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Lv 43,469 points

Amber N

Favorite Answers31%
  • Who wants to win 1600 microsoft points?!?!?

    It is that simple, Sometime either this weekend or next weekend my BF is going to be giving away Microsoft points to one randomly selected viewer. All you have to do is go to Sign up on the site and Follow his stream. It's MW 3 and if you're on when we're holding the drawing you could have a shot at winning! Though, there will only be a give away if we have more than 10 NEW FOLLOWERS at one time. So message here if you're interested and I'll let you know when the competition is. Now you're probably wondering how a Best Answer is going to be chose, I will give the Best Answer to someone randomly, if you win the points you'll get Best Answer. Good luck, if you have any questions my gamertag is TAG FeaRLesS :)

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • I need friends D: Xbox 360?

    Hey, I recently am going through a break up and I need help getting my mind off it. Feel free to add me on xbox live, I just need to have a good time, a good laugh to avert my attention away from the jerk who broke my heart. TAG FeaRLesS = my GT Feel free to comment as well :)

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • MW3 Striker Machine, any comments?

    So this isn't really a question more like a statement that I'd like to hear what you all have to say. It makes me laugh honestly. So I added this kid on my xbox live friendslist who in which I met online (on a website) and he randomly joined my Team Deathmatch game on the opposite team as myself. So I'm trying to get 2500 kills with the striker(a shotgun) so obviously I am using the weapon....I killed him a few times with it and he quit out and removed me....Isn't that a stupid reason to remove someone? Any one else think that is just hilarious?

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Looking for girls that are good at MW2 for all girls team on Game Battles. (Xbox 360)?

    Me and my friend Ashley are trying to make a competitive team for MW2 on Game Battles, only problem is we're having problems finding more girls to be on our team. If you are interested in joining please add me or reply to this message it would be greatly appreciated. Our gamertags are: XxNo SecretsxX and hers is LadeLove11.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • I like a guy that is 17 years older than me, help?

    So I'm an xbox fiend right....and there's this guy, we've been talking for a while now and he's sweet, charming, just an all around great guy. The bad thing is he's almost as old as my moms 44 he's 38. I'm 21.....I like him a lot and he has 2 kids and 2 ex wives. He also lives out of state which is a bit of a downer. I'm sure he'd be willing to make it work though. He's told me many of times he likes me a lot and he's really quite sensitive. I'm afraid though, I usually go for younger guys definately not this much older than me. Should I give him a chance to see where things go? Or should I just ignore my feelings and stay away? Please help.

    BTW I know he's not a freak because he's got on cam and we've just chatted and stuff before.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I need a Youtube Proxy for work Please?

    Hey people I'm in a bit of a jam here. I am a twilight junky and I need to watch Youtube videos but the issue is I'm at work right now and most websites are blocked. Youtube isn't blocked however it just wont let me watch videos. I'm a bank teller and my branch is really slow so we really don't have much to do. My manager doesn't care that we use proxy's to get on websites like myspace and youtube etc. I understand most of you will tell me to do it when I get home but I can't I don't have internet access for my computer! So please I need youtube proxy's that work for me at my work. I will be fair and give the best answer 10pts so please help me ^.^

    7 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • What do you think of this poem? Be Honest.?

    So I wrote this poem for my mom when I moved out of my house and sent it to her. It made her cry but I want your honest opinion on what you think. Please no short answeres like "it was good" or something.

    Time passes by like there's no tomorrow,

    Through the pain, joy, and the sorrow.

    What will happen we do not know,

    But there is something that I do know though.

    I will always love you within my heart,

    You gave me life and every part.

    You're always my mother through thick and thin,

    So when I get sad I'll just stick up my chin.

    I'll know that you loved me just for me,

    Because in your eyes this I see.

    I love you mom and you love me too,

    No matter how bad of a thing to do.

    I'm only living a short distance away,

    You know for a fact that I'd much rather stay.

    I'm getting older time to move out,

    I'm not going to cry and I'm not going to pout.

    This is a great new experience for me to learn,

    So don't be alarmed, don't be concerned.

    I'll always love you, don't you fret,

    For this decision I'm sure not to regret.

    What do you think?

    Written By: Amber

    All rights are mine! lol

    6 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • I may be pregnant....need help please?

    Can someone tell me the symptoms of how you know if ur pregnant three weeks after intercourse....I had sex three weeks ago with a d*ckhead.....who convinced me he loved me and talked me into not making him wear protection...I took a pregnancy test like 5 days before my period and it told me not pregnant right but on the test it said there was only a 50% chance that the test is right for 4 days before so that means 5 days is less......I have one test left and I'm going to take it within the next couple days if I don't get my period.........I'm been getting hungrier than usuall...haven't really been feeling sick, really moody......been needing to use the bathroom a lot more.....any other symptoms I can look for? I don't want to be pregnant :(

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Three Heartbreak poems, what do you think?

    So recently I've been having some guy issues...they just turn into different people halfway into the relationship it's like they act nice and sweet at first then when they have me hooked they turn into completely different people....and im just tired of getting hurt all the time....

    Here's three poems I wrote in a matter of minutes within the last couple days because of how I've been feeling. Tell me what you think of them please. Names for the poems would help as well.

    How can one person have such an effect on me.

    Can he truly see what's inside, does he see?

    Inside I'm screaming out, "don't get too close."

    He can hurt me bad, more than most

    My mind is clouded with confusion with doubt.

    I could scream, I could yell, or I can shout.

    No matter what I do it will not make up for the pain.

    The pain within me that has gracefully left a stain.

    Hard to breath, sick to my stomach, shaking hands.

    Deep in my stomach up to my pituitary glands.

    Tears at night develop within my eyes.

    During the day I hide them, to cover the lies.

    While inside my heart is being eaten alive.

    To find happiness this I strive.

    It's as if I hurt to love or love to hurt.

    Constantly making my life feel like dirt.

    In time I know and realize I will heal.

    That what I am feeling will someday not be real.

    There's so much I cannot hide

    This pain and suffering I cannot bide

    Does he not see that I feel

    That what is inside of my heart is real

    Feeling like a soft jagged blade is slicing gently against my smooth fragile skin

    I feel it do I care? Only that you're the one hurting me. Do you think you'll win?

    Wanting to cry

    While inside I die

    Your laugh, that smile

    Wishing you'd stay a while.

    I used to think I was special

    Now I know that I am not

    I think about you all the time

    I wish I didn't think of you a lot

    I cannot seem to get you off my mind

    Though at times it seems you're gone

    You pop back into my heart

    To your eyes and lips I am drawn.

    I write how I feel....and how I feel is pain. Someday this will be a thing of the past I hope.

    7 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Myspace proxy please?

    Alright here's the computer at home is broken so I can't get on at home and the only way I can get on is at work....but there are certain websites that are blocked therefor bringing me to the dilema that I need a myspace proxy....I know some of you are like blah blah blah work is for work your work doesn't want you on there for a reason, but come on give me a break my job is pretty boring sometimes! So the thing is I need a proxy that works on myspace! I go to all the other posts and like none of the sites work....if you give me a site that isn't fricken old and one that works!!! Please....if you give me ones that are really old I'll give you a thumbs down please don't force me to do this :( I just want a proxy that works!!! Thanks guys see ya!

    9 AnswersMySpace1 decade ago
  • He broke my heart and I'm worried he'll do it again. Advice please?

    So I'm in a long distance relationship with this guy Sean online (please do not judge me for long distance relationships I've heard it all. I just need advice please) He's really sweet, nice and has never hurt or lied to me before. We've been going out for like 2 months but I've known him for about 6 months or so. Well friday he stumbled across one of my ex's online who hates my guts. He had cheated on me and sent some se*ual pictures of me to his friends after he had broken my heart....and I told my current boyfriend Sean what my ex had done to me and all that. Well this friday my friend Nick called me up telling me that Sean was done with my sh*t and done with me lieing etc. When I have not lied to him about anything...I told him ever grimy detail about me because I care about him so gawsh darn much. Well I stayed up all that night really upset and crying...When I was suppose to have a good time because I was camping with some friends and later that night my friend Will called me

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • He broke my heart and I'm worried he'll do it again. Advice please?

    So I'm in a long distance relationship with this guy Sean online (please do not judge me for long distance relationships I've heard it all. I just need advice please) He's really sweet, nice and has never hurt or lied to me before. We've been going out for like 2 months but I've known him for about 6 months or so. Well friday he stumbled across one of my ex's online who hates my guts. He had cheated on me and sent some sexual pictures of me to his friends after he had broken my heart....and I told my current boyfriend Sean what my ex had done to me and all that. Well this friday my friend Nick called me up telling me that Sean was done with my sh*t and done with me lieing etc. When I have not lied to him about anything...I told him ever grimy detail about me because I care about him so gawsh darn much. Well I stayed up all that night really upset and crying...When I was suppose to have a good time because I was camping with some friends and later that night my friend Will called me

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I'm not pregnant but I need a name?

    Ever since I was 9 (I'll be 20 in July) I've wanted to name my son Haydn. No one can make me think otherwise. What would be a good middle name for Haydn if I were to have a son. If I were to have a daughter her middle name will be Joy end of story (that was my grandmothers middle name before she died ) :( Anyone have any good ideas for a first name for Joy? All opinions are wanted. Thank you!

    Haydn _______

    ______ Joy

    16 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Girls that Play Xbox live Hot or Not?

    I've been playing xbox live for about 2 or 3 years. I love the Halo games. I'm actually really good too....I hate guys that tell me to get in the kitchen and make them a sandwhich when I beat them in a match or something. What do you think of girls that play xbox live, or more specifically, Halo 3?

    Oh and I don't let the game control my life I ahve a job that I work like 40 hours a week at also.

    8 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago