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Favorite Answers30%
  • What did Santa do for you besides bring gifts?

    My husband and I are trying to incorporate Santa into our Christmas celebration. Our kids are only 18 mo and 6 mo but we want to start a few traditions. I am just wondering if Santa did anything other than bring gifts when you were little? Anything magical we should ask Santa to do for our girls?

    4 AnswersChristmas10 years ago
  • Any ideas for a middle name for the first name Adelaide?

    My husband and I are expecting our second child, and we just found out we are having another little girl! We are very excited! We have decided on the first name Adelaide, but are having a really hard time agreeing on a middle name. I love the name Elaine, but DH hates it! Lol, he likes the middle name Apolonia, but I can't stand it! We need some more ideas! If you have any good suggestions, please let me know!

    4 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Cute poem for baby shower invitations?

    I am hosting a baby shower for my SIL and brother in February. I am going to ask people to bring a frozen homemade dish for the parents-to-be so they will have some already made meals when the baby arrives (cut down on their work.) I want to come up with a cute little poem asking for the frozen dishes but am having a serious brain freeze. Every meal that a person brings will earn them an entry into a drawing for a prize. (I am thinking a day at the spa.)

    If you have any ideas I would really appreciate the help! Thank you!

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Cute poem for baby shower invite?

    I am hosting a baby shower for my SIL and brother in February. I am going to ask people to bring a frozen homemade dish for the parents-to-be so they will have some already made meals when the baby arrives (cut down on their work.) I want to come up with a cute little poem asking for the frozen dishes but am having a serious brain freeze. Every meal that a person brings will earn them an entry into a drawing for a prize. (I am thinking a day at the spa.)

    If you have any ideas I would really appreciate the help! Thank you!

    3 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Help with a cute little poem for baby shower invitations?

    I am hosting a baby shower for my SIL and brother in February. I am going to ask people to bring a frozen homemade dish for the parents-to-be so they will have some already made meals when the baby arrives (cut down on their work.) I want to come up with a cute little poem asking for the frozen dishes but am having a serious brain freeze. Every meal that a person brings will earn them an entry into a drawing for a prize. (I am thinking a day at the spa.)

    If you have any ideas I would really appreciate the help! Thank you!

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Would it be cheaper to shop in a lower income part of town?

    My husband and I live in one of the higher income parts of Albuquerque. He and I do not have high-income by any means, but our apartment is smack in the middle of it. So my quesiton is, are the prices in the grocery stores different in different areas of town? If we were to travel a few miles to one of the low income parts of town would it be cheaper for us to shop there?

    8 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • What can I eat before a P90X workout in the early AM?

    Alright, my husband and I have just recently started P90X. He is a firefighter, so most days we can do the workouts whenever we want. However, every few days he is going into work so we have to get up and do the workouts bright and early. My question is what can we eat before the workout to give us fuel to get throught the whole hour or 1-1/2 hours? If we get up and have a good breakfast (i.e. an omellete) then we have to wait an hour to workout so we can digest and don't cramp up, which means getting up an hour earlier! But, the P90X workouts are pretty intense so you definitely need some fuel to get you through them. I am wondering if anybody has any good ideas of what to eat before such a workout that wont take forever to digest?


    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • How do I tell my SIL that she has a beard?

    Alright, I don't want to sound rude, and I am really not trying to be. Buuuut... my SIL has some TERRIBLE facial hair. It is dark, almost 1/2 inch long on her chin. I feel bad because I am not the only one who has noticed it (others in my family have mentioned it) but I don't know how to tell her about it or how to help her with it. She and I are not close, but I still don't want people talking about her in a negative way. How should I go about helping her out?

    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Taxes for statutory employee status?

    Hi! I was recently hired as a statuory employee for a company that is based in FL. (I live/work in NM.) I was under the impression that as a statutory employee they would withhold taxes for me. On my first paystub I see SS and Medicare withheld but no other taxes. Are there other taxes that I need to be withholding for myself? How do I pay state/federal income taxes? Any guides to the amount I should be setting aside, or any information at all will be helpful! Thanks!

    1 AnswerUnited States1 decade ago
  • Should I try another test? Just off of BC...?

    Hi there! Okay so my husband and I are TTC #2. When we got pregnant with my daughter I was taking the pill and had just stopped and got pregnant the month I got off of the pill. I was so happy and elated because I thought it would take months for my cycle to get back to normal. Now fast forward to October, I stopped taking BC at the beginning of the month. I had my LMP starting Oct 5, and lasting about 4 days. Usually my cycle is very regular at about 28 days long, but that is on the pill, so of course it is. Anyway, I took an early response preg test on the 29th of Oct and the 1st of Nov. Both were negative. So my expected period should have started yesterday, but still nothing. I am not sure if I should take another test, or if I should wait a few days to see if I get my period. I know it can take a few months for your cycle to get back to normal so I don't know. The only reason I don't want to test is I was so disappointed with my 2 negatives already, I don't want to have to see another one! Lol. Any advice?

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • What would be a good substitute for crushed pineapples in this recipe?

    I am planning out my Thanksgiving day meal and this recipe (see below) sounds scrumptious! The only problem is that it calls for crushed pineapples, which my husband happens to be allergic to. I am trying to think of what I could use for a substitute in this recipe and cannot come up with anything. Does anybody have any suggestions?

    9 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Double yolked egg mean twins? Haha?

    I am in the 2WW and I am going crazy with anticipation! Haha. This morning I got up to make myself breakfast and cracked an egg and it was a double yolk. :) That means I am pregnant with twins right? Lol. I have been having some pg symptoms (nausea, extremely tired, etc) but so far I am just chalking that up to my body's wishful thinking. Anybody else STILL in the 2WW?

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Which cell phone is best? PalmPixi, BlackBerry Curve, Pantech Jest?

    I am with VZW and I am eligible to get an upgraded phone. I currently have a Samsung Omnia, which I loved when I first got but now it is super sketched out. Lol, it shuts off randomly and wont send pix messages. Annnnyway, the phones I am looking at are: Palm Pixi Plus, BlackBerry Curve 8530 and the Pantech Jest. Anybody have any opinions/experience with any of these phones?

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Anybody else in the 2 week wait?

    Okay, I seriously have just started the 2ww and I am already going crazy. What did you do/are you doing to occupy your time until you can test? How many dpo did you test?

    My DH and I are ttc our second child. This is our first month trying, so we will see how it goes. With our DD we got pregnant the first month off of bc so we are hoping for the same luck this time! I am so excited to find out if we are going to have a new addition to our family. Plus to make it even harder to wait my sister-in-law and brother are expecting in March. Lol. Being around babies and preggies all the time makes me so anxious to find out.

    So... any stories? Anybody else out there in the dreaded 2ww?

    8 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Is it appropriate to ask for free/reduced price pictures in return for allowing photographer to use pics?

    Our daughter just had some pictures taken at Kim Jew photography. (

    Kim Jew is a great studio and they always come out with wonderful photos, but they are not cheap in the slightest. We were contacted by Kim Jew (the owner of the studio) to see if he could use our daughters photos for advertising and in his studio for samples. We are wondering if it would be appropriate to see if we can have maybe a reduced price or a free few prints in exchange for allowing them to use the photos? Any advice is greatly appreciated! Thanks.

    4 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • How to start giving baby water?

    I am not asking when to start giving my little girl water, I already know no water before 6 mos... blah blah. Haha. She is 6 mos old now and she has really bad reflux so we are trying to get her on as much solid food as possible to help eliminate it. Anyway I want to start giving her water since she will be having less fluids with her formula. I am wondering how you started giving baby water. Did you just give them little sips? Give them a bottle with water in it? How many times a day/how often did you give it? Thanks for the info!

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Could my little girl have a milk allergy?

    My daughter is 5 months old now. She is bottle fed, and we have had her on just regular dairy based formula. Since she was about a month old she has always spit up quit a bit after every bottle. We talked to her ped. about it and she suggested that "we feed her too much at one time" so we cut back and it didn't change anything. When I asked the ped. again she said the same thing. (Ugh.) So I started to think perhaps it was reflux. I switched her over to Enfamil AR, which has rice starch in it so it is thicker, supposed to help with spitting up. It seemed to help for maybe a day or two but the spitting up seems to be back to normal now. I am wondering if she might have a milk protein intollerance? She recently has been having lots of small diarrhea like bowel movements, usually when she is eating, her stool is mucusy, she seems to be in pain when she is eating (arching her back, kicking out her legs, crying, pulling bottle out of her mouth), and just today I noticed a small rash on her arm. I am wondering if these sound like a milk protein allergy to anybody, or if anybody has expirienced similar symptoms? I know I should cal her ped. and ask her but everytime I bring up a concern she just says the same thing, that I am feeding her too much too often or that I don't burp her enough, etc. Any suggestions/ideas/input is very helpful! Thank you!!

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Any idea on how to get Sally Hansen No-Chip Acrylic top coat to NOT CHIP?!?

    I bought Sally Hansen's No-Chip Acrylic top coat on Friday and since then I have had to do my nails 3 times because they keep chipping! Lol, has anybody ever used this product before with any sort of luck? It looks really nice when i first put it on but then after about 3 hours it cracks all over then it starts to chip away. Maybe thicker layers? Maybe thinner? Any ideas?

    3 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • Is this too long for a tattoo on the top of my foot?

    I want to get a tatto on the top of my foot, a verse from The Bible. I want to know if it is going to be too long for the top of my foot? I don't want the lettering to get too small you know, so it doesn't blur like crazy over time. Anyway, any insight is appreciated! The verse is "How beautiful on the mountains

    are the feet of those who bring good news,

    who proclaim peace,

    who bring good tidings,

    who proclaim salvation,

    who say to Zion,

    "Your God reigns!"


    5 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • Getting tattoo on my neck?

    My real question here is if I go into a shop for my first tattoo will they put it on my neck if I want it there? I only ask because I was watching an old Miami Ink and Ami is talking about neck tattoos and how they would never put somebody's first tattoo on their neck because they don't want them to make a mistake (as far as having an always visible tattoo.) I am just wondering if this is kind of common in shops or if that is just his personal thing? I am a stay at home mommy, and I work from home so I am not worried about it effecting my job opportunities or anything like that... Any advice/insight would be helpful. Thanks!

    10 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago