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  • What happened tonight on HOUSE, with the little boy?

    What was wrong with the little boy? Was it something his brother did??

    4 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Mirena IUD and Weight Gain?

    I lost 10 lbs before getting my Mirena put in, and my belly was starting to flatten out finally (at 8 weeks pp). It's been in for nearly a month, and my stomach looks like I'm about 5 months pregnant all of a sudden. I'm pretty positive the weight is back on. I skipped 2 days of exercise (I do Slim in 6) due to painful cramping, but have been consistent since. I also do an extra 15 minutes of ab work after my workouts.

    Is it the Mirena that's causing the puffiness? Or could it possibly be the ab workouts?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Experience with Government Loans/ Grants to start your own business?

    Do you have any experience with getting Government loans or grants to start your own business? If so, can you explain some of the process to me? I've already found the perfect store for my business. I wouldn't need alot of money, but I would def. need enough to cover the first few months of renting the building and buying some of the items.

    If you have any information that you can give me, it would be appreciated. Like who you contact. I don't want to get scammed.

    2 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • Selling on eBay for other companies?

    How do you sell things for other companies on eBay? How do you get paid (I don't mean PayPal, I mean how does the company pay you)? And where do I even start, lol?

  • Became a Model and need a 'Star Name'?

    I just became a Suicide Girls model and I need a name, lol. My name is Desiree` (obviously) and I'm Italian. I can't just use 'Desiree', though. It needs to be unique. Below is a link to a pic of what I look like. It has a red filter, but it's one of my fave's.

    Any suggestions are appreciated!

    5 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Vitamins for metabolism?

    Which vitamins are you supposed to buy when you are trying to enhance your metabolism and lose weight? Are they the One-A-Day Weight Loss ones? Are there any other ones that anyone has tried and seen a major improvement??

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • No motivation to exercise?

    I have no idea what's wrong with me. I had my fourth baby at the end of June. I gained 34 lbs. and have lost 27 lbs so far. So that puts me at 127 lbs. at 5 ft tall. I want to be in the 98 lb - 105 lb range. I had back-to-back babies, so I have the 11 more lbs I gained, plus the last 16 lbs I had left over from the thrid baby, lol.

    After my third, I fit into EVERYTHING! Now I sit and cry when I can't get my 'fat jeans' past my thighs. You think that would be motivation enough to exercise, but no. The first few weeks I was very persisant with my exercise routine. All of a sudden I've gotten lazy.

    What do you do that motivates you to get up and exercise? And if any of you have had babies before, why is it that after my third baby, my 'belly pooch' and the wrinkliness went away completely. And now after my fourth, it's back and not showing any signs of getting better, lol? And my arms were so tiny during the pregnancy, now they continue waving to ppl looong after I've stopped, lol. Seriously, wtF?? LOL.

    Yeah, I guess I needed to vent, too.

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Sound Device not installed???

    A few months ago we had to do a recovery on our computer (fiance's brother destroyed it with porn). We can't find the Recovery Disks so we did a System Recovery from the computer. Now we have no sound. It says that the Sound device/ driver isn't installed.

    Is there any way I can find a free download of the Recovery CD's for an HP Pavilion vx74? I have already tried Driver Detective and RadarSync. I need the CD's to install the driver.

    And any info on how to go about the setup? It's greatly appreciated!

    1 AnswerAdd-ons1 decade ago
  • Can't find Mirena Strings!?

    I just had my Mirena put in this morning. I was told to check the strings frequently because I've had 4 children and I'm very active (exercising, running around after children, etc). So I checked a few hours after I got home. I felt the strings immiediately, and they were a decent length (long enough for me to decide to *warn* my fiance` about the *poke factor*, lol). About 2 hours later (sorry tmi, but it was after a bm), I checked and I can't find the strings to save my life, lol!

    Yes, I have four children, but it's not like my ******** is a gaping hole or anything. I would have felt SOMETHING if it came out, right?

    I've heard that the strings can coil up at the cervix. Did anyone have this happen? What are your suggestions? I'm def. calling about it in the morning, but I need some reassurance.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • 28 Days/ Weeks Later??

    Is there going to be a third one? I loooove the first two!

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • What can I do to get my money back after cashing fraudulent check for family member (not our fault!!!)?

    About a year ago, my fiance's brother called and asked him to cash a check since he and his wife don't have a bank account. My fiance` figured it was his disability check (which their mom usually cashes for his brother, but she was out of state) so he agreed. When they got to the bank, his brother handed him the check to sign and my man saw that it was a check from Circuit City for $5000.00. He asked his brother about it and his bro told him that they had ordered a bunch of stuff and sent in the money, then Circuit City e-mailed them and said that nothing they ordered was in stock so they were sending a check in the mail (when we asked for proof of the e-mail later on, the story changed to "No, I said they CALLED us"). Well his bank cashed it and there seemed to be no problem. 3 days later my fiance` gets a phone call from the bank saying that the check was fraudulent and the money needed to be returned or they were withdrawing it from his account. He called his brother and told him to get the money together so he could pay it back. His bro said that they had already spent the money. So my fiance` was forced to cash in one of his CD's that was a month away from maturing (needless to say, he lost out on a TON of money with the CD alone). His bro acted like it was no big deal.

    A month later we find out we're expecting. So my future MIL calls her son and tells him he *needs* to pay this money back to my fiance`. He calls us and says he'll make $100/month payments, but if we get pushy about it, he won't pay at all. Then his wife starts yelling that she contacted the BBB and she's waiting on them to e-mail her. I asked when she contacted them (when I had to resort to the BBB before, I had a response in 2 days). She said it's been 3 weeks. 2 weeks later we ask if she's heard and she says no because her daughter 'broke' the laptop (yet they were still on their myspace pages). Then she says they contacted her and gave her a court date that's scheduled after Christmas because all the courtooms are full??? (LOL, yeah, that's what we're dealing with).

    So I say enough's enough and I call Circuit City about the check. They did everything they could and couldn't find any check that was sent. So Circuit City then called his brother. His bro called us right after and started yelling "Why did you tell them I said it was a refund check. I TOLD you it was for a sweepstakes! Now you're not getting anything!"

    So, yeah, they knew it was a bad check the whole time and he took advantage of his little brother because he has money BECAUSE he works hard, everyday. So anyway, we were told to file a police report because we cannot take any action against the bank for cashing it. And, the person who's account is used to cash it, is the person responsible for paying it. Is it fair to have to pay for the bank's mistake? No it's not. But that's not the issue.

    Well after getting the police involved, his bro agreed to make payments again. It went from 'starting in 2 months . . .', to 'starting next month . . .', to 'I'll make payments starting in August', and now that August is over it's 'November I'll give ya $300.'

    So the question:

    What are we supposed to do about this? What kind of legal matter would this be? And is it even possible to sue and actually receive the money back instead of this 'I'll pay you on . . .' nonsense?

    And how can I motivate my fiance` to take any action? He and his bro are not close at all. Not in the least. But he keeps putting it off. He threw a fit about a friend owing him $60 and not paying it back. But his bro intentionally stole $5000 (that my fiance` has now admitted was for our son), and it's like "Oh well, I'll deal with it when I can find someone to help me."

    And is there anyway that I can legally be involved. The only way we found out about them knowing what they were doing was when I called Circuit City and the cops. He had to verify who I was, though, and that info. was allowed to be discussed with me. Is it that easy with law suits, or courts?

    Thanks for reading. Any opinions and suggestions are appreciated greatly.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Batman Impersonators in Dark Knight?

    At the beginning, is one of the impersonators (the one that says something along the lines of "That's not what I see") Cillian Murphy from 28 Days Later and Red Eye?

    Just wondering. I feel like a 13 year old girl when I see him, lol. He's gorgeous.

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Post partum Weight Loss??

    I just don't get it. I gained 34 lbs with my son, 10 of which the doctor said I needed to gain because I was borderline underweight which was resulting in pre-term labor. I gained the weight, had a healthy baby, and am now a pudge. I exercise as much as I can (3-4 times a week for 45 minutes) and I eat healthy, but I went in for my 6 week check up and gained another pound! With my last baby, I gained 41 lbs and was in size 1 jeans a week later. I never exercised at all.

    And my lower stomach is a mess. I can't get it to snap back at all. My son dropped at 30 weeks and stayed that way until I delivered at 38 weeks, so I'm chalking it up to it being stretched really far for a long time.

    So currently, I'm 5 feet tall and 137 lbs. My son is 2 months old. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Are there any tips or exercises anyone has for my lower belly and my arms that keep waving to ppl LONG after I've stopped, lol??

    39 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Post-partum weight loss??

    I just don't get it. I gained 34 lbs with my son, 10 of which the doctor said I needed to gain because I was borderline underweight which was resulting in pre-term labor. I gained the weight, had a healthy baby, and am now a pudge. I exercise as much as I can (3-4 times a week for 45 minutes) and I eat healthy, but I went in for my 6 week check up and gained another pound! With my last baby, I gained 41 lbs and was in size 1 jeans a week later. I never exercised at all.

    And my lower stomach is a mess. I can't get it to snap back at all. My son dropped at 30 weeks and stayed that way until I delivered at 38 weeks, so I'm chalking it up to it being stretched really far for a long time.

    So currently, I'm 5 feet tall and 137 lbs. My son is 2 months old. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Are there any tips or exercises anyone has for my lower belly and my arms that keep waving to ppl LONG after I've stopped, lol??

    39 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Is this a sign of pregnancy??

    This is gross, but are loose bowels a sign of pregnancy? I have kids, but I never paid any attention, lol. I'm not peeing too frequently, but I do find myself getting up in the middle of the night which is unusual except for when I'm preggo. And today my fiance` looked at me and goes "When you exercise, do you do something that makes your boobs bigger? They're HUGE!" So I measured, lol (I'm on an exercise program and I check measurements each week), and in the past 5 days my boobs went up 2 inches.

    I'm also extremely thirtsy all the time and I sleep ALOT more. I was awake for a total of 6 hours today.

    I'm having cramps and what feels like gas pains in my lower back. I also noticed some twinge-like pain on my side in the lower ab region. I'm hoping it's ovulation. Any suggestions??

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Question on getting published or Public Speaking??

    How would I go about getting things published? I'm not looking to get paid or anything, just to share my stories and to offer advice and help. I've been through a ton of things and I really think I have alot to offer. I'd like to turn my negative experiences into something positive.

    2 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Question about legal advice against neglectful doctors (kinda graphic, lol, sorry!)?

    Ok, 5 years ago I had my first little girl. I was 18 when I got pregnant, 5'0" tall, and 96 lbs. I didn't take anything about my pregnancy lightly. I worked from 7am-2pm, walked an hour to the next job, and worked there from 3pm-11pm, got home by 12am. I read every pregnancy book imaginable. I ended up gaining 121 lbs. I know when you have a baby you're gonna get stretch marks, saggy boobs/ belly, etc. But this is different. My stomach is now deformed, my stretch marks look like I was involved in an unfortunate zoo-mauling incident, I have stretch marks down to my feet.

    Around 6 months, I noticed things weren't right. I was eating nothing but fruits and vegetables, yet I had gained 62 lbs. I was so swollen and sore all the time. It got to the point where I couldn't even walk upstairs to bed because of the excrutiating pain in my knees. I also had horrible pain in my lower back. I continued to work, though. When I asked the doctor about pre-eclampsia, he would say that my urine samples were negative for it. Now, at my doctor's office, they give you a test strip and tell you what to do, then a nurse checks it. The bottle of test strips is in the bathroom there with the different results on the back of the bottle. I checked it myself and it match to a very high level of protein which indicates pre-eclampsia. The nurse checked it and goes "Okay! Looks good." I also got tested for Gestational diabetes and they said it was negative.

    No matter what I said to the doctor, I was treated like I was just another 18 year old that knew nothing. So D-Day comes a month early. I give birth to a 'premature' baby that weighed 9 lbs and was 22 inches long. Pretty big for a 'preemie' if you ask me. Needless to say, the birth was majorly complicated. They dislocated my hips MANUALLY so my daughter could get through. She ended up with a dislocated shoulder. And I'll spare you the majorly gross part and just say that it took 7 Suture kits to 'fix everything'. My mom was in with me (mother of four) and she was horrified. My blood pressure was sky high and then dropped really low because of the blood loss so I ended up passing out. When I came to, the doctor was saying "Well, it looks like she may have had undiagnosed pre-eclampsia. And she definitely had Gestational diabetes. That's obvious considering the size of the baby."

    So my question, can I do anything legally about this. I feel like things went undiagnosed because I was young. And even though 'I' knew things were wrong and voiced it many times to the doctor, nothing was ever done. And here I am, 24 years old, unable to enjoy anything. I have a major complex about my body now. I don't go swimming because of the deformed stomach and horrid stretch marks that go down my legs, arms, hands and feet. I've lost the weight, but I think I look worse without it, lol. At least the fat filled in the wrinkly skin. Anyway, my attitude about it has ruined a marriage and other relationships. My fiance` now is wonderful to me and doesn't see anything wrong with the way I look. He makes me feel so good about myself. But I feel that the neglect from the doctor has cost me alot through the years. Is there anything that can be done??

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Salary of a Paralegal?

    How much money could I expect to earn as a Paralegal? I've been thinking about going back to school to finish training after my youngest is old enough for DayCare. I want a good, respectful job that will enable me to support myself and my four children. I'm definitely smart enough, and better yet, I'm eager to learn as much as possible. Would this be a good career choice??

    1 AnswerLaw & Legal1 decade ago
  • Any tips on surprising and pleasing my man?

    I just had my fourth baby, so I'm a tad chunky, lol. My fiance` doesn't see a problem and tells me I look great, all the time. Before I met him, I became a Suicide Girls model and I want my 'sexy attitude' back. I'm sure he misses it, lol. I've just been feeling overwieght and unattractive, but exercising has really given me a new view on myself.

    So what tips do you all have on how to completely surprise him in the bedroom? What kind of things can I do that will completely blow him away? And do guys really care if a girl has some extra weight? I'm talking, if that girl is carrying that wieght after just giving them a healthy baby? I'm not obeses or anything. I'm just not a toothpick anymore. I have nice curves, but the stretchy belly and thunder thighs are what makes me self-conscious. Could it really bother him, though, if I'm doing things that he's only dreamed of, lol???

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Information on Kegels??

    I hear so many versions of how to do them. I know what muscles to work, but how many reps and how long should you hold it for??

    And seriously, do they really work at all? TMI, but after having my fourth baby, I know sex wasn't all that great for my fiance`. But since I started them, he HAS noticed a difference. I'm wondering if 'things' will get better the longer I do the Kegels.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago