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  • danger and obsession,please help?

    let me describe myself before i start , i'm an straight A student , Turkish&Algerian ,Curly long hair ,5'4 , green eyes , dimples , perfect teeth. Theres a group of boys in my college who wont leave me alone , i used to never be religious and i used to be close to them but then i realised this was haram so i stopped talking to them , they spreaded rumours about me having sex , ect.. i believe im very religious now , my parents are very religious , yesterday they were outside my house just standing here , theres about 30 of them and they all scare me ( they are gang bangers) , theyve all asked me out but ive rejected them , so now i think they are trying to hurt me. im so scared , i cant even leave my house with family , when i see them i try and ignore! i cant tell my parents because they will get angry , im very lowkey , only talk to girls, yesterday one of the boys messaged me saying 'yooo' and i blocked him , what do i do please please help!!!!! i dont know why they are after me , im nowhere near perfect! there are so many other pretty girls in our college. btw , ive never had sex, ive only kissed once with an ex, what can i do??? i also cant confront them because they will try harm me even more!!! before they used to come outside my house and scream my name , stalk me places ect.. how do i show everyone im religious now? and i dont want males around me. please dont judge and be rude, im 17 , very scared for my life!

  • Why does he do this ?

    So me and my crush are both 17 ( let's call him g) we had our finals this week and we were under pressure. So in the exams he would come try talk to me and stand next to me , he was staring at me throughout all exams (only me although he sat way back) and making eye contact a lot , when we made eye contact id just turn away. Why does he always stare at me and try get close with me? I think he likes me but I'm not sure as he never proper talks to me because he's a shy kid but other than that he shows a lot of signs. How Can I tell him i like him. Ps we both come from Portugal so we link good.

    Singles & Dating4 years ago
  • Dating my exes bestfriend ? Answer please :(?

    So Me and my ex his name is jake had a very long past and we still have feelings for eachother although it's been 7 years . I decided to move on and go for this boy that I liked who was also my exes best friend but I thought my ex hated me so he wouldn't care . My ex has been hating on our relationship and saying we look odd ? But then is trying to get closer to my boyfriend and making movements to me and staring constantly looking very hurt . We are both 17 please be mature and I'm NOT TRYING TO MAKE MY EX JEALOUS AS I SAID IM MOVING IN! Why's he doing this ?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Problems with my crush ! I need help !!!?

    this might be long but please help i dont know what to do and please be mature about it:(. So me and my ex boyfriend\crush hardly talk due to our stubborn personality. we are both 17 and we go to the same college. we have had a real long past where we both liked eachother but were too shy. i always try make him jealous by flirting with his close friends and i know its wrong. so recently all he ever does is sit and stare at me and we make eye contact lots of times where we both just look upset. his bestfriend adam has a crush on me and we all found out recently and hes been making his friend feel like **** and keeeps a close eye on us and is acting very jealous and heartbroken just staring at us all the time as i like adam a bit aswell. recently hes been trying to get really close like sit next to me or just proper make eye contact with me knowing his bestfriend likes me. what do i do and what could this mean? hes a very jealous guy and adam is so nice!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago

    So I recently moved to a higher set and my crush has never been in any of my classes yet, at first I thought he wouldn't be in but then he came! And I'm so bad at the lesson and I have anxiety and I'm really shy , I don't want to go school cause if I get a question wrong he will think I'm dumb! Someone please help me it's ruined me! I have this subject everyday for two hours! He always stares at me in class and gets his friends to look at me to to see if I'm staring ( what does this mean) SOMEONE PLEASE ANSWER AND ME MATURE, CAN YOU ALSO TELL ME WHAT THE STARING MEANS?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • The romantic era and romantic poets? Please help?

    I have course work based on facts about the romantic era and poets but I can't find any short catchy facts for my mind map can someone please help :(! Thankyou!

    1 AnswerPoetry5 years ago
  • Dating my cousin ?? Please answer?

    Before I begin please no hate I'm already upset! So last year when I went to visit my hometown I realised that I had a very handsome cousin which I met at a wedding , we later on got really close and he asked me to be his girlfriend( we are 16 years old ) , my dad hates him! As my dad realised that there was something going on between us. My female cousin who also has a boyfriend in our hometown kept persuading me to deal him even though he's out cousin. ( we live in the uk). When I got to the UK I realised that it was not working so I ended it , he was very whipped and overprotective. He then self harmed and tried committing suicide. He broke his arm real. Bad and now has a plastic arm. This year when I went to visit again he was VERY rude to me and he had changed! He was very manly and violet and strong and handsome . The cute polite was gone and he was replaced by a heartless boy. He also has lots of girlfriends and I'm catching feelings for him again what do I do ??? I'm back in the UK and I'm so sad !

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Why did my crush do this PLEASE ANSWER?

    So we were on a scho trip and my crush and his friends sat with me and my friends , it was lunch and the boy sitting next to my crush is a friend of mine. My dad put a bag of Doritos in my bag but it was gross so I asked the boy if he wanted them and he thought for a bit and said yes, after 5 mins I look over to see that my crush had the bag and was eating the whole thing! And just holding onto the bag and putting his lips on it. Could this mean anything. He was not hungry as he had his own lunch

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Being very attached to your hometown , please answer :(?

    I live in the uk and pretty much every year I go Cyprus for 2-3 weeks , I only remember going there 4 times as I was a child but I've been continuously going there. I've spent most my life in the UK but I've spent my child hood in Cyprus. These couple of years I've been really attatched to Cyprus , when I come back to the UK I cry for weeks and watch old videos and lately it's been getting really bad cause my ex lives there and when I come back I start missing him and the place so I listen to sad music and cry forever . I don't know if I'm going next year but I was there a couple of days ago and I've been crying so much. I'm thinking about moving there but my parents won't Agree and I'm only 16. What can I do I'm soooooo sad !! Please my mature about this because I have lots of family there too and I hate the place I live in in the UK

    1 AnswerPsychology5 years ago
  • Crush problems!? Please answer?

    So me and my crush have had a long past, I think he's getting over me tho. I recently confronted him telling him I don't like him but I actually do. So today in physical education his class was far from mine and I was having a bad day so I just stood there a bit far from my group, with my hands behind me just staring into space, later my crush did the same, standing far from his group with his hands behind him copying my actions. Me and my crush were staring deep at eachother for a good 5-10 minutes. And I felt this connection as we both didn't look away , he was staring at me and looked so sad. I broke the connection my laughing and telling my friends to look at him calling him a creep and they all started laughing. He realised this so he turned his head and was so angry at me, I think he thought I made him look like a fool my telling my friends. He then kept giving me dirty looks. What does this mean?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • I think im a lesbian?!?

    Ive had boyfriends before and i am interested in 'dickss' but when i watch porn i always watch lesbians, im really atracted to hot woman&i always have a fantasy about licking vagina!?!? I really want have a girlfriend but i cant find any?! Help please

  • Confronting my crush went wrong?!?

    So ive liked this guy for quite ahwile&i think he felt the same way (we dealt) recently i heard that hes been saying nice stuff about me to his bestfriend and always talking bout me ect. I heard that he said 'she deffo likes me but i dont know how to have a relationship' im the only girl hes ever dealt&it didnt go well' so i heard this and confronted him. I went up to his face&he thought inwas gonna tell him i love him. I told him ' we need to mature up,stop tellin people i like you cause i really dont ' ect.. He got so shy and was smiling but you could tell he was upset. He said he never told anyone and said okay and walked away. After like 5 mind i clocked him staring at me looking like he wants to cry! After like 9 hours he went and told his close friends ( thats the only time he sees them) so hes obvs thought about it. I then heard that he was so upset in lessons and that he was heartbroken. NOW he doesnt ever stare at me or doesnt like any of my pics when usually hed always stare and show signs! Why is he acting like this mow? I still love him!

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago

    This paint can holds 2.5 litres (1 litre=1000 cubed) work out the radius of the can if the height is 17 cm??? PLEASE HELP

    6 AnswersMathematics5 years ago
  • Crush dislikes me after confrontation!!?please answer!?

    So ive liked this guy for quite ahwile&i think he felt the same way (we dealt) recently i heard that hes been saying nice stuff about me to his bestfriend and always talking bout me ect. I heard that he said 'she deffo likes me but i dont know how to have a relationship' im the only girl hes ever dealt&it didnt go well' so i heard this and confronted him. I went up to his face&he thought inwas gonna tell him i love him. I told him ' we need to mature up,stop tellin people i like you cause i really dont ' ect.. He got so shy and was smiling but you could tell he was upset. He said he never told anyone and said okay and walked away. After like 5 mind i clocked him staring at me looking like he wants to cry! After like 9 hours he went and told his close friends ( thats the only time he sees them) so hes obvs thought about it. I then heard that he was so upset in lessons and that he was heartbroken. NOW he doesnt ever stare at me or doesnt like any of my pics when usually hed always stare and show signs! Why is he acting like this mow? I still love him!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Whats this song called?i think its a bit old?

    'When you hold me never want you to go cause i feel so good when am with you' PLEASE TELL ME IF U KNOW

    2 AnswersLyrics5 years ago
  • Whats this song called??please answer!?

    I think its old and a girl sings this part 'when you hold me never want you to go cause i feel so good when im with you' ?? If you know it please tell me!

    2 AnswersLyrics5 years ago
  • Do i have dimples?

    So i have these weird line dot things in my cheeks and they look like dimples but they also look like a line?im really confused cause sometimes i smile and people say i have nice dimples and im just thinking wtf?? But sometimes they just dissipear and come out later on!?

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body5 years ago
  • I look like my crush&his sister?! Please answer!?

    So i have a crush on this guy whos also my ex&lots of people say we look alike since we have the same colour hair,dimples,same shape nose skin colour ect.. Also we have a very similar surename! But then i saw a picture of his sister&i was shocked casue i realised our face was very similar! Same face shape,exact same lips&nose and i was really comfused? My cousin even told me we look the same? Why do you guyss think he dealt me although i look like him&his sister? Because thats scary!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Turkish cypriots&greeks ? Please help!?

    My mums a turk&my dads a kurd& cypriot , we always go cyprus for holidays but we stay at the turkish side,magusa! Im turkis cypriot but i was wondering if i could have a bit of greek cypriot in me too? Since greeks&turks share cyprus?

    3 AnswersGreece5 years ago
  • Does my crush like me??please answer!?

    My bestfriends ex is my crushes bestfriend,my bestie spoke to her ex anout me&my crush and found this out'He said he misses how close we used to be and how we were alike and how we had bare atuff in common and he wants to be close again and he knows i like him but he dont know how to act in a relationship and that he talks about me all the time and misses me and how i always understand him' what doess this mean????

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago