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  • Can you use a fake gun for self defense?

    Here's the thing, my brother is being threatened by someone out if state, but they are coming to our town in June to visit and we both have a legit fear of them doing something to him. So I suggested he carry a fake gun to *only* use if he's under attack by them since they're stronger. He's 21, but he isn't going through the steps to get a real gun. I know he would only use it if they tried to hurt him first; not to threaten them.

    So I'm asking, if they are actually trying to hurt him can he pull that out to defend himself? Or would he be charged with assault even if he's the one being attacked? To repeat myself, he is not planning to use it as a threat; only if he has to because he's being attacked.

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • I think my mom is embarrassed by me going to a state college?

    I applied to a bunch of schools and it came down to Framingham State or Curry College. I went with Framingham State. However, when I was in the process of choosing between the two, my mom was heavily leaning towards Curry. I'm convinced she wanted me to go there because it's a private college and not a state school. The thing is, I live in a rich, uppity town where people like to brag and compete with others over college choices. A lot of people in my class are going to top schools. We aren't like that, but my mom likes the image of looking higher than we are. She was pushing me to go to Curry because she wanted to be able to tell people I'm going to a private college rather than the dreaded state school.

    I don't personally don't give a $hit how people view me, but I really think she does. My brother went to a state school in his first year and failed in the end so I think she wanted to make up for his lack of ambition by making me look better. I asked her to put it on her Facebook, but she wouldn't even do that. I feel really sad now :(

    1 AnswerAdolescent7 years ago
  • Is my mom embarrassed by me going to a state school?

    I applied to a bunch of schools and it came down to Framingham State or Curry College. I went with Framingham State. However, when I was in the process of choosing between the two, my mom was heavily leaning towards Curry. I'm convinced she wanted me to go there because it's a private college and not a state school. The thing is, I live in a rich, uppity town where people like to brag and compete with others over college choices. A lot of people in my class are going to top schools. We aren't like that, but my mom likes the image of looking higher than we are. She was pushing me to go to Curry because she wanted to be able to tell people I'm going to a private college rather than the dreaded state school.

    I don't personally don't give a $hit how people view me, but I really think she does. My brother went to a state school in his first year and failed in the end so I think she wanted to make up for his lack of ambition by making me look better. I asked her to put it on her Facebook, but she wouldn't even do that. I feel really sad now :(

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education7 years ago
  • Can cologne be used as pepper spray or mace?

    It's not as good as actual pepper spray, but if I needed to could I use it in self defense against an attacker? Would it be effective?

    5 AnswersEtiquette7 years ago
  • Should I vote Republican if I'm poor?

    So I live in a richish area, but my family is basically borderline poor. My parents used to get WIC when my brother and I were young. And my grandparents are broke, but also consider themselves Republican. We try to be as non dependent on government and others as possible. We sell furniture out of our garage for extra money. I'm going to college, but most likely a public university because it's cheaper and I don't want to be drowning in debt. My family isn't very education oriented. My patents didn't go, my grandma didn't go, my brother isn't that interested in school, and one of my aunts is a high school dropout. Only my aunt and grandfather went to college. But all of us besides my dropout aunt are Republican. I keep hearing people say it is damaging for us to vote GOP.

    5 AnswersCivic Participation7 years ago
  • Should I vote Republican if I'm poor?

    So I live in a richish area, but my family is basically borderline poor. My parents used to get WIC when my brother and I were young. And my grandparents are broke, but also consider themselves Republican. We try to be as non dependent on government and others as possible. We sell furniture out of our garage for extra money. I'm going to college, but most likely a public university because it's cheaper and I don't want to be drowning in debt. My family isn't very education oriented. My patents didn't go, my grandma didn't go, my brother isn't that interested in school, and one of my aunts is a high school dropout. Only my aunt and grandfather went to college. But all of us besides my dropout aunt are Republican. I keep hearing people say it is damaging for us to vote GOP.

    17 AnswersElections7 years ago
  • My iPhone 5 is messed up?

    My iPhone has been like this for a few days now. Here's what is wrong with it:

    -It will randomly leave (it just blink and I'm at my home screen) my internet tab and when I go back to the internet, all my tabs are gone.

    -My Facebook app is not working.

    -Youtube is not working.

    -It does not save anything. For example, if I write something in my notes, it is not there when I go back to it. Or when I save a contact, it does not save.

    -I think the problem is the lack of space. I have over 13,000 pictures (I know--it's a lot) and I am willing to delete as many as I have to, but each time I try to, it just blanks out and goes back to my home screen like with my internet tab.

    How do i fix this? I've tried turing it off and on, but even that doesn't work.

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans7 years ago
  • Why do people think white privilege is a thing?

    I'm white, but I don't get a free ride in life because of it. Black people can go as far as they want to in life if they work at it. There are millions of white people in poverty, plenty of them in jail. There are numerous rich black people (Oprah, Michael Jordan, Will Smith). I don't get to break rules or live free of responsiblity because I'm white. Please stop pretending white people can get ahead because they're white--it's very racist.

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • Why do liberals constantly bash Fox News but worship MSNBC?

    MSNBC is basically the liberal version of Fox. You just hate that Fox dares to call out our president to the liar and failure that he is and will scream "RACIST!!!" because of them doing that. I'm sure Rachel Maddow and her liberal gang would be rooting for Romeny if he won. Seriously though, stop bitching that Fox is biased or has agenda when MSNBC is just as bad.

    5 AnswersMedia & Journalism7 years ago
  • Do prisoners get bored in their cells?

    I'd imagine it gets boring and dull inside a prison cell. You can't go online, eat what you want, or watch TV when you're going to bed. It sucks. I love doing that kind of stuff in my own, private room. Sometimes we don't appreciate our simple freedoms such as being able to do this kind of stuff.

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police7 years ago
  • The worst types of customers to deal with?

    To everyone who works in customer service: what age group and gender is the worst to deal with? I would definitely say middle aged women. A lot of them are mothers and are stressed out from taking care of their children so they decide to take it out on us. They have a fit when an item costs ten cents more than the sign says, they can be very short with you, they want their bags packed a very particular way, they'll look for any excuse to bit*ch to a manager, they respond in a rude, sarcastic tone when you confirm how they want their bags packed (example: I'll ask if they want paper in plastic just to make sure so they don't have a tantrum if I get it wrong and they'll respond with irratability in their voice because they have to take two seconds to answer me). Middle aged men usually aren't as bad because I think women get upset easier.

    The best type of customers are younger males (18-30). They're usually easy going when it comes to bagging, won't blame you (or even get mad) at something priced incorrectly, are nicer, and can handle situations rationally instead of flipping out.

    Now I can't wait for all the middle aged women to see this and have a knee jerk reaction and go crazy "debunking" my claims. And by the way, I'm a woman too.

    6 AnswersEtiquette7 years ago
  • Rude snob at the grocey store?

    I work at a grocery store that's in a wealthy town and is also very liberal. Yesterday, when working on returns, a lady asked me where the dry cat food was when we were in the aisle full of animal food. I didn't know what to tell her because all cat food is the same to me. I've never had a cat so I have no idea between the specific differences between different types of food. To me, cat food is cat food. But this snob was looking at it from *her* point of view because she's probably had cats all her life and knows there is a difference. Anyway, I told her I don't know where *dry* cat food is, but that I'd help her look. She immediately gave me a rude wave of the hand basically trying to tell me to f*uck off and leave her alone because I didn't know where her exact type of food was (even though I've never had a cat). Why do liberals act like this? And yes, liberals tend to be snobbier than conservatives. The town is full of them.

    And by the way, don't start trying to defend her by saying, "Well, it's your job to know where it is," because it's not. I have to know where the animal food is in general; we aren't required to know about each and every exact product and where that specific prodcut is located.

    7 AnswersEtiquette7 years ago
  • Are you pro-gun or anti-gun?

    I'm pro-gun. Second amendment FTW!!!!

    30 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Are you a Republican or Democrat?

    Here is why I am part of the GOP:

    -I'm a strong supporter of the second amendment and the human right to self defense.

    -I'm a patriot why strongly believes in following the Constitution. I am not ashamed of America like the left is (don't even deny it).

    -I believe English should be the official language in America (even though this isn't really part of either platform, it is more of a Republican belief).

    -I am pro-life. I believe life starts at conception and should not be destroyed.

    -I want lower taxes for all so we all have more to invest in our economy.

    -I believe the private sector is better at solving problems than the government most of the time.

    -I believe companies or colleges should not hire/accept people to fill a quota.

    -I do not believe in punishing success or demonizing successful, rich people.

    -I support the capital punishment to get justice for victims of murder.

    -I believe in personal responsibility and regulating government programs so they are not being abused, make sure people are doing their best to work, and make sure help goes to those truly in need and not people who are leaching off the taxpayers for an extended period of time.

    -I support voter ID laws to stop voter fraud and make sure the process is fair.

    Tell me your reasons for belonging to your party!

    7 AnswersCivic Participation7 years ago
  • What is the "good life" to you?

    To me, the good life is just being free, watching TV, eating good food, being with people you like, sleeping in, and having minimal responsibilities. Sounds good to me.

    5 AnswersPhilosophy7 years ago
  • Why do losers want weed legalized?

    Serioiusly, if you need an illegal substance to be happy and have a good life, you have problems. Pot use will ruin our society.

    13 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • Do you '90s kids miss the '90s?

    I certainly do. I love all the old shows, toys, fashion, and just the feel of it in general. I miss that all. I was born in 1999, by the way. What year were you born?

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • What is your favorite year from 2008-2013?

    Mine is 2009. I had a lot of fun, interesting memories from that year. What is your favorite year and why?

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • Do you believe weed should be legalized?

    I'm strongly against legalizing weed. It is not good for society and legalizing it would encourage people to do it more. Do you really want your babysitter, bus driver, or restaurant cook to be high on the job? It could have very dangerous outcomes. If getting high is your hobby, I truly feel bad for you.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • Michael Dunn verdict predicitons?

    Jury selection in the Michael Dunn trial begins tomorrow and I' wondering what y'all think the ouctome will be: conviction, acquittal, or hung jury? I don't have my mind made up yet on his guilt or innocence. I'm keeping my mind open. It's going to be pretty hard to justify shooting at a car nine times, but I'd like to hear his story before I jump to conclusions. In terms of legality, he may walk free because under the Stand Your Ground law, one can shoot without duty to retreat if they reasonably believe they are being threatened. He claims the teens were brandishing a shot gun in the SUV. Even if there wasn't really one there, all he has to say is that he *thought* he saw one and he might be justified.

    4 AnswersMedia & Journalism7 years ago