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Sindarla M
My husband has been bleeding a Lot in his feces since yesterday. It wasn't as bad yesterday, just...?
a little in the toilet but today he showed me the paper he wiped with & it was a Ton of blood. I'm not sure but it's Probably Just in the feces & Not when he's Not going to the bathroom. Can this be hemroids (sp?) or can this be something a Lot worse? I'm worried but I've asked him since last night when he had an extremely swollen tongue if he wants to go to the Hospital/ER but he says no. Also he*ks supposed to have surgery to remove his 2 hernias a week from Wednesday which have been really bothering him, although he's been able to pop them back in. (The Doctors & surgeon have all told him to pop hem back in & if he Can't he needs to get to the Emergency Room Right away because he may need Emergency surgery.) I'm worried about the bleeding now (the tongue swelling went down) & whether that would affect whether he would get medical clearance for his hernia surgery when he sees the cardiologist & his primary care Doctor at the end of this week. He's had the hernias for Awhile, Maybe even 10 months & as Soon as he saw his surgeon for it it started bothering him More so he Definitely needs this surgery.
3 AnswersOther - Health8 years agoMy husband just showed me his Extremely swollen tongue. He has 2 hernias, I'm wondering if it can...?
be a symptom of his hernias (acting up)? He's having surgery to remove the hernias in 1 1/2 weeks but his surgeon said if he has (a lot of?y symptoms to go to the hospital Immediately because he Might need emergency surgery, Even if it's the day before the surgery.
2 AnswersOther - Health8 years agoI've been watchin Teen Mom 2 lately. I Don't understand where/when Javi came in2 the...?
picture wit Kailyn. First she was with, what was his name, Jordan or something & she was goin thru the court process wit her son's Father (Joe?). Then All of a sudden she was oing 2 court ova her son wit his Father & she was wit Javi. And now they're talkin about engagement & marriage & it seems lyk they Just got together. How did they meet? And how long hav they been together?
3 AnswersReality Television8 years agoWhat Exactly is waterboarding?
I just saw a commercial for a show that's going to be on Sunday about the FLDS. (Fundamentalist Church of Latter Day Saints, the cult.) In the commercial for the show a former member of the cult, who was in it as a child until she escaped, said the cult uses waterboarding to keep infants quiet, so they won't cry. I know that waterboarding is also an interrogation technique, I think it was outlawed by the U.S., but I'm Not sure, though.
4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years agoI was late on my period last month by 5 days, it was lighter than usual but I'm usually 3 days late...?
and sometimes 5 days late & have Even been a week late. But my husband was gone for over 2 years & I was completely faithful during that time. Also I've had symptoms of of pregnancy including naseuosness (sp?) & getting tired early & even feeling movement (a baby?) In my stomach. I am not sure if I could be pregnant since I Did get my period. I have an 11 year old with my ex & I didn't know for a few months that I was pregnant but I don't remember now if it was because I was having my period still. I can't ask my ex, he knows my husband & I don't want him knowing anything when I don't even know.
Sorry if this is long. I don't know if I could be pregnant. Can Anyone help me, particularly someone who works in the medical field? Thank You!
2 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years agoMy husband has a hernia & it pops out (gets inflamed) whenever we make love. Until he can get it...?
treated, is it dangerous for us to make love? Can he die? It would be appreciated if someone in the medical field can answer this question. Thank you.
2 AnswersMen's Health9 years agoMy husband has blood in his feces every morning. what could it be? Can someone in the medical field please..?
answer this question? Could it have something to do with his hernia?
4 AnswersOther - Health9 years agoDoes the iPhone 4 have a battery? My husband was trying to remove the back cover to remove the battery and...?
restart it but he Couldn't Even figure out How to remove the back cover, let alone Find the battery.
3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans9 years agoThere were leaks of plans with warfare with Iran Including cyber warfare. How does a country commit cyber...?
warfare, does that mean they make computer viruses to destroy the government they're attacking's online information?
2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years agoCan I bluetooth pictures from a digital camera to a cell phone? Specifically, from a (pink) Sanyo...?
VPC-S1415 to a Samsung Replenish? I want to download a picture my child took of themselves in the mirror from their camera to My cell phone.
Thank You! Best Answer to Whoever can give me the most Usefule information. If it Can be bluetoothed, Please let me know How to bluetooth it for Best Answer
5 AnswersCameras9 years agoHow do I get & set up Siri on an iPhone 4 ?
3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans9 years agoHow long is the snooze for alarms on the iPhone 4?
1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans9 years agoIf a business opens at 6 AM Central te & it's 6:30 AM Eastern time, what time will it be on the East coast...?
when the business opens?
3 AnswersOther - Business & Finance9 years agoHas Anyone booked a hotel room on ? Do you need to submit a printout with a reservation...?
number or something upon arrival at the hotel or do you Just need a reservation number? And how was Your experience booking a hotel room through ?
1 AnswerOther - Computers9 years agoHow much is the deposit at a Major hotel, is it Just the cost of the room for the time you requested to stay..?
or is it More than that & if So, how Much more?
1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance9 years ago