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  • Headache Remedies.. Help!!?

    Hey everybody so I have this terribly horrid headache that I need help taking care of. Its making me dizzy and really sensitive to light, so that I'm having a hard time seeing, and it's also making me really nauseous every time I move. I've taken BC powder, but its not helping, so if there are any remedies I would be so appreciative! This is killing me.

    Thanks so much for any help

    5 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • Police Officer significant others...?

    So I need some advice here.

    My boyfriend just recently became a police officer, and I find that lately I've been getting really worried about him. I mean, I support him 100%, and am incredibly proud of him, but every time he goes to work I get so stressed out, and almost scared the whole time. I think maybe part of it is because I'm going to school about four hours away, so I can't see him as much as I would like, and when I'm worried about him I can't be with him. We've been very close friends for about 4 years, and have been together a year now, and honestly, as cliché as it sounds, I don't know what I would do if something happened to him. I get sick just thinking about it. I haven't talked him about me being scared because I don’t want him to worry about me worrying, if you understand what I’m trying to say.

    So I guess my question is how do I handle this? How can I keep from worrying about him so much, and what's the best way to cope? Also, does it get any easier at all??

    Thanks in advance for any advice at all.

    Have a great day =)

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years ago
  • Scar removal options?

    Ok so apparently I have very delicate skin and i have a lot of scars that show up really well pretty much all over my body. I have two brown burn scars on my thighs from and incident with boiling water, scars from mosquito bites and scratches on my legs and arms, and acne scars on my shoulders. And lets not even talk about stretch marks haha. So my question is this: are than any scar removal solutions our there? A friend told me about vitamin e oil that supposedly works well. Or mederma? as anyone used either of these with success. Or do you have any other suggestions? Worst case are there surgical or laser procedures that a doctor (like a dermatologist) could do?

    Any help would be great! Thanks a lot =)

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body10 years ago
  • Fathers day quotes.........?

    Hey! I'm making a card for my brother for fathers day, and I need help finding a quote to put in the card. The thing is, he's not my father, but he has been there for me through everything. My dad wasn't that great growing up and now isn't a part of my life at all, but my brother (who btw is 14 years older than me) has always been there, and has never let me down, so basically he has been my daddy and brother. so i was wondering if there is a quote out there that kinda exemplifies that sentiment. Any help would be great. Thanks everyone. and happy father's day! Hug all the daddys in your life =)

    3 AnswersQuotations10 years ago
  • Question about Montreal?

    So I live in Alabama (originally from FL) and last month my town was almost totally destroyed by tornadoes. It was the scariest thing I've ever experienced in my entire life. Thunderstorms would never bother me before, but now living in Bama, and living through the tornadoes, whenever there are thunderstorms here, knowing that they could lead to tornadoes, I'm terrified. I was literally shaking uncontrollably last night during a storm, but a couple weeks ago I was in North Carolina and there was a storm and I was totally chill. So I'm thinking that it has to do with Alabama and the possibility that thunderstorms could lead to tornadoes. I was telling my friend about this and asking them where I should go live after school, and they said I should try Montreal. I kinda thought that was weird, because I thought they had some severe winter weather, but they seemed to be of the opinion that, yeah it snowed a lot, but other than that the weather there was pretty chill in that they don't have a lot of issues with devastating weather. I was wondering if anyone who has lived in Montreal, or near there could tell me what the weather is like, and if they have devastating weather issues. I'm not saying that I'm going to move there, I'm just curious.

    Thanks in advance!

    5 AnswersMontreal1 decade ago
  • Apartment Checklist?

    Hello! My brother and I are transferring to university in the fall and we're going to be moving into our first apartment. We were wondering if anyone out there could let us know some random things we will need. You know, the stuff that you don't normally think about until you actually need a muddle haha.

    Or if you would like to share any tips with us, that would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank You =D

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Need a bit of help with this poem please?

    Hello I'm trying to read and analyze the ballad of the white horse by G.K. Chesterton (its kinda slow going) and I was wondering if anyone could posibbly paraphrase, and explain the significance/importance of this part here:

    "For this is a heavy matter,

    And the truth is cold to tell;

    Do we not know, have we not heard,

    The soul is like a lost bird,

    The body a broken shell.

    "And a man hopes, being ignorant,

    Till in white woods apart

    He finds at last the lost bird dead:

    And a man may still lift up his head

    But never more his heart.

    its found on page 41 (I think) and its Guthrum speaking.

    Any help would be great! Thank you so much!!!


    1 AnswerPoetry1 decade ago
  • Weird feeling in head?

    Hi all,

    Last night I started having this weird feeling at the base of the right side of my skull. It spans from behind/above my right ear, to my neck, with the most feeling in between the two spots right under the curve in my head. Its kinda of like a dullish pain...but it doesn't really hurt too bad unless I sneeze. It kind of feels like a really localized head ache, but I've never had one there before. I'm flying to NC tomorrow, and was wondering if I should tell my mum and get this checked out, or just go with it. I haven't hit my head recently (that I can remember) and I've never had a head injury before, so I don't know what could be causing it. Would appreciate any help or advice anyone can give. thank you!!!!

    me :)

    PS. Sorry this isn't very technical, but I'm not to great with descriptions.

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Is there a way to get internet while traveling?

    Hi hi

    So I'm taking a trip down to FL tomorrow (an 8 hour trip) and I was wondering if there was a way for me to get internet access on my laptop, in the car. It's has the Wifi thing...

    Sorry I'm a little illiterate when it comes to this sort of thing. Thanks in advance for any help!

    11 AnswersPacking & Preparation1 decade ago