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  • With the 14th Amendment and Healthcare?

    If the govt. health care reform bill passes, especially with a public option, and some illegal immigrants sue to get their 'free health care from the U.S. govt.' under the 14th Amendment, and win, what do you think will happen to the 14+ million illegal immigrants and counting in the U.S. that want free health care? How will it affect taxpayers and the system as a whole? And what POSITIVE benefits would it give the system. And if this is IMPOSSIBLE to happen, then back it up with links to valid non-biased but factual websites. I want to see legit answers. Not just answers from Kool-Aid drinkers that support everything yet have no clue to what they are supporting.

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • The Peace Prize fallout?

    Do you agree with what a few of the following have said since Obama has won the Peace Prize?


    Perhaps not surprisingly, the Taliban does not think Mr. Obama deserves the award either.

    "We have seen no change in his strategy for peace. He has done nothing for peace in Afghanistan," Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid told AFP. "When Obama was elected president, we were hopeful he would keep his promise to bring change. But he brought no change, he has continued the same old strategy as (President George W.) Bush."


    The president beat out an Afghan woman's rights activist for the prize, points out Meredith Jessup of TownHall -- which she contends gives credence to Bush policies.

    "I would just like to point out this bit of irony," she writes, "if it hadn't been for 'the evil one,' President George W. Bush, and the U.S. military's efforts in ridding Afghanistan of the Taliban's tyrannic rule, I'd imagine there would be no 'Afghan woman's rights activist' around today to even be considered for this award."


    In a more blunt assessment, the right wing blog Hot Air accuses the committee of turning "the Peace Prize into a 'f*** Bush' award by bestowing it on a liberal American Democrat."


    And can you explain what he did in his first two weeks as President that merited such recognition?

    15 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How long before Obama uses the Nobel Peace Prize to further his Healthcare Reform?

    How long do you think it will take before he starts using the Nobel Peace Prize to try and further his Healthcare Reform?

    You know it's gonna happen. He was desperate enough to dress up some of his supporters in white doctor coats to try and push it. A pathetic move and sign of desperation IMO. And do you think it will work?

    I'm not against Healthcare Reform even though my Health Insurance is very good. But some of the stuff they have buried in it is definitely a cause for concern.

    For one, legally, if Govt run healthcare passes even with the paperwork saying illegal immigrants can't get it, illegal immigrants will be able to get it. How? Through a lawsuit brought to the Supreme Court. Why? Our very constitution. Look it up. Lawyers know this. Obama knows this (as a former Trial Lawyer). They are here illegally and have tried circumventing those trying to be here legally. Supporting illegal immigrants only confirms why the legal system should be bypassed since you would be rewarded for being an illegal immigrant and get many of the same benefits of being a legal immigrant (but not all).

    As well, it could cause an influx of illegal immigrants looking for better (and cheap/free) healthcare. Thus further straining our healthcare system. That's not fantasy. That's about as close to reality as you can get. As it stands illegals that get injured in the U.S. get free healthcare as it is and those costs get passed to the consumer. The hospitals don't just 'absorb the cost'.

    And do you think he'll also try and use it to pass the proposed second stimulus plan? (More proof of an out of control money spending govt. that doesn't know of any other way to currently fix things.)

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Does he lie? Or is he just slick?

    Does Obama Lie in regards to the health care reform? And if you are going to argue this, first read the article, then dis-prove what was said by Obama or the author...if you can.

    11 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Wasn't it a Democrat....?

    named Barney Frank that said the economy was sound? (In other words, doing ok.)

    So Democrats...who are you going to blame on the economy? Bush? Republicans? Conservatives? Independents? Let me guess. Anyone but yourselves?

    The Bush Administration was already on top of things. But thanks to the Democrats and their fearless way of spending money we don't have, Bush inherited Clinton's policies.

    Yep, listen to a Democrat. The economy is perfectly fine. >_> Don't you think?

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Had Bush done what Obama is doing...?

    Ok Democrats and Liberals.

    Had Bush done EXACTLY the same things in his first year as president that Obama has done, with the economy and everything all in the same mess, would you have applauded him the same way?

    This includes the healthcare reform issue. The stimulus spending. His campaigning to push a Healthcare Reform that's wildly unpopular. Etc Etc. All in the FIRST year.

    Remember that if you say no, that sets you up to be a hypocrite. ;)

    Or are you just going to not answer and give a run a round?

    12 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How do Democrats plan on funding the Healthcare Reform?

    How do Democrats plan on funding the Healthcare Reform. REALISTICALLY. Last I checked it took tax payers to pay for many of these govt run programs. The same taxpayers that are still getting laid off and fired from their jobs because of the poor economy. And who do the Democrats plan on blaming should this get pushed through, and it creates many of the problems people are being warned about because some Democrats wanted to keep their head in the sand and not fix them?

    Also, what good is pushing a half baked Healthcare Reform through?

    And anyone thinking that what Obama said about getting rid of fraudulent Medicare users and using the money saved as an option, are so far out of touch with reality, politics should be the last of their concern.

    17 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Wilson raises more than $200,000 after outburst?

    "[Democrats] want to silence anyone who speaks out against it," Wilson also says in the video. "They made it clear they want to defeat me and pass the plan. I need your help now. ... Contribute to my effort to defeat the proponents of government-run health care."

    <<< Wilson is right about that. Democrats preach being the party of the people, but only if it's on their own terms. They preach how they support the constitution and such yet they are quick to try and silence the critics.

    So what are your opinions on this and on him getting so much cash in such a short amount of time? IMO it speaks volumes.

    21 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • So what do you know about the HealthCare Reform?

    (Below is an excerpt from a GOP member. Can any of the Dems DENY the following snippet of his thoughts on what Obama said tonight? And if so, please do so. And how many of you were not aware of these things?)

    I'm Dr. Charles Boustany, and I'm proud to serve the people of Louisiana's 7th congressional district. I'm also a heart surgeon, with more than 20 years of experience during which I saw firsthand the need for lowering health cost.

    Most Americans wanted to hear the president tell Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader Reid and the rest of the Congress that it's time to start over on a common-sense, bipartisan plan focused on lowering the cost of health care while improving quality.

    That's what I've heard over the past several months, in talking to thousands of my constituents.

    Replacing your family's current health care with government-run health care is not the answer. In fact, it will make health care much more expensive.

    That's not just my personal diagnosis as a doctor or a Republican. It's the conclusion of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, the neutral scorekeeper that determines the cost of major bills.

    I read the bill Democrats passed through committee in July. It creates 53 new government bureaucracies, adds hundreds of billions to our national debt and raises taxes on job creators by $600 billion.

    And it cuts Medicare by $500 billion, while doing virtually nothing to make the program better for our seniors.

    The president had a chance, tonight, to take the government-run health care off the table. Unfortunately, he didn't do it.

    We can do better with a targeted approach that tackles the biggest problems. Here are four areas -- four important areas where we can agree, right now.

    One, all individuals should have access to coverage regardless of pre-existing conditions.

    Two, individuals, small businesses and other groups should be able to join together to get health insurance at lower prices, the same way large businesses and labor unions do.

    Three, we can provide assistance to those who still cannot access a doctor.

    And four, insurers should be able to offer incentives for wellness care and prevention.

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is America becoming a socialist country?

    Why is it that many countries that used to be socialist are trying to become capitalist and more and more countries are trying to get away from socialism, yet Americans are going backwards?

    There are those that say they aren't afraid of socialism because they are 'educated'. But education means NOTHING. It's not about education but experience with socialism. And it's not about what you think it does, but how well it's actually incorporated and ran. Which we know the U.S. govt. can't seem to do for many of it's programs. And with programs like Social Security about to go bankrupt, and the corruption and the financial issues and corruption with Freddie Mac and Franny May amongst many others, why would anyone want the govt. to provide healthcare? That's literally putting your life in the hands of an incapable govt..

    The govt. isn't here to take care of you. It's not here to do what you should be doing. Some people want the govt. to do everything for them because they are lazy and incapable pieces of crap. Useless to society. But a govt. that's known for it's corruption by both Democrats and Republicans, running healthcare? Only a fool thinks that is smart. Heck even Canada's healthcare system is failing and it's govt. run. And somehow ours would be better run? Get a grip on reality.

    So why do you think America should become a socialist country? ( I know most don't, but let's here from the few that do too.) Why should govt get bigger and start dabbling in the private sector more, when our founding fathers warned against this for many legit reasons.

    Our govt. can't run anything without it becoming corrupt and useless or worse than it should be. And some people think it getting involved with healthcare is a smart thing? Only the uneducated or those looking for free handouts would want such a bad thing. Remember that when your social security is gone in just a few decades and you are forced to work the rest of your life because you can't afford not to.

    9 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Cell debt on old carrier. Should I jump in now?

    Ok, it's a long story and something I have been contesting. But with all of the mergers by cell companies lately things have gotten weird. Anyways to the point. I had a debt on an old carrier that I was contesting that not even a month after I started contesting it, had gotten swallowed by AT&T. The debt was never resolved.

    Fast forward a bit. I'm looking at going with a carrier in my area that I have zero deposit with. Problem is, it's now in one of those areas that, can you guess it, AT&T is gonna be swallowing too.

    So long story short, if I decide to go with the carrier that's going to be swallowed soon by AT&T, would anything happen to my service or would I probably just be grandfathered in with no problems? Or could there be problems down the road? It's a weird situation for sure. So any civil opinions are welcome. Thanks!

    And as for paying off the old debt, like I said it's a bit complicated and I won't go into detail here and isn't relevant to this question since it's something that is/was being worked on. I'm curious more if by going with this provider that will be swallowed by AT&T if I will be ok and just grandfathered in, or if problems could arise down the road.

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • How many of you here....?

    are foreigners and helped push for Obama to be president of the U.S. by coming on Yahoo Answers and elsewhere to help persuade people to vote for him?

    2 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is Hope and charisma all it takes.....?

    I promise hope and change to the U.S. and it's people. I coasted into and through Senate doing very little. I have written a few best sellers and go against anything that the current president is for. Many of my campaign promises I voted against as Senator. I promise a message of hope and prosperity. I have been associated much of my adult life with people that some would consider radical but I consider freedom fighters. Do you think I'm good enough to be president of the United States. To represent the free world? I offer you hopes and dreams beyond your wildest imagination. A vote for me is a vote for Change! Am I qualified and would I make a good president?


    As posted by the AP today:

    One Iraqi Christian woman who refused to give her name for security reasons told Associated Press Television in Baghdad that she was hoping McCain would win because she fears Obama would withdraw U.S. troops quickly "and make chaos in our country."

    And do you think if we leave too early like this Iraqi lady said, that it could have a negative impact on Iraq, it's people, and the middle east? Just because we have lost the spine to continue helping them, does that mean we should stop helping them militarily?

    1 AnswerElections1 decade ago
  • How many of you voted.....?

    How many of you voted for Bush but are now voting for Obama?

    13 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How to be a salesman.....?

    "I haven't cleared this with him and he may even be mad at me for saying this so close to the election, but I know what else he said to his economic advisers (during the crisis)," Clinton told the crowd at a Wednesday night rally with Obama in Florida. "He said, 'Tell me what the right thing to do is. What's the right thing for America? Don't tell me what's popular. You tell me what's right -- I'll figure out how to sell it.'"


    "Barack Obama had no idea what the right thing to do is or at least that's Bill Clinton's impression," McCain spokesman Michael Goldfarb said.

    "It's disturbing that ... Barack Obama's response to this is 'Tell me what to do and I will sell it,'" Goldfarb added. "That's been Barack Obama's entire campaign -- is one big sales job."

    So, what's it like to know that some of you are voting for someone that's just trying to sell you crap. He knows what to say that's popular to get your vote. But the end result will likely be much different than what you want. So, basically he wants to sell you something, even if it's not popular. With an Obama administration, get used to it.

    He kinda reminds me of a shady car salesman. He'll try and sell you something you really don't need because it's in the cars best interest to have.

    What are your thoughts on this? That the possibility is high that what he says and does will be 2 different things. He'll "sell" you something he knows won't be popular. But of course it's done "in the best interest of the country".

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • If Obama spends money....?

    If Obama spends money as president like he has during his campaign (he is considered the highest spender in the history of the presidential run), would that not be a sign of what we can expect as president? Sure he's made more money, but he also could have set the example and not spent anywhere near as much. He's promoted himself in multi-million dollar half hour ads, ads in video games that cost hundreds of thousands, let alone the typical tv, newspaper, and internet ads.

    Why should I trust what he says about cutting back on money, when he has spent more as a presidential nominee than any other nominee in history. Why such big spending as a nominee? And don't say, "Just because he can.". That's not a legit answer and a poor excuse, when he could have set the example and hasn't. This makes me wonder how he's gonna spend money that he doesn't even have. (Our economy.)

    30 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • If the LA Times video....?

    If the LA Times video of Obama and a PLO Activist didn't contain anything of importance, then why are they holding onto it like it was the Holy Grail? I find that highly suspicious. It likely has something that could tarnish Obama's image and of course they don't want that.

    HOWEVER if it's something possibly inflammatory and they wait until after the election, that could have a negative effect as well if he is elected in and could really hurt him as president and the publics confidence not only in him, but also the media. Because they will feel that they have been lied to purposely by him AND the media. IMO I feel the public has the right to know what's on that tape.

    I know some of you will go, "Who cares?". Well, the fact is, if it's something we don't yet know about Obama and tells us more about his associations and character and what we could possibly expect as president, then we have a right to know and SHOULD care. We have the right to be informed. Because in all honesty if it's something that's harmless I see no reason it shouldn't be released.

    What are your thoughts?

    13 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • The news networks....?

    So some on here complain about how Fox News treats Obama and think it's too unfair. (Personally, if good reporting is being done, OF COURSE it will be unfair. This isn't an election over just who looks the best.) YET they say nothing when CNN, MSNBC, or others rip on McCain/Palin and gloss over or deflect anything Obama does, says, or has been associated to. Because OMG, it's against Obama! He deserves a free pass!

    It's obvious that journalistic integrity went bye bye a long time ago and now the media is just being used as a tool to spread around whatever beliefs it has over actual reporting of facts. So even though things could be lopsided, people take what is said almost as gospel. In reality Obama could be 5 points behind, but the media spins it into, "OMG, he's 10 points ahead!", and the easily gullible will believe that and take it as gospel with no question. Then the day after election the other candidate was found to be the winner and they just sit there slack jawed wondering how that happened. And its happened quite a few times before. Of course people don't understand the media is telling you who to vote for when they favor one over another. And let one get away with things, but the other candidate gets flamed for the same or similar things.

    So do you just watch news stations that appeal to your opinions and beliefs? Or ones that have some actual journalistic integrity? Ones that may sting you and go against popular opinion or belief, but are the ones actually telling the truth or whatever is closest to it. Or do you prefer to live a lie?

    Some of you have horrible double standards. Quick to diss a news company like Fox News, but not so quick when your favorite station does the same thing. How does that add any credibility to you? It doesn't.

    Or are you one of those that only supports a certain station because it tells you what you like to hear? Ignorance is bliss eh?

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How do you feel about foreigners.....?

    Calling you and trying to get you to vote for a specific candidate, from outside the U.S.? It's happening.

    So now that we have people in other countries trying to persuade Americans on who to vote for by calling us from overseas, what are your thoughts? Should the world community have such a loud and persuading voice in who we vote for by calling us from overseas?

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How many of you support....?

    How many of you are on welfare and support Obama and his tax plan?

    39 AnswersElections1 decade ago