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  • What do I do? My dad is perfectionist, expects me to be perfect as well?

    My dad is a perfectionist, and he almost requires that we think like he does, if we don't, he gets mad at us, calls us useless, hopeless, and lazy. Every day I'm faced with choices, about whether he thinks something is good or not, if I'm wrong, I get scolded, sometimes yelled at. It has gotten to the point where I am almost unable to make decisions for myself. All my decisions are based on what he thinks, not what I think. I can't eat a certain food unless my dad allows it. I can't decide to do just go outside without him allowing it. I can't even decide whether to move food to a container or keep it in the current bag that it's in. A lot of times he will put something somewhere on purpose, and if I even move it to another location he'll get mad at me. So a lot of times I am forced to just not do anything, and assume his perfectionist attitude had a plan for it. The problem is that he also expects me to think like he does. Obviously he knows what he wants, he see's everything what he wants to do, and expects me to do it as well. But I don't know what he wants, so I'm forced into a blind guess, and if I decide to leave it alone (which is normally what he wants me to do, because it's better not to mess with what he had already planned), but he wants me to do something about it, then I get in big trouble, called lazy, hopeless, etc. And I'm sick of it. It gets worse, I tried telling him my situation, but he's all puffed with pride and every time I explain he takes it as if I'm blaming him, or putting a bad picture of him in his face. And he hates that, and starts saying that I am such a bad person always judging him all the time, always blaming him for my problems. That was the case today. I tried standing up for myself and explain my situation, yet he just doesn't listen and accuses me of accusing him of everything. So I can't even talk to him about it. He just says I'm the problem. I'm the hopeless, lazy, evil person that can't get anything right, then blames his dad for everything, but that is not the case. I'm trying my best to please him, but I'm not a perfectionist! And the more I try the more I have to guess, the more I guess the more I'm wrong, the more I'm wrong the more he discourages me, the more he discourages me, the more he makes me incapable of making decisions. I'm almost scared of being unable to make decisions for myself when I grow up! Does anyone have anything I can do? Everything I try doesn't work. We can't take him to a professional because he denies that he has a problem and says we do. My mom is in the same situation as we are. She can't talk to him because he'll just say everyone else is a problem. Does anyone have any idea what to do?

    1 AnswerFamily9 years ago
  • Riddle! 10 points to the person who can solve this correctly!?

    There are 20 prisoners, all of them are going to go into a row, each facing the back of another, except the front person. So the prisoner in the very back can look at all of the people in front of him, and the prisoner in the front can't see anybody. Each prisoner is wearing either a white hat, or a black at, and it's completely random (so it could be 10 black, 10 white, 4 black, 16 white, all black, no white, etc.). So every prisoner can see the hats of everybody in front of him, but he can't see his own. The person holding them captive gives them a way to escape: If they can correctly guess the color of their hat, he'll let them go. They are only allowed to say one word, and that is the either black or white. Knowing this whole process beforehand, the prisoners come up with a method so that all of them go free, except the guy in the back has only a 50% chance of going free. What is this method?

    5 AnswersJokes & Riddles9 years ago
  • Did I do anything wrong?

    I'm really confused right now. While doing my schoolwork (I'm homeschooled, and so are my siblings) my younger sister (8) was crying and screaming. I exit my room to ask them what's going on, and my younger brother (13, I'm 16) is aggravating her by telling her secrets on this computer game to other members. So I tell him to get off and I turn off the computer (I had the right to do this, because my dad wasn't home, and my mom was too busy to do anything, so they said I'm in charge in such a situation). And he didn't seem to care too much. So I think everything is fine, and continue my schoolwork, when suddenly, my younger sister comes in my room, crying saying that my younger brother is back on another computer doing the same thing. So I go down and while he was arguing with her, I turned off the computer. He looked at me and said "Wow, *my name,* wow." And reached down to turn the computer back on. then I stopped his arm from turning it on and kinda pushed it away from the computer. He then took another step and tried to turn it back on, but I pushed him back again (btw, he's about as strong as I am, if not stronger), he continues to do this until I end up pushing him on the couch just so he doesn't get to the computer to turn it on. He then gets up, really angry this time, and starts flailing his arms toward me, I try to block them but eventually I miss his hand and he punches me in the face. Now, you're probably thinking I'm gonna retaliate and punch him back, and that's why I'm asking if I did anything wrong. WRONG. I instead leave before I get aggravated to punch him back, while tending to my bloody nose. While leaving, he starts to gloat and say "awww, are you going to cry to your mommy and daddy because you got hurt?" (by the way, we're a Christian family. I care about the Bible and what it takes to be a good Christian and such more than he does, not to boast or anything, but he doesn't at all, God is just a part of his life, when for me he is my life.) So I get really mad at that, but just continue tending to my nose. Then he starts teling my younger sister that he is stronger and more powerful than me (which isn't true, we're an even match, except I'm taller and skinnier) when I go down and tell him that he isn't stronger or more powerful than I am, but he starts gloating again and says "oh really? Then how come I won? How come you couldn't punch me in the face, but I beat you up?" Again, I'm so close to charging down there, and punching him in the face just to prove that I can. But again I resist myself, remembering the verse "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." - Matthew 5:5

    So, as hard as it was, I just leave. Then, when my dad comes home, he wants to hear the whole story, but when I tell him that I pushed him onto the couch, he looks at the couch and see's that it moved. (and he's REEEAAALLY picky about that stuff) so he gets super mad at me for pushing him. And he gets mad at him for punching me. So he's mad at both of us, equally. When I tell him about his taunting, he doesn't say anything about it. And he punishes us both equally.

    Is this fair? Or am I right that I didn't really do anything wrong?

    3 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • Younger Brother further along in puberty than I am?!?

    Hey, I'm 16 (and a guy), and I have been waiting so long for puberty to start for me. I figured I would start at around 13....nope.....14? I'm a little worried. Then when I was 15, I just accepted that I was late. Now I'm 16, and FINALLY starting to show signs of puberty (as in, small dark hairs down there, but only 5 of them are really dark, others are like hair on my arm). So I was happy for awhile. And by awhile, I mean like a week, when I accidentally saw my 13 year old brother after he took a shower, and he had a TON of hair down there. (he forgot his towel, haha). At that point, I became so sad. It just wasn't fair. I had to wait 3 years for it. And he doesn't have to wait at all. He's normal. It already annoys the crap out of me when people think he's older, but this? At this point I realized I was in for a long, grueling torture. Because then he's gonna get armpit hair, and I won't, and people will notice that and make fun of me for it. Then he's gonna have a deeper voice than me (which he already does, but his hasn't cracked yet, so it's OK for now), then he's gonna start growing facial hair and shaving before I do. (we both grow hair on our upper lip, but his is way more, and his sideburns are coming in more than mine are) I cannot stand this, it's just the worst feeling in the world. And he knows it, and now he's starting to disrespect me because he knows he's stronger than me, and more mature than me. He's starting to treat me like his younger brother. It's just killing me. First of all, do late bloomers go through puberty at a faster rate? Will I be able to catch up to him? Second, how long does it take to get from first few hairs down there and barely noticeable to clearly noticeable and looking almost adult-like? Cause the latter is where my brother is, but I'm still at the first. Third, how long till armpit hair? This whole ordeal causes me to just break down because I cannot handle this. And I always hear that "it'll come eventually" answer, which I finally grasped, but how do I avoid that pressure from my brother? Every time he takes a shower now it reminds me that he's ahead of me, and I can't ignore it. I feel like I'm the only person to have ever gone through this whole ordeal. Nobody seems to have it as bad as I do.

    Any help?

    8 AnswersMen's Health9 years ago
  • Everything is a guessing game with my dad. What to do?

    I'm not gonna give too much info out, but here's the deal: my dad is a perfectionist, he wants (or rather, needs) everything perfect, everything needs to go his way. Otherwise he gets a annoyed. And when he gets annoyed, he takes it out on us (me and my four siblings), usually by just yelling at us or scolding us which also gives him a short fuse, causing him to get more annoyed at more things, taking it out on us, giving him an even shorter fuse, etc. and the snowball effect kicks in, and that day just goes downhill from there. Of course, sometimes it's worse, as in he yells at us and calls us names and basicly calls us hopeless, and sometimes he doesn't always get that annoyed, sometimes he'll take the imperfection, with a little annoyance, but kinda gets over it (usually with a penalty, but it's usually minor). So it varies often.

    He does have some uncanny gift of finding the perfect most efficient way to go about a dilemma. The problem: I don't, and he expects me to know. So the problem really arrives when my dad isn't around, (or busy doing something else) and I'm responsible for getting a solution to do something, and I have to guess what my dad would do, otherwise the above snowball effect occurs. And a dilemma like this usually happens at least once a day, usually I guess right, because I know him, and he teaches me the right way, but when I don't, it's difficult. So I'm faced with this everyday. Today was the classic example of what happens when I'm wrong, with his regular reaction:


    We eat cerial every day, the healthy type, we're sick of it. But last week, my mom made banana bread! (It was good, btw), and so we had that for breakfast every day throughout the week (Monday-Thursday, today is Friday).

    Dilemma: I'm up in the morning, dad is still sleeping, the bread is in the freezer and frozen. Usually when things are frozen, my dad would leave them on the counter for them to defrost overnight. But I'm forced to make a....

    .....decision: A. Do I assume that we're not eating it, and eat cerial instead? If I'm wrong, my dad might want to eat the bread and complain that I'm making it more work for him!

    B. Do I assume that he forgot to leave it on the counter because he was tired and wanted to go to bed? (ps. He goes to bed at 2 every night) Do I prepare the bread? After all, we ate it every day of the week so far, why wouldn't we eat it again? He didn't warn me beforehand! If I'm wrong, he might get mad and say that he had planned to use it for another day, or for something else, and say that I ruined his plan, which usually ends up with him calling us dumb, or hopeless.

    Or C. Wait till he wakes up to find out whether he wants to eat it or not. This seems like the safest decision, but the risks are that he might want it already prepared for him to just cut it and eat it! Rather than have to get it out, defrost it, etc.

    What did I do? I chose B. Looking back at it, I think C might have been better, but it's too late now.

    Reaction: My dad got annoyed, saying he wanted to use it for another day, and he wanted us to eat cerial. He punished us by saying we get cerial every day of next week (which we do anyways, so it's not that bad), and getting very annoyed that his plan wasn't followed. He called me unthoughtful and stupid. Luckily, he didn't get that mad, and he was in a bad mood for only a few minutes.

    I'm just tired of having to face this every day, and one time, I told him that this is always a guessing game, and he said that I need to stop blaming him for everything, and stop talking back to my parents, and that entire day he complained that the blame always falls on him. And he was in a really bad mood the rest of the day.

    What do I do?

    2 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • My email has been hacked!!!?

    Okay, so I just checked my hotmail email, and I have a ton of emails saying it blocked an email I sent because it isn't safe. so I look into it, and I apparently sent all my contacts an email about how something has changed my life or something. (And the subject is "Happy independence day!!!" which is super suspicious....haha). The problem is I don't really want to delete the email (which, by the way, I don't know how to do...) I've already deleted all my contacts to prevent any more. But can I get my email back?


    2 AnswersSecurity10 years ago
  • Which NFL draft coverage is best? NFL network or ESPN?

    I will not be able to watch the first round live, so I must DVR it in order to watch my Seahawks pick (I don't want to hear about how bad they are, they are DRAFTING). I do not want to just log on the computer and see it, I want to watch it as if it was live.

    Currently I have it recorded for NFL network, but I can change it to ESPN if you guys say it's better. Who's coverage is better?

    What do you think? If it's pretty much even, and ONLY if it's pretty much even, just tell me which animation or draft info on the sides is better. Or even what sound it makes when a selection is made/traded. I just want the more enjoyable experience!

    2 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • How is a-b equal to b-a?

    my teacher told me you can change it. like in this problem: [(b-a)/a^2-2ab+b^2] is equal to

    [(a-b)/a^2-2ab+b^2] (try putting it in a fraction bar) how can you change "b-a" to "a-b". I worked out the problem by giving "a" the value of 3, and "b" the value of 8 and it came out as 1/5 equals -(1/5). which is incorrect.

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • my elbow hurts with little pressure?

    everytime there is a tiny amount of pressure on my elbow, it hurts, if I rest in on my desk in a certain position, as if I were writing, it hurts, when it hurts it feels like a burning or stinging pain. does anyone know what it is?

    4 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • My dad hates me. I need help in a christian perspective.?

    I'm a 15 year old guy, and for years my dad has joked around that he's king, and that he's perfect. but now its starting to bother me because now he acts like he IS king and IS perfect. He hates criticism and even if I criticize the tiniest thing, he says I have a problem. He yells at somebody probably 20 times a week. (oh and btw this is supposed to be a christian home) and its annoying because he dislikes going to church, and says that he already knows all the principles (yeah right) and that he doesn't need to go to church, and its wasting time. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do cuz every time I talk to him, trying to change him little by little, he starts to fire back at me and says I have a problem. He always accuses us (me and my four siblings) of always blaming him for stuff, when all he does is complain about stuff and blame us. he has NEVER taken responsibility for ANYTHING. I go to a youth group (possibly the best youth group in the world:P) but he hates it when I go, he hates it that there is a homeless outreach and he has to help. he's so selfish, never thinks about others, yet he thinks he's perfect. He has taught my 3 younger siblings to suck up to his perfection, and so when they ask for something from him they have to say "my king" and its so annoying. Is he EVER gonna change? my youth group is convicting me of stuff all the time, and it changes me, and I think to myself, "if only my dad could change as well" but he doesn't like to go to church, and when he goes, he acts completely nice to everyone and everyone thinks he's so great. then when we get to the car, he explodes. And I cant help but think of him as suck a Hippocrates!

    Can I please get help in a Christian perspective? and do I really have a problem?

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • 10 Goldfish, one bowl. what to do?

    After Halloween last night, we won 10 goldfish, but our dilemma is, we have one bowl (IDK how many gallons probably 3-4) we talked to this guy at the pet store, and he said 1 gallon for 1 fish. How do we solve this? I say we make an attempt to try to keep all alive (buy another bowl or something), my brother says we kill 6 fish so four will survive. I'm against that because why would we murder 6 unlucky fish just so the others can survive. what do you think?

    10 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Halo reach infection help.?

    okay, I made a map for Halo reach on Forge world, meant for a duck hunt gametype. with one zombie spawn and a spawn location for the humans. but I dont know how to make the spawn location for humans and the other for the zombie.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • My dad yells at me for stupid reasons?

    Hi, I am 14 and live in a Christian family.

    but my dad still yells at everyone in my family for stupid reasons.

    like today, my dad kept complaining about what he has to do, and yelled at anybody who didn't do something right or forgot, then he told me to clean the floor in this certain way that I never done before, but when I was cleaning it, I guess I didn't do it right, and he started yelling at me for doing it wrong, (note he yells as loud as he can) and told me I had no brain.

    he will yell at anyone of his children (5 of them), but when mom is home he isn't as violent.

    sometimes it gets as bad as he starts saying he hates us. but he never beats us up, because he knows its not Christian to do that.

    I cant confront him because he will either say "Im too busy" or "DONT TALK BACK TO YOUR DAD" (the latter is more common) and its so frusterating.

    when we aren't able to go somewhere we want to (such as Youth Group), he starts cheering and like saying "yaaay, they cant go!" he hates it when we have fun.

    and sometimes when he is calm he says "remember I always love you" but every single day he yells at me and treats my like im just here to help him. and again he says he hates me.

    What do I do? :(

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • 14 and havn't gone through Puberty yet!?

    Hi, Im 14, (a guy)

    Im 5'1 and havn't gone through puberty yet, no signs no nothing.

    I am worried because if my 11 year old brother goes into puberty before I do, I will be so embarrased because everybody will think hes older, and people already think we are twins, and if they think hes older, I dont know what I'll do. please help!

    5 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Best movie of the 2009 is.......................?

    I know alot of you will say Avatar

    but for me, "To Save a Life" you MUST see it!!! amazing movie!!!! (its still in Theatres :D)

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Xbox 360 Elite broken, sent to microsoft, recieved, and broken with a different problem?

    12/14 Xbox breaks (E74)

    12/15-1/3 dont have time b/c of Christmas

    1/4 Sent xbox to Microsoft

    1/20 Recieved Xbox, hook it up, but gets the "Open tray" error

    any suggestions? I am still under warrenty

    4 AnswersXbox1 decade ago
  • in MW2, what is the downside to using a Silencer for a Sniper?

    I used a Silencer before, but I only got "one shot, one kills" with a headshot, but without a silencer, the Torso area would give one shot one kills too?

    is the Silencer worth it?

    7 AnswersXbox1 decade ago
  • In Modern Warfare 2, how do you get the MARS sight?

    is it for only certain guns? or is it something you can get for all guns. I want it for the P90


    5 AnswersXbox1 decade ago