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  • Embarrassing question! help?!?

    This is more for the girls out there, so im 15 female and i recently started having sex with my boyfriend of one year. The first time of course hurt, and after hurt even more. Every other time has been enjoyable except the last one. it was amazing, but the next day OUCH, you know the feeling of when he pulls out and its open and sore for a second? Well thats how its been feeling.. For the past week!!!! I don't know what to do?! Is this normal? Will it stop? Why does it hurt soo bad? Its uncomfortable and feels like someone keeps jamming something up there like it's sore. sorry to sound gross, but i feel like my dang vagina is about to fall out. Super scared, and i feel sick like about to throw up and really emotional.. I can't be pregnant right?! oh my god, help.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Is 14 too old to start ballet and gymnastics?

    I did ballet when i was about 5, gymnastics and cheerleading in 6th grade along with karate. I only did each one for about one year. I've never been flexible and always got very discouraged. I weigh 103 (i'm usually not this heavy but i haven't exercised in a while!) and i'm 5'2. Is that too heavy? Am i not flexible or skinny enough? My legs are huge! and i can touch my toes which is about it. I'm in horrible shape, but that's one reason i'd like to do ballet and gymnastics. Oh and in karate i always messed up and went the wrong ways, so i'm a screw up and cave under pressure which isn't good for ballet especially. I maybe would even get into cheerleading again. Is it too late for me? I always see on youtube little 5 year old Russian skinny girls doing things in ballet on a level i know i'll never get to! Should i stretch enough to get flexible BEFORE i try to go for it? Or should i just go for it and let me flex up while i'm in there? I'm just really discouraged right now.. but it'd be a dream to do gymnastics and ballet... and stick with it. Thanks in advance!

    4 AnswersDancing9 years ago
  • I want to stop taking my medication?

    I'm 14.. and yeah teen stuff, majorly depressed, bipolar yada yada.. im kind of tired of trying to explain my story.. anyways how do i get off my medication? It's helping me and i don't like it, don't ask why, i know it's meant to help.. just someone tell me how to get off it? I stop taking it sometimes, but i feel bad, basically i'd be wasting my parents money. It's also almost embarressing to take the meds. My mom comes over and hands them to me like i actually need them.. i don't want them. What can i do to get off of them??

    3 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • where do i put the period in this sentence?

    In the example they write:

    "To be or not to be, that is the question" (235).

    notice how there's no period after question, which i thought there was suppose to be. I just need to know how to write this sentence:

    “That is exactly what the new patient is planning: to take over. He is what we call a ‘manipulator,’ Miss Finn, a man who will use everyone and everything to his own ends” (25).

    is that right? Or do i have to put a period after 'ends' and then (25) <-- with another period.

    1 AnswerHomework Help9 years ago
  • Do you guys ever feel this way?

    Basically i'm probably going to be on Yahoo answers all day today because im extremely depressed and have no friends to share any thing im thinking with.. lol.

    So does any one ever feel like theyre depressed but you dont want to cry. Your really tired, but you dont want to sleep. You're so bored but you dont want to do anything. I feel so depressed, i dont want to get up, yet i feel so horrible i want to do something.. but i literally CAN NOT do anything.. i want to shoot myself in the face right now, but since i won't i was thinking about just going to sleep so i dont have to feel anything and the day can just go by.. except i really don't want to sleep. I want to get up and do something, but i have nothing and no friends to do that with.. plus i dont know if i even have the strength. Like you just can't do anything, every decision you think of won't work? It's like i'm stuck here in this bed waiting for something.. but i dont know what that something is. I've been waiting in bed for something to happen for like 7 years. I'm young yeah, and 7 years isn't a lot for a teenager.. but i feel like im just, here. I'm not actualy living i'm just kind of.. sitting here staring at the ceiling every second of the day and not doing anything else. i have to read a book so that i can finish this book report i have to do, due in two days. I can't even get up to get a drink of water.. and i have no clue how i'm going to read a book AND do the report..

    It's like sitting in the same place your whole life watching everything else grow and change.. and then looking at yourself and knowing how you haven' changed or accomplished anything. I have nothing.. not one thing i enjoy anymore. I try to convince myself i like sleeping, but i don't think i do because the feeling i have when i wake up feels like i'm getting stabbed in the chest. I lay in bed for as long as i can just looking at the wall and lay there almost praying someone will break into my house and murder me, then when i accept the fact that i most likely won't be killed today i get up and go through the day as routined.. and then repeat.. it's just such a scary thought to think i'll be doing that my whole entire life. That's not living, that's just being like a rock in life just sitting there all depressed and getting in the way of peoples lives.

    I don't feel sad, i don't feel happy. I feel like i just don't want to do anything.. and i guess i lied i mean of course i'm sad.. i just.. i don't know about anything any more. I don't know where to go when i have a chance to get out, i don't know what to tell people if they ask what's wrong, i don't know what i'm feeling, i don't know what i'm in the mood for, i dont know what movies i want to watch, what music to listen to, who to talk to.. i dont know how long i should stay in bed, i just dont have any answers.Do you know how LONG every day feels thinking this way? The worst part is there's nothing i can do about it. I know this sounds horrible but if i were an orphan or my parents didn't love me, i would of been out of this world long ago, since i've been feeling like this from a VERY young age, but the thing that messes everything up is my parents DO love me, and it kills me that i'm feeling this way and i cant do anything. I really would like nothing more than to just be dead, really.. but i feel like obligated to be here since my parents put so much love, time, and money into me. They say if someone really wants to kill themselves they'll do it without thinking of anyone else and they'll just do it.. i just want to die so i wont have to live like this anymore, yet i do care and think about my parents.. so i'm just stuck. And i have my whole entire life ahead of me to always feel like this everyday.. and.. thats all my life will be.

    Does anyone else ever feel this way... ? sorry for it being so long, im all alone here in the house and i have no friends obviously so i kind of have no one to express anything to..

    5 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • I feel so sick, depressed, tired, confused, STRESSED, and so much more, help?

    I feel like i'm going to barf. I stayed under 150 calories a day usually for the past summer, but this week i've been eating chocolate, mc donalds, just things i would never even think of eating. It's been really screwing up my stomach and i hadn't had my period in maybe 4 or 5 months. But today i finally got my period. I think it's because i've been eating a lot, but i was only going to be binging for about a week or two, after monday i'm going back to eating how i used to. I'm just a little worried about my period, and how right now i can't even describe what i'm feeling really.. i feel sick like i have a stomach ache really bad, probably because i had two sandwiches this morning, but then again i also i did wake up with a stomach ache.. so im not sure. I feel so depressed.. and i haven't felt this depressed since last month. I just don't know what to do.. i slept all day.. i still feel tired and depressed.. i dont know what to do with all these feelings

    4 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • Math question about height and weight?

    If someone is 5'8 tall, and weighs 98 pounds, how much would a person who is 5'2 tall weigh to be the same proportion? I hope this question makes sense. Sorry for it being so random! Let's see who can answer this, if anyone.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Ways to help me drink water?

    I love water but i only drink a TINY bit a day, like maybe a cup. I need to start drinking more water, but it takes me like an hour to drink one cup. Can you guys think of some ways that would help me drink water faster? Throw tons of ideas at me! I really need to drink 10000x more water, thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Math question about height and weight?

    If someone is 5'8 tall, and weighs 98 pounds, how much would a person who is 5'2 tall weigh to be the same proportion? I hope this question makes sense. Sorry for it being so random! Let's see who can answer this, if anyone.

    4 AnswersMathematics9 years ago
  • I don't do sports so i need some exercising tips?

    I'm really quite over weight at the moment and in desperate need of loosing weight, i eat great, food isn't a problem, i just don't exercise. I most likely wont join any sports so i need some ways of exercising, besides running. Maybe biking, exercising at home, like exercise routines? Will it be just as good as doing sports? Like if i exercise at home can it replace walking and sports? Hope you guys understand my question, i just want to loose weight without the hassle of joining a sport.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • just read please?! Depression?

    All today i've just been beyond depressed, i dont even know how to explain it. im on my highest max of meds right now but i felt horrible. Nothing i've ever experienced before. I have been sick to my stomach and wanting to throw up all day, i can't help but cry. I feel like i'm having a heart attack and i can't catch my breath. I can't stop thinking about suicide.. (wont do anything stupid) i am paranoid, scared, nauseous, sick, emotional, tired, depressed, confused, i just dont know what to do. I'm literally in horrible pain. I dont want to sleep but i dont want to stay awake because i'm scared. I'm 14, i'm manic depressive but i seriously haven't been this crazy before. My mind is a mess, i want to barf, my heart is pounding, i'm in pain, all i want to do is cry and cry, i feel like running to a bridge and just jumping right now. I have no friends, no one to talk to. I have a head ache, i'm just so scared i don't know what to do. I can hardly see the keys through all my tears. Im all alone right now and i have no one to help me! I AM SO SCARED, i'm downstairs alone my moms upstairs but i cant go up because im crying but im paranoid and ourfbghjvaksdk shoot me. if anyone can talk to me? id really love that, ' ' i feel like im dead and having a nightmare

    4 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • My male puppy is humping things?

    I got a 10 week old cocker spaniel yesterday and he is neutered, yet he's still humping things (including me) My dad said once their neutered they won't do that as much, but he does it a lot. Why is he doing this still, and will he be doing that forever no matter what? Also, he might have fleas and i found one on my other dog, so i washed her, but im still afraid they might have fleas still. Should i be worried? I don't care if you answer any of these questions, but PLEASE give me tips on the best ways to potty train him! <3 thank you, i really need help

    2 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • How many calories a day should i eat?

    It's 5:42 pm and so far today i have eaten about 220 calories. (Two small pancakes, 10 crackers, and 5 mints) I'm a 14 year old girl, 5'2, and i weigh 108, i also do about an hour of exercising in my house a day. SO, how many calories would you say is normal about? And should i be doing more exercising?

    Thanks <3

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Why do i feel so sick?

    I just exercised for about 10 minutes and it got me really tired ( i never exercise ) i only had a small bite of a muffin today, and it's only 3:00. i feel like im going to barf? what the heck?? What should i do? Should i take a nap? i feel like i'm going to throw up and i feel light headed.

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Most depressing songs you know?

    Some like

    welcome to my life - simple plan

    adams song - blink 182

    stuff like that, i need some new ones to cry to. thanks.

    3 AnswersOther - Music9 years ago
  • How do i make myself throw up?

    i ate waaay to much and im in so much pain, i feel like throwing up but i can't, how do you make yourself throw up when nothing comes up?! heeelpp

    9 AnswersOther - Food & Drink9 years ago
  • HELP!! How do i make my hair grow faster?!?

    So, i cut my hair a little bit shorter than my shoulder length yesterday and it looks SO cute, but it looked a little bit sloppy, so my mom had her friend come in to straighten it and clean it up a bit. Instead she TOTALLY ruined it and i look like a boy just got a horrible haircut!! My last days of school start on monday, and my brother is coming in from the marines and i don't want to surprise them with my new ugly boy look. PLEASE TELL ME A WAY TO MAKE MY HAIR GROW IN A COUPLE DAYS? if not in a couple days, then ANYTHING to make my hair grow as fast as possible! pleeeaaasssee!!!

    6 AnswersHair9 years ago
  • Any tips on not having to eat my food?

    I've stopped eating, but i can't just tell my parents i don't want their food anymore. Any advice on what to do with the food so i don't have to actually eat it?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • What happens if i get caught after running away from home?

    So i've been to a mental hospital for trying to kill myself.. if i run away and i get caught, is it true they'll send me to juvi?? I'd think they'd send me back to the hospital right?? This guy at the mental hospital said he was there for running away. What's all this talk about being sent to juvi??

    2 AnswersMental Health9 years ago