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  • I'm 19 and i got caught with drug paraphernalia. This is the first time this has happened and i'm concerned as to what's going to happen.?

    Can you guys please reassure me, this is my first time getting in trouble with the law and i don't know what's going to happen. I was out with my friends being stupid and i got caught with drug paraphernalia, i was given a citation because the officer found a glass pipe and a grinder, both were used for marijuana. This is the first time i have ever been in trouble with the law and i'm so scared. I have court December 7th and not really sure what to expect. I posted under Law School because i figured you guys would know. If it helps i am in the state of Tennessee, different states different ways of dealing with certain situations. My main concern is jail time, if i go to jail over this then my career is in great danger of being completely corrupted. This would lead into me not being able to get great jobs. Can someone please tell me what to expect, i'd rather pay a fine of $2,000 than go to jail. Sorry for posting this under Law School; like i said i figured you guys would know more about it than most.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years ago
  • What zodiac signs match with Scorpio?

    I'm Scorpio male. My birthday is October 31, 1996. What other zodiac signs would match with Scorpio. What others will be best love comparability?

    13 AnswersHoroscopes7 years ago
  • Any gay guys want to play COD Blackops 2 with me on xbox?

    Are their any gay guys who want to play COD with me on xbl? If so just answer your gamer tag below.

  • How's my tumblr blog?

    Any suggestions on how to make it better. I recently made some changes to my blog to make it more likable you could say so tell me what you think. Rate it 1-10 with 10 being the best. Thanks.

    p.s if you follow me i'll follow you :)

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design7 years ago
  • What do you think of my tumblr blog? Any suggestions please?

    So i want you honest opinion. What do you think of my tumblr blog. Rate 1-10 with 10 being the best. Also tell me what i should work on, different theme, more of a certain type of pictures, etc.... Just tell me what you think and what i could do to improve my blog. And also if you want you can follow me, i'll follow back :)

    2 AnswersOther - Internet7 years ago
  • Do you think these are good pictures?

    I want to be a photographer and i don't have a good camera now but i am going to be getting one, I took these on an iphone 4. What do you think be honest.

    6 AnswersPhotography7 years ago
  • My friend is anorexic please help me idk what to do.?

    okay so he is 16 be turning 17 the fourth of this month and he told me he is anorexic. He barley eats maybe a pack of crackers a candy bar and a pepsi. I told him he needs to eat and he doesn't listen to me. I am so scared that he is going to starve himself to death and he doesn't listen to me. His mom knows but idk what she is doing about it. I am just really concerned about him and idk what is going to happen to him. Also he moved a while back but we do hang from time to time like we don't go to the same school. Just please help me is he going to starve himself to death? I don't want him to die and idk how to approach this, Idk why he doesn't want to eat food is good.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • Witch camera is better?? Help please.?

    Okay so for Christmas i want a new camera one were i can add high quality pictures on tumblr and i can ad HD videos to YouTube. Unfortunately I am on a budget and i have to stay under $350. I have 5 cameras i am currently looking at but i need help deciding.

    1) Canon PowerShot SX500 IS

    2) Nikon coolpix l320

    3) Nikon coolpix l820

    4) Olympus SP-820UZ iHS

    5) Olympus SP-810UZ

    The one i think may be the best is the Olympus SP-820UZ iHS but i'm not so sure because i'm new at camera shopping and i don't know what i'm really looking for. If you have a better camera that is under $350 please let me know and i'll check it out.

    4 AnswersCameras8 years ago
  • help in adding exponets in algebra?

    Why do you you add the exponets in 4^3*4^4

    3 AnswersMathematics8 years ago
  • Can you please give me advice?

    Okay so this guy i really like him (i'm gonna call him bob for safety purposes). He goes to my school and stuff and he told me he was gay. As months passed i got to know him more and more i found myself falling for him big time but not the same toward me sadly :'( but i told him that i really like him and stuff and he never said he likes me back he just said he finds that as a complement. So today he came over to my friends house (shes a lesbian) and she had her girlfriend over and we started walking down the road together, so it was me bob and me friend and her gf so we where waling down the road together and we got split up. Bob and i walked and he told me he wasn't wearing any underwear and i was like ohh really and he was like yeah, and then he was like telling me like how he get erections throughout the day and stuff and how he has had one wile we have been walking and he asked if i have gotten any and i said yes. Eventually we continued to talk about sex related things for a while longer were i knew he was dropping hints here and there so i just straight up asked him, (Do you want a *******) ans he was like idk do you and i said i'm just going to tell you the truth i do want one and he said that he does too. I pointed out some woods in the near distance and i told him we can go in there and no one would be able to see us and he was like idk so i said if you don't want to that's fine and he said well let's go up there and check it out so we did and we went up there and we stood for a good 15 minutes talking about how were gonna do this thing and who's gonna go first so i went first and eventual leading up to both of us giving each other blow jobs and i gave him a had job. After it was over with i asked him if we would ever do this again and he just said he doesn't know then later on he said he doesn't want to do it again because he feels bad. And I forgot to mention that he has told me before i'm not his type but he has never told me he doesn't like me. So i am asking you guy's of the lgbt community the experts what do you think? Does he like me? Does he just want friends with benefits and nothing more? Judging on what you just read what would you think it to be.

  • What are zodiac signs?

    Like i looked at my zodiac sign ans the person i like and it says we aren't compatible, like is this true or what. I still don't really know what zodiac signs really are.

    6 AnswersHoroscopes8 years ago
  • What are some gay flirting tips for guys?

    I'm 16 btw i just need some tips on flirting with gay guys.

  • I am gay and my friend came out to me!!!!?

    Okay so i am 16 and this guy moved to my school this year. He had no friends so i asked if he wants to hang out with me and my friends, and btw me and all of my friends are gay, 2 lesbians and me who is gay. So anyways when i first met him i knew he was hiding something. I kinda has the idea he was gay but i wasn't 100% sure yet. As time went on we became closer and i asked if he had a tumblr and he said yes but he wouldn't give me his url and it was killing me, like it drove me insane. So i asked him if he wouldn't give it to me and he wouldn't give it to me, so i knew he was hiding something from me.One of the main reason i knew he was gay is the eyes, it was the eye contact. So one day we where at lunch and we asked him if he was gay and he said he wasn't he is 100% straight, i knew other wise so for the last 3 days of lunch the same question occurred and he kept telling us he is straight. Everyone beveled him except me i knew he was hiding something, so one day i called him and i asked the question "are you gay" i told him to be 100% honest with me because i am gay myself and i would understand and i know what you're going through and you can trust me i will not tell anyone. He hesitated for a second and he finally said he was, I was so glad he told me that he trusted me enough. So the next day witch was yesterday me him and our 2 lesbian friends went out to the movies together and they went to get popcorn so it was just me and him and he asked if i should tell them i am gay and i said it is your choice and i told him they will accept you and they won't tell anyone because he doesn't want it getting out at school. He said that he may tell them he just doesn't know yet and I said it up to you because I am not going to disclose any information you told me because i know how you feel i was in the same position you where once before. As the night progressed he never told them. But we did go shopping in some shopping centers and we went in this one and we hid from our other 2 friends and he said lets just leave so we left them in the store and we left and went to the store next door, he told me that i am the only one he has told he was gay i told him he could trust me and i wouldn't tell anyone unless he gives the the say so. We walked around for about 20 mins and we talked about who was cute and what we both like in guys. I really like him and i don't know if he like me or not, like i feel like i had to tell the story with tons of grammar mistakes for you to help me telling if he likes me or not. Like he gives me the look and he told he his deepest secrete and i really like him but not sure if he likes me, he told me his type and i didn't fall in any of those categories. And i am sorry for all the grammar errors i am in a hurry and i had limited time.

  • Windows 8.1 messed up my computer.?

    I just recently installed windows 8.1 and it seems like my computer has gotten slower. I have a Lenovo ThinkPad with Intel core i5 with 6gb of ram. But since i have installed it my computer has gotten slower. My computer will not even restart, it sets there and says restarting and does't do anything i eventually have to hold the power button to get it to go off. And when i shut the lid it does't even go to sleep the computer stays on and when i open the lid back up the screen never comes on and when it does come on i don't have a mouse, and eventually have to hold the power button down. I think my computer is messed up for good. Do you think they will release an update that will fix this?? I tried restoring my computer but it wouldn't do it.

    2 AnswersSoftware8 years ago
  • Does anyone want to play xbox live with me?

    If so then just tell me lol so we can play haha i am bored and i have no xbox live friends. p.s not that it matters i'm gay and i would prefer to play with other gay people.

  • Is it just me or what?

    When i talk to a guy and we look each other directly in the eyes as we are talking it seems like i can see if he is gay or not. Like i can see the gay in his eyes. Is anyone else like this or is it just me?

  • There is this guy i like and i am about 70% sure he is gay.?

    Okay so school just started and i came in on the first day and i saw this guy (Matt), i never did talk to him because whenever i see someone thats cute like he is i get nervous around him. So anyways the day progressed and i passed him again in the hall way and we made eye contact. The next witch was yesterday i finally talked to him, well i didn't my friend stated talking to him so he started hanging and talking to her. I finally decided it was time for me to talk to him so i sit down and i enter into the conversation, at the time he was talking about starbucks and he was like oh my god i love (name of drink here) and to my surprise i love that drink to so we started talking because he just moved from cali and he has no friends so me and my friend was like his only friend, So i made for sure he know i am gay i started talking to my friend about how i was gay and stuff and he heard me. So we continued to talk and stuff and when he talks he sounds like he would be gay like he adds ohh my gods and stuff like that and he post pics on instagram with his tongue out and pics of his starbucks drinks and in the caption it says (starbucks anyone??? I think yes!!!) and no straight guy adds i think yes to anything or adds pic of his drinks on instagram. And i accidently liked 10 pics on his instagram and he didn't like any back but he did follow me back tho and today when i say him again he didn't really talk to me as much and it is killing me because i really like him and i think he is so cute and i am about 70% for sure he is gay i just don't think he is out yet and it is killing me. And all of my friends said that they thought he was gay and someone came up to him today and asked him if he likes any girls and he said no. It is just killing me because i am sure he is gay. Should i just become friends with him because i want him to know that he can tell me he is gay and i wouldn't tell anyone. What do you guys think, and sorry for the grammar i am in a rush.

  • Are there any gay guys that play cod blackops 2?

    are their any gay guys who wants to play cod blackops 2 with me, i am gay also and i have always wanted to play with other gay ppl on xbox live but never can find any. Are their any gay guys who wanna play, p.s im 16 and if you do wanna play add your gamer tag below. and no one over 17 plzz

  • Does Subway support gay rights?

    I am gay and i just went today and fill out my first job application out at Subway.I was just wondering if Subway supports gay people/ gay marriages/ gay rights.

  • if i drink alcohol then eat?

    like if i drink alcohol then eat will i not get an effect from the alcohol???

    5 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits8 years ago