hand to have him walk on his own, he starts crying. He does not like to sit down in it at all. I don't get it.

    I first noticed this a couple months ago when there were a few nice days and we took him outside. I chalked it up to him not liking the feel of it under his feet (he wasn't walking then and had on soft soled shoes). Since he started walking, we've gotten him regular shoes and he still freaks out about it.

    Anyone else's child have this fear? What did you do about it?

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Ok, what exactly happens at Gymboree?

    Not the clothes store of course! I mean the play & music groups. I got a coupon in the mail for a free class and wanted to check it out. My son is 1 year old so he would be in the level 3, 10-16 month group. The website makes it seem like a playgroup kind of thing. Any moms have any experience with it?

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • For those who co-sleep and do not beleive in CIO?

    How do you deal with the times that you need to leave your baby with someone?

    Here's my situation. My husband and I have a wedding to attend in a few weeks. Now, normally we would have my mom babysit. She is great with my son (11 months) and although I don't think she gets why we co-cleep and no CIO, she does understand that we are his parents and it's up to us how we decide to raise him. She'll lay down with him for naps and stuff and she has never told us "he needs to go into his own bed!" (sigh) I love my mom!

    Unfortunately, this wedding is on my side of the family, so my mom will be going too. We have asked my husbands parents to babysit and I am very nervous about it. Please don't misunderstand me, I love my inlaws and they are great people. But they have asked us several times "when are you going to put him down in his own bed?" and "he needs to cry to know he can't always get his own way!"

    We will be gone from about 2pm - midnight. I have visions of him....

    15 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Oh yeah, it's ANOTHER MMR question!?

    Actually more of a curiosity question though. Before I had my baby I was always under the impression that the MMR shot was done at 18 months. My pedi does it at 15 mos, but others do it at 12 mos. I've been researching about why the recommended ages for this shot are what they are and cannot find any info about it. Does anyone know why the ages for the shot were set at 12-15 months? Or can point me in the direction of some (reputable) websites? Thanks!

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • I need to know about Hoffman Estates, Il and surrounding area?

    My husband has an opportunity for a job there and I know absolutely nothing about the area except it's outside of Chicago. Is it safe? Is there a lot of crime? Are there not so nice areas and where should I avoid? I'm in NJ, so if there are any transplants from there I would love to have your opinion! Thanks!

    2 AnswersChicago1 decade ago
  • What is your perfect Christmas Cookie?

    I'm looking for ideas. I'm baking this weekend (chocolate chip, gingerbread & fudge) and want another type of cookie to make.

    10 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Anyone know of any BPA free sippy/trainer cups?

    We're going to introduce sippy cups soon and want to know if there are any BPA free ones. Anyone know of any? Thanks!

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Anyone know of any really good coupon trading sites?

    I'm already a member of Babycheapskate and Anyone know of any others? Specifically ones with baby coupons would be great! Thanks!

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • A question for moms who co-sleep/have co-slept?

    and who have co-slept until their child indicated they were ready for their own bed. How did you know they were ready? Specifically, what were the signs?

    13 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • So, what's the "big toy" this year?

    Anyone know? I'm curious and haven't really heard of any one in particular.

    5 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • What's your experience with the new Luv's diapers?

    How are they? I had an old package with the non-stretchy sides and didn't like them. Are they new ones any good? Pampers are expensive and I heard the price is going up next year. Plus my son seems to keep getting this crazy diaper rash since we switched from Swaddlers to Cruisers. Anyone have any experience with them?

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • PLEASE ANSWER! Extreme high blood pressure in pregnancy?

    I just got a call tonight that my sister was rushed to the hospital because her blood pressure was very high (217 over something - I'm sorry I didn't get the lower number). She is just 20 weeks pregnant and I am very worried. I know about preeclampsia as I was monitored for it during my pregnancy. If anyone out there has any personal experience with this, I would appreciate you telling me anything. Has anyone had their bp be this high and NOT had to deliver the baby?

    A little more info - this is her 2nd pregnancy, she did not have high bp during the first and, as far as I know, not during this pregnancy either (until today). She does have gestational diabetes (during this and the previous pregnancy).

    The number is really freaking me out and I'm trying not to worry. I'm just waiting to hear from her or my Brother-in-law.

    Has anyone had any personal experience?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • A question for breastfeeding enthusiasts ( BF vs FF debate)?

    For the purpose of this question, a breasfeeding enthusiast will be defined as a person who is adament that women breastfeed and also one that would like to see formula be used out of medical necessity only.

    So, here is the question: Are you pro-choice?

    I ask because I have noticed something in the way that some bf enthusiasts answer questions. I have seen several bf/ff debates on here and have seen several women answer questions in the "You must bf! Formula is horrible! You have a responsibilty to your baby to give them the best! Work past the pain!" vibe. And then seeing those same women answer the 'abortion debate' questions with the response that "No one has the right to tell you what to do with your body".

    Please explain to me how in one question no one can tell you what to do with your body, and in another question all women should use their breasts to nourish their child and if they don't they are bad mothers?

    10 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Question about vaccinations?

    My son goes for his 4 month appointment and shots tomorrow. He had no problems after getting his shots at the 2 month appt. He was a bit fussy and sleepy afterward, and he cried during :( but no fever or anything.

    I wanted to know if anyone's baby had no problems after the 1st set of shots, but then had problems after the 2nd or 3rd set (the 4/6 month appts) like fever or anything.

    Any info will be appreciated! Thanks!

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Questions about changes in breasts during pregnancy & breastfeeding.?

    I am planning on breastfeeding after my baby is born and have been trying to read up on it every chance I get. I have recently come across some info online that says some women who have hormonal imbalances or PCOS may not be able to produce enough milk for the baby. And that one of the signs could be that your breasts did not change appearance during pregnancy.

    I was concerned about this b/c I'm large chested to begin with and I don't see any signifigant change in the size of my breasts. The nipples have darkened though. I was actually supposed to be tested for hormonal imbalances after my m/c in July, but got pregnant before I got my period back - so they couldn't test.

    I would like to hear your experiences with this - either women who's breasts did not change during pg, or women with hormonal imbalances/PCOS. Were you able to breastfeed? Did you produce enough milk? Thank you!

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Question about breast changes during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

    I am planning on breastfeeding after my baby is born and have been trying to read up on it every chance I get. I have recently come across some info online that says some women who have hormonal imbalances or PCOS may not be able to produce enough milk for the baby. And that one of the signs could be that your breasts did not change appearance during pregnancy.

    I was concerned about this b/c I'm large chested to begin with and I don't see any signifigant change in the size of my breasts. The nipples have darkened though. I was actually supposed to be tested for hormonal imbalances after my m/c in July, but got pregnant before I got my period back - so they couldn't test.

    I would like to hear your experiences with this - either women who's breasts did not change during pg, or women with hormonal imbalances/PCOS. Were you able to breastfeed? Did you produce enough milk? Thank you!

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Looking for the name of a book. Can you help?

    I read it a long time ago and would like to reread it, but for the life of me cannot remember the title. I believe it takes place in the 80's. The main character is a woman who has (apparently) gotten into a car accident in a strange town. She wakes up in the hospital with amnesia and is cared for by the doctors and nurses. She begins to suspect something is wrong and as it turns out, she's not in the U.S. anymore, but in Russia (I think?). She works for this top secret company who has (for lack of a better word) programmed her to get amnesia if anyone tried to torture information about the company out of her. The book is very Nelson Demille-ish, but it's not by him. Can anyone help me?

    10 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago