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Favorite Answers36%
  • Can anyone recommend any hotels close to Disney world Orlando?

    We are planning a trip from England to Florida.we want to be close to the Disney parks but not all consumed by Disney at the same time.we have two young children, 10 and 5. Can anyone recommend a hotel/motel to stay at...somewhere where we can take time out at the hotel too. Maybe somewhere with a shuttle service to the parks also. Thanks in advance x

    18 AnswersOrlando4 years ago
  • Breast cancer screening. Fine needle aspiration. How long before you receive the results?

    I had a fine needle aspiration performed on a breast lump just over 2 weeks ago. I was so overwhelmed in the hospital that I didn t think to ask how long it takes to relieve the results and now I m worrying that I should have heard something by now. Can anyone help with a timeframe please. I was seen at Burnley general hospital. Thanks x

    12 AnswersCancer4 years ago
  • Flying with baggage allowance per person or per persons suitcase??

    We are flying with jet2 and have a baggage allowance of 22kg each....does this mean each of our bags have to be under 22kg or can we combine our luggage and have a case weighing 30kg for example?? Our case is quite big and will fit both of our clothes in. I don t want to cart two half empty cases around if I don t have to. Thanks

    4 AnswersPacking & Preparation5 years ago
  • Street dance medal test...what to expect?

    My 8 year old started street dance classes 3 weeks ago and her dance teacher has said she is ready enough to go in for her intro award 1 medal test........I know absolutely nothing about the world of dance and just wondering if this is something she does as part of a class or if she s expected to do it on her own. I really don t think she has the confidence yet to do it alone and I d rather she waited until the next lot of exams if this is the case rather than push her into something she s not ready for. Anyone have any insight into these beginner exams?? Thanks in advance xx

    2 AnswersDancing5 years ago
  • 8 year old lost all confidence. How can I help get her back to herself?

    My daughter has never been overly confident but has always had a good group of friends and has enjoyed doing afterschool activities and sleepovers etc... This past 12 months she has had a few problems with her two best friends at school. Name calling/leaving her out/getting her into trouble etc...the school are aware and things seem to have calmed down but my little girl has become very withdrawn socially, very shy and very self conscious. She refuses to do any after school activities now...the only way I could get her to finish her swimming lessons was for me to go in the water with her. She has even stopped sleeping at her grandmas (which was always something she looked forward to) because she says she is scared to be away from me. Yesterday it took me 30 minutes just to get her to come out into the garden and when a little girl said hi and asked if she wanted to play she put her head down and ran into the house. I ve found myself getting angry and frustrated with her because this is not the little girl I know but that s not going to help anything. ....anyone been in a similar situation, any help or advice on how I can get her confidence up again. I miss having a happy girl and a gang of friends in the garden.

    Sorry for the long post X

    1 AnswerFriends5 years ago
  • Groupon wrongfully taken almost £800 from my bank account....what can I do?

    I have an account with groupon but the last time I used it to purchase anything was 5 months ago. I recently discovered that they have wrongfully taken £765 from my account in 10 seperate payments!! I contacted my bank who say it isn t fraud and that I have to take it up with groupon themselves. I ve called groupon numerous times and all they tell me is that people higher up are aware of it and will contact me in due course. I ve also emailed them many times and heard nothing back!! It s been 20 days since they have taken my money and haven t even contacted me to apologise, never mind rectify the problem. I m now behind on my bills and relying on family members to lend us money for food. I m disgusted they can keep me waiting like this...has anyone had a similar experience and if so how have you got your money back and how long did it take?? Is there anyone I can speak to that could speed the process up? Thanks for any advice X

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance5 years ago
  • can a dog growling be a sign of enjoyment?

    We ve had our 3 year old lab since he was a puppy. He s well mannered/tolerant and great with the kids but lately he s started to growl when being stroked. It s not a moaning/groaning sound like he does when enjoying a good ear rub and it s not an aggressive, teeth barred growl either. He will wag his tail and rub up against you for more cuddles but have a low growl at the same time. I ve always thought of a growl as a warning sign and taught my children to back off if a dog displays this behaviour but he doesn t seem to want me to stop with the affection. Health wise he seems his normal self and has only recently been for a check up with the vet.

    Anyone experienced this with their pooches or have any idea as to why he has started to do this. Thanks x

    6 AnswersDogs5 years ago
  • Dog lunges and barks at other dogs when on a lead. Tips and tricks?

    I have a very strong very hyperactive 2yr old lab. He has a great temperament and an absolute joy but I dread walking him....he's good off the lead, he likes to explore but will always keep me in his sights but if we see another dog it's impossible to call him back...he will crouch down and stalk the other dog then run at it....all he wants to do is play but it must be scary for the other dog walker and I understand that not all dogs want to be approached.....because of this I tend to keep him on the lead around other dogs but this caused him to show aggression. He lunges, barks and growls at passing dogs and his strength makes it very hard to keep control. I've tried distracting him with treats, tried putting distance between him and the other dog but it doesn't make a difference. I got very anxious about walking him and have made the mistake of avoiding areas with other dog walkers rather that combat the problem. Has anyone any tips on how I can keep his attention and lead train him around other dogs. I'd love for walking him to become a joy rather than a dread. Sorry for the essay x

    4 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • Can you have chicken pox without the spots?

    My two year old was very poorly over Christmas ( 2 and a half weeks ago). He had a high temperature for days, very sleepy and irritable etc....the majority of the children at nursery had come down with chicken pox and after spending a few days with his cousins, she came out in spots too. We assumed he had cp too and there was just a delay in the spots but they still haven't come. He is back to his usual self now. Just wondering if anyone has come across you think the spots could still appear soon, could he catch them again???

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler6 years ago
  • Wedding without a wedding breakfast? How will it work?

    I would love to get married in a hotel with the ceremony and reception all in one place but I really don't like the formality of a wedding breakfast. The guest list will be mainly family with lots of younger children....I'd rather the atmosphere was relaxed rather than having them sit and behave through a 3 corse meal!

    I just can't picture how we would fit speeches in and if it would be appropriate to have a top table if it were just a buffet. I'm also unsure if a hotel would even allow us to skip the wedding breakfast? This is all very early days and we haven't yet contacted any venues but would love to hear if anyone did similar and how it worked. Thanks x

    7 AnswersEngagements & Weddings7 years ago
  • Wedding guest list?

    I left school over 10 years ago, although the majority of my school friends have moved away and on with their lives we still keep in touch via Facebook etc. I'm trying to write a guest list for our wedding...there are people that I'd like to invite but I feel like it would be a hastle for them to go. I'm torn as to wether or not to ask! Should I just move on from the past and invite the people close to me or make an effort to reconnect. I'm the first of my old school friends to get married so I've nothing to model my guest list on....what did you all do for your weddings??? Any stories or advice would be great x

    3 AnswersWeddings7 years ago
  • Labrador with hard lump on head?

    We have an 18 month old lab. Last month we noticed he had a hard, round lump on the top of his head. We've also noticed that he shakes his head a lot too. He is a healthy happy pup otherwise with no other cause for concern. We did take him to the vet but they didn't seem overly concerned and told us to bring him back if it gets bigger. Just wondering if anyone has experienced something like this with their dog. I intend to take him back to the vets and make them at least look into it alittle more but thought I'd ask on here for any insight/reassurance/similar stories first. Thanks x

    1 AnswerDogs7 years ago
  • My 7 year old struggles with basic maths. Any ideas to make her learning fun?

    My daughter is very bright when it comes to reading and writing but she just doesn't seem to be able to grasp the idea of basic maths. She is beginning to fall behind with it at school and trying to get her complete her homework is a very stressful task. Any ideas on how I can make it more interesting and enjoyable for her as I'd really like to keep on top of it throughout the holidays. Thanks x

    6 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education7 years ago
  • What's the best way to book a holiday abroad?

    We've never booked or been on a holiday abroad so I'm unsure of how is best to go about it. We are planning on going to Majorca early next year with our two young children. we've been to the travel agents but when comparing the prices to holidays available on internet sites we've noticed it's much more expensive. Is it better to pay extra to have it all booked for us and be covered for things going wrong or is it just as straight forward to use an online site?

    Are there any sites you recommend?

    Thanks for reading, I just don't have a clue lol x

    3 AnswersPacking & Preparation7 years ago
  • Labrador with greenish discharge??

    I have an 11 month old male lab. He has always had alittle greenish discharge around the tip of his penis and we were told that's completely I've noticed that it has been dripping onto my floor every now and again. Yak! He hasn't yet been neutered and I was wondering if it's normal or not for this to happen occasionally or if maybe it's a sign of infection? If it is normal will having him neutered help?

    Thanks for any insight x

    7 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Hello Herman DVD release????

    Is Hello Herman ever gonna be released in the uk!!! I neeeeddddd it in my DVD collection! Who's seen it??? X

    2 AnswersMovies7 years ago
  • Training tips for labrador puppy around other dogs!?

    We have a 10 month old chocolate lab...he's a lovely pup, very friendly, brill with our children and completely house trained. The only problem we have is his reaction to other dogs. He's not aggressive at all but pulls very hard on the lead to get to them and the hair on his back always goes up. We know he's just an inquisitive pup but the problem is he is huge (every lab owner we meet cannot believe his size) and he does look quite menacing when he's trying to get at some poor persons dog. He also causes other dogs to act aggressively towards him because they feel threatened.

    He's walked every day in dog walking hotspots and we were hoping that his interest in other dogs would have died down by now but it hasn't.

    We thought about getting one of those prong collars to help with the pulling but I really don't like the sound of them. We use command words that he understands and adheres to but that all goes out of the window when he sees another dog. Any tips on would be great xxx

    9 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • 14 month old keeps choking and gagging on nothing?

    For the last few weeks I've noticed my son keeps choking randomly. It's not severe, he will choke for a second, cough then gag. The first few times it happened I thought he had put something in his mouth that he shouldn't but after watching him closely I've realised it is just random. It seems like he has something stuck in his throat that only bothers him now and again. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this with their kiddies. My daughter has asthma in the form of a bad cough which she gags with and I wasn't sure if this may be an early indication of asthma or of something else. Thanks x

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Nappy rash??? Pampers nappys?

    My 14 month old son only ever gets mild nappy rash when teething but for the past week he has been suffering with quite a bad bout of it. It's very red and inflamed, nothing like he's ever had before. We have recently swapped from pampers super dry to pampers active fit and wondering if this could be the cause? Has anyone else noticed anything like this?

    Also wondering what's best to treat this. I've been keeping his nappy off as much as possible, washing with warm water and using sudocrem. Is there anything better I can be using?

    Thanks x

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Do dogs get muscle cramp?

    We have a 6 month old chocolate lab who is very healthy and active but three times over the past two months he has yelped in pain when getting up quickly. The first few times we had been playing with him on the floor and thought we had maybe hurt him without realising but this time we were nowhere near him. His yelps last about 10 seconds and then he is completely over it and his happy little self. Just wondering if they can suffer muscle cramps as it seems like that could be the explanation and if so, is there anything I can add to his diet to help? Thanks x

    5 AnswersDogs8 years ago