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How can I go on without my boys?
I don't want any responses that are negative, because I feel bad enough. My boys were taken from my home, because of DV (which has be resolved), and my mental illness. These are the main issues they are fighting us. I have been diagnosised with Bipolar disorder for over 8 years and tried medications and counseling and still doing that. My hubby and I had a fight, and I called 911 to get my cell phone back which my hubby left with...nothing else. I didn't want him arrested for DV, and I didn't get a chance to place my kids with anyone. I am fearing mediation this week and really can't live without my boys. I cry myself to sleep every night, and I think of the things that we as a family are missing out on. I hate CPS for taking kids from families who are struggling to make in this world. I understand the druggies and criminals and all that, but for my family...we have been keeping them safe and healthy and not neglectful. I have almost maxed my credit card out on attorney fees and we lived of SSD and unemployment and my little part time job, my hubby just can't seem to find work and is trying a small orchard which does great at markets. I don't understand a government that would take children from families and seperate my two boys and my oldest misses the baby so much. It is just so hurtful and I don't know how much I can take.
Please don't leave a message if you are going to say things that will upset me. I can't take anymore.
3 AnswersParenting1 decade agoTalking to yourself all the time?
I am diagnosised with Complex Bipolar Disorder. Most of my life, I have been talking to myself...not out loud...but in my head. I do this almost every waking moment I am awake. I can't seem to shut my head up. I am taking meds for my bipolar disorder, but this talking to myself all the that normal?
21 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoNeed answers about Guardianship?
My two boys (5 yrs and 9 mths) are in stranger foster care. I was lead to believe that they were in the same home, but my son stated at visitation that they were not living together and the caseworker that supervising our visit confirmed that they are not living together. So, I hired an attorney and he suggest to give guardianship to my mother-in-law and get them somewhere they feel safe. Honestly, I never saw my son look the way he did at visitation. He wanted to come home and see his Dad and water his garden. I hated to break his heart when I said I couldn't bring him home. Anyway, my attorney explained guardship to me a little, and my mom-in-law is willing to do this. I am willing if it means getting the kids out of foster care. I want to know how long will she have the kids, could there be visitation, and how long until we can have them back in home.
3 AnswersParenting1 decade agoHow do I live without them?
My two boys ages 5 and 9 monts were taken from my home last week. There a DV incident between me and my husband and there is a no contact order so he can't see me or the children. They took the kids away for child neglect based on this incident and using my bipolar disorder against us too. I get visitation on Monday, but I am afraid of how I will react when I have to say good bye again.
I can't sleep, eat or do anything. I have to drag myself to work even for 10 hours a week. I just want to crawl in bed and hide from this cruel world that would take a infant son and a toddler away from their mother. I cry and cry, and I get angry and mad. I just want my husband back and my kids back. I want my family back. My house is so empty with just me in it. I look for the kids and see the empty crib. It is all just too much. How can people do this a mother whose only wish in life was to be a mom and is doing the best she can to treat her kids right and be a good mom to them. I really want to die without them. I thought of doing it, but I can't and won't leave my kids without a mother.
I just want to do I go on....
2 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoIs this mental illness discrimination?
My kids were taken from me by CPS and one of the allegations is that I cannot provide a safe environment and care for children because of my mental illness. I was diagnosised with bipolar disorder over two years ago and have been on and off and trying different combos of medicine. If you someone with my illness...then you know that it is on going struggle for the rest of my life.
I was thinking that CPS making that statement is discrimination since I have a diability (i get ssd) and that I am doing what I need to do to get my illness under control. By they way, this isn't the only reason, but I was thinking of bringing this up to my lawyer...not having my kids is absolute torture...and being ill doesn't help either.
what do you think?
3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade agoHow soon can I get my kids back?
CPS took my boys, and I am so desperate to get them back ASAP! I miss them and the house is so quiet and empty without them. I am doing what I need to by cleaning and taking my medication. I have a mediation hearing on the 25th. I am so scared that they will get taken away from for so long...I will my 9 mth olds 1st birthday, my oldest 1st day of kindergarten, my baby's 1st steps...and may other milestones in their young lives. I am just distraught and sick about this whole thing. CPS isn't here to help you...but to ruin families. They claim that I haven't been taking my meds, and I have. They claim that I can't care for my boys and keep them safe. It just makes me so mad that they won't return my calls. I never got the chance to suggest places to put my children with friends or relatives. I hate my mom-in-law for not taking them. I am just sick...physically sick over this.
I am so mad for call 911 for DV. I was the one that lost in the end. So, screw CPS. I am going to have the charges dismissed and we are going to fight to get our kids back!
Please only serious answers please. I am hurting enough as it is and don't need anything negative said.
5 AnswersParenting1 decade worst nightmare..CPS took my boys!?
My husband and I had a fight and he was arrested for domestic violence. My oldest son had a tanturm and lost control when they took my hubby away. Then several hours later they came at 2 am and took my 8 month old too. I got a notice to appear in court tomorrow at 3 pm to get my kids back. This is so heart breaking for me...I have never been seperated from my baby for this long. I was told to call the casework first thing in the morning and 12 hours later she hasn't returned my calls.
What can I expect tomorrow? I am so scared that I won't get my kids back. I can't live without them. Please help!
15 AnswersParenting1 decade agoMy oldest son hates me!?
My 5 year old son has been really acting out lately, and it is really bothering me. He has been cursing, yelling, screaming, and throwing things at me. For example, as I was leaving for work today he was mad because his dad shut off the hose that he was squirting the grass with. He banged on the window to the car and was crying and screaming that he wanted to squirt me with the hose, because he hated me. He kept saying he hated me as I drove out the driveway and dad was holding him. I don't know what to do. I love my little boy, because he was the one that I named and I so wanted a baby...that he is so special to me. I blame his grammy for some of the things he says, but I don't know why he is acting this way. I want so desperately to take him to the doctor to have him check for ADD or ADHD or whatever, because this is not stopping anytime soon. He throws things at me and he hit me today with a tree branch. He does this even when I hold our 8 mth son. I am afraid he will do this in Kindergarten this fall and get into serious trouble.
Does anyone know what could be his problem? Any suggestion what to do? I love him so much...and it hurts when he says he hates me.
5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoPopping noise on a 2002 Blazer?
When I turn the wheel sharp in either direction or when I am turning and go over a bump...I hear this popping noise. Can someone tell me what this might be?
3 AnswersChevrolet1 decade agoCriminal Trespass II in Oregon...this is not funny.?
I have to go to court tomorrow...and am scared to death! I was arrested for criminal trespass on my mother-in-law property. I was trying to get my son who needed a nebulizer treatment from her house. My husband and I had a fight and he bruised my arms as he ripped my son out of them. He proceeded to go over and hide out at his mom-in-laws. After several calls to the sheriff there was nothing they were going to do for me. So, I went over to get my son to give him his treatment. My monster-in-law came and started yelling things at me and my husband was trying to push her away...I eventually left. But was arrested later, as I thought the sheriff was coming to take my complaint of domestic violence...which was never peruse.
I just want to know what you guys think...will I get off...or what will happen...I was just trying to be a good mom.
5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoMy 6mth and the big "E" debate!?
My mom-in-law watched our youngest son for a week while we moved my father-in-law (her ex) into a nursing home. While we were gone, she called the ER and was instructed to give my son an enema because he wasn't pooping every 24 hours. Now, whenever she watches him, she will ask when was the last time he pooped, and if it has been 24 hours on the dot, my poor little guy will get one!
I have never heard of such a thing and am wondering if this right? I never give him one, because if he is straining or hasn't gone for a least a couple of days...then I am concerned.
Who is right?
17 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoHELP! Frustrated with my 5 year old and his lack of bathroom use!?
I am a very frustrated mom! I have tried everything you can think off to get my son potty trained...and nothing works! I have read books, tried Cheerios, stickers, money, toys, and everything in this world to get him interested in the potty...but nothing!
We just had a baby 6 mths ago, and I am wondering if that could be an issue...he says he loves his brother and doesn't show any signs of hating I am at a lost.
He laughs and thinks it is funny when he messes his pants...and it just frustrates us beyond belief.
Any constructive help will be considered....I need to get him trained so he can go to Kindergarten this fall!
6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoBaby teeth injury question...will he have to have it pulled? His gums look so bad...?
My son (3-1/2) fell why running to use the potty. He fell face first onto the cermanic title floor.
I got a really good look last night, and one tooth is pushed back toward the back the mouth and twisted just a little. The dentist told use to keep an eye on it.
Do you think will have to be pulled?
What concerns me is that his gums look like he has really bad road rash...or someone took a file to them...they are scabbed over and just look awful!
Should I be concerned about his gums too?
3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoBaby teeth injury question...will he have to have it pulled? His gums look so bad...?
My son (3-1/2) fell why running to use the potty. He fell face first onto the cermanic title floor.
I got a really good look last night, and one tooth is pushed back toward the back the mouth and twisted just a little. The dentist told use to keep an eye on it.
Do you think will have to be pulled?
What concerns me is that his gums look like he has really bad road rash...or someone took a file to them...they are scabbed over and just look awful!
Should I be concerned about his gums too?
1 AnswerDental1 decade agoDo I have a good chance for Disability Benefits?
I have Bipolar Disorder, and have been discharged from my last three jobs. I can't concentrate at work, and get easily distracted, frustrated, and emotional. Thoughts constantly run through my mind, distracting me every waking moment of my life.
I am going to apply for SSI Disability, and wondering do I have a good shot?
Only serious answer please....
7 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoHow do I break my father-in-laws heart? He might lose his dog!?
He had a stroke a 1-1/2 years ago, and has been in a nursing home ever since. His wife and him are divorcing...and once it is final he can move up here.
He has the is Sheltie that he picked out and bought...but since he has been in the nursing home...he has only seen her twice. He has been really demanding about this issue. He wants the dog above anything else!
The wife took the dog out of state and knowing her...she won't return....
How do I break this man's heart? Should I wait until I know for sure...the attorney said that she hasn't responded to this request...and most likely won't!
What do I do?
3 AnswersDogs1 decade agoWhat do you think about this situation?
I have a friend who is getting married, and since I don't live next to her...I was going to throw her a virtual bridal shower on 360 Yahoo. So, I did my blog up for her....and I didn't know that someone had the idea and now is pissed off and telling everyone on her friends list to drop me.
This is my best friend...and I wanted to do something nice for her. But, I didn't know that everyone had something planned.
I have apologized up the ying yang...but still am outed.
Did I do something wrong?
4 AnswersFriends1 decade agoCar Seat Problems....?
My 3 year son has figured out how to unbuckle his car seat straps and any other way to strap him in! One time, he got out and my mom-in-law got pulled over, because he was standing up in the back seat looking out the back window. Yes, I know Granny should have seen him, but she is a very careful driver...thus she watches the road. Anyway, does anyone have a suggestion on how to keep him strapped in?
5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoReally need help!!! Nothing seems to work!!! Mom-in-law is no help!!?
I know that I have asked the question twice before, but nothing I try seems to work. My son is 3 and not potty trained. He will sit on the potty, but nothing. I have to ask if he has to go potty, and he always says NO! I take him in to help him get the idea...he will sit and just giggle his little head off....or he will grunt...but Nothing! I have tried pull-ups, training pants...but according to mom-in-law and hubby they leak! My mom-in-law watches my son while I am at work...and Hubby sees him once or twice a day. I can't get her or my hubby to see the importance of potty training him. How much easier it would be on his bottom, our pocketbook, and him for pre-school!!! I am just about to put him in daycare for a couple of weeks in hopes that the daycare provider can get him trained. I admit it...I can't spend the time necessary to work with I work full-time. My mom-in-law is with him the most, and thinking that she raise a boy 42 years ago...I need HELP!!!!
13 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago