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Lv 31,635 points


Favorite Answers14%

I'm a 24 year old photographer. I have loves for music, tattoos, the internet, Hollywood gossip, my dog, my BlackBerry, photography, movies, etc.

  • When Is It Cheapest To Fly To England? (Manchester)?

    My friend Gemma lives in Lincoln, England and I've been trying to get to see her for YEARS.

    I won't be free to leave the country until December/Jan 2010, but when's the cheapest time then or after to fly overseas?

    (From Kansas City, MO -- airport code, MCI)

    Thanks for your information and help! 10 points to best answer!!

    4 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago
  • Where Can I Sell A Broken Computer In Kansas City?

    My broken desktop computer won't startup - I keep getting the blue screen of death - anyway, I wanted to take it to Accu Serv and get the files off the hard drive, but I haven't had the money and now I'm moving and won't have room to store a broken computer.

    Does anyone know where I can sell a broken computer for parts/repair?


    4 AnswersKansas City1 decade ago
  • What Can I Use To Make A Tree On A Cake?

    I'm making my friend a Twilight birthday cake and I'm making trees on it, I thought of using cinnamon sticks as the trunk of a tree, but what could I use as a topper?? (Doesn't have to be edible, just has to be cheapish.)

    Any other suggestions for the cake will be welcomed with open arms.


    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • My Chihuahua Ate Chocolate... ?

    I had gone to this fancy chocolates store on Wednesday and she got into the package and ate 2 pieces of espresso Marzipan and 4 small squares of German yogurt chocolate while I was sleeping last night.

    She's seemed fine all day long. Acting like her normal self - obviously if something was wrong with her I would immediately take her to the vet -- but since she is seeming fine, I haven't.

    She weighs about 4 lbs... this isnt the first time she's gotten into chocolate. She once drank about half a cup (cup, like measure, not like glass) of a mocha (espresso and chocolate). That was about a year ago, she was completely fine after that and had no problems.

    How long does it take for chocolate to be out of a dogs system? How long should I keep an extra eye on her?



    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Help Me With The Meaning Of This Dream... ?

    I just awoke from a nap about an hour ago and I had an incredibly vivid dream.

    I was awake while I was getting a tummy tuck surgery... It didn't hurt when the doctor was stitching me up and I was looking down at him stitching me right under my new navel.

    Afterwards it hurt my new stitches to breathe... right on my sides.

    I woke up because I was in extreme pain...

    Quite a shock if you ask me...

    What do you think it means?

    1 AnswerPsychology1 decade ago
  • What's Your First Impression Of Me? [Pics]?

    Tell me what your first impression is of me, please.

    I'm not sure what I come off to be with people's first impression of me.


    33 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • How Old Should A House Rabbit Be Before Feeding Fresh Vegetables?

    I just for a house rabbit 2 days ago... she's 7 weeks old... can I feed her fresh vegetables? Or should I wait until she's a certain age?


    6 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • If You Have/Had A House Rabbit, What Can You Tell Me About Them?

    I'm going to get a house rabbit for my birthday here in a couple weeks. I've read about as much as I can and prepared myself for the upcoming addition to our family, but now I would like personal experience.

    What can you tell me about house rabbits? Their behaviors? How they interact with people? Small dogs?

    I've read about foods for them, but can you tell me what your house rabbit's favorite foods are? Least favorite? Foods I should never give a bunny?

    Anything you can tell me, I would love to hear about.

    10 pts to who I can get the most (and best) information from.

    Thanks loads.


    6 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Name Of 90's Lesbian Band?!?

    I went to see this band with my mother at this gay festival in Kansas City back in the mid 90's... It was a duo (no, not Indigo Girls) I remember the cover of their cassette tape. It was white and a coffee/cream color with black and white photos on it.

    They/Their album was something titled strong coffee/coffee and cigarettes... something around those lines...

    I remember the lead singer chick had curly brownish hair and she was really pretty.

    Anyhow I wanted to know the name of the group... I did all the googling I could and came up empty handed...

    Your help is greatly appreciated!!



  • Do I Need Help? How Do I Get It Without Disrupting My Life?

    Every few months I go on a bender and so a bunch of pills and drink a bunch of booze in hopes of an overdose -- of at least drawing attn to myself enough to get help.

    I wouldn't consider myself an alcoholic... or at least at this point... but I know that I have a problem with prescription pills and depression...

    I don't want to be a burden to my family if I go to rehab or whatnot, but I do think I need help or I know I will go too far... in fact, as I'm writing this... well I don't need to finish that.

    I don't really know what I'm asking...

    I get sad all the time, I have extreme bouts of anxiety, I take xanax and hydrocodone like they're going out ot style, I love to drink when I take them to highten my high...

    I want to die... but then again, I don't...

    What should I do?

    Please think about this from your perspective... I have a very reputable life and I don't want to **** it all up. (see profile...)

    your help is appreciated.


    5 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • I'm Changing My Name - Suggestions?

    My Mother named me something she had admired to name her daughter when she was a young child. I had struggled with accepting my name, as it is pretty rare to hear, my whole life. I even went by a shortened version of my middle name my freshman year of HS -- then I started to love my name.

    In the beginning of July my mother and I had a falling out when she told me that she should have put me up for adoption and now every time I hear my name I get mad and think of her.

    I will still go by my given name professionally (I'm a singer/songwriter) because I'm too established to change it now, and I will more than likely not change it officially, but I need something else to go by.

    I tried to go by different shortened versions of my name, but it didn't help me, so i want to go by something completely new and something that suits my personality.

    Two of my favorite names are Charlotte and Victoria -- but I see those as very "proper" names, which -- I'm a lady, but I'm not proper proper. LOL If that makes sense.

    I want something different, not overused like Kate and Jennifer. (My mom and my best friend are both named Jennifer.)

    Here are some things about me, please think of a name to go well with my personality: music, singing, travel, Las Vegas, movies, photography, theatre, acting, tattoos, animals, Heath Ledger. LOL that's about all.

    Please don't tell me that I should just accept my name, I already know this and I already have my heart set on changing it, no matter how temp it may be. Thanks loads.


    16 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • What's The Cheapest Way By Air To Get To Uncasville, CT?

    I need to get to Uncasville, CT in December for a concert. I want to arrive there December 1 (my bday!) and leave December 3rd.

    I am willing to fly into a nearby airport and travel by train, bus or car to Uncasville, CT.

    I'm not too familiar with the East coast. I've only gone to NYC once.

    I will be flying out of Kansas City International (airport code MCI)

    I just don't know where to begin! I tried Southwest, but they don't fly to Uncasville and I don't know what's close enough to travel around there.

    If you could help me, that would be awesome.

    10 pts!!!


    5 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago
  • Something Wrong With My Windows Explorer... Effecting My Internet?

    Down @ the bottom of your screen where it says what programs and windows you have open? ITunes, yahoo, whatnot...? My computer runs fine until I open my internet and the internet windows I have open don't show on the bottom of my screen.

    Whenever I close out of the internet it basically freezes and I have to control, alt, del to get out and then a thing will come up and say "windows explorer not running properly" and it'll ask me if I want to wait it out, restart it, or close it.

    When I close it, all that's left is my desktop photo and I have to restart my computer, when I wait it does nothing and when I restart windows explorer everything is okay again until I get online...

    What could this be and how do I fix it?

    I'm running Vista.


    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Is It Okay/What Would Happy If I Mixed Hydrocodone and Xanax?

    I guess that's about the extent of my question... I'm currently in the airport and I've taken a xanax on my last flight and while waiting for my next flight I was thinking of taking a hydrocodone because my back is literally killing me...

    Safe? Yay or nay?? If nay, why?


    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • I've Had A Headache For 3 Days... Among Other Things...

    So as my title says, I've had a headache for the past 3 days, today included and I didn't even realize that it might be a problem until today... it just seemed odd that I would have one for 3 days.

    The past two nights I've been taking sleeping pills to get to sleep and last night I didn't take them and tossed and turned all night long. When I don't take sleeping pills I don't sleep, basically. I might fall asleep for 2 hours, but then I'll wake up and be sleepier than ever.

    I've got depression and major anxiety but I don't have insurance at the moment to cover any kind of medical treatments -- and the previous insurance that I did have didn't cover mental issues which isn't a real big help to me, now is it?! LOL

    What should I do about the sleeping and the headaches -- besides a doctor since that's obviously not much of an option without insurance, and I'm not loaded. LOL

    Advice is appreciated, and if you need more information I'll be happy to provide it.



    5 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Hair Cut Options? Also, Extensions Advice? (PICS)

    I just got my hair cut in the middle of June and this is what I was left with:::

    Now, my hair's grown out some and this is what I have:::

    (I know I'm fat, ugly and gross, so ya, don't bother with that -- let's just talk about my HAIR. LOL)

    When I got my hair cut it ended up not being as short as I wanted and today I found this picture and now I was thinking I wanted to do something like this:::

    I thought that Rumor and I actually have the same kind of shaped face, and I thought this looked really good on her, so I was thinking of doing something like this.

    What do you think??

    Also, I'm the kind of girl that wants short hair when it's long and long hair when it's short so I was wondering what some extension options are that aren't terribly expensive...

    My friend in the 2nd picture knows how to braid and I was wondering if it would be hard for her to put braids in my hair and do sew in extensions?? What do you think?

    Thanks in advance! You help me out and I help you get 10 points!!


    6 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • I Need Advice For a Personal Assistant...??

    I'm getting ready to hire a personal assistant, my manager says that starting pay for a personal assistant to "someone like me", meaning not incredibly famous and on Perez Hilton everyday, but someone who's busy enough to need a personal assistant, should pay them about $20,000/yr and then a bonus every 6 months. I told her that I don't think that's enough for someone to live off of. :-( I was thinking AT LEAST $30,000 - maybe more...

    Also, what all can you have a personal assistant do? I mean, I know for "stars" the personal assistant term is used loosly, and that you can ask more of them than you would ever be able to ask of say, an executive assistant at an office...

    what do you think?


    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Does Hydrocodone REALLY Expire?

    I was moving these past few days and found some Hydrocodone that says it expires in April 06 - I'm not really worried if it would still be "safe" to take, but would it still work??

    Any information you have on this would be helpful, thanks.


    4 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • What Happens In An Abortion?

    I'm not pregnant, do not know anyone who is pregnant and I don't think I'd ever get an abortion - I'm just a curious mind and want to know...

    What goes on when you get an abortion? What happens? What does it feel like? What does it feel like afterwards??

    Can someone please give me the step by step with details?

    I'd really appreciate it... and thanks for helping with this sensitive matter.


    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is It Wrong/Weird To Role Play With Friend?

    My friend and I will pretend to be different people... well more me than her... and not much goes into it, it's more just the way I talk and act - I don't BECOME this person and I know that I'm NOT this person, but sometimes it's fun to pretend to be someone else...

    is that weird or wrong? I only do it around my best friend, sometimes I think I'm 23 years old and it might be wrong, but I do it because I feel my life is boring and I want a little excitement.

    We have nothing to talk about as ourselves anymore, but when I'm someone else it's like it opens a whole new world of things to talk about and we learn a lot more about each other, really.

    What do you think?

    Do you do this?

    Thanks for your help...


    3 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago