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Lv 44,399 points

Rhia B

Favorite Answers11%
  • Second baby dropping early?

    I've always thought, being pregnant with my second, that baby would drop till very close to my due date. My first was always very very low so I didn't notice a huge difference(and I delivered on my due date) but this one was very high and is now starting to drop. I'm almost 35 weeks now, could I still go to my due date? I have a doctors appointment on Thursday so she may check to see just how low baby is, but unfortunately it isn't with my regular doctor :(

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How many of you moms are preserving food this time of year?

    It may be a lot of work but I love doing it. I can't imagine not putting food(especially all the awesome fruit available right now) away for winter and next spring before we have anything. I just got done with 80 pounds of sweet black cherries and I hope to do equal amounts of peaches and tomatoes and then I have a ton of italian blue plums too. I freeze, dry, can, make jams, anything. Any other moms doing this too? What do you do with your LO's? Do you wait till they sleep? Wait till your SO can watch them? Or wait till they're sleeping? With my son, I do a lot while he's napping but I continue when he wakes up because he's old enough to take care of himself for the most part and I'm too tired to do it in the evening. Just wondering what I'm going to do next summer when I have another little one :P

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Very strange soreness in my last trimester, any suggestions?

    I have no idea what's causing this. I'm almost 28 weeks and when I wake up in the morning for the last couple mornings I am sore all over, like even my chest hurts, and my arms shoulders, legs, everything. At night I toss and turn and it's nearly impossible to get comfortable even though I sleep with a pillow between my legs and that helped for the longest time. When I get up to put my son back down I feel feverish but I don't have a temperature. I have a pulled muscle in my neck and it's grown into a HUGE lump on my neck. I've been rubbing it and stretching but it's not getting any better. Could this be why I'm sore all over in the mornings? I also feel like I've pulled a muscle "down there", it feels almost like it's bruised, but I know that's normal, and probably unrelated. I just don't understand why I'm so sore from sleeping! By evening I'm usually feeling good. Anyone have any idea what's causing this? If not, do you think it's reason to go to the emergency or should I just wait it out since I see my doctor in a week?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Lip balm with castor oil safe while pregnant?

    Just wondering if this is still safe to use while pregnant, I had no idea it was used as a moisturizer till I looked at the ingredients on a new product I just got. This wouldn't have the same affect as drinking castor oil would it? I googled it but didn't come up with an answer if anyone knows or has asked their doctor that would be awesome, thanks :)

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What is everyone else planning on having for dinner?

    I love these questions for the ideas and recipes and I haven't seen one in a little while so I thought I'd ask. What is everyone planning on making for dinner?

    We're having homemade fried rice with fresh sugar snap peas from my garden, little pieces of carrot, leftover pork, an egg or two scrambled into it, green onions and whatever else I can think of, with soy sauce over all of it, and then fried till some of the rice is a little bit crispy.

    11 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Mommies... Anyone have split ab muscles?

    I asked this the other day but only got a couple of answers. Anyone here have split stomach muscles? Did they go away on their own? Do you need to do special exercises to help the muscles to go back together? When you were pregnant with them what did your doctor tell you to do or to avoid? Any other information would be helpful. I'm going to ask my doctor at my next visit, but I'm just curious for now. Thanks :)

    Also, Seth, I stated mommies, because I wouldn't think you'd ever have split stomach muscles due to pregnancy. Your wife may, but you would not. Make sense?

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Any mommies have or had split stomach muscles?

    I'm about 6 months pregnant with my second and I've realized I have split stomach muscles where if I flex my abs I can feel a small gap between. I never had this with my first so I'm pretty worried about it. I've researched it a little, but haven't come up with much. Has anyone here had this happen to them too? Did they go back after? Did you need to do special exercises etc? Is there a chance they wont go back together and I'll have weird abs for the rest of my life? Lol! Also, if you got them while pregnant, what did your doctor tell you do, or to avoid till you gave birth? I see my doctor in a week so I'll ask her then, but I'm just curious how it worked out for anyone else that had the same problem.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Is it just me or are a lot of babies coming early lately?

    I know there are some moms on here now that are hoping theirs would come a little early(or who are almost due or overdue and just wanting the baby out, lol). I've just heard of so many early births in the last month and it's really freaking me out. My mother-in-laws coworker had a grandbaby born at 26 weeks. I had a friend give birth at 30 weeks and one at 36 in the last 2 weeks. Plus, I've heard from at least 3 or 4 women that gave birth within the last year that they went into labor and gave birth at least a month early too. Is this normal, or is it becoming more common for babies to be early? My first was born right on his due date and I keep getting the feeling this one will be early and it's making me a little nervous.

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Looking for an authentic Mexican recipe using corn tortillas?

    Also a good Mexican rice recipe would be awesome. Thanks very much.

    4 AnswersEthnic Cuisine1 decade ago
  • A few questions about potty training...?

    Well my son and I just started today. We got off to a rough start when I went to put him on the potty right after he woke up and he freaked out. The same happened after nap time. I don't understand how I can change this as he goes very soon after he wakes up. For a long time now my son will go into the bathroom with my hubby when they wake up. My hubby will go and my son will pull out his potty and sit on it for a second and then get on with the day. What else can I do to encourage him to go right after he wakes up? Or will he just get more comfortable with it in time? Other than that, my other questions are, did you put your child on the potty at regular intervals during the day? And usually how far apart were they? Also, did you do anything differently at night, like putting them in a diaper till they got the hang of daytime potty training? During the day I'm putting him in cloth underwear and I haven't decided to put him in a regular diaper at night, or maybe just put plastic pants over top of his undies. Any other advice is welcome too :P Thanks.

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Would you chose to labor somewhere else?

    Since my last doctors appointment I've been thinking about this. It's not really affordable for us to drive 8 hours away to labor in a hospital where they are much more prepared, but my doctor suggested it and now I'm considering it. I live in a small town, the hospital is very small and the only person there would be my family doctor who is just a GP. She raised the concern that if there was any bleeding they would not be able to do anything else except give me a blood transfusion, which I would not do for personal reasons. She even said it would be safer if I only went about 3 hours away to a different hospital. With my first she never even suggested it and the thought never even crossed my mind.. and luckily, my first labor and delivery went perfect.. only 4-5 hours of labor, and 20 minutes of pushing with very minimal bleeding. But I can't help but think of my MIL, with her last baby she had to be rushed out of the town to get medical treatment because she had such severe bleeding. So I'm just wondering... if in the same situation would you consider going so far away to labor because of the small chance of something going wrong? Or would you wait till later in your pregnancy to make a decision, and probably stay where you were if everything seemed to be going good?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Trying to buy maternity clothes on Ebay but don't know about sizing...?

    But I'm not sure what size I should be shopping for. I haven't done much shopping since my first baby and don't really know what size I am. I took my measurements and I'm 28", 24.5" and 28" around my hips waist and bust respectively. All the guides don't even start measurements for the bust and hips below 30, but the jeans I'm wearing say size 5! I used to fit into a size 0, but I know for sure I can't anymore. Can anyone shed some light? I know I'm not an extra small anymore, but what am I?

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Should I try to potty train my 19 month old boy?

    Lately he's been saying poo before he goes in his diaper and for a while now he's been able to tell me that there is poo in his diaper already(when he's dirty). He also sits on the potty(with his clothes on) when I go to the bathroom. Not to mention he's happy to sit on the potty without his pants for quite a long time. He definitely does not stay dry at night but during naps he does. Does it sound like he's ready?

    9 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Lack of appetite and severe fatigue?

    I'm about 7 weeks and I have a doctors appointment in a week so I'll ask then too, I'm just curious if anyone else has experienced a lack of appetite like me. I do have morning sickness that lasts all day but it calms down enough in the evening to eat a meal, but I don't want to. I think something sounds good, so I make it but when it gets in front of me I can't even force myself to eat it. I made a soup that I usually love and I can't even stand to think about it it makes my stomach turn over. I have found a couple things that I don't mind eating, am I supposed to just eat those all the time? And is it connected to how tired I am maybe? I'm sleeping at least 11-12 hours at night and sometimes I nap during the day too. I remember being tired with my first, but not this tired. And I remember the morning sickness, but I remember when it let up later in the day I was so hungry I'd eat anything. Now I could probably go all day on an apple. What could this mean?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Bad Morning Sickness Already...?

    I'm only about 6 and a half weeks right now and since yesterday I've had really severe morning sickness going for most of the day. I don't remember it being this bad this early last time but anyways. I'm looking for some suggestions. What helped you through your morning sickness? And yes Ive heard the ginger and soda cracker ones :P

    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago