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Lv 56,736 points

Wyatt's Mom ♣3.17.10♣

Favorite Answers18%
  • Toddler loves eating ice... how normal is that?

    My 17 month old loves to eat ice, he even asks for it when we're getting ice out of the freezer for our drinks he says "eyez?" It's really cute, but I've read that craving ice can be a sign of anemia. Any opinions on whether I should check into the anemia thing or is he just going through a stage?

    10 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • Toddler bedding set question?

    I'm going to get a toddler bed pretty soon for my 15 month old son and I was wondering how many of you just used the same crib sheets for the new bed or bought a new set. It's the same mattress so it makes since that you can just use the same sheets/blankets right? So what did you do?

    The question isn't whether or not I should get him a toddler bed or twin bed, he is very small for his age and will be in this bed for at least 3 years. <--- I'll be out of nursing school by then and will be able to afford whatever he wants :)

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago
  • During the summer when your baby is running a fever what kind of clothes do YOU put on them? Any blankets?

    Note... I do choose best answer (10 pts!!!)

    When my son is running fever I either put him in just a onesie, or leave him in just a diaper. And no blankets (maybe a light receiving blanket if I feel like he wants to cuddle).

    I ask because one of my facebook friends just posted a picture of her 6 month old lil girl and said she's sick and running 101 fever, it's about 95 degrees outside here and the baby is in her car seat (not in the car though, it's on the floor) and had a big furry blanket on... hello! No wonder her temp is at 101! Maybe without the huge blanket it would only be 99...

    Any thoughts?

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • Help with weaning my 14 month old?

    I'm ready to wean my 14 month old from breastfeeding. I feel like I'm done... all he wants to do is nurse ALL NIGHT long! I only nurse him before bed and at night but I'm ready to stop now. My back is killing me because I can't get comfortable because of how I have to sleep with im attached to me :/ And I'm exhausted from getting woke up 6+ times a night. Almost every day I tell myself I can't deal with this anymore.

    I hate the idea of weaning him because he still seems to enjoy it so much (he gets down right mad when I don't let him nurse if he's wanting to) but for MY mental health I think it's time.

    Should I just cut him off cold turkey? I'm afraid that the fact that he sleeps with us is going to make this REALLY hard... any advice? We've tried getting him to sleep in his crib but that always goes HORRIBLY!

    ---he eats 2 big meals a day and has 2 snacks a day plus drinks anything out of a sippy cup (finally got him off the bottle a few days ago)

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How old was your toddler when you could take him/her to the park and just sit and watch?

    Just curious :)

    I'm not trying to rush my 13 month into growing up, I'm just wondering about how old they usually are when you don't have to follow them every where when they're outside playing. Right now, even though he has been walking for 2 months and does great I know there is no way I could just sit down and watch him walk around.

    10 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • At 1 year check up the dr did blood work and they say my son is anemic... What causes anemia in infants?

    My son will be 13 months on the 17th and we went to his one year old check up yesterday and they did blood work to check for anemia. Obviously other babies are anemic at 1 year old or they wouldn't check for it at the 1 year visit, but the doc didn't say what causes it. They called today and said he's slightly anemic and they prescribed some vitamins with iron in them.

    He is still breastfed and has been getting formula (with iron) too since he was about 10 months old.

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • I'm pretty sure my son has thrush and so do I (he's still breastfeeding), should I call the doctor?

    My son just turned 1. He has been on about 5 antibiotics in the past 2 months because of an ear infection that won't go away, then he got strep throat and ended up with a double ear infection too. Sooo... 3 rocephin shots and MORE antibiotics later, he has white patches in his mouth and the most horrible diaper rash I've ever seen :( He doesn't have sensitive skin, this is only the 2nd diaper rash he's ever had. I did change diaper brands a couple of weeks ago, so I guess that might be part of the problem too since it was the Sam's club brand and the only other rash he's had was from the Parent's Choice diapers.

    He is still breastfed in the evenings/mornings and at night and about 2 days ago my nipples started getting really sore. Now they are bright red and starting to crack and ooze out of the cracks (sorry tmi). I know this isn't from an improper latch because I haven't had any soreness or problems since we started breastfeeding over a year ago.

    Do I need to take him to the dr and should I go to my dr too or do I just need to try over the counter treatments (I don't know which ones though)?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Does your baby/toddler have tubes in his/her ears?

    My son is on his 5th antibiotic since the beginning of February. He had never had an ear infection before until this one but this one won't go away. He has even had 3 rocephin shots on top of all of the other antibiotics (he had strep throat too). After 4 antibiotics he ended up with still having the ear infection in his Right ear and then his Left ear was infected too. Now the doc is starting to talk about putting tubes in, but that scares me to death! He just turned 1.

    What is your experience with ear infections/tubes?

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • How many presents did you get for your baby's 1st birthday?

    My son turns 1 on St. Patrick's Day (March 17) and I'm trying to decide on what to get him. I was thinking a small present (like a St. Patty's Day teddy bear) and a big toy (I don't know what though) and I already got him a pair of pj's and some snack bowls.

    Do you think that's enough? Too much?

    We're also having a party, just a family get together to celebrate.

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • When your baby has a fever, how often do you check his/her temperature?

    My son has a low grade temp of 100 (axillary though) plus coughing and a runny nose. Just wondering how often you guys usually check your kids temperatures when they're sick.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Will my milk supply totally plummet if I stop pumping during the day when he turns 1?

    I plan on breastfeeding for as long as my son wants to. Right now he's in day care during the day while I'm at school. I send about 7-8 oz of breast milk with him and if he needs more than that he gets formula (usually only about 2-4 oz) I'm thinking about dropping the 2 pumping sessions I do during the day when he turns 1 in March and just breastfeeding him on demand when I'm around him, and he can just have whole milk at day care. I only pump twice a day for about 15-20 minutes and get somewhere between 6-8oz total, and it's been like that for about 7 months now. Do you guys think dropping those 2 pumping sessions would ruin my supply. My son is very attached to me and breastfeeding so I don't want to quit until he's ready, and I don't want to screw it up by not pumping during the day either... so what are your thoughts please??

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • My son has had diarrhea for about 2 weeks now...possibly TMI?

    He's almost 10 months old. At first I thought it was a stomach bug, because I had it for about 3-4 days too when he started. But mine stopped last Wednesday and he is still going at least 4 times a day, it is nasty mucous-like green a STINKY. It keeps coming out of his diapers too :/ I'm going to move him up a size I think to hold it in better... but I need some thoughts on this, and whether I should take him to the doc.

    He is probably teething (only has 2 so far, so its a good possibility) but I don't know if teething will cause diarrhea.

    He has been getting formula for a few weeks now while I'm at work and to get him used to having some while he's at daycare when I go back to school. So maybe the formula is giving him diarrhea? I've never delt with formula before...

    His diet hasn't changed otherwise though, he drinks a few oz of juice a day too usually which we've cut out the last few days to hopefully slow it down. But it isn't working.

    It is SOO hard changing his diapers now too becaue all he does is wiggle and try to turn over and put his hands in it!

    Any idea's????

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How is your day going?

    My 9.5 month old has been soooo cranky/fussy today! He woke up at 5 and didn't go to sleep again until 6:30 then back up at 8. He's been doing nothing but fuss ALL day! So how is your little one today?!?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Is it ok to take Pepto-Bismol while breastfeeding?

    I've had diarrhea for 3 days now and was wondering what I can take for it since I'm breastfeeding. I know you can't take Pepto-Bismol when you're pregnant but I didn't know if it is ok while breastfeeding.

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Have started supplementing with formula, why do I feel so bad about it?

    My son is 9 months old and I have recently started giving him a few oz of formula a day. I work on the weekends and am in nursing school full time during the week and I simply don't have the time to pump as much during the day anymore. He eats 3 small meals a day of food and breastfeeds as much and as often as he wants when we're together but I'm usually empty by bedtime and he gets frustrated. He is still a big comfort nurser and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon, he's just going to be getting some formula while I'm away from him to make up the difference. He doesn't drink a whole lot while I'm away any ways (Not usually more than 8 oz. of milk total while I'm at work for 12 hours). I just can't figure out why I feel so awful about it. I am not against formula feeding, and I know I'm not a failure or anything I just almost want to cry when I give him formula :/

    Any advice for a first time momma?

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How can I get myself to stop worrying about how small my son is?

    I know he is fine health wise and meeting all of his milestones, I know that he is only in the 5% but that someone has to be in the lower end, but I can't turn my momma worries off :/ The outfit he wore today he has been wearing since he was 3 months old and he is 9 months old now! He is just now starting to be able to wear is 6-9 month clothes and all of his 3-6 month clothes fit him great now. He can still wear some of his 0-3 month clothes though! The shirt he is wearing to bed he has been able to wear since we brought him home from the hospital (it's 0-3 month size)

    Please tell me to quit being a worry wort!!!!

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Question about solids making my 9 month old constipated?

    My 9 month old usually poops 3-4 times a day. He didn't poop yesterday and hasn't yet today. My mom swears I'm giving him too much "grown up" food. She thinks I need to go back to giving him only baby food. The thing is that he is smart enough to know he doesn't want the baby food, he wants the good stuff! He closes his mouth and turns his head when I put baby food up to his mouth, but if I put a spoon full of real food he opens wide.

    My mom says his stomach must not be ready for the real food, but I don't see why it matters. It's not like I'm feeding him steak or something. He eats anything we eat that can be mashed up.

    So, should I listen to my mom and try backing off the solids a little or should I follow my baby and continue what I'm doing?

    ---all of this is in addition to me breastfeeding him on demand

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How much does your baby weigh now?

    How big is your little one now?

    My son is 8.5 months old and he weighs 16lbs. 12oz.! That put's him in the 5th percentile :)

    18 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • A question for moms with hardwood floors...?

    We have all hardwood floors with rugs here and there. My 8 month old has been crawling for a few weeks now and is getting really good at it. He's starting to try to pull up on stuff put his feet and knees just slip out from under him. It's a rent house so putting carpet in isn't an option and we can't afford more rugs.

    I'm not asking how to fix it, just wondering if he will just figure it out eventually and not slip every time he tries. It makes me feel bad, but at least he doesn't hit his face now like he used to :(

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What would you do about this car seat situation?

    My husband is a band director. Over spring break the band is taking a charter bus to Dallas (Texas), which is about 5 hours from where we live. Yay for free trips :) But the problem is there aren't any seatbelts in the charter bus. My son will have just turned 1 the week before. I DO NOT feel comfortable just holding him on the bus, or just putting him in the seat without strapping it in. What would you do? Would you just take your own car? My husband keeps saying that buses are safe and he'd be fine, but I just don't think they're safe enough to risk by baby's life.

    Opinions or suggestions on how to strap the car seat in would be great! Thanks :)

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago