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  • Why are we letting the Democrats conspire to overthrow a Democratically elected President?

    The Democrats tried a Presidential Coup with Obama's top law enforcement agencies... & when that failed they tried to go after the 25th Amendment... & when that failed, they're now trying to impeach the President.

    In the DEMOCRACY that we pretend to have... this is how Democrats behave.

    We're now starting to learn some horrific things about what the FBI/DOJ/CIA were up to during the 2016 election & all of the "evidence planting" on Trump's team by people like Henry Greenberg, Joseph Mifsud, Stefan Halper, & Azra Turk, & others.

    Insane corruption & fake investigations & back-handed & dishonest ways to try & unseat the President that US voters CHOSE.

    That's NOT a Democracy.

    Voters CHOSE Trump. Democrats don't like him & are behaving like petulant children who don't know how to lose gracefully.

    Why are we letting them get away with it?

    6 AnswersPolitics2 years ago
  • Why does our FBI get to get away with "planting evidence" on Trump's team?

    Joseph Mifsud met with Papadopoulos & planted the idea that he had "Hilary Clinton e-mail dirt" & soon after that Halper & Turk met with Papadopoulos & what did they ask for SPECIFICALLY?

    "Hilary Clinton e-mail dirt"

    Wow... what a coincidence.

    Mifsud has ties with US intelligence... so does Halper... so does Turk.

    Evidence planted.

    A guy named Henry Greenberg asked to meet with Michael Caputo & Roger Stone & when he met with those two... gues what he promised them?

    You guessed it... "Hilary Clinton e-mail dirt"

    ANOTHER coincidence. Evidence planted.

    Caputo was so "weirded out" by that meeting that he hired a private investigator to look into Greenberg & you know what he found out?

    Greenberg was an FBI informant for the past 17 years.

    The Trump Jr Tower meeting? The "Russian" involved was Natalia Vesselnetskia who met with Glen Simpson (Maker of the fake Russian Trump Dossier) the day BEFORE the Tower meeting AND the day AFTER.

    Wow... ANOTHER coincidence. Evidence planted.

    So here are multiple examples of FBI informants trying to plant evidence on Trump's team/family.

    Is That OK?

  • What do you think Trump is going to do with the Money from the Mexico Tariffs?

    If you said "BUILD THE WALL" ...You're RIGHT!!!!

    Ding, Ding, Ding... you get the prize.

    The Democrats think they "won the fight" by resisting and obstructing Trump's plan to actually stop the influx of millions illegal immigrants, who are now EMBOLDENED by our Governments' incompetence.

    Democrats think they won.

    Well, sorry Dems, but Trump has outsmarted you again. (you know... Trump... the supposed "dumb guy.")

    Yea... not only will he get millions/billions of dollars from this... he can use that to pay for the wall.

    You remember "Mexico will pay for the wall?" that you Democrats kept throwing back in his face?


    Now he's got that, too.

    Democrats have been bested again by the "dumb guy" that they give ZERO credit.

    5 AnswersPolitics2 years ago
  • Is the Mueller Report an example of "Justice?"?

    ...When the FBI sent people to the Trump campaign to entrap them & create a FALSE narrative about "Russian Colusion?"

    ...& then the FBI worked with Fusion GPS to CREATE more dirt & then use the made up stories & fake entrapment

    encounters that the FBI set up to obtain FISA watrrants to spy on Americans?

    Is that "JUSTICE?"

    ...When our top law enforcement agencies use fake intel they THEY THEMSELVES CREATED to get a special council to harass a sitting president & his family, friends, & associates for 2 years, speding millions of taxpayer money?

    That's "JUSTICE?"

    Deocrats are trying to say that when Trump used his First Amendment Rights to speak out against the FAKE investigation into him/his family then that was "Obstruction Of Justice."

    What the Obama/Biden DOJ/FBI/CIA did to Trump does NOT represent "Justice."

    Why are people OK with this happening to a fellow AMerican?

    CREATING fake crimes... investigating those fake crimes with the POWER of our top law enforcement agencies... & if you try to speak out against it then BAM, they'll nab you for OBSTRUCTION... of a FAKE investigation that should've never taken place.

    Why are we OK with that?

    7 AnswersPolitics2 years ago
  • How many people know they're being "ghosted" by Yahoo?

    Does anyone feel like their questions just aren't appearing in the main question feed? If so... any ideas as to "why?" I have a few ideas. Anyone care to share their own ideas?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys2 years ago
  • Should the GOP send Russians to the 2020 Democratic candidates & their teams?

    ...The same way the Democrats sent Russians to the Trump campaign associates?

    We're now learning that people in the highest ranks in Obama's FBI/DOJ/CIA were working with Fusion GPS and they sent FBI operatives, posing as "people with Russian dirt on Hilary" people on Trump's team.

    In fact... Natalia Vesselnetskia (The "Russian from the Trump Jr Trump Tower meeting) met with Glen Simpson (Owner of Fusion GPS, creators of Russian Dossier) the day BEFORE the Tower meeting AND the day after.

    Hilary hired Fusion GPS do dig up dirt. I wonder if she knew they were CREATING dirt. Well, the FBI knew the "dirt" was not legitimate & neither was the rest of the supposed "dirt" on Trump and his team.

    You wanna know how they knew the other intel was fake?

    Because THEY were ALSO sending Russians/people with Russian intel to the Trump team to try & entrap them & frame them with the "dirt" that they themselves were "force-feeding" to Trump's team.

    Popodopolous had 3 sets of people sent to him to try to get him to "admit" he had Russian intel on Hilary. These 3 people were working for the FBI. Mifsud, Halper, & the "mystery blonde" that tried to "flirt" the info out of him.

    So, let me ask you Democrats/Liberals... would you be cool if people from our DOJ/FBI/CIA were actively sending operatives to Democratic candidates & their teams & family members, trying to entrap them to try & build a phony story about "Russian Collusion?"

    Would you like that?

    4 AnswersOther - News & Events2 years ago
  • Ever notice how the top Democrats & media "stars" use the SAME EXACT phrase...?

    Last week's phrase was "Constitutional Crisis" & you heard Pelosi, Schumer, Swalwell, Bokker, Harris, & the rest of the top Dems use the same EXACT phrase...

    (btw... nobody really knows what that means & it really doesn't have the "punch" they think it has... & they've "cried wolf" so many times... most things they say are just "white noise.")

    & then you turn to all of the mainstream "news" outlets & the anchors & pundits are ALSO using that SAME EXACT phrase.

    The week before last... it was "Barr needs to step down and resign" ...& every week, there is a VERY coordinated message.

    Are we supposed to pretend that the major news outlets AREN'T coordinating their messages with the DNC?

    Does that makes sense to anyone?

    That the same exact phrasing just so happens to hit during the same exact time period?


    Or coordination?

    9 AnswersPolitics2 years ago
  • I thought Democrats thought it was obstruction of justice when...?

    ...You try to fire the person investigating you?

    So why, now are they trying to fire William Barr when he's investigating Democrats?

    Isn't the irony AMAZING?

    Dems are now claiming that when Mueller sent Barr a letter saying he was displeased that Barr didn't use his chapter summaries and that the media was now going crazy... & when one of the Democratic senators asked Barr if he knew why members of Mueller's team were frustrated...

    Barr responded, No, I don't.

    Barr had called Mueller directly & spoke to Mueller directly. Mueller didn't mention his "team" or any "frustrations" they had.

    Barr responded about Mueller's team and their frustrations... which is information he didn't have, so saying he didn't know what Mueller's team's frustrations were is what's called a FACT.

    He knew what MUELLER didn't like. His team of angry partisans? Didn't speak to them... didn't get letters from them.

    So now Democrats are trying to get him fired/impeached/contempt of Congress, etc & are taking aim at him to get him removed.

    Isn't that Obstruction Of Justice? ...using THEIR own words/standards?

    Hey Dems... keep trying to fire Barr... his replacement will just pick up the ball and run with it.

    Better luck next time.

    9 AnswersPolitics2 years ago
  • Should Trump get ANY credit?...?

    For running against 16 other Republicans and beating them all to become the Republican nominee in 2016?

    ...And then facing down a "female candidate" that had a MASSIVE advantage because of her husband's 2 term presidency and overall "warm and fuzzy" feelings from society. (well, before "metoo")

    ...And the FBI had INSANELY partisan agents actively working against him with Peter Strzok & Lisa Paige talking about how they shouldn't go into questioning Hilary "loaded for bear" & how all of Hilary's people were granted immunity... and Hilary WASN'T questioned under oath... & NONE of her people were raided in the middle of the night with FBI agents with assault rifles, the way the Trump associates were.

    ...And then Rosenstein starts a Special Council where Mueller spent 2 years shaking down Trump's family & business associates... hoping to get ANYTHING that might cast doubt on the Trump administration / family and now FINALLY had to admit... yea, there was nothing there.

    Even when The FBI and DOJ were ACTIVELY PLOTTING AGAINST HIM... With "insurance policy meetings in Andy's office" and people like Comey leaking top-secret memos from one-on-one private discussions with the President Of The United States... For the sole purpose of starting a partisan and corrupt investigation into the President...

    Are we ever going to admit that... TRUMP EARNED HIS PRESIDENCY.

    Or do we have to pretend it's illegitimate?

    9 AnswersPolitics2 years ago
  • Hey Liberals... Do you hate Mueller now?

    Now that cnn, MSNBC, NBS, CBS, ABC... and the rest of the mainstream media has been ASSURING us that Mueller will be indicting Trump and sending him straight towards impeachment...

    And now we learn that there will be NO further indictments... and that the only people brought up on charges were for "process crimes" that were NOT tied to Trump in any way.

    Are you mad at Mueller?

    Wasn't he supposed to give you the "impeachment fodder?"

    Are all of your "hopes and dreams" crushed now?

    Well, one thing I know is that Democrats will NEVER accept defeat in the 2016 election and will use the Mueller dud as motivation that they will now try even harder at OTHER efforts to unseat a fairly elected US president.

    There will be even more investigations by Democrats in the House. They will waste SO much of their time and efforts into Trump that Mr. Donny J will coast into a 2020 victory, because all of the "support staff" of the "would-be" Democratic challengers will spend most of their time looking to find new angles to possible unseat a democratically elected president... and less time helping their Democratic Presidential candidate friends.

    I love watching the Democrats eat each other and hand and easy victory to we Republicans.

    Thanks Dems.

    9 AnswersPolitics2 years ago
  • Do Democrats realize that their "FEELINGS" are not "FACT?"?

    Liberals truly believe that there is absolutely no difference between a person who was born in the US & whose family has been here for generations LEGALLY... and a person who just climbed the "inept shoddy fence" & gained entry illegally.

    US law states that it is ILLEGAL to hop the US border without permission.

    Democrats... and their PR wing... The media... pretend that it ISN'T illegal to sneak into this country.

    That distinction is important.

    When you have your Democratic elected officials... coupled with their mouthpieces in the (insanely partisan Democratic) media telling people that "it's racist to expect our immigration laws are upheld..."

    Then you get a MASSIVE amount of people who are completely misled on this issue.

    Democrats REALLY believe that Mexicans who have BROKEN US LAW and have hopped the border ILLEGALLY are now exactly the same thing as "you and me" and deserve all of the rights and privileges of any other "basic US citizen."

    With Democrats... "FEELING" something "SHOULD BE" true... makes it true.

    Unfortunately for them... "Feelings" aren't always "factual."

    As is the case here.

    17 AnswersLaw & Ethics2 years ago
  • How many politicians do you believe?

    If the answer is "0" then you have answered correctly.

    If the answer is "only Democrats" ...then I'm sure you LOVE the media's coverage of the current administration.

    If you think Trump is the "only politician to ever have lied" ...the way major media outlets pretend on a 24/7 basis...

    Then enjoy your self-righteous delusion.

    Obama lied his pants off. From the fake "red line" he gave to Assad in Syria to the "You can keep your doctor" lie for Obamacare... to the "cops hate black people" BS that got cops assassinated.

    Obama lied constantly.

    Difference is...

    you "liked" and "agreed" with his lies.

    That's the only difference.

    9 AnswersPolitics2 years ago
  • Do Democrats REALLY think the FBI/DOJ were not insanely biased?

    Do Democrats REALLY think the FBI/DOJ were not insanely biased?

    ...When Strzok/Paige said they didn't want to go into the Hilary questioning "loaded for bear?"

    Is that OK? Does that seem "neutral?"

    How many people from the Hilary team were raided in the middle of the night with "no knock" raids & heavily armed FBI agents?


    Weird, right?

    Because we've all seen how the FBI/DOJ behaved with Trump's associates. Agents raided in the middle of the night & seized assets & arrested targets.

    When the FBI supposedly wanted Hillary & team's e-mails & cell phones & hard drives & computers... they found out that...

    They "asked" for them.

    "Oh yea... we'll give you some cell phones, but we're keeping the cim cards... AND we smashed some of the cell phones... and you can have the hard drives, but we've wiped all the data off them ...and the computers? Well, you can have MOST of them, but Uma's husband needs his, because it contains top secret info and he's currently using it to sext underage teens... Oh and the e-mails... we've deleted 33,000 of them. You can have the rest.


    And the FBI/DOJ's response?

    "Yup, that sounds just fine... thanks! (BTW... we're with HER)"

    Witholding evidence... destroying evidence... tampering with evidence...

    During an FBI investigation.

    Felonies, folks. Top secret info aside. You can't withold, destroy, tamper with FBI evidence.

    The FBI/DOJ don't seem to care about any of that.

    Weird, right?

    4 AnswersPolitics2 years ago
  • Why isn't the DOJ interested in McCabe's lies and criminal referrals?

    Andy was a MAJOR player in the "frame Trump and team for fake Russian collusion" scheme.

    He was mentioned by Peter Strzok, when he was texting his mistress that they needed to look further into the plan they mentioned in "Andy's office."

    He was found by The Inspector General, Michael Horrowitz's investigation to have lied to the FBI/Congress on several occasions.

    Why is the "criminal referral" in a "stalled state of nothing?"

    If I, or any other American were charged with a crime... we'd have to face a judge & face an indigntment... and go from there. Why is Andy getting "special treatment?"


    A "criminal referral" isn't a blanket term that means nothing.

    Hey... DOJ... Do you plan to do ANYTHING?

    ...Or are you "bought and paid for" by the Democrats?

    How many books and how much money does Mcabe have to aquire before he has to pay for hiss crimes?

    1 AnswerPolitics2 years ago
  • Hey Democrats... are you getting PSYCHED for President Pence?

    I am!

    I watched cnn recently... and they convinced me. Trump is a racist. Trump is a sexist. Trump hates our country. Trump hates Democracy.

    I hadn't realized it before, but their 24/7 anti-Trump coverage and constant attacks on everything related to Trump... showed me the light.

    When Trump brought Otto Warbier home so his parents could spend time with their son & speak to him, touch him before he died...

    I now realize that Trump's racism and hatred of women was the only Reason Trump fought for that.

    Thank you cnn. A man that would let parents that were worried sick over the life of their son imprisoned in a horrific nightmare... that BEGGED & PLEADED with Obama to get their son back... to let them FINALLY get their son back... and actually DO the things Obama "talked" about doing... Is an act of both sexism and racism... (especially racism) ...and I'm pretty sure that Trump also did it to harm transgendered teens.

    Thank you cnn.

    So, now that the Mueller witch hunt & the INSANELY corrupt DOJ/FBI are working their little heads off trying to impeach Trump & the midterm elections that might give them that goal...

    We will get President Pence.

    When abortion goes away... and when other far Right policies emerge... I will be sitting back in my plush leather chair... and lift a snifter of Grand Marnier... and proclaim: "Good job Democrats... you shot your own selves in the foot."

    17 AnswersPolitics3 years ago
  • Do Democrats ever look at Europe to see how "open borders" actually work?

    Europe is a MUCH different place than it used to be.

    ...And not for the "better."

    I can't count the amount of times I've heard people say: "well, I WAS going to Europe... but it's unrecognizable now and I'll just save money and not go."

    Brexit wasn't an accident.

    The influx of immigrants that refuse to assimilate have changed the entire fabric of European socity.

    Look at what's happening to Italy. They're now planning to deport 500,000 immigrants because it's destroying that which they love.

    Their society. Their culture. That which gives them unity / peace / safety.

    Normal, legal, reasonable immigration is fine. Immigrants "flooding" any country by the hundreds of thousands / millions refusing to assimilate and creating sub-cultures is toxic. ...And consistant. It never goes any other way. Sweden... fail. Germany... fail. England... fail. Italy... fail.

    America? ...hmmm... let me think how that'll go. No, not think as in "pretend it will be different THIS time" ...No I mean think as in "let's look at where other countries tried it and failed."

    Why can't Democrats use real world evidence instead of their incessant need to Virtue Signal?

    9 AnswersPolitics3 years ago
  • Do Democrats EVER give Trump credit for ANYHING?

    When Trump brought Otto Warmbier home so his parents could look upon him and touch him before he died...

    Democrats did not give ANY credit to the president.

    You have to wonder why Democrats won't admit just how important that was. (Especially the ones that are parents.)

    Trump "DID" that. Obama "talked" about that.

    When Trump brought the remains of 55 MIA Americans from The Korean War...

    No praise from Liberal media. Rachael Maddow... didn't care.

    Will the Democrats ever understand how important that was for the families?

    When Trump met with Kim Jun Un and secured a "don't fly missles over Japan anymore" deal...

    It was also a "hey... let's calm things down" deal. ...And things calmed down.

    Democrats did not admit the progress.

    Sometimes bias is hard to see... but sometimes... bias is so MASSIVE that it turns gross.

    Modern Media outlets are pretty gross.

    9 AnswersPolitics3 years ago
  • Is it a coincidence that the people that started the Mueller probe...?

    ...and worked on the Hilary Clinton e-mail investigations are no longer there?

    Isn't that interesting?

    Peter Strzok was in charge of the "investigation" (Or was it a "matter") of the Hilary Clinton e-mail debacle.

    Strzok texted his co-adulterer Paige on the: "need to open the case we’ve been waiting on now while Andy is acting.”

    To which his "girlfriend", Lisa Paige who also worked at the FBI responded: “We need to lock in [redacted]. In a formal chargeable way. Soon.”

    Why? Why did they need to "lock in" a person (whose name was conveniently redacted... cough "TRUMP") "soon?" While "Andy" was in office?

    If there was an actual legitimate case... why would it matter who was in charge?

    Strzok admitted under oath that the "Andy" was in fact... their boss... Andy McCabe.

    Strzok... fired.

    Paige... resigned.

    McCabe... fired.

    So... if these people were behaving perfectly normal... and perfectly legit... and if their "investigations" (and "matters" I guess) were all legit...

    Why are none of them still working at the FBI? A pension job with a high level of prestige and honor?




    Maybe not?

    Go to minute 2:46 on this video. It's got everything you need to know:

    2 AnswersPolitics3 years ago
  • Do Liberals think Campaign finance violations are "impeach-worthy?"?

    ...If so, then maybe we can retro-actively impeach President Obama.

    Well... There was no push to get Obama impeached by either Republicans or Democrats.

    Obama broke campaign laws... paid a fine... and went back to playing golf.

    Now that Trump MAY have violated campaign laws... woah... NOW it's the end of the world & Democrats are convinced that this is a "high crime" worthy of impeachment.

    Funny how that works.

    Are liberals TRYING to lose elections?

    Do they think we don't remember how they behaved 10 years ago on this same topic?


    8 AnswersOther - Politics & Government3 years ago
  • Does it matter who "started" the dossier...?"?

    ...OR is it more important who too that dossier & used it to spy on Americans?

    Every time the fake dossier comes up, Democrats ALWAYS mentionn how it was "started" by Republicans... as if that takes Democrats off the hook for it.

    Which doesn't really make sense, seeing as how it was Democrats that took that dossier to obtain FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign. Obama's DOJ /FBI went through a LOT of trouble to hide the fact to the courts that it was funded by Hilary & was "oppo research" & an attempt to "sling mud" at the Trump campaign.

    They also leaked it to the media... and then used the media's reports of it as a "second source" which... is VERY misleading. You can't double-dip on the same source.

    You're not supposed to mislead the courts. It is illegal to do that.

    Does it matter who "starts" something? ...Or who takes it... runs with it... & commits illegal actions with it?

    9 AnswersPolitics3 years ago