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This is my 3rd (Independent ), previous two suspended after doing what this forum is all about--telling the truth. That hurts a lot of the weak minded fools that use this page for whatever reasons.

  • Philippines Tour Spot rip offs?

    Just yesterday a mate was badly ripped off by a tour company in the Philippines simply because he IS a tourist and the mentality there is--he's white, he's rich. Filipinos, is this really your perception of us? That somehow all white people are rich and therefore fair game for you to rip us off, in effect, steal from us by charging way higher prices than the going rate?

    3 AnswersPhilippines6 years ago
  • Just read a piece in Yahoo news about?

    Australian asylum seekers let into the community. AND ummm, everyone in the PC brigade has been screaming for that for ages--right?

    NOW-----the very SAME PC Brigade idiots are going, oh my, they could end up homeless.??

    It's ALL the Govt's fault somehow/

    Oh freakin puh---lease, you scream blue murder for their release into the community then claim they will be homeless.

    YOU are so bloody vocal, invite them to your place if you are so worried? Anybody got a problem with that?

    6 AnswersGeneral - Australia6 years ago
  • How much is the renewal fee for--?

    a Filipino Security Guard and is it true the license fee once paid is valid for two years?

    If you KNOW the correct costs I would be very happy to get that info, thanks.

    1 AnswerOther - Destinations7 years ago
  • Aussies, are you as sick of the dramas with Edelstein and his pathetic hots for bimbos as I am?

    I for one am VERY tired of this sad old man and his ridiculous plays for young American air headed bimbos as the next guy or woman--are you too?

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships7 years ago
  • Aussie pilots detained in Indonesia???????

    Hey I'm sorry folk but for YEARS, Indonesia has been allowing what---upwards of 60-000 illegals to leave their shores to invade Australia and have done--NOTHING except to loot those people of all they have before hitting the open sea and NOW, detain 2 , oh , all of TWO Aussies who fly into their space? Did those Aussies have ID, MONEY, DOCUMENTS? I BET THEY DID !

    Unlike the thousands the Indos throw at us without so much as a postage stamp between them. WHEN Aussies, WHEN is OUR Government going to tell this corrupt and immoral bunch of Muslim jerks to go to hell?

    10 AnswersGeneral - Australia7 years ago
  • Australians, PUP Clive has asked--How come the Iraqis cant help with---?

    paying for our Military contribution to them. He argues--and I think rightly so, they are a very wealthy Oil rich Nation, so fair enough, who else thinks this rich country should contribute? For once, I think our PUP Clive makes a lot of sense--on this matter at least--do you too?

    7 AnswersGeneral - Australia7 years ago
  • How many answers???

    ok --I log in and see some front page questions. SOME----some mind you, boring and stupid--that's --stoooo-pid for the Americans here, have over 500 answers!!!!!!! I'm freakin gob -smacked!! 500 answers?????Can I get 500 answers to tell me, what question asked gets that kind of response???

    Gotta be about --sex--right?

    1 AnswerYahoo Travel7 years ago
  • Filipinos--does it not upset you that---?

    Mindanao Muslims are OPENLY recruiting fighters for that scumbag crowd ISIS and flying their flag all over Mindanao? The WHOLE world is against ISIS yet Filipinos are doing nothing to stop the spread of this hateful crowd of murderers. Does any Filipino even care that this is happening in Mindanao?

    6 AnswersPhilippines7 years ago
  • Threat level at HIGH. What would the populace do in retaliation if a bomb DID go off here?

    Would average Joe Aussie become a vigilante and attack Muslim enclaves like Lakemba? Would we stand for such an outrage and sit at home and do nothing or take to the streets, enclave streets and burn them? Let's see, that's what happens in the Middle East and if it starts here, what is to stop us, giving it right back to --them?

    3 AnswersCurrent Events7 years ago
  • WHAT---is a Ukranian Separatist Rebel?

    Nothing more than some farm boy, quickly mobilised into a local ''Militia'', handed a gun and a Balaclava to look --menacing and let loose. Tony, enough of these thugs with guns , send in our Special Forces and secure the crash site. Our Commandos would wipe this mob of peasant thugs up in 5 minutes. Putin can go stuff himself, WHAT do you lot think? Why do we have Special Forces capable of this type of work sitting in their barracks? If bringing home Australian victims of terrorism doesnt warrant their existence, just WHAT the hell does?

    5 AnswersGeneral - Australia7 years ago
  • Earlier I asked a question about----?

    Pulis corruption and NO-ONE but an EX Pat has answered????? Does this mean Filipinos fully understand my point and are SO terrified of corrupt Pulis they CANT--even in an anonymous forum like this, say what they think? Are Filipinos SO scared of corrupt Pulis they cant voice their opinions here even though they cant be traced? Either answer or forever be damned in MY opinion as cowards. What else can I assume? Is it SO bad there you re SO terrified to speak out?

    2 AnswersPhilippines7 years ago
  • Do you like to be informed and --?

    up to date on all that is happening around you locally and Internationally? I do, so read Cebu Sun Star online every day. It is horrendous that EVERY day reports of Pulis corruption are printed. In fact, it is so prevalent, one wonders if ANY cops in Cebu are honest. Is this a sign that corruption is so deeply rooted in Philippines society it will never be eradicated? As it is so common, does this mean Filipinos simply accept it? and if so, what does that say about Filipinos to the rest of the world? Your thoughts please----

    1 AnswerPhilippines7 years ago
  • So the Cebu Pulis are now getting foreigners to--?

    join their ranks and report on --other foreigners. A new kind of ''force'' to keep track of westerners living in Cebu. Ridiculous. ! They should recruit respectable foreigners already living there to interview the creeps who fly in at the Airport, completely interrogate the new arrivals as to the reasons for their stay and deport the undesirables the same day without clearing them thru Customs. Permanent living resident foreigners are NOT the problem, the ones coming for sex tourism ARE and again, stop them at the Airport. Give me 5 minutes in a room with a new arrival and I will pretty soon suss him and his motives out. But of course, turning away money is how this idea will be treated. What do you think?

    3 AnswersPhilippines7 years ago
  • Since when does an AUSTRALIAN run a --?

    foreign militia in Lebanon? According to Yahoo news today a Sydney Sheik does? I'm sorry, I find that offensive that we allow Islamist Militants not only to live and preach here but fund these types of organisations. Australians shouldn't put up with this sort of rubbish , or am I upsetting the ever present PC Brigade? Work, bring up the kids, strive to succeed is Australian, funding foreign militias in war torn countries??? WHAT is Australian about that?

    7 AnswersGeneral - Australia7 years ago
  • Just WHO is the person who said----?

    ALL Australians should be asked to share the pain? Umm, I don't see any of the gross amounts like 450-000 a year to ex PM's and 190 odd thousand a year to ex MP's being cut? Pensioners on under 18000 each and oh that is way toooooo much?????? Rudd is worth 200 million, Where is his --share of the pain, with all his perks? And hang on, if we are to believe this budget--most of OUR pain --is HIS fault ! We are not the ones responsible yet we are the ones being told to pay while those everyone SAYS are responsible are being lavished public money in enormous pensions. Fair and Democratic? I for one don't think so--how about you?

    4 AnswersGeneral - Australia7 years ago
  • Can Filipinos explain why this is so prevalent?

    Why is there such a high number of Shabu users in every Barangay in the Philippines? Why don't the decent local people do something about these no good scumbags? Why are whole communities terrified over a few parasites in their midst? When is the community going to take a stand and say enough is enough? Why do so many Filipinos accept they have to live with these losers and put up with their violence, stealing, threats and abuse?

    6 AnswersPhilippines7 years ago
  • What's wrong with these numbers that you can see?

    National Unions ask minimum wage be increased by 23 bucks a week and the powers that be go--NO WAY MATE, how about 8 bucks a week ? as the country cant afford it. Next day those same powers that be get 50, 60 and 70 ---THOUSAND---- bucks each pay rise. I.m glad I never professed to be a mathematician as I simply cant work that out--Can you?

    3 AnswersGeneral - Australia7 years ago
  • Is it just me or do you too wonder when----?

    The Southern Indian Ocean became a rubbish Dump? Every day there are reports of huge objects up to 24 meters a piece being spotted floating around. Television has reported more debris fields floating around than can be inspected, so much debris in fact it appears that Ocean is a Tip. Dunno about anyone else but it really does seem all the Green and clean messages mustn't apply to our Oceans?

    9 AnswersGeneral - Australia7 years ago
  • Remember the travelling days of---?

    when Airliners had Air Marshalls on board? One lone passenger, anonymous, but ARMED to counter possible threats? I think they flew in the cabin???, Does anyone think we should go back to those days but put that Marshall in the Cockpit? Whaddya reckon ??

    3 AnswersGeneral - Australia7 years ago
  • Should charity begin at home?

    We are now suffering due to this Govt HAVING to reign in the reckless spending of the previous Govt. Yet where in all the new cuts to--everything, are ANY cuts to the massive payouts and perks awarded previous politicians? Isnt Rudds wife worth 175 million plus? Why then is he getting this huge pension and perks? As are so many other long gone politicians who lets face it---over the years have led us all to this point which is bankruptcy in anyones terms, why are WE, the voting public -BEING told, no more, yet those who got us here to this situation continue to be lavished with this luxury retirement. Shouldn't the cuts begin at the source?

    2 AnswersCommunity Service7 years ago