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  • Is anyone else absolutely frustrated with Keurig coffee makers?

    I purchased a Keurig mini several months ago. I (initially) loved it so much I purchased a second one for my husband to have on his desk at work. I decided I wanted the elite and gave my mini to my mother. All was well until a couple of months after owning them. My mother's mini died (acted like it needed de-scaled, but that wouldn't work) so she tossed it! Yikes! Mine then started acting insane. Brewing a tiny cup then a huge cup, random flashing lights, total refusal to even brew, etc. I de-scaled and it continued. I returned it and got another identical one. Within a week the same issues started. I can now convince it to make a cup of coffee (sometimes) after about 20 minutes of effort. I also noticed a store here that sells returned merchandise/etc. Is loaded with them now, indicating lots of returns! I will be returning this one tomorrow and trying the Mr. Coffee version. Has anyone tried it? I am so frustrated at this expensive piece of trash!

    5 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks10 years ago
  • Amnio or no amnio, that is the question?

    I will be 16 weeks pregnant on the 3rd of June. I have an amniocentesis scheduled for that day. During my first trimester bloodwork they assessed my risk of having a baby with Down Syndrome at 1 in 21. I was initially freaked out by those odds. However, after talking to my genetic counselor/perinatolgist I am not so much. It appears that my nuchal translucency scan was perfect and this was because of bloodwork only. This particular clinic set my risk at 1 in 50 based on my age alone (I am 39 and 1 in 50 is the highest I have heard for my age, btw) so 1 in 21 is not THAT huge an increase. There is a risk of miscarriage with the amnio, and while small, I could not live with myself if I lost this baby due to a test I don't HAVE to do. My bloodwork can cause false positives due to placenta issues and the potential for pre-term labor (both issues I have had with all my previous children). So, my question is, would you, taking everything into consideration, skip the amnio? I know that any heart, intestine, etc. Issues that might need addressed at birth will have to be found by ultrasound anyway and this baby is loved and wanted even if she does have Down's. TIA

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • My nuchal scan looked great, the blood test bad. so scared.?

    I had a nuchal translucency scan and blood work done last week. The ultrasound looked wonderful. I was told any measurement of the nuchal fold under 3.0 was considered normal. My baby measured 1.5. It also had a visible nasal bone. Both, of course signs that it is at low risk for down syndrome. However I got the results of the combined tests yesterday. Factoring together the scan, my age (I will be 40 when the baby is born) and the blood test, it was determined that my baby's risk is 1 in 21. I have an amniocentesis scheduled for June 3rd. I will not rest until then. Just wondering if anyone has had such a frightening result and ended up with a normal, healthy baby.

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • anyone taken progesterone shots to prevent pre-term labor?

    My OB plans to start me on weekly progesterone shots at 16 weeks to prevent me from going into labor too early. Not only am I 40, I also have a huge history of pre-term labor. My oldest son was actually born at 25 weeks and I had my other 2 a month early (was on bedrest from 20 weeks with my middle son). I am willing to do ANYTHING that will keep this baby in there and alright until it is due. My OB is wonderful and I trust her judgement fully, just wondering if anyone else has had these shots and if they seemed to work.

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • This baby is making me feel like i am starving to death!?

    I honestly don't remember being this hungry throughout my other pregnancies! I am only about 12 weeks now. Fore dinner I made clam chowder and had a pretty large bowlfull. That was about 3 hours ago. I started getting hungry so I chopped up some raw cabbage and ate it with light salad dressing. I still felt like I was starving so I microwaved some frozen mixed vegetables. Now I am contemplating hitting the broccoli! Is anyone else THIS hungry?????

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Serious naming dilemma?

    I am almost 12 weeks pregnant with what I am hoping is a little girl. My boyfriend and I have already picked the names we plan to use either way. The girl name is Iris Lucille, which I adore. However, the middle name (Lucille) is my boyfriend's grandmother's name. At first I was happy to carry on her name. That was until she decided to ostracize me and my three other children from their family. She is being plain rude and cold to us. She is making it clear we are not a welcomed addition to their family. She even planned a birthday dinner for my boyfriend and then told him she did not want us there. Would you, under these circumstances, name your child after her? It makes me feel almost sick thinking of it. My Grandmother's middle name was Jewel and I think Iris Jewel sounds quite lovely. Just looking for some opinions and maybe a little backup when I talk to him about this. Thanks.

    22 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Anyone done the cabbage gender test?

    And if you have was the result accurate? I just did it and it turned a bright and unmistakable purple, meaning girl!

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • detecting gender during nuchal translucency scan?

    First, I am sure I totally butchered the spelling of that. Sorry. Now on to the question. I will be getting mine done on the 12th which puts me at a bit over 13 weeks. I read an article about the ability to use images of the forming genitals and determine the gender with almost 100% accuracy at 13 weeks. It is generally used in cases where there could be gender specific chromosomal defects. Just wondering if anyone here has had this done and, if so, was it truly accurate? I am so eager to know the gender of this baby. I will be thrilled with either but at 40 and with 3 boys already, I just kinda want to know. Thanks a bunch!

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • is it fair to my other children to have a baby with Down Syndrome?

    I go the 12th of next month for testing to see if my baby could have Down Syndrome. I will be 40 when the baby is born and depending on where you look that puts my odds of having a child with Down Syndrome between 1 in 90 and 1 in 100. I am trying to wrap myself around the idea that it is a huge possibility so I can make a decision when/if that time comes. I have 3 wonderful, healthy children ages 13,10, and 9. I am hoping to hear from other parents with older children who found out they were having a baby with Down Syndrome. What choice did you make and why and if you did continue and have the baby, how were your other children effected? Just thinking about making a choice is ripping my heart out, I can't imagine if something really is wrong. Thanks a bunch.

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Had a pretty bad wreck friday and so worried about baby!?

    I am almost 11 weeks pregnant and had a wreck Friday (day before yesterday). My car hydroplaned, spun several times, hit a rock bluff, went up on one side then came back down. Amazingly none of us were really hurt. My three children didn't even get jarred much it seems. I have some pretty bad bruises on my shoulder and upper chest from the seatbelt but that's all. We all opted out of being examined because we felt fine. I have not had ant cramping or spotting since then but I can't stop worrying that it might have hurt/killed the baby. Should I just wait til my next appointment (May 5th) or would you get checked now?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I swear I can feel my baby moving.?

    I am only 10 weeks pregnant with my 4th child. I know everyone says it is impossible to feel movement yet, but I feel positive that's what this is. It is deep inside my pelvis exactly where my uterus would be located right now. There is no way to get gas there and besides, this doesn't even resemble gas. I also know what phantom kicks feel like and this just isn't muscle twitches. I am extremely sensitive to anything going on in my body and can pinpoint the exact source of pain, etc, so I feel everything that is happening with me. This is not often and only if I am sitting a ceetain way where everything is kinda crushed. Soooooo........does anyone think it is possible to slightly feel those precious first little movements? Has anyone else felt them and just knew that's what they were feeling?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I just don't feel pregnant today and it is making me worried. :(?

    I am about 8 weeks pregnant and have had some pretty severe symptoms so far. However, I noticed last night my breasts were not nearly as sensitive and this morning I can actually lean on them......impossible a day or two ago. I don't feel nauseated but that comes and goes, and I don't feel all bloated. I had a miscarriage shortly before this pregnancy but it started with a lot of cramping and bleeding which I am not doing. I have had some dark brown spotting but just a little and not for several days. It has been so long since I had my last baby (he is 9) and I just can't remember if I had days I didn't feel pregnant. I have an appointment tomorrow morning and already know my OB is doing an ultrasound but I am trying to resist the urge to call and be seen by someone today. Does anyone know if this is normal?

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Salmon patties, clam chowder? are they safe during pregnancy?

    I am pretty sure the salmon patties are, right? I only use wild caught alaska salmon....and it is sooooooo yummy I am dying for some! As for the clam chowder, I think it would be bad, they are bottom cleaners. My BF thinks they are safe (and he is almost psycho watching what I eat LOL) but I want to be sure. Does anyone have a link to a good, reliable site that gives you the run down on safe or not. A hot, steaming bowl of clam chowder sounds wonderful and I will have to make both these things for my kids anyway (some of their favorites) I would hate to have to eat something different. :(

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Strange early pregnancy nipple question?

    Alright, I know this is kinda odd but here goes, I am about 8 weeks pregnant. When I take my bra off my nipples feel damp. I know they aren't sweaty (yuck) because the rest of me isn't and I am not hot. I can't express anything from them, it is just right when I remove my bra after having it on all day. Is it possible they are barely leaking THIS EARLY? All three of my other children were born early and I had issues making enough milk. I am almost hopeful my breasts are gonna go into overdrive this time so I can properly feed this baby! Thanks! :)

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • going for an ultrasound Monday and freaked out it might be twins!?

    I am about 8 weeks pregnant with my 4th child. We have a large maternal history of twins (fraternal) and I am 39 (another increase in liklihood). I started craving sweets (and I NEVER want sugar), having morning sickness, grew a full bra cup size, and has frequent urination within days of implantation. Got a strong positive on a hpt 6 days before my period was due. Soooooooo......what do you guys think the chance is I will see more than one bean sized lump on Monday??? I know it's just guesswork, just curious. :)

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • anyone had pregnancy symptoms this much this early?

    I have noticed on some questions I answered my symptoms seem kinda extreme. I am currently 6 weeks pregnant. I went from my normal D cup to a DDa week ago and am starting to pop out of this one a bit now. I have been extremely fatigued for the past couple of weeks requiring a daily nap. Frequent urination, nausea, and tender breasts started a week before my missed period. I got a very clear positive 6 days before my period was due. Soooooo.....what could be going on? I have 3 older children and this has never happened before. Anyone else experienced anything similar?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Selecting your delivery date?

    I am only 6 weeks pregnant but since I am extremely high risk and almost 40 my OB had already discussed the 'game plan' with me. She plans to schedule a c-section at 38 weeks and said she wants to make sure I do not even think of going into labor. Well, I have never carried one of my babies longer than 36 weeks and the shortest I only carried 25 weeks. My BF and I would LOVE to have the baby born on Halloween which is about a week earlier than my OB plans. Soooooo......I am just wondering if anyone has any experience with requesting a specific delivery date and how the doc generally reacts? I know an amniocentesis will be done prior to delivery anyway so we would know the baby was ready. Do you guys think asking is acceptable or would you forget it?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • possibly set on the names now?

    I thought my BF and I had baby names picked but the girl name was not really working for anyone that heard it or with my other children's names. is the new choice. We are really liking this but any opinions are appreciated. The three big brothers are Isaiah, Abraham, and Malachi. If I have a boy he will be named Ezra Mark. If I have a girl we have now settled on Iris Lucille. I know there are other middle names that would work better with Iris but we are pretty determined to use Lucille as the middle name, to name her after her Great Grandmother and we both really like Iris. Thoughts? :)

    6 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • when do they typically do a 3D ultrasound?

    And is it just routine or something you have to request? My youngest child is about to turn 9 so this is all new to me. I cherish every grainy ultrasound pic of my other children and I am practically convulsing at the thought of one of these amazing pics of my new little one to be!

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • pretty sure this means nothing but I can hope....right?

    Alright.....I am pregnant with baby #4. With my first 3 (all boys) I had severe morning/noon/night sickness. With this one I have mild nausea late in the evening but no vomiting. With the others my breasts hurt so bad a strong breeze was painful and while they were full, really didn't grow much. With this my breasts are tender but I don't even mind them being squeezed and they are 5 weeks I can't wear my favorite bras! I always craved salty now I crave sweet. Everything is sooooo different! Could that mean this is a girl? I do know your body produces more HCG when carrying a girl so maybe?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago